

词条 罗正忠

罗正忠 教授

ProfessorJen-Chung Lou

北京大学硕士生导师 罗正忠教授毕业于美国加州大学柏克莱分校电机工程及计算器科系,曾任教于台湾清华大学电机系和台湾交通大学电子研究所,担任过美国加州大学柏克莱分校利物摩尔实验室研究员,中国科技大学北京研究生院客座教授等职。其主要研究方向为III-V族光电组件, 太阳电池材料及组件工艺, 深次微米组件工艺及特性分析, high-K材料及low-K材料制程。


Name:Jen-Chung Lou (Jesse Lou)
2.生日 : 1951年7月24日
Birthday : July 24th 1951

3. 教育背景:

Education :

(1) 国立清华大学物理系学士(1971-1975)

The Bachelor of Physics Department, NationalTsingHuaUniversity in Taiwan (1971-1975)

(2) 国立清华大学物理研究所硕士(1975-1977)

The Master of Physics Institute, NationalTsingHuaUniversity in Taiwan (1975-1977)

(3) 美国加州大学柏克莱分校电机工程学博士

The Ph. D of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California at Berkeley, USA (1986-1991)

4. 经历:

Experiences :

(1) 国立清华大学电机系讲师(1979-1983)

The Electrical Engineering Department of NationalTsingHuaUniversity, Lecturer (From August, 1979 to July, 1983)

(2) 国立清华大学电机系副教授(1983-1989)

The Electrical Engineering Department of NationalTsingHuaUniversity, Associate Professor (From August, 1983 to December, 1989)

(3) 美国加州大学柏克莱分校利物摩尔实验室研究助理(1986-1987)

Livermore Laboratory of Berkeley, University of California, Assistant Researcher (From January, 1986 to July, 1987)

(4) 国立交通大学电子研究所副教授(1991~2009)

Institute of Electronics, NationalChiaoTungUniversity, Associate Professor (From August, 1991to July, 2009)

(5) 联华电子公司,技术与训练讲员(1996-2004)

United Microelectronics Corp., Technical and Education Training (in October, 1996-2004)

(6) 华邦电子公司,技术与训练讲员(1996-2004)

Winbond Electronics Corp., Technical and Education Training (in September, 1996-2004)

(7) 台积电,技术与训练讲员(1997-2004)

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd., Technical and Education Training (in February, 1997-2004)

(8) 旺宏电子公司,技术与训练讲员(1995-2004)

Macronix International Co., Ltd., Technical and Education Training (in July, 1995-2004)

(9) 新竹科学园区,次微米培训计划讲员(1995-2009)

The Submicron Training Program, Hsinchu Science and Industrial Park, Lecturer (in September, 1995-2009)

(10) 经济部工业局半导体学院,协调规划委员(1998-2008)

SemiconductorCollege, Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Coordination Executive (In June, 1998- 2008)

(11) 应用材料(台湾)讲员(1997-2001)

Applied Materials (Taiwan), Instructor (1997-2001)

(12) 应用材料(台湾)技术顾问(1997-2001)

Applied Materials (Taiwan), Technical Consultant

(13) 工研院能资所顾问(1996-2007)

Industrial Technology and Research Institute, Consultant (1996-2007)

(14) 经济部水资源局顾问(1999-2008)

Water Resources Agency, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Consultant (1999-2008)

(15) 台湾集成电路技术服务股份有限公司总经理(2002-2005)

Taiwan Semicon-Tech Service Company, President (2002-2005)

(16) 台湾集成电路技术服务股份有限公司总经理(2006-2008)

Taiwan Semicon-Tech Service Company, President (2006-2008)

(17) 迅能半导体董事(2007-Present)

Sooner Semiconductor Company, Director (2007-Present)

(18) 中芯国际集成电路制造(上海)有限公司,顾问(2009-2010)

SMIC (Shanghai), Advisor of CEO (2009-2010)


