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释义 | 人物经历介绍吕天全,男,1955年11月出生,吉林大学名师,物理学院教授,博士生导师。哈尔滨工业大学兼职博士生导师。吉林省物理学会常务理事长兼秘书长。 吕天全教授主讲过的本科生课程有《力学》《热学》《热力学与统计物理》《固体物理学》,主讲过的研究生课程有《凝聚态物理》《固体量子理论》《固体物理中的格林函数方法》等。编写出版著作有《物理学中的创新思维选例》《普通物理实习实验》。多次获得吉林省和吉林大学教学成果奖。2000年以来,主持国家自然科学基金项目,教育部高等学校骨干教师基金研究项目等多项,主持国家级教改项目1项。2002年宝钢优秀教师奖获得者。在SCI 检索的国际重要学术刊物上发表学术论文30余篇,并多次被引用。 教学表彰奖励1.“实施课堂讲授与开放式演示和实习实验相结合的教学模式,提高教学质量”,吉林大学校级教学成果一等奖,吉林省教学成果二等奖,2001年; 2.“物理学基础课教学内容、方法及教育技术的整合与深化”,吉林大学校级教学成果一等奖,省级教学成果二等奖,2005年; 3.2002年获宝钢优秀教师奖。 主要研究方向1. 量子结构中的电子态、极化子性质、电输运特性的理论研究 耦联量子点列阵中的电子态及其电输运性质的理论研究 量子半导体结构中的电子-声子耦合作用研究. 2. 量子点阵磁学性质的理论研究 稀磁半导体性质的理论研究 3. 铁电薄膜物性的理论研究 4. 高温超导的理论研究 近期发表论文1. Influence of imperfect surface on properties of thin ferroelectric film,Zhiren Zhen and Tianquan Lü,physica B 2. Influence of interface between two ferro- electrics on a film on polarization distribution,Tianquan Lü, Zhiren Zhen and Punan Sun,Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 3. Influence of imperfect surface on properties of ferroelectric thin film,Tianquan Lü and Wenwu Cao,Microelectronic Engineering 4. Influence of interface roughness on electron transport in a quantum well,Yisong Zheng, Tianquan Lü Chengxiang zhang and Wenhui Su,Chin. Phys. Lett 5. Generalized continuum theory for ferroelectric thin film,Tianquan Lü and Wenwu Cao,Phys.Rev. B 6. Scattering rate via electron-acoustic phonon interaction in quantum wire,Yunlong He, Zhen Yin, Mingsheng Zhang, Tianquan Lü and Yisong Zheng,Mat. Sci. Eng. B 7. Calculation of the effective dielectric function of composites with periodic geometry,Chengxiang Zhang, Baifeng Yang, Xuhong Wu, Tianquan Lü, Yisong Zheng and Wenhui Su,Physica B 8. A therotical study on the Coulomb oscillation in a two-dimensional quantum dot,Yisong Zheng, Tianquan Lü,Physica E 9. The influence of the electron effective mass mismatch on the intraband optical transition in a semiconductor superlattice,Yisong Zheng, Tianquan Lü Wenhui Su and Pak Hak Chol,Commun. Theor. Phys 10. Calculation of the electric field in the periodic composite and evaluation of the nonlinear Susceptibility of the periodic composite,Baifeng Yang, Xuhong Wu, Chengxiang Zhang, Shaozeng Wu, Yisong zheng Tianquan Lü and Wenhui Su,Solid State communications 11. Fourier approach to the electric field and the nonlinear susceptibility for a periodic composite,Yang Baifeng , Zhang Chengxiang , Yisong Zheng , Tianquan Lü, Wu Xuhong, Su wenhui, Wu Shaozeng,Phys. Rev. B 12. The effect of electron effedtive mass mismatch on the electron-optical-phonon scattering rate in a quantum well structure,Yisong Zheng, Tianquan Lü, Jiang Liu and Wenhui Su,Semicond. Sci. Technol. 13. The effect of electron effective mass mismatch on electron-phonon scattering rate in a quantum well,Yisong Zheng, Lü Tianquan, Wang Yiding, Wu Xuhong, Zhang Chengxiang and Su Wenhui,Semicond. Sci. Technol. 14. Effective mass of a polaron in a quantum wire under a strong magnetic field,Tianquan Lü, Yisong Zheng, Chengxiang Zhang Xuhong Wu,Phys. Stat. Sol.(b) 15. Effective interaction of electrons in a single-hetero structure by exchange of the interface phonons,Yisong Zheng, Tianquan Lü, Chengxiang Zhang, Xuhong Wu and Wenhui Su,Physics letters A 16. Polaron properties in quantum well,Tianquan Lü and Yisong Zheng,Phys. Rev. B 17. Self-energy and effective mass of a polaron in a quantum,Yisong Zheng and Tianquan Lü,Physica B 18. Effective mass of a polaron in a polar-crystal slab,Jinsong Li, Tianquan Lü and Yisong Zheng,Phys. Stat. Sol.(b) 19. The properties of a polaron in polar-crystal slab,Tian-Quan Lü and Jin-Song Li,J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 5 20. magnetopolaron in a rectangular quantum wire under a strong magnetic field,Tian-Quan Lü,Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 21. Transport throurh a four terminal quantum dot arrays,Physics Letters A,2006 22. Size effect on the dielectric properties of BaTiO3 nano ceramics”, Phys. Rev. B 2006 23. Phase transformation properties of finite size ferrolelectric thin film with structural transition zones,Journal of Applied Physics,2008 24. Phase transition and ferroelectric properties of epotaxially strained KNbO3/NaNbO3 superlattice, Journal of Applied Physics,2008 25. Dielectric properties of ferroelectric thin films with surface transition layers,Physica A,2008 |
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