

词条 Skye Sweetnam


外文名:Skye Alexandra Sweetnam






星 座 : 金牛座

出 生 地 : Bolton、Ontario、加拿大 (人口数约15000)

发 色 : 咖啡色

眼 睛 : 蓝绿色

身 高 : 5'5" (approx 165cm)

父 母 : Deidre 和 Greg

兄 弟 姊 妹 : Aurora(14), Cameron(10)

喜欢的颜色 : 粉红色

喜欢的音乐 : 所有怪怪的音乐 - 摇滚 流行 庞克 嘻哈..

受音乐影响:Frank Zappa、Pantera、Cat猫音乐剧

演出莎士比亚剧 : A Midsummer Night's Dream

喜欢电影 : 动作冒险片, 神秘诡异恐怖片 - 有深度的剧情片

喜欢食物 : 冰淇淋 巧克力

首张单曲 : 逃学莎士比亚/Billy S. (2003)

首张专辑 : 闹翻地下室/Noise From The Basement(2004)

荣获奖项 : Billy S - YTV's Hit List End of Year Countdown 2003

Billy S - YTV's Hit List - 3 weeks

首次电视演出 : Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn - Friday June 20th 2003









喜欢涂鸦乱画、喜欢随便胡想乱想、喜欢看恐怖片、喜欢 "做自己"!


继艾拉妮丝莫莉塞特、妮莉费塔朵、艾薇儿後 加拿大女声摇滚新新魔力!

世界上有那么多地方可以唱歌,有一个16岁女生,偏偏跑到一家加拿大小镇理发厅又唱又跳!妙的是,她和制作人James Robertson躲在地下室一起制作的专辑,被EMI唱片发现,EMI唱片坚持要签这位小女生:“怎样才肯签约?”,女孩说:“给我几片巧克力饼干!”,而他们真的做到了,给她一桌子的巧克力饼干,这个女孩,叫做Skye!



Skye还曾经在《芭比之奇幻日记》为芭比幕后代唱,为一向以优雅高贵而著称的芭比注入了新的摇滚活力。除此之外,更是让全球的芭比迷爽爽地过了一把摇滚瘾!其中最为精彩的就是主题曲《This Is Me》,在全球范围内广受好评。


第一张专辑:《Noise From The Basement/闹翻地下室》


夏绿蒂Good Charlotte、破嘴乐团Smashmouth、心灵蒙蔽合唱团Third Eye Blind著名制作人Eric Valentine跨刀护航制作。

Skye Sweetnam是一个摇滚女孩,这位来自加拿大小镇Bolton的漂亮少女才19岁,在你眼中她和邻家女孩没什么两样,但她却是个很有天赋的创作歌手,极具个性,并且充满活力。她现在已经是许多加拿大青少年的新偶像。她的首张专辑《Noise From the Basement》充满了她真诚的吉他弹奏,其中还有一首歌是翻唱自Blondie的《Heart of Glass》。在她身上你可以看到Pat Benatar十五岁时的勇气,Joan Jett的态度以及Dabbie Harry的朴实性感。

Skye说:“我所写的歌都是我的所感所想,《Imaginary Superstar》是我在床上甩着头发唱歌时的灵感。每个小孩都应该有这种经历,我和他们的不同之处在于我能用音乐把这些感受都表达出来。”

虽然她同样是一个对音乐充满想法的女孩,但她却不喜欢别人称呼她为第二个Avril,的确,就像Skye Sweetnam歌里所唱的,从现在起,她要成为第一。年轻的“天才”女歌手JoJo在一群大牌制作人的点拨之下发行了个人的首张专辑,这从电视节目中走出的“少女天才”的音乐生涯有了一个不错的开头,她的这张同名首张专辑在北美发行首周的销量就达到了9万5千张,名列Billboard 200排行榜的第四名。

收录首支重新诠释Blondie金发美女合唱团经典名曲Heart Of Glass与首支魔力四射单曲“爱情大魔咒/Tangled Up In Me”

在听过她的音乐以后,你会完全把她与前面提到的前辈分开,她有自己的风格:融入了她自己好玩个性的流行曲《Tangled Up In ME》,女权利色彩浓重的《Number One》,甜蜜叛逆的《Billy S》。所有这些都透露出少年心气的纯正源头,完全自然而然。

