词条 | silliker |
释义 | 实力可公司在1967年由John H. Silliker创立,当时食品检验领域还出去萌芽时期。而Dr. Silliker 则将食品检测带到了一个新的水平。如今,实力可作为生物梅里埃集团旗下的公司,是国际认可的领先食品安全和质量实验室。 实力可简介Silliker Group CORP / 实力可集团公司 Silliker Group, the International Leader in Food Safety and Quality 实力可集团:食品安全与质量国际领先企业 Silliker Corporation was founded in 1967 by John H. Silliker, when the field of food testing was in its infancy. Dr. Silliker sought to take food testing to a new and higher level. He had a practical philosophy: “Give the clients more than just analytical results, give them practical solutions to their problems.” 实力可公司在1967年由John H. Silliker创立,当时食品检验领域还出去萌芽时期。而Dr. Silliker 则将食品检测带到了一个新的水平。 他有一个至理名言:不仅仅要给客户检测结果,更要为他们的问题提供实际的解决方案。 As part of the Mérieux Alliance group of companies, Silliker Group Corp. is the leading internationally accredited provider of food safety and quality services. It is comprised of 45 locations in 16 countries, including Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Italy, Mexico, The Netherlands, Poland, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Portugal, Brazil, India and United States. 如今,实力可作为生物梅里埃集团旗下的公司,是国际认可的领先食品安全和质量实验室。在全世界16个国家已经拥有45个实验室,其中包括:澳大利亚、比利时、加拿大、中国、法国、意大利、墨西哥、荷兰、波兰、新加坡、西班牙、瑞士、葡萄牙、巴西、印度和美国。 信誉For over 40 years, food manufacturers, restaurants, caterers and retailers worldwide have recognized Silliker as a trusted partner due to our ability to deliver accurate information in a timely manner, our reputation as a scientific leader in food science, and our international expertise. 40年来,我们致力于及时传达准确的信息以及建立在食品科学和国际专家方面良好的声誉,因此赢得了世界各地的食品工厂,宾馆,餐饮业和零售业的信任。 As a dedicated provider of research, consulting, sensory evaluation, clinical studies, testing, auditing, and training services, we help assure product quality, safety and nutrition from development to delivery. Companies worldwide rely on Silliker services to develop new products, identify operational problems, anticipate areas of concern, and institute practical controls associated with food safety and quality risks. 我们在研究、咨询、感官评价、临床研究、检验、审核以及培训方面都能提供专门的服务,因此从研发到运输,我们都能够保证产品的质量、安全和营养。遍布世界各地的公司依赖于实力可来研发新产品,识别操作问题,预估潜在问题,控制实际操作以及帮助减少食品安全和质量风险。 Moreover, all Silliker laboratories meet or exceed ISO 17025, an international standard that assures testing laboratories maintain a well-defined quality system and the necessary technical competencies to generate reliable test results. This respected benchmark bridges national boundaries, allowing us to provide harmonized services throughout the globe. 而且,所有实力可的实验室都通过国际标准ISO 17025认证,能够保证所有的检验实验室都有良好的质量体系和必要的技术竞争力来得出可靠的检测结果。正是由于这种严谨的实验室标准,我们能够在世界各地的实验室提供同样标准的服务。 WHO CAN BENEFIT FROM SILLIKER’S EXPERTISE? 那么,到底谁能通过实力可的专家获利呢? Silliker places all its knowledge and experience at the service of the major players in the food industry, in retail or catering. We offer national and international companies our knowhow in scientific, regulatory and technical issues, enabling them guarantee the safety, quality and nutritional value of the food they produce, distribute or serve. 实力可将所有的知识和经验都运用于服务的主要行业,如食品工厂, 零售业和餐饮业。我们为国内和国际的公司提供科学,常规和技术方面的解决方案, 使他们能够确保生产,分销和购买的食品既安全又高质量,并且富有营养价值。 |
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