The Department of IC Design & Engineering of PekingUniversity

Professor (From September, 2010- Present)

(20) 台湾半导体协会, 产学推动小组主任委员(2003-2011)

TSIA, Committee of Industry and Academy Cooperation, Director (2003-2011)

5. 专长:

Specialty :

(1) 硅半导体组件制造

Silicon Semiconductor Devices Manufacturing

(2) 深次微米集成电路技术

Deep Submicron IC Technology Development

(3) 太阳电池技术与制造

Solar Cell Technology and Manufacturing

(4) 硅材料分析

Silicon Material Characterization


LED Fabrication and Performance Improvement

6. 学术成果:

Academic Performance :

(1) 在国际期刊及研讨会上发表83篇研究论文

Publish over 83 Research Papers in International Journals and Conferences

(2) 在半导体技术领域取得20项专利(台湾、日本、美国)

Publish 20 Patents in Semiconductor Technology Area

(3) 翻译出版5本有关集成电路及组件的大学教材

Translate 5 IC Fabrication and Devices Textbooks

7. 教授课程:

Teaching Courses :

(1) 集成电路技术

Integrated Circuit Technology

(2) 集成电路制程整合

Integration of IC Technology

(3) 半导体及物理器件

Semiconductor Physics and Devices

(4) 固态物理

SolidState Physics

(5) 电子学


(6) 电路学

Introduction to Electric Circuits

(7) 量子力学

Quantum Mechanics

(8) 近代物理

Introduction to Modern Physics

8. 研究专题方向 :

Research Topics :

(1) 高介电系数闸极介电质的成长与特性研究

The Growth and the Characterization of High-K Dielectrics

(2) 深次微米微影制程技术

Lithography Technology Development in Deep Submicron Devices

(3) 低温选择性硅磊晶成长技术

The Selective Epitaxy of Silicon at Low Temperatures

(4) 非挥发性内存组件的特性改善

The Improvement in Characteristics of Non-Volatile Memory Devices

(5) 高效能太阳能电池技术发展与制造

Technology Development and Manufacturing of High-Efficient Solar Cells

(6) 硅材料提纯与分析

The Purification and the Characterization of Silicon Materials

(7) 发光二极管的特性改良与应用

Characteristics Improvement and Applications of LEDs

9. 未来五年的工作期许:

Future Targets:






发表的论文(Publication List):

1. Degradation Mechanism of Mo/GaAs0.6P0.4 Schottky Barriers.,J. C. Lou, M. S. Lin and W. H. Su, Journal of Applied Physics, 54, 4482 (1983).

2. Electrical Properties of Mo/III-V Compounds Schottky Barriers. M. S. Lin, W. H. Su, J. C. Lou, and T. F. Lei, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. Suppl 22-1, 397 (1982).

3. Electrical and Optical Characteristics of GaAs0.6P0.4 LEDs Fabricated by Zn Semi-closed Diffused method. J. C. Lou, M. S. Lin, J. I. Chyi, M. D. Lin, and S. Sche, Physica Status Solidi (a), 77, 741 (1983).

4. Defect Studies on Silicon Implanted GaAs. J. C. Lou, M. S. Lin, C. H. Pen, and Y. J. Chan, Proceedings of NSC. 7, 268(1983).

5. Radiation Annealing of Silicon-Implanted GaAs with a CW Xe Arc-Lamp. M. S. Lin, B. C. Hsiech , C. H. Peng, andJ. C. Lou, in Proceedings of Fourth International Conf. on Ion-Implantation, Berchtesgaden, Sep. 13-17 (1982). Spriger series in Electrophysis Vol. II. 498-503(1983).

6. The Raman Scattering Studies on the Compound Material of GaAs1-x Px. H. Chang, M. S. Lin, and J. C. Lou, Chinese Journal of Material Science, Vol, 15, No, 2 , 1(1983).

