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除上述水通道领域的工作以外,还曾负责美国囊性纤维化基金会(Cystic Fibrosis Foundation)小分子药高通量筛选项目,创建了以细胞模型为基础的CFTR氯离子通道激活剂和抑制剂的高通量筛选系统。并成功筛到多种特异性、高亲和力、新化学结构的小分子CFTR激活剂和抑制剂。这些小分子激活剂和抑制剂已成为囊性纤维化病基础与应用研究的有力工具。其中CFTR氯离子通道的一种小分子抑制剂经动物实验证明对分泌性腹泻有良好治疗效果,已申报美国专利,成为WHO和美国NIH共同关注的新型小分子抗腹泻候选药物。在基因工程药的研发方面,作为主要参加者完成的工作有“重组人粒细胞集落刺激因子”和新型基因工程抗癌药“重组人血管抑素”。前者已获得国家新药证书,并已投入生产,后者正在开发中。



1979-1984, 白求恩医科大学医学系,本科,获学士学位。

1984-1987, 白求恩医科大学基础医学院免疫学教研室,研究生,获硕士学位。

1991-1994, 白求恩医科大学基础医学院与美国加州大学旧金山医学院联合培养,研究生,获博士学位。





2000年10月-2001年2月,美国Milagen Inc.生物公司,资深科学家。


1999年7月-至今, 东北师范大学生命科学学院,特聘教授。


2003年8月-2009年9月, 东北师范大学膜通道实验室,主任,教授。














(5)美国NIH RO-1基金 DK35124,“water transport across renal epithelia”,250万美元,1996-2004 (第二位)(进行中)。

(6)美国NIH RO-1基金 HL59198“Aquaporins in lung physiology”,100万美元,1997-2002 (第二位)(已完成)。

(7)美国囊性纤维化基金会(CFF)高通量筛选项目 “High-throughput small molecule CF drug discovery program”,150万美元,2001-2004(进行中)。原为该项目第一负责人。现为该项目国际合作中方负责人。





1. Springsteel MF, Galietta LJ, Ma T, By K, Berger GO, Yang H, Dicus CW, Choung W, Quan C, Shelat AA, Guy RK, Verkman AS, Kurth MJ, Nantz MH. Benzoflavone activators of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator: towards a pharmacophore model for the nucleotide-binding domain. Bioorg Med Chem. 2003 Sep 1;11(18):4113-20. (影响因子:1.9)

2.Sammelson RE, Ma T, Galietta LJ, Verkman AS, Kurth MJ. 3-(2-Benzyloxyphenyl)isoxazoles and isoxazolines: synthesis and evaluation as CFTR activators. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2003 Aug 4;13(15):2509-12. (影响因子:1.9)

3. Yang H, Shelat AA, Guy RK, Gopinath VS, Ma T, Du K, Lukacs GL, Taddei A, Folli C, Pedemonte N, Galietta LJ, Verkman AS. Nanomolar affinity small molecule correctors of defective Delta F508-CFTR chloride channel gating. J Biol Chem. 2003 Sep 12;278(37):35079-85. (影响因子:7.258)

4. Caci E, Folli C, Zegarra-Moran O, Ma T, Springsteel MF, Sammelson RE, Nantz MH, Kurth MJ, Verkman AS, Galietta LJ CFTR activation in human bronchial epithelial cells by novel benzoflavone and benzimidazolone compounds. AM J PHYSIOL-LUNG CELL MOL PHYSIOL. 2003 Jul;285(1):L180-L188.

5. Ma TH, Thiagarajah JR, Yang H, Sonawane ND, Folli C, Galietta LJV, Verkman AS. Thiazolidinone CFTR inhibitor identified by high-throughput screening blocks cholera toxin-induced intestinal fluid secretion. J CLIN INVEST 110 (11): 1651-1658 DEC 2002(影响因子:14.118)

6. Hara M, Ma TH, Verkman AS. Selectively reduced glycerol in skin of aquaporin-3-deficient mice may account for impaired skin hydration, elasticity, and barrier recovery. J BIOL CHEM 277 (48): 46616-46621 NOV 29 2002 (影响因子:7.258) 7. Ma TH, Vetrivel L, Yang H, Pedemonte N, Zegarra-Moran O, Galietta LJV, Verkman AS. High-affinity activators of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) chloride conductance identified by high-throughput screening. J BIOL CHEM 277 (40): 37235-37241 OCT 4 2002(影响因子:7.258) 8. Ma TH, Hara M, Sougrat R, Verbavatz JM, Verkman AS. Impaired stratum corneum hydration in mice lacking epidermal water channel aquaporin-3. J BIOL CHEM 277 (19): 17147-17153 MAY 10 2002(影响因子:7.258) 9. Kim YH, Earm JH, Ma TH, Verkman AS, Knepper MA, Madsen KM, Kim J. Aquaporin-4 expression in adult and developing mouse and rat kidney. J AM SOC NEPHROL 12 (9): 1795-1804 SEP 2001(影响因子:6.337) 10. Yang H, Wu Y, Li YX, Ma TH, Huang BQ. Progress in studies of angiostatin and its anti-tumor effects. CHINESE SCI BULL 46 (6): 454-460 MAR 2001(影响因子:0.511)

