词条 | 陆君安 |
释义 | 陆君安,1968年毕业于北京大学,现任武汉大学数学与统计学院教授、博士生导师、武汉大学复杂网络研究中心副主任,兼任中国工业与应用数学学会(CSIAM)复杂系统与复杂网络专业委员会副主任、《高等学校计算数学学报》编委、湖北省暨武汉市计算数学学会理事长等职。近期研究领域:复杂网络与复杂系统、非线性系统理论、混沌动力学及其控制、科学与工程计算。至今已发表学术论文170余篇,其中SCI论文80余篇。 中文名:陆君安 主要成就:2008年度国家自然科学二等奖2007年度教育部自然科学一等奖2007年评为二级教授 主要成就:2006年度湖北省自然科学二等奖 任教专业:理学-数学类 所在院系:数学与统计学院 简介陆君安非线性系统理论、混沌控制与同步、复杂网络、科学与工程计算专家。曾获国家自然科学二等奖(项目名称:混沌反控制与广义Lorenz系统族的理论及其应用,第四完成人,2008)、教育部自然科学一等奖(项目名称:几类典型复杂系统的建模、分析与应用,第二完成人,2007)、湖北省自然科学二等奖(项目名称:几类混沌系统的理论、控制及其应用,第一完成人,2006)、国务院政府特殊津贴(1995)等 履历1962 年从浙江温州二中考入北京大学地球物理系天气动力专业(六年制),1968 年分配到青海高原工作。在部队农场劳动锻炼后,分配到海拔4000 多米的气象站和煤矿工作。1979 年考入武汉水利电力大学攻读应用数学专业研究生,获硕士学位后留校任教。1991 年晋升为教授,1994 年至 2004 年期间先后任武汉水利电力大学应用数学系主任、理学院院长、数理系主任、武汉大学数学与统计学院副院长。 成就曾获国家自然科学二等奖(项目名称:混沌反控制与广义Lorenz系统族的理论及其应用,第四完成人,2008)、教育部自然科学一等奖(项目名称:几类典型复杂系统的建模、分析与应用,第二完成人,2007)、湖北省自然科学二等奖(项目名称:几类混沌系统的理论、控制及其应用,第一完成人,2006)、国务院政府特殊津贴(1995)等。至今已发表学术论文180余篇,其中被SCI检索80余篇,被SCI他人引用 800 余次。合著3部。已培养博士生12人(获IEEE Best Student Paper Award一名,湖北省优秀博士论文奖两名,全国优秀博士论文提名奖一名),硕士生30余人。 获奖曾获国家自然科学二等奖(项目名称:混沌反控制与广义Lorenz系统族的理论及其应用,第四完成人,2008)、教育部自然科学一等奖(项目名称:几类典型复杂系统的建模、分析与应用,第二完成人,2007)、湖北省自然科学二等奖(项目名称:几类混沌系统的理论、控制及其应用,第一完成人,2006)、国务院政府特殊津贴(1995)等 主要研究领域非线性系统理论、混沌控制与同步、复杂网络、科学与工程计算。 发表的部分论文目录[1]Junchan Zhao, Qin Li, Jun-An Lu and Zhong-Ping Jiang,Topology Identification of complex dynamical networks, CHAOS ,2010,20(2):023119-7 [2]Chen Chen,Jun-an Lu,Xiaoqun Wu,Complex networks constructed from irrational number sequences,Physica A , 389 (2010):2654-2662 [3]赵军产,陆君安,吴晓群,一般复杂动力网络的优化牵制控制,中国科学: 信息科学,2010,40(6) : 821-830; Junchan Zhao, Jun-An Lu, and XiaoQun Wu, Pinning control of general complex dynamical networks with optimization, Science in China Series F: Information Sciences,2010, Vol. 53 No. 4: 813–822 [4] Hui Liu , Juan Chen, Jun-an Lu, Ming Cao,Generalized synchronization in complex dynamical networks via adaptive couplings ,Physica A ,2010,389 :1759-1770(被PHYSICA A 评为25篇最热门的论文之一Physica A - TOP25 Hottest Articles [5]Hui Liu, Jun-an Lu, and Jinhu Lu , David John Hill,Structure Identification of Uncertain General Complex Dynamical Networks with Time Delay,Automatica-REGULAR PAPERS, 2009,45:1799-1807 [6] Liang Chen, Jinhu Lü, Jun-an Lu, David John Hill, Local asymptotic coherence of time-varying discrete ecological networks, Automatica, 2009, 45:546-552 [7] Juan Chen, Jun-an Lu, Xiaoqun Wu, and Wei Xing Zheng,generalized synchronization of complex dynamical networks via impulsive control, Chaos,2009(19): 043119 [8]Liang Chen, Jun-an Lu, and Chi K. Tse, Synchronization: An Obstacle to Identification of Network Topology,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems—II: EXPRESS BRIEFSI,2009, 56( 4):310-314 [9] Junchan Zhao, Jun-an Lu, and Qunjiao Zhang, Pinning a Complex Delayed Dynamical Network to a Homogenous Trajectory,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—II: EXPRESS BRIEFS, 2009,56(6):514-518 [10] Jin Zhou, Wenwu Yu, Xiumin Li, Michael Small, and Jun-an Lu,Identifying the Topology of a Coupled FitzHugh–Nagumo Neurobiological Network via a Pinning Mechanism,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS, 2009,20(10):1679-1684 [11] XiuPing Han, Jun-an Lu and XiaoQun Wu, SYNCHRONIZATION OF IMPULSIVELY COUPLED SYSTEMS,International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2008, 18 (5): 1539-1549 [12] J. Zhou, X. K. Xu, J. Zhang, J. F. Sun, M. Small and J. A. Lu, GENERATING AN ASSORTATIVE NETWORK WITH A GIVEN DEGREE DISTRIBUTION,International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,2008,18(11 ):3495-3502 [13] Zhou Jin , Lu Jun-an, Lü Jinhu , Pinning adaptive synchronization of a general complex dynamical network ,Automatica , 2008, 44: 996 – 1003 [14]Michael Small,Xiaoke Xu, Jin Zhou,Jie Zhang,Junfeng Sun and Jun-an Lu,Scale-free networks which are highly assortative but not small world,PHYSICAL REVIEW E , 2008, 77:066112 [15]Jin Zhou , Xiaoqun