7. Characteristics of Anodic Oxide/ GaAs1-x Px (x=0.4) Interface. C. J. Hsu,J. C. Lou, M. S. Lin, and H. Chang, 1982 Proceeding of the Symposium on Electronic Devices and Materials, PP. 282-291.

8. Correlation of Ellipsometry Studied with the Electrical Properties of BF2+ Implanted Si. S. S. Gong, M. S. Lin, and J. C. Lou, 1980 Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Electronic Materials Devices and Circuits, PP, 86-93.

9. Radiation-Enhanced Diffusion of Boron in Silicon. J. C. Lou and M.S. Lin, Chinese Journal of Material Science. Vol. 14, No. 1, PP 1-4.

10. Characteristic Study of Arsenic Implanted Buried and Epitaxial Layer of Bipolar Integrated Circuits. M. S. Lin, T. L. Lee, J. C. Lou, J. H. Lu and L.W. Yin, 1983 International Symposium on VLSI technology, Systems and Applications, edited by Paul P. Wang PP.189-193

11. The Electrical Properties of As+-Implanted SnO2 Films, J.C. Lou, and M.S. Lin, Thin Solid Films, 110, 21(1983)

12. Process Study of Chemical Vapour Deposited SnO2 Films,J.C. Lou, M.S. Lin, J.I. Chyi, and J.H. Shieh, Thin Solid Films, 106, 163(1983)

13. Studies of Deep Levels in Si Epitaxy Grown by SiCl4-H2 System. J.C. Lou, W.S. Lin, and W.S. Wang, Journal of Applied Physics. 54, 6773(1983)

14. Study of GaAs Epitaxial Films Grown by Radiation Heating MOCVD Method. C.P. Wan, M.S. Lin, andJ.C. Lou, 1983 Proceeding of the Symposium on Electronic Devices and Materials. PP.353-359

15. Carrier Concentration in P-type GaAs0.6P0.4 Deduced from the Wavelength of Plasma Minimum. C.C. Lee, M.S. Lin, andJ.C. Lou, 1983 Proceeding of the Symposium on Electronic Devices and Materials. PP.360-363

16. The Study of GranBoundaryState Density in LPCVD Polysilicon Films. R.J. Wu, M.S. Lin, and J.C. Lou, 1983 Proceeding of the Symposium on Electronic Devices and Materials. PP. 387-393

17. Heteroepitaxial Grwoth of Ge/Si by Low Pressure CVD. J.I. Chyi,J.C. Lou, M.S. Lin, and P. Ling, Proceedings of 1984 International Electronic Devices and Materials Symposium. PP.451-456

18. The Characteristic Study of ZnSe Epitaxial Layer Grown on GaAs by MOCVD. W.S. Wang, J.C. Lou, M.S. Lin and K.P. Maa, Proceedings of 1984 International Electronic Devices and Materials Symposium. PP.429-434

19. Interface Study of Mo/GaAs. P. Ling, C.G. Chang, M.S. Lin, and J.C. Lou, Proceeding of Material Research Society Symp. PP.137-144, Vol.1985

20. The Study of Molybdenum Silicide by Electron Microscopy , L.G. Yao, J.C. Lou, and P. Ling, Proceeding of 6th ROC symposium on Electron Microscopy, 1984. PP. 59-60

21. The P-N Transition of Epitaxial Hg0.7Cd0.3Te Compound Semiconductor. C. D. Chiang, S. J. Yang, J. C. Lou, Y. M. Pang, S. L. Tu, T. P. Sun, and T. B. Wu, in 1985 Proceedings of the Symposium on Electronic Devices and Materials.

22. Low Temperature Hot-Wall Selective Epitaxial Growth. C. Galewski, J. C. Lou, and W. G. Oldham, Proceeding in “Topical Research Conference on Silicon-based Epitaxial Technologies 1989”, PP.589 (1989).

23. Silicon Wafer Preparation for Low-Temperature Selective Epitaxial Growth. C. Galewski, J. C. Lou, W. G. Oldham, IEEE Trans. Semiconductor Manufacturing SM-3. 3, 93 (1990).