11. Verkman AS, Yang BX, Skach WR, Mitra A, Song YL, Manley GT, Ma TH. Genetic and biophysical approaches to study water channel biology. CURR TOP MEMBR 51: 185-233 2001 12. Yang BX, Ma TH, Verkman KS. Erythrocyte water permeability and renal function in double knockout mice lacking aquaporin-1 and aquaporin-3. J BIOL CHEM 276 (1): 624-628 JAN 5 2001(影响因子:7.258) 13. Ma TH, Jayaraman S, Wang KS, Song YL, Yang BX, Li J, Bastidas JA, Verkman AS. Defective dietary fat processing in transgenic mice lacking aquaporin-1 water channels. AM J PHYSIOL-CELL PH 280 (1): C126-C134 JAN 2001(影响因子:3.896) 14. Song YL, Yang BX, Matthay MA, Ma TH, Verkman AS. Role of aquaporin water channels in pleural fluid dynamics. AM J PHYSIOL-CELL PH 279 (6): C1744-C1750 DEC 2000 (影响因子:3.896) 15. Song YL, Fukuda N, Bai CX, Ma TH, Matthay MA, Verkman AS. Role of aquaporins in alveolar fluid clearance in neonatal and adult lung, and in oedema formation following acute lung injury: studies in transgenic aquaporin null mice. J PHYSIOL-LONDON 525 (3): 771-779 JUN 15 2000 (影响因子:4.476)

16. Wang KS, Komar AR, Ma TH, Filiz F, McLeroy J, Hoda H, Verkman AS. Bastidas JAGastric acid secretion in aquaporin-4 knockout mice. AM J PHYSIOL-GASTR L 279 (2): G448-G453 AUG 2000(影响因子:3.660)

17. Wang KS, Ma TH, Filiz F, Verkman AS. Bastidas JA Colon water transport in transgenic mice lacking aquaporin-4 water channels. AM J PHYSIOL-GASTR L 279 (2): G463-G470 AUG 2000(影响因子:3.660)

18. Yang BX, Verbavatz JM, Song YL, Vetrivel L, Manley G, Kao WM, Ma TH, Verkman AS. Skeletal muscle function and water permeability in aquaporin-4 deficient mice. AM J PHYSIOL-CELL PH 278 (6): C1108-C1115 JUN 2000(影响因子:3.896)

19. Moore M, Ma TH, Yang BX, Verkman AS. Tear secretion by lacrimal glands in transgenic mice lacking water channels AQP1, AQP3, AQP4 and AQP5. EXP EYE RES 70 (5): 557-562 MAY 2000(影响因子:2.180)

20. Ma TH, Song YL, Yang BX, Gillespie A, Carlson EJ, Epstein CJ, Verkman AS. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus in mice lacking aquaporin-3 water channels. P NATL ACAD SCI USA 97 (8): 4386-4391 APR 11 2000 (影响因子:10.896)

21. Verkman AS, Yang BX, Song YL, Manley GT, Ma TH. Role of water channels in fluid transport studied by phenotype analysis of aquaporin knockout mice. EXP PHYSIOL 85: 233S-241S Sp. Iss. SI MAR 2000(影响因子:1.397)

22. Yang BX, Ma TH, Dong JY, Verkman AS. Partial correction of the urinary concentrating defect in aquaporin-1 null mice by adenovirus-mediated gene delivery. HUM GENE THER 11 (4): 567-575 MAR 1 2000(影响因子:5.751)

23. Van Hoek AN, Ma TH, Yang BX, Verkman AS, Brown D. Aquaporin-4 is expressed in basolateral membranes of proximal tubule S3 segments in mouse kidney. AM J PHYSIOL-RENAL 278 (2): F310-F316 FEB 2000(影响因子:4.523)

24. Yang BX, Fukuda N, van Hoek A, Matthay MA, Ma TH, Verkman AS. Carbon dioxide permeability of aquaporin-1 measured in erythrocytes and lung of aquaporin-1 null mice and in reconstituted proteoliposomes. J BIOL CHEM 275 (4): 2686-2692 JAN 28 2000(影响因子:7.258)

