

词条 马贝

意大利马贝集团于(MAPEI group)1937年在米兰成立,马贝已成为生产地板和墙壁装置装饰用的粘合剂和一些辅助产品的世界上的领导公司。MAPEI也是生产建筑防水系统化学产品的专家,也是混凝土中砂浆及水泥混合物生产的专家,包括历史建筑物的修复。


MAPEI形成了三条策略准则:1)专业化:提供大范围的具体的,先进技术产品来满足消费者的需求,2)产品研发:从事产品研发的人员占公司员工的12%,3)国际化:局部化的生产满足当地市场的需求。MAPEI英国有限公司于1989在米德尔斯布勒市成立。1999年,随着管理队伍的重大变化,公司迁到伯明翰市附近的Brierley Hill中享有盛誉的滨江地区商业公园。MAPEI英国公司管理一个技术部门,负责提供专家意见,内部培训和定点技术支持。MAPEI英国公司把售后服务看作公司高质量目标整体中的一个主要部分;检验优质产品,系统并解决所有的应用。

MAPEI与McLaren技术中心技术队和不同的定点承包商紧密地联系,以确保MAPEI产品能被小心地挑选以满足高规格标准和技术服务队能有效地监督定点安装。用在McLaren 技术中心的MAPEI产品范围非常广泛并成为许多建筑方面的重要组成部分。MAPEI英国有限公司强大地增长和成功导致在2002年宣布,在西部内陆地区的Halesowen里面的Coombswood工业中心有一种全新的艺术级的制造业设备正在建造。7.5英亩的发展意味着MAPEI能抓到一个英国地板材料,陶瓷和建筑工业的坚定的立足点。Mark Louch,公司的常务董事,声明“这是MAPEI公司的重大投资,提高了MAPEI公司在全世界连续地发展的能力”。

MAPEI是世界上最大的建筑用的粘合剂,密封剂和化学产品制造厂商,是一个安装各种类型的地板和墙壁装饰的产品发展的专家。MAPEI以其大大地强调研发而闻名。MAPEI成功地分析了原材料,产品和与他们有关的一切东西,这在他们发展高技术产品的质量,革新起到了一个基本的作用-是the McLaren Group的完美的匹配。MAPEI的质量板材处理产品ULTRAPLAN and ULTRAPLAN MAXI 过快的淬水掺和自流平混合物,MAPECEM水压的装订工都被选来为他们的快速设置和最大化装载电阻特性。陶瓷装饰的安装的理想的准备。GRANIRAPID 粘结系统有快速的安装和水合作用对水池区域的石灰石安装非常好。MAPEI的KERAPOXY环氧水泥浆用于整个的用管排水地区以确保硬度磨损和抗酸性。KERAPOXY有26种颜色可以用,所以在整个建筑物可以有理想的美学折中主义审美观。

MAPEI能为每个应用提供一个产品,一个系统和一个解决方案。the McLaren 技术中心用的 MAPEI系列产品范围非常广泛,在这个建筑物上效果显而易见,包括风洞用黑色的瓷制的陶瓷砖用 GRANIRAPID 粘合——一种速凝粘结系统并在黑色的KERAPOXY 水泥浆中完成。这种瓷砖混合物是自由溶解并且进而更进一步增加了McLaren技术中心一个定期的目标,把环境意识高度建立在建筑的清单和维持优先权。

随着技术中心的内部的说明,其它MAPEI产品也对建筑物的美学作出了贡献。例如,我们的ULTRAPLAN 混合物在设计阶段被Foster及其搭档选用,因为它内在的急速快凝的品质和其在内部地板上的自流平行能。这使其比其它缺少凝结速度的系统更优越,当地板材料需要被放置-地板材料,在这种情况,必须抵抗最大水平的荷载和脚步的流量。

About Mapei

Mapei was founded in Milan in 1937, and today is the world's leading manufacturer of adhesives and ancillary products for installing floors and all types of wall coverings in the world. The company also specialises in other chemical products for the building industry, from waterproofing products and special mortars and admixtures for concrete, to products for the renovation of historic buildings. With 46 facilities operating in all 5 continents, Mapei has developed a capillary technical-commercial network in all the most important countries around the world.


An unbreakable bond holds between the Squinzi family and Mapei:

a business idea that gave rise to a major Groups

The name stands for “Auxiliary materials for building and industry”: Mapei was founded on 12th February 1937 in the suburbs of Milan.

It is the story of a very small firm and family of businessmen – the Squinzis – whohave developed the Company into a leading multinational in the world of adhesives for building.

A success story which can boast something really special: Mapei has never closed a financial year in the red and has never resorted to redundancy payments.

In 1937 the firm had only three members of staff and began dealing in paints, coatings and materials for insides and outside coverings of buildings, hospitals and airports. The idea was Rodolfo Squinzi's, the Company founder, who led Mapei towards its initial success: focusing on a niche in the market for adhesives for installing wall and floor coverings. Mapei's mission was quite clear in Rodolfo Squinzi's mind: “being able to read the trend in the sector for adhesives and chemical products for building and always keeping one step ahead, so as to supply the market with innovative products serving its emerging needs”.

Initially the firm manufactured adhesives for linoleum and then for ceramics, stone materials, carpet, PVC and wood.When the Italian ceramics market exploded in the 1970s,Mapei was ready to take advantage of this great opportunity and managed to offer a wide range of special products designed to make laying tiles faster and safer by replacing conventional cementitious mortar.

Specialising in the products it manufactures was one of Mapei's strengths and the firm soon began marketing other types of adhesives, sealants, special mortars, waterproofers and admixtures for concrete.At the same time Rodolfo Squinzi, with the help of his son Giorgio, who graduated in Industrial Chemistry, confirmed another of the Company's strong points: the constant upgrading of products thanks to the work of a cutting-edge research centre. This decision enabled the Company to break onto foreign markets,graduall exporting an increasing amount of its own products. In 1978 Mapei's process of internationalising its manufacturing really began when it opened a factory in Canada.

Giorgio Squinzi pushed this process with strong determination, even after his father passed away in 1984.This made the firm expand across five continents with a number of manufacturing plants opening in strategic places for the world building market. This expansion process was geared to a clear strategy: each factory was to reflect the industrial culture of the place where it was located, and so had to be Canadian in Canada, French in France and American in the United States etc. Among the last and most prestigious acquisitions it is worth mentioning Sopro, a well-known German leading building chemicals manufacturer, which in 2002 joined the Mapei Group.

The idea behind this winning internationalising strategy is that only people who deeply know the local culture can really understand the needs of the people operating in that given area. In addition, each plant needs its own research laboratory to ensure quality control of its products, as quality is closely tied to the type of raw materials used in any given location.

The internationalising of the Company resulted in an almost vertical rise in turnover and made Mapei a world famous name everywhere from the Americas to the Far East, from Europe to Oceania and from the Middle East to Africa.

In 1994 the Company acquired the “white glue” Italian firm Vinavil.

For Mapei, one of Vinavil's main customers, this was an important way of taking upstream control of strategic raw materials (vinyl acetate polymers), which allowed the firm to extend its range of products.This was the start of a new phase in development, which has also continued into the third millennium with further acquisitions on the front of manufacturing finished products and in the integration of strategic raw materials into the manufacturing process.

So down the years the Mapei Group has incorporated a cement factory in Poland, Gorka Cement, a quality sand extraction industry in Italy, VA.GA, and, in 2006, the German manufacturer of bituminous materials Rasco Bitumentechnik.

The third generation of the Squinzi family also joined the Company.

Mapei now owns 51 subsidiaries and 47 plants in 24 different countries.





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