24. Cross-section Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of Carbon-implanted Layers in Silicon. H. Wong, J. C. Lou, and N. W. Cheung, Appl. Phys. Lett., 57 (8), 798 (1990).

25. Dichlorosilane Effects on Low-Temperature Selective Silicon Epitaxy. J. C. Lou, C. Galewski, and W. G. Oldham, Appl. Phys. Lett., 58 (1), 59 (1991).

26. The Surface Morphology of Selectively-Grown Epitaxial Silicon. J. C. Lou, W. G. Oldham, H. Kawayoshi, and P. Ling, Journal of Applied Physics, 70, 685(1991).

27. Plasma Etch Effects on Low-Temperature Selective Epitaxial Growth of Silicon.J. C. Lou, W. G. Oldham, H. Kawayoshi, and P. Ling, Journal of Applied Physics, 71, 3225 (1992).

28. Fluorine Ion Induced Enhancement of Oxide Removal Prior to Silicon Epitaxial Growth. J. C. Lou, W. G. Oldham, H. Kawayoshi, and P. Ling, Apply. Phys. Lett., 60 (10), 1232 (1992).

29. The Selective Epitaxy of Silicon at Low-Temperatures.J. C. Lou, W. G. Oldham, H. kawayoshi, and P. Ling, Proceeding of Materials Research Society Symp., PP. 353-360, Vol. 220, 1991.

30. SOI Interface Structures in Selective Epitaxial Growth. Z. S. Weng, R. Gronsky, J. C. Lou, and W. G. Oldham, Proceeding of Materials Research Society Symp., PP. 707-712, Vol. 238, 1992.

31. Electrical Properties of High-Temperature Annealed Boron-Implanted Hg0.7Cd0.3Te. K. Y. Lam, J. Gong, T. B. Wu, and J. C. Lou, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 31, PP. 1870-1871(1992).

32. The Study of Seam Live Defects in Silicon-on-Oxide by Merged Epitaxial Lateral Overgrowth.J. C. Lou, and W. G. Oldham, Proceeding of Materials Research Society Symp., PP. 257-262, Vol. 317, 1994.

33. Seam Live Defects in Silicon-on-Insulator by Merged Epitaxial Lateral Overgrowth. Y. C. Shih, J. C. Lou, and W. G. Oldham, Appl. Phys. Lett., 65(13), 1638(1994).

34. Gate Oxynitride Grown in N2O and Annealed in NO Using Rapid Thermal Proceeding, S. C. Sun, C. H. Chen,,J. C. Lou, L. W. Yen and C. J. Lin, Proceeding of Materials Research Society Symp., PP. 241-246, Vol.387 1995.

35. A Novel Crystallization Method for Fabrication High-Performance Poly-Si Thin Film Transistors, T. F. Chen, C. F. Yeh, C. Y. Liu, and J. C. Lou, Electron Devices and Materials Symposium(EDMS 1999), Symposium OPO1.

36. The Investigation of Gate Oxide Integrity for Nitrided Oxides with Nitrogen Implantation and NO/N2 Anneal, J.M. Yao, Y.Y. Chen S.Y. Hsu, J.C. Lou and Y. L. Hwang, The Semicon Taiwan 1999.

37. Anti-Reflection Strategies for Sub-0.18um Dual Damascence Structure Patterning in KrF 248 nm Lithography, S. Y. Chou, C. M. Wang, C. C. Hsia, L. J. Chen, G. W. Hwang, S. D. Lee, andJ. C. Lou, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 3679, PP.923-931(1999).