Skye就像是16岁时年轻充满爆发力的Pat Benatar添加上少许Joan Jett冷酷率性的神情再带点BLONDIE乐团女主唱Debbie Harry的动人性感魅力。事实上SKYE在她专辑当中就用了她自己独特的魔法、重新赋予了BLONDIE的经典名作“Heart Of Glass”(连王菲在2004台北演唱会也特别演唱过)更有年轻活力的全新生命。Skye充满活力与爱玩耍的天性更在“爱情大魔咒/Tangled Up In Me”一曲当中表露无遗,专辑中的另外一支单曲“真命天子/Number One”Skye更是带领所有全天下的女生一同高呼女人万岁,凡事都要勇往直前追求真爱。而去年“How To Deal”电视原声带中描述小女孩淘气叛逆的单曲“莎士比亚/ Billy S.”也为Skye拿下了加拿大YTV的年度最佳音乐录影带大奖。专辑特别附赠了“Superstar”的MV以及卡拉OK版本,更收录了“Billy S”,“Tangled Up In Me”,“Number one”的MV和她在韩国时的现场秀,以及一些她的照片,满足全亚洲歌迷试听双重享受!

第二张专辑:《Sound Solider》


Skye Sweetnam的实力不同凡响,但青春PUNK路线的头牌Avril Lavigne在2002年就已经横扫全球乐坛,06年的今天虽然热度不减,但比起当时一名惊人的震撼力已经不能同日而语,但PUNK摇滚无极限,一切看实力,是好是坏,只要Skye Sweetnam有实力,她又何尝不能成为另一个Avril Lavigne级的青春流行天后呢?

2007年,经过3年的等待,Skye终于推出了自己的第2张大碟“Sound Soldier”!延续Pop-Rock,再次强力出击!全新的形象,全心的诠释,带给你一个全心的Skye!制作此专辑特意邀请到The Matrix(之前Avril的制作团体)倾力打造!每首歌都是细心挑选出来的精品,将Skye的淘气女生形象展现到淋漓尽致。可以说为了这张新作品Skye和她的制作班底投入了大量的时间和心血,为的就是呈现出一个截然不同的音乐风格。专辑名SOUND SOLDIER!是表她述不光是一个歌手艺人,更是一个音乐战斗者,要把音乐体现到完美而且不会安静下去!有音乐的地方就有她Skye的声音,一直做一个为歌迷唱歌的勇士!看到这么坚定个性的Skye,你难道还在犹豫吗?别等了,"Sound Soldier"已经把你打败了!



Skye Alexandra Sweetnam(Named after the Isle of Skye)

Hair Colour:


Eye Colour:



Deidre and Greg


Aurora and Cameron


May 5th, 1988


Bolton, Ontario, Canada (Toronto sub-suburb, pop. 15,000)


Allen Drive Middle School, and Mayfield


Singing, dancing, acting, filming, snowboarding, painting nails, making clothes


Alanis Morisette, Blondie

TV debut:

Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn (Friday June 20th 2003)

Acting Debut:

Radio Free Roscoe "Bad Boy" as Sydney Deluka (March 5th 2004)


Colour = Pink

Music = Rock, pop, punk, hip-hop...basically everything, even classical and horror film scores

Food = Ice cream, chocolate, chocolate chips

Movie = any adventure, horror, mystery, Disney

Track from Noise from the Basement = all of them!

Shakespearean play = A Midsummer Night's Dream Note: The following bio is from 2003: Skye Sweetnam, another small-town Canadian artist with a cool name (YES! Canadian music rox!) who is garneringattention in the States. Only 15 years old, she is talented beyond her years as she writes/creates (create would be a more appropriate word here) her own music (well, she co-creates too), dances, designs her own clothes, and directs her own mini-films! Her indelible pop anthems of teen rebellion are straight from reality of her so-called "life". She touches everything from electronica to pop-punk..sometimes in the same song! She was recently signed by Capitol Records. Her energetic first single from the Mandy Moore movie, How to Deal, is soaring up the charts (Can't wait until the movie release on July 18th!). Skye's album is highly anticipated to be released this year (2003)! Look out, Avril! Here comes Skye!

