

词条 轮机英语考证学习指南












Unit 1

§ L1

0001. The auxiliary engine and a.c. generator can be connected with _____.

A. cam B. crosshead C. bulge D. coupling

注: 副机和发电机用联轴节连接,故选D。

0002. The term medium speed diesel engine is currently taken to mean an engine with an operating rotational speed of _____ rpm.

A. below 300 B. above 1200 C . between 300 to 1200 D. below 1200

注: 术语“中速机”是指运行速度介于300-1200 rpm之间的发动机。(也有说法为300-1000 rpm),只能选C,故选C。

0003. The rotating range of the low speed diesel engine is usually lower than _____.

A. 100 rpm B. 200 rpm C. 300 rpm D. 500 rpm

注: 术语“低速机”是指运行速度小于300rpm的发动机,故选C。

0004. Among the main propulsion units on board the ship with the same capacity, the lightest one is_____.

A. steam engine B. steam turbine C. gas turbine D. diesel engine

注: 船舶使用的各种类型的主推进装置中,如果产生的功率相同,装置重量最轻的是燃气


0005. Concerning diesel propelled vessels, the astern power is to provide for continuous operation astern _____.

A. equal to that available for ahead operation

B. at 70 percent of the ahead rpm at rated speed

C. while underway and under all normal conditions

D. at 70 percent of the ahead rpm of average continuous sea speed

注: 柴油机驱动的船舶,倒车转速一般是正车额定转速的70%~80%,故选B。

0006. A diesel engine is operating at 1800 RPM and driving a propeller at 600 RPM. What is the speed reduction ratio?

A. 0.30 to 1 B. 3.00 to 1 C . 3.33 to 1 D. 33.0 to 1

注: 减速齿轮箱的减速比=曲轴转速/螺旋桨转速=1800/600=3,故选B。

0007. Engine displacement is equal to the cylinder _____.

A. area times the stroke B. area times the stroke, times the number of cylinders

C. volume times the stroke D. volume times the stroke, times the number of cylinders

注: 发动机的排量=气缸面积×活塞冲程×气缸数目,选B。

0008. In using reduction gears to obtain efficient propeller speeds, _____.

A. they must be located at the after end of the engine

B. they can only be used with one engine at a time

C. they eliminate the need for controllable pitch propellers

D. they are connected to the engine with a flexible coupling

注: 减速齿轮与发动机采用柔性联轴节连接,选D。

0009. Maximum horsepower of a diesel engine is attained _____.

A. when the engine RPM is pulled down by overload

B. at rated engine RPM

C. at 95 % of rated engine RPM

D. at 95 % of a properly adjusted governor RPM with the engine under full load

注: 柴油机的最大功率是在其额定转速时产生的,故选B。

0010*. The term “moderate speed” was previously interpreted as meaning a speed which would enable a vessel ______ within half the range of visibility.

A. stopping B. being stopped

C. to stop D. to be stopped

注: 术语“中等速度”以前被解释为能使船舶在视野的一半距离内被停住的速度。根据题意船舶被停住要使用被动语态,enable后面要跟动词不定式,故选D。

0011. _____ can be found on most medium to large merchant vessels even if the main engine is either a steam turbine or 2-stroke crosshead engine.

A. The medium speed 4-stroke trunk piston engine

B. The low speed 2-stroke crosshead engine

C. The medium speed 2-stroke crosshead engine

D. The low speed 4-stroke trunk piston engine

注: 即使主机或者是汽轮机,或者是二冲程十字头柴油机,在中到大型的商船上也有采用中速的四冲程筒状柴油机。B中的二冲程机题目中已有,C中的中速二冲程机和D中的低速四冲程机都不对,只有A的中速四冲程机符合题意。故选A。

0012. _____ allows the engine to be placed wherever is most suitable, as they no longer have to be aligned with reduction gearing and shafting as is the case with conventional installations.

A. Diesel engine propulsion B. Diesel electric propulsion

C. Steam engine propulsion D. Gas turbine propulsion

注: 柴油电力推进可以使主机布置在最合适的位置,而不用像传统的推进装置要求与减速齿轮和轴系对中。根据题意选B。Diesel electric propulsion指柴油电力推进。

0013. Medium speed engines have a _____ power to weight ratio than the slow speed two strokes, but due to the higher speeds tend to have _____ maintenance intervals.

A. higher/reduced B. higher/increased

C. lower/reduced D. lower/increased

注: 中速机比低速二冲程机的功率重量大,但由于速度高,检修周期较短。故选A。

0014. The diesel engine is similar to the gasoline engine in that ______.

A. both of them are ignited by compressed air

B. both of them are the forms of external combustion engines

C. both of them have spark plugs

D. the power is developed by the piston in the cylinder

注: 柴油机类似汽油机在于功率都是由气缸里的活塞产生的。故选D。

0015. The reason why more and more of the large merchant vessels are being powered by medium-speed diesel engines is ______.

A. they operate between 150 and 450 rpm

B. they are connected to the propeller by gearing

C. their smaller size and weight

D. they can be connected directly to the propeller without gearing

注: 越来越多的大型商船以中速柴油机为动力的原因是它们的尺寸小、重量轻。故选C。





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