38. A Study of Si Surface Micro-roughness in Modified SC-1 Process, J. C. Lou, W. P. Chou, W. J. Lu, C. M. Sheu, and H. C. Lai, Proceeding of International Conference on Wafer Rinse, Water Reclamation and Environmental Technology for Semiconductor Manufacturing. PP. 195-208, 2000

39. Focus Latitude Enhancement of Symmetrical Phase Mask Design for Deep Submicron Contact Hole Patterning, S. Y. Chou,J. C. Lou, L. J. Chen, L. H. Shiu, R. G. Liu, C. M. Wang, and T. S. Gau, J. Vac. Sci. & Technol. B. 19, PP. 2195-2205 (2001).

40. Evaluating the Impact of Spherical Aberration on Sub-0.2-Micron Contact/Via Hole Patterning, S.Y Chou, J. C. Lou, C. M. Lai, F. J. Liang, and L. J. Chen, 2001, Proceeding of SPIE 4346, PP. 1318-1327.

41. Customized Illumination Aperture Filter Design for Through-Pitch Focus Latitude Enhancement of Deep Submicron Contact Hole Printing, S. Y. Chou , J. C. Lou, F. J. Liang, T. S Gau, R. G. Liu, C. K. Chen, and C. M. Lai, J. Microlithography, Microfabrication, Microsystems., Vol. 1, 296 (2002); DOI:10.1117/1.1502261

42. High Quality Al2O3 IPD With NH3 Surface Nitridation, Y. Y. Chen, C. H. Chien, and J. C. Lou, IEEE Electron Device Lett., Vol. 24(8), 2003, PP. 503-505.

43. Investigation of Grain Boundary Control in the Drain Junction on Laser-Crystallized Poly-Si Thin Film Transistors, T. F. Chen, C. F. Yeh, and J. C. Lou, IEEE Electron Device Lett., Vol. 24(7), 2003, PP. 457-459.

44. Effects of Grain Boundary in the Drain Depletion on Excimer Laser-Annealed Poly-Si TFTs before and after NH3 Plasma Treatments, C. F. Yeh, T. F. Chen, and J. C. Lou, in AMLCD Tech. Dig., 2003, PP.173-176.

45. Process Improvement and Reliability Characteristics of Spin-on Poly-3-Hexylyhiophene Thin-Film Transistor, S. C. Wang, J. C. Lou, B. L. Liou, R. X. Lin, and C. F. Yeh, Electron Devices and Materials Symposium(EDMS 2004), Symposium SOI-2.

46. Effects of Grain Boundaries on Performance and Hot-Carrier Reliability of Excimer Laser Annealed Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Film Transistors (TFTs),T. F. Chen, C. F. Yeh, C. Y. Lin, and J. C. Lou, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 95(10) PP.5778-5794 (2004)

47. Impact of Air Filter Material on Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) Device Characteristics in HF Vapor Environment, C. W. Hsiao, J. C. Lou, C. F. Yeh, C. M. Hsieh, S. J. Lin and T. KuSumi, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 43(5B), PP. L659-L661 (2004)

48. Fabrication of Thin-Film Transistors on Plastic Substrates by Spin Etching and Device Transfer Process, S. C. Wang, C. T. Hsu, C. F. Yeh and J. C. Lou, Proceeding of SPIE Vol. 5276, PP.376-383 (2004)

49. A Novel Four-Mask-Processed Poly-Si TFT Fabricated Using Excimer Laser Crystallization of An Edge-Thickened a-Si Active Island, T. F. Chen, C. F. Yeh, C. Y. Liu, J. C. Lou, IEEE Electron Device Lett., Vol. 25(6), 2004, PP. 396-398

50. Process Improvement and Reliability Characteristics of Spin-On Poly-3-hexylthiophene Thin-Film Transistor, S. C. Wang, J.C. Lou, B.L. Liou, R.X. Lin and C.F. Yeh, J. Electrochem. Soc. Vol. 152(1), PP. G50-G56 (2005)

51. Fabricating Thin-Film Transistors on Plastic Substrates Using Spin Etching and Device Transfer, S. C. Wang, C. T. Hsu, C. F Yeh and J. C. Lou, J. Electrochem. Soc. 152(3), G227-G233 (2005)

52. Mobility Enhancement of Polycrystalline-Si Thin-Film Transistors Using Nanowire Channels by Pattern-Dependent Metal-Induced Lateral Crystallization, Y. C. Wu, T. C. Chang, P. T. Liu ,C. W. Chou, C. H. Tu, J. C. Lou and C. Y. Chang, Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 143504 (2005).