Wu , Wenwu Yu , Michael Small , and Jun-an Lu,Pinning synchronization of delayed neural networks,Chaos, 2008,18:043111 [16]Qunjiao Zhang, Jun-an Lu, Jinhu Lü, and Chi K. Tse,Adaptive Feedback Synchronization of a General Complex Dynamical Network with Delayed Nodes, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—II: EXPRESS BRIEFS, 2008, 55( 2):183-187 [17] Qunjiao Zhang, Jun-an Lu, and Jinhu Lü,Synchronization of a General Delayed Complex Dynamical Network via Adaptive Feedback,Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control ,April 6-8, 2008,Sanya, China, pp.1818-1822,获IEEE Best Student Paper Award. [18]Qunjiao Zhang, Jun-an Lu,Full state hybrid lag projective synchronization in chaotic (hyperchaotic) systems,Physics Letters A, 2008, 372 :1416–1421 [19]Hongwu Tang, Liang Chen1, Jun-an Lu, Chi K. Tse, Adaptive synchronization between two complex networks withnonidentical topological structures , Physica A ,2008,387(22): 5623-5630 [20]Liang Chen, Jun-an Lu, CLUSTER SYNCHRONIZATION IN A COMPLEX DYNAMICAL NETWORK WITH TWO NONIDENTICAL CLUSTERS,JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE & COMPLEXITY , 2008, 21:20–33 [21]Xiuping Han, Jun-an Lu, Guanrong Chen, Nonlinear Integral Synchronization of Ring Networks,Computers and Mathematics with Applications , 2008, 55:808–818 [22]Zhou Jin , Lu Jun-an,Topology indentification of weighted complex dynamical network, Physica A,2007, 386: 481–491 [23]Wu XQ, Wong SC, Tse CK, Lu JA, Bifurcation behavior of SPICE simulations of switching converters: A systematic analysis of erroneous results,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 2007,22 (5): 1743-1752 [24]韩秀萍, 陆君安,从环状网络到链状网络同步能力的变化, 《中国科学E辑: 信息科学》2007第37卷第 6期748-756;Han Xiu-ping,Lu Jun-an,The changes on synchronizing ability of coupled networks from ring networks to chain networks,Science in China Series F: Information Sciences,2007,50(4): 615-624[25]Chen Liang and Lu Jun-an, Synchronization of Complex Network with Drivingly Coupled Scheme, Chinese Physics Letters,2007, 24 (7): 1853-1856 [26]Jin Zhou, Jun-an Lu, Jinhu Lü, Adaptive Synchronization of An Uncertain Complex Dynamical Network,IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2006,51(4):652-656 [27]Xiaoqun Wu, Chi Kong Tse, Octavian Dranga, Jun-an Lu, Fast-scale instability of single-stage power-factor-correction power supplies, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I:Regular papers, 2006,53(1):204-213 [28]Aimin Chen, Jun-an Lu, Jinhu Lü, Simin Yu, Generating hyperchaotic Lü attractor via state feedback control, Physica A, 2006,364: 103-110 [29]Li Damei, Lu Jun-an, Wu Xiaoqun, Chen Guanrong, Estimating the Global Basin of Attraction and Positively Invariant Set for the Lorenz System and a Unified Chaotic System, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,2006, 323(2): 844-853 [30]Li Damei, Lu Jun-an, Wu Xiaoqun, Chen Guanrong, Estimating the Bounds for the Lorenz Family of Chaotic Systems , Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2005, 23: 529-534. [31]Lu Jun-an,Wu Xiaoqun, Han Xiuping, Lü Jinhu, Adaptive feedback synchronization of a unified chaotic system, Physics Letters A, 2004,329: 327-333 [32]C.M.Zhao,S.M.Lo,JA Lu,Z.Fang,A simulation approach for ranking of fire safety attributes of existing buildings, Fire Safety Journal ,2004, 39: 557-579. [33]Lu Jun-an, Lü Jinhu , Xie Jin,Chen Guan Rong,On Reconstruction of The Lorenz and Chen Systems With Noisy Observations, Computers and Mathematics with Application. 2003, 46(8-9) :1427-1434 . [34]Fang Z, Lo SM, Lu Jun-an, On the relationship between crowd density and movement velocity, Fire Safety Journal ,2003,38(3): 271-283. [35] Lu Jun-an, Wu Xiao Qun, Lü Jinhu ,Synchronization of a unified system and the application in secure communication, Physics Letters A,2002,305: 365-370 |
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