--Kyle aka dj_spikee Message from Skye's Official Site (2003):

"You wanna know more, more, more about me?" Okay, I'll start from the beginning. I'm from a small town called Bolton just north of Toronto. Growing up with no mall, no movie theatre, no cable or internet, some may imagine that to be a kid's worst nightmare. I had nothing else to do but entertain myself. I spent my younger years singing, dancing, acting and getting attention any way I could. If there was a stage, I was on it. I started off doing the dance competition circuit, performing in hip-hop dance numbers, ten minute productions of classic musicals such as Les Miserables and Cats and entering singing competitions. The music played around the house was everything from Bryan Adams, Enya, The Who's Tommy, The Cranberries, Genesis, Weezer, the occasional Spice Girls song along with each year's dance compilation CD to practice my sweet moves. I started to explore songwriting at age nine. At age twelve, I began to seriously feel compelled to make a career out of it once I joined "Popstars" camp. My dear mother missed the deadline on the highly anticipated snowboarding classes I was looking forward to, so she tried to redeem herself by enrolling me in the local music school's spring break day camp. It was there, at "Popstars" camp where my first recording of a Britney Spears song caught the attention of the music teacher and her songwriter husband. It was that couple that helped me realize my potential and helped me put together a three song demo. My grandmother just so happened to tell her hairstylist about my recordings. Next thing I knew I was passing by his salon in Bolton when he invited me in to play him some music. There I was, dancing around on the hair covered floor with women in their curlers, peeking over the top of their magazines to see me singing along with my CD. Strangely enough, one woman's brother was an entertainment lawyer in Toronto. One connection lead to the next and soon I had management and a meeting with a twenty-one year old named James Robertson. The rest is Noise from the Basement history. I've basically been on the road for over 2 years rocking with my 'sick' band. We've ventured everywhere from summer camps in the North Eastern States with fellow Canadian rocker Fefe Dobson, to the club circuit in the Canadian Maritimes with Shawn Desmond, to jam packed arenas with Britney Spears. It's amazing to think already I've traveled in over twenty-five countries! Recently I've been on the road with cutie Ryan Cabrera. It's a total dream come true to be the front woman of an uber wicked band just like my favorite rockers such as Pat Benatar, Joan Jett, Gwen Stefani, Brody Dale, Karen O and Deborah Harry to name a few. The only song I can't take credit for writing on my album is a remake the Blondie classic "Heart of Glass." I tried my hardest to make it fun though different because there's no making it better! Not only has James Robertson been an amazing influence, introducing me to new music but the boys in my band have so much knowledge to share as well. They're no pretty boys, that's for sure, they are the real deal. They've been trying their luck in the business for a long time, so they do keep me grounded. I love soaking in as much as I can from the talent around me and from all genres of music. I'm still learning how music is limitless and that's what's so inspiring. I hope I can take all this overwhelming opportunity and use it to the best of my ability. What I do best is make noise.. and at this point, I have no plans of stopping my racket! Dream on, learn on, play on and rock on!

Love, Skye


01 superstar 02 i don t care 03 tangled up in me 04 kiss a girl 05 number one 06 billy s. 07 it sucks 08 sugar guitar 09 human 10 fallen through 11 sharada 12 imaginary superstar

专辑名称 发行时间 语言 试听专辑 详情

Sound Solider 2007-10-30 英语

专辑曲目(12)01 Baby Doll Gone Wrong 02 Boyhunter 03 Cartoon 04 Ghosts 05 Kiss A Girl 06 My Favourite Tune 07 Scary Love 08 Ultra Skye 09 Make-Out Song 10 Let's Get Movin' Into Action 11 Human 12 Music Is My Boyfriend

Noise From The Basement/闹翻地下室 2004-09-21 英语

专辑曲目(15)01 Number One(真命天子) 02 Billy S. (逃学莎士比亚) 03 Tangled Up In Me(爱情大魔咒) 04 I Don't Really Like You(我真的不喜欢你) 05 I Don't Care(我不管) 06 Heart Of Glass(玻璃心) 07 Sharada(夏拉) 08 It Sucks(真糟糕) 09 Fallen Through(迷恋你) 10 Hypocrite(伪君子) 11 Unpredictable(难以捉摸) 12 Shot To Pieces(重新出发) 13 Smoke And Mirrors(镜中迷雾) 14 Split Personality(分裂) 15 awakening





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