53. Effect of Channel Width and NH3 Plasma Passivation on Electric Characteristics of Polysilicon Thin-Film Transistor by Pattern Development Metal-Induced Lateral Crystallization, Y. C. Wu, T. C. Chang, C. W. Chou, P.T. Liu, C. H. Tu, J. C. Lou, and C. Y. Chang, J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 152(7), G545-G549, (2005)

54. Characteristics of the Inter-Poly Al2O3 Dielectrics on NH3 Nitrided Bottom Poly-Si for Next-Generation Flash Memories, Y. Y. Chen, C. H. Chien and J. C. Lou, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 1, Vol.44, No. 4, PP. 1704-1710 (2005)

55. An Interfacial Investigation of High dielectric Constant Material Hafnium Oxide on Silicon Substrate, S. C. Chen, J. C. Lou, C. H. Chien, P. T. Liu, T. C. Chang, Thin Solid Film 488(1-2) PP.167-172, 2005

56. Damage Effect of Fluorine Implantation on PECVD a-SiOC Barrier Dielectric, F. M. Yang, T. C. Chang, P. T. Liu, C. W. Chen, Y. H. Tai, J. C. Lou, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics, Research Section B--Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. Vol., 237(1-2), PP. 301-306, 2005

57. Nickel Nanocrystals with HfO2 Blocking Oxide for Nonvolatile Memory Application, F. M. Yang, T. C. Chang, P. T. Liu, U. S. Chen, P. H. Yeh, Y. C. Yu, J. Y. Lin, S. M. Sze, and J. C. Lou, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 222104 (2007)

58. Using Double Layer CoSi2 Nanocrystals to Improve the Memory Effects of Nonvolatile Memory Devices, F. M. Yang, T. C. Chang, P. T. Liu, P. H. Yeh, U. S. Chen, Y. C. Yu, J. Y. Lin, S. M. Sze, and J. C. Lou, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 212108 (2007)

59. Anomalous Negative Bias Temperature Instability Behavior in p-Channel Metal–Oxide -Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors with HfSiON/SiO2 Gate Stack, S. C. Chen, C. H. Chien, J. C. Lou, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 233505 (2007)

60. Memory Characteristics of Co Nanocrystal Memory Device with HfO2 as Blocking Oxide, F. M. Yang, T. C. Chang, P. T. Liu, P. H. Yeh, Y. C. Yu, J. Y. Lin, S. M. Sze, and J. C. Lou, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 132102 (2007)

61. Nickel Silicide Nanocrystals Embedded in SiO2 and HfO2 for Nonvolatile Memory Application, F. M. Yang, T. C. Chang, P. T. Liu , P. H Yeh , Y. C. Yu , J. Y. Lin , S. M. Sze and J.C. Lou, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 516, Issues 2-4, 3 December 2007, PP. 360-363

62. Improvements of Ozone Surface Treatment on the Electrical Characteristics and Reliability in HfO2 Gate Stacks, S. Y. Chen, Y. Y. Chen, Y. T. Chang, J. C. Lou, K. T. Kin and C. H. Chien, Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 84, Issues 9-10, September-October 2007, PP. 1898-1901

63. Nonvolatile Memory Characteristics of Nickel-Silicon-Nitride Nanocrystal, W. R. Chen, T. C. Chang, P. T. Liu, J. L. Yeh, C. H. Tu, J. C. Lou, C. F. Yeh, and C. Y. Chang, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 082103 (2007)

64. Novel Oxynitride Layer Applied to Flash Memory using HfO2 as Charge Trapping Layer, C.R. Hsieh, C.H. Lai, B.C. Lin, J.C. Lou, J.K. Lin, Y.L. Lai and H.L. Lai, Electron Device Solid-State Circuit (EDSSC 2007), PP. 629-632.