25. Manley GT, Fujimura M, Ma TH, Noshita N, Filiz F, Bollen AW, Chan P, Verkman AS. Aquaporin-4 deletion in mice reduces brain edema after acute water intoxication and ischemic stroke. NAT MED 6 (2): 159-163 FEB 2000(影响因子:27.906) 26. Pallone TL, Edwards A, Ma TH, Silldorff EP, Verkman AS. Requirement of aquaporin-1 for NaCl-driven water transport across descending vasa recta. J CLIN INVEST 105 (2): 215-222 JAN 2000(影响因子:14.118) 27. Song LL, Ma TH, Matthay MA, Verkman AS. Role of aquaporin-4 in airspace-to-capillary water permeability in intact mouse lung measured by a novel gravimetric method. J GEN PHYSIOL 115 (1): 17-27 JAN 2000 (影响因子:5.477) 28. Ma TH, Fukuda N, Song YL, Matthay MA, Verkman AS. Lung fluid transport in aquaporin-5 knockout mice. J CLIN INVEST 105 (1): 93-100 JAN 2000(影响因子:14.118 ) 29. Ma TH, Song YL, Gillespie A, Carlson EJ, Epstein CJ, Verkman AS. Defective secretion of saliva in transgenic mice lacking aquaporin-5 water channels. J BIOL CHEM 274 (29): 20071-20074 JUL 16 1999(影响因子:7.258) 30. Ma TH, Verkman AS. Aquaporin water channels in gastrointestinal physiology. J PHYSIOL-LONDON 517 (2): 317-326 JUN 1 1999(影响因子:4.476)

31. Yang BX, Ma TH, Xu ZD, Verkman AS. cDNA and genomic cloning of mouse aquaporin-2: Functional analysis of an orthologous mutant causing nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. GENOMICS 57 (1): 79-83 APR 1 1999(影响因子:3.418) 32. Chou CL, Knepper MA, van Hoek AN, Brown D, Yang BX, Ma TH, Verkman AS. Reduced water permeability and altered ultrastructure in thin descending limb of Henle in aquaporin-1 null mice. J CLIN INVEST 103 (4): 491-496 FEB 1999(影响因子:14.118) 33. Bai CX, Fukuda N, Song YL, Ma TH, Matthay MA, Verkman AS. Lung fluid transport in aquaporin-1 and aquaporin-4 knockout mice. J CLIN INVEST 103 (4): 555-561 FEB 1999 (影响因子:14.118) 34. Yang BX, Folkesson HG, Yang JA, Matthay MA, Ma TH, Verkman AS. Reduced osmotic water permeability of the peritoneal barrier in aquaporin-1 knockout mice. AM J PHYSIOL-CELL PH 276 (1): C76-C81 JAN 1999(影响因子:3.896) 35. Schnermann J, Chou CL, Ma TH, Traynor T, Knepper MA, Verkman AS. Defective proximal tubular fluid reabsorption in transgenic aquaporin-1 null mice. P NATL ACAD SCI USA 95 (16): 9660-9664 AUG 4 1998(影响因子:10.896)

36. Ma TH, Yang BX, Matthay MA, Verkman AS. Evidence against a role of mouse, rat, and two cloned human T1 alpha isoforms as a water channel or a regulator of aquaporin-type water channels. AM J RESP CELL MOL 19 (1): 143-149 JUL 1998(影响因子:4.163)

