词条 | SHGetSpecialFolderPath |
释义 | 该api用来获取指定的系统路径 API声明: function ulong SHGetSpecialFolderPath(long hwndOwner,ref string lpszPath,int nFolder,boolean fCreate ) LIBRARY "shell32.dll" ALIAS FOR "SHGetSpecialFolderPathA" Function Long GetDesktopWindow() Library 'user32.dll' hwndOwner :可用GetDesktopWindow API取一个窗口句柄。或直接传null. lpszPath:返回路径的缓冲区 nFolder:标识代号 fCreate:true :如果文件夹不存在则创建,false:不创建 lpszPath和nFolder对应关系: nFolder lpszPath 0 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/桌面 2 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/「开始」菜单/程序 5 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/My Documents 6 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/Favorites 7 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/「开始」菜单/程序/启动 8 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/Recent 9 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/SendTo 11 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/「开始」菜单 13 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/My Documents/My Music 14 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/My Documents/My Videos 16 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/桌面 19 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/NetHood 20 C:/WINDOWS/Fonts 21 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/Templates 22 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/「开始」菜单 23 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/「开始」菜单/程序 24 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/「开始」菜单/程序/启动 25 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/桌面 26 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/Application Data 27 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/PrintHood 28 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/Local Settings/Application Data 31 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Favorites 32 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/Local Settings/Temporary Internet Files 33 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/Cookies 34 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/Local Settings/History 35 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data 36 C:/WINDOWS 37 C:/WINDOWS/system32 38 C:/Program Files 39 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/My Documents/My Pictures 40 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户 43 C:/Program Files/Common Files 45 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Templates 46 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Documents 47 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/「开始」菜单/程序/管理工具 48 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/「开始」菜单/程序/管理工具 53 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Documents/My Music 54 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Documents/My Pictures 55 C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Documents/My Videos 56 C:/WINDOWS/resources 59 C:/Documents and Settings/当前用户/Local Settings/Application Data/Microsoft/CD Burning实例 #include <shlobj.h> #pragma comment(lib, "shell32.lib") TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL,szPath,CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS, FALSE); // szPath 就是对于这个函数MSDN:使用说明:这里面的CSIDL可能有些使用不正常,最好参考本地SHLOBJ.H文件里面的定义使用保证能using,:) TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL,szPath,CSIDL_APPDATA,FALSE); MessageBox(NULL,szPath,"当前用户配置路径",MB_ICONSTOP); VB6声明(Declare) Declare Function SHGetSpecialFolderPath Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "SHGetSpecialFolderPathA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal pszPath As String, ByVal csidl As Long, ByVal fCreate As Long) As Long |
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