65. Electrical Characteristics of the High Work-Function Pt Nanocrystal Memory with Novel Tunnel Oxynitride, Y. Y. Chen, C. R. Hsieh, J. C. Lou, B. C. Lin and C. H. Lai, International Electron Device and Material Symposium(IEDMS 2007), Symposium PC-4

66. Effect of UV Illumination on Inverted-Staggered a-Si:H Thin Film Transistors, Y. Li, J. C. Lou, C. L. Chen, C. H. Hwang, and S. T. Yan, Electron Device Solid-State Circuit (EDSSC 2007), PP. 225-228.

67. Reliability Improvement for the PMOSFETS with HfO2/SiON Gate Stack Using Channel Fluorine Implantation, Y. Y. Chen, C. R. Hsieh, Y. Z. Hsieh and J. C. Lou, International Electron Device and Material Symposium(IEDMS 2008), Symposium C-629

68. Study on Surface Fluorine Passivation Effect for Sub-5nm Inter-Poly High-K Dielectric, C. R. Hsieh, Y. Y. Chen, K. W. Lu and J. C. Lou, International Electron Device and Material Symposium(IEDMS 2008), Symposium C-631

69. Reliability Improvement for the nMOSFETS with HfO2/SiON Gate Stack Using Channel Fluorine Implantation, Y. Y. Chen, C. R. Hsieh, Y. Z. Hsieh and J. C. Lou, International Electron Device and Material Symposium(IEDMS 2008), Symposium C-630

70. Suppression of Leakage Current in a-Si:H Thin Film Transistors by UV Illumination , Y. Li, C.H. Hwang, C.L. Chen, S. Yan, J. C. Lou, O. Hung, and R. Hsieh, in AM-FPD Tech. Dig., 2008, PP. 189-193

71. UV Illumination Technique for Leakage Current Reduction in a-Si:H Thin-Film Transistors, Y. Li, C. H. Hwang, C. L. Chen, S. T. Yan, and J. C. Lou, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol.55, No.11, Nov. 2008, PP.3314-3318.

72. Impact of Charge Trapping Effect on Negative Bias Temperature Instability in P-MOSFETs with HfO2/SiON Gate Stack, S. C. Chen, C. H. Chien, and J. C. Lou, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 100(2008) 042045

73. Trapping and De-Trapping Characteristics of Electrons and Holes under Dynamic NBTI Stress on HfO2 and HfSiON Gate Dielectrics, W. L. Lin, J. C. Lou, Y. L. Lee and T. S. Chao, to be published in 2009 IEEE International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits.

74. Al2O3 Inter-Poly Dielectric Charateristics with Interface Fluorine Passivation。Y. Y Chen, C. R. Hsieh, K.W. Lu, andJ. C. Lou, International Electron Device and Material Symposium (IEDMS 2009) Symposium GC-05.

75. HfO2 Inter-Poly Dielectric Characteristics with Interface Fluorine Passivation. Y. Y Chen, C. R. Hsieh, K.W. Lu, andJ. C. Lou, Electron Device Solid-State Circuit (EDSSC 2009), PP.233-235

76. Reliability Improvement of HfO2/SiON Gate Stacked nMOSFET Using Fluorinated Silicate Glass Passivation Layer. C. R. Hsieh, Y. Y. Chen, J. F. Chung, and J. C. Lou, Electron Device Solid-State Circuit (EDSSC 2009), PP 240-242

77. Novel Tunneling Oxynitride Layer Applied to Floating Gate Flash Memory, C. R. Hsieh, C. H. Lai, B. C. Lin, J. C. Lou, J. J. Shieh, H. L. Lai, and Y. L. Lai, International Conference on Electronic Materials 2010 (IUMRS-ICEM 2010) PII-33,Seoul,Korea,Aug. 2010