37. Ma TH, Yang BX, Gillespie A, Carlson EJ, Epstein CJ, Verkman AS. Severely impaired urinary concentrating ability in transgenic mice lacking aquaporin-1 water channels. J BIOL CHEM 273 (8): 4296-4299 FEB 20 1998(影响因子:7.258) 38. Chou CL, Ma TH, Yang BX, Knepper MA, Verkman S. Fourfold reduction of water permeability in inner medullary collecting duct of aquaporin-4 knockout mice. AM J PHYSIOL-CELL PH 274 (2): C549-C554 FEB 1998(影响因子:3.896) 39. Verbavatz JM, Ma TH, Gobin R, Verkman AS. Absence of orthogonal arrays in kidney, brain and muscle from transgenic knockout mice lacking water channel aquaporin-4. J CELL SCI 110: 2855-2860 Part 22 NOV 1997(影响因子:6.213) 40. Ma TH, Yang BX, Verkman AS. Cloning of a novel water and urea-permeable aquaporin from mouse expressed strongly in colon, placenta, liver, and heart. BIOCHEM BIOPH RES CO 240 (2): 324-328 NOV 17 1997(影响因子:2.946) 41. Ma TH, Yang BX, Gillespie A, Carlson EJ, Epstein CJ, Verkman AS. Generation and phenotype of a transgenic knockout mouse lacking the mercurial-insensitive water channel aquaporin-4. J CLIN INVEST 100 (5): 957-962 SEP 1 1997(影响因子:14.118) 42. Ma TH, Yang BX, Umenishi F, Verkman AS. Closely spaced tandem arrangement of AQP2, AQP5, and AQP6 genes in a 27-kilobase segment at chromosome locus 12q13. GENOMICS 43 (3): 387-389 AUG 1 1997(影响因子:3.418) 43. Ma TH, Yang BX, Verkman AS. cDNA cloning of a functional water channel from toad urinary bladder epithelium. AM J PHYSIOL-CELL PH 271 (5): C1699-C1704 NOV 1996 (影响因子:3.896) 44. Ma TH, Yang BX, Kuo WL, Verkman AS. cDNA cloning and gene structure of a novel water channel expressed exclusively in human kidney: Evidence for a gene cluster of aquaporins at chromosome locus 12q13. GENOMICS 35 (3): 543-550 AUG 1 1996(影响因子:3.418) 45. Ma TH, Yang BX, Verkman AS. Gene structure, cDNA cloning, and expression of a mouse mercurial-insensitive water channel. GENOMICS 33 (3): 382-388 MAY 1 1996(影响因子:3.418) 46. Verkman AS, VanHoek AN, Ma TH, Frigeri A, Skach WR, Mitra A, Tamarappoo BK, Farinas J. Water transport across mammalian cell membranes. AM J PHYSIOL-CELL PH 270 (1): C12-C30 JAN 1996(影响因子:3.896) 47.YANG BX, MA TH, VERKMAN AS. cDNA cloning, gene organization, and chromosomal localization of a human mercurial insensitive water channel - evidence for distinct transcriptional units. J BIOL CHEM 270 (39): 22907-22913 SEP 29 1995(影响因子:7.258) 48. VERKMAN AS, SHI LB, FRIGERI A, HASEGAWA H, FARINAS J, MITRA A, SKACH W, BROWN D, VANHOEK AN, MA TH. Structure and function of kidney water channels. KIDNEY INT 48(4): 1069-1081 OCT 1995(影响因子:4.815) 49. Katsura T, Verbavatz Jm, Farinas J, Ma TH, Ausiello Da, Verkman As, Brown D. Constitutive And Regulated Membrane Expression of aquaporin-1 and aquaporin-2 water channels in stably transfected Llc-pk1 epithelial-cells. P NATL ACAD SCI USA 92 (16): 7212-7216 AUG 1 1995(影响因子:10.896) 50. SHI LB, SKACH WR, MA TH, VERKMAN AS. Distinct biogenesis mechanisms for the water channels miwc and chip28 at the endoplasmic-reticulum. BIOCHEMISTRY-US 34 (26): 8250-8256 JUL 4 1995(影响因子:4.114) 51. MA TH, FRIGERI A, HASEGAWA H, VERKMAN AS. Cloning of a water channel homolog expressed in brain meningeal cells and kidney collecting duct that functions as a Stilbene-sensitive glycerol transporter. J BIOL CHEM 269 (34): 21845-21849 AUG 26 1994 (影响因子:7.258) 52. VERBAVATZ JM, VANHOEK AN, MA TH, SABOLIC I, VALENTI G, ELLISMAN MH, AUSIELLO DA, VERKMAN AS, BROWN D. A 28 kda sarcolemmal antigen in kidney principal cell basolateral membranes - relationship to orthogonal arrays and mip26. J CELL SCI 107: 1083-1094 Part 4 APR 1994(影响因子:6.213) 53. MA TH, HASEGAWA H, SKACH WR, FRIGERI A, VERKMAN AS. Expression, functional analysis,and in-situ hybridization of a cloned rat-kidney collecting duct water channel. AM J PHYSIOL 266 (1): C189-C197 Part 1 JAN 1994 (影响因子:3.896) 54. HASEGAWA H, MA TH, SKACH W, MATTHAY MA, VERKMAN AS. Molecular-cloning of a mercurial-insensitive water channel expressed in selected water-transporting tissues. J BIOL CHEM 269 (8): 5497-5500 FEB 25 1994(影响因子:7.258) 55. MA TH, FRIGERI A, SKACH W, VERKMAN AS. Cloning of a novel rat-kidney cdna homologous to chip28 and wch-cd water channels. BIOCHEM BIOPH RES CO 197 (2): 654-659 DEC 15 1993(影响因子:2.946) 56. VERBAVATZ J-M, BROWN D, SABOLIC I, VALENTI G, AUSIELLO DA, VAN DOEK AN, MA TH, AND VERKMAN AS. Tetrameric assembly of CHIP28 water channels in liposomes and cell membranes: A freeze-fracture study. J CELL BIOL 123(3): 605-618 NOV 1993(影响因子:12.915) 57. MA TH, FRIGERI A, TSAI ST, VERBAVATZ JM, VERKMAN AS. Localization and functional-analysis of chip28k water channels in stably transfected chinese-hamster ovary cells. J BIOL CHEM 268 (30): 22756-22764 OCT 25 1993(影响因子:7.258)



Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Protein Inhibitors and Uses Thereof,SF03-006,pending.













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