78. Improved Performance and Reliability for Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect-transistor with Fluorinated Silicate Glass Passivation Layer, C. R. Hsieh, Y.Y. Chen,J. C. Lou, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, Issue 2, 022905(2010)

79. Effect of Fluorinated Silicate Glass Passivation Layer on Electrical Characteristics and Dielectric Reliabilities for HfO2/SiON Gate Stacked nMOSFET. C. R. Hsieh, Y. Y. Chen and J. C. Lou, Microelectron. Eng., Vol.87, No. 11, PP. 2241-2246, Nov. 2010

80. Characteristics of the Fluorinated High-K Inter-Poly Dielectrics. C. R. Hsieh, Y. Y. Chen, K. W. Lu, G. Lin and J. C. Lou, IEEE Electron Device Lett., Vol. 31, No. 12, PP. 1446-1448, Dec. 2010

81. Improved Retention Characteristics in Polycrystalline Silicon-Oxide-Hafnium Oxide-Oxide-Silicon-Type Nonvolatile Memory with Robust Tunnel Oxynitride. C. R. Hsieh, C. H. Lai, B. C. Lin, Y. K. Zheng,J. C. Lou, and G. Lin, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. (JJAP). Vol. 50, No.3, PP. 30503, Mar. 2011

82. Enhanced Data Retention Characteristics on SOHOS-Type Nonvolatile Flash Memory with CF4-Plasma-Induced Deep Electron Trap Level. C. R. Hsieh, Y. Y. Chen, K.W. Lu, G. Lin and J. C. Lou, Accepted to be Published on Trans. Electrochem. Soc., Vol.35, April 2011

83. Effect of Interfacial Fluorination on the electrical Properties of the Inter-Poly High-K Dielectrics. C. R. Hsieh, Y. Y. Chen, K. W. Lu, G. Lin and J. C. Lou, Microelectron. Eng., Vol. 88, No.6, PP. 945-949, June. 2011

发表的专利(Patent List):

 专利编号 公告/公开日 申请号 专利名称

1 I286799 2007/09/11 092127715 使用气泡的基材表面处理方法及设备

2 I255510 2006/05/21 093139892 以臭氧水成长超薄氧化层的方法

3 I234235 2005/06/11 092114625 在玻璃基板上制作单晶硅薄膜晶体管之方法

4 I231046 2005/04/11 093116682 低温多晶硅薄膜晶体管主动层之雷射再结晶方法

5 I221100 2004/09/21 091110033 节省清洗用水的制程方法及系统

6 594884 2004/06/21 092114624 低温多晶硅薄膜晶体管主动层之雷射再结晶方法

7 559907 2003/11/01 091122076 制造超薄氮化硅层的设备与方法

8 557125 2003/10/01 092202903 散热片

9 554432 2003/09/21 091118343 一种由温度控制的半导体蚀刻方法

10 550652 2003/09/01 091119599 调整晶圆加工电浆反应中离子与非离子比例之装置及其方法

11 544805 2003/08/01 091114232 高纯度自由基制程系统

12 519509 2003/02/01 091119877 晶圆承载机械手臂

13 200836116 2008/09/01 096127003 小区管理系统提供多个不同小区共享与信息交流的方法及其网络平台

14 200625473 2006/07/16 093139892 以臭氧水成长超薄氧化层的方法

15 200606278 2006/02/16 093123465 以液相沈积成长二氧化铪薄膜之方法

 专利编号 公告/公开日 申请号 专利名称

16 200541076 2005/12/16 093116682 低温多晶硅薄膜晶体管主动层之雷射再结晶方法

17 200514157 2005/04/16 092127715 使用气泡的基材表面处理方法及设备

18 200426950 2004/12/01 092114624 低温多晶硅薄膜晶体管主动层之雷射再结晶方法

19 200426994 2004/12/01 092114625 在玻璃基板上制作单晶硅薄膜晶体管之方法





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