词条 | Shape of My Heart |
释义 | Sting主唱的Shape of My Heart(2003年被翻唱为《Rise & Fall》) Sting主唱的Shape of My HeartShape of My Heart (我心之花色|我心之形) 歌手:Sting 歌词:Sting & Dommic Miller 电影《这个杀手不太冷》(1994)的主题曲(片尾曲) He deals the cards as a meditation 他玩纸牌 如深深冥想 And those he plays never suspect 他打牌从不迟疑 He doesn't play for the money he wins 他总是赢家 却漠视金钱 He doesn't play for the respect 亦无视他人的尊谗 He deals the cards to find the answer 他在牌局中找寻觅答案 The sacred geometry of chance 那神秘几何中的偶然 The hidden law of probable outcome 还有那飘忽结局的背后的隐匿之弦 The numbers lead a dance 数字昂首领舞 I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我明白黑桃如士兵手握的利剑 I know that the clubs are weapons of war 梅花似战场轰鸣的炮枪 I know that diamonds mean money for this art 这艺术般游戏里 方块便若到手的金钱 But that's not the shape of my heart 皆非吾心之形 He may play the jack of diamonds 或许 他会出方块J He may lay the queen of spades 或许 他会下注黑桃Q He may conceal a king in his hand 亦或匿藏手中的K While the memory of it fades 但这些记忆 终将褪色 重唱: I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that's not the shape of my heart That's not the shape, the shape of my heart And if I told you that I loved you 如果我对你说我爱你 You'd maybe think there's something wrong 你会些许困惑 I'm not a man of too many faces 我非善变多面的男人 The mask I wear is one 我的面具 始终如一 Those who speak know nothing 那些多言而无知的人们啊 And find out to their cost 终将背负代价 Like those who curse their luck in too many places 如同四处充斥诅咒的命运者 And those who fear a lost 戚戚于失 重唱: I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that's not the shape of my heart That's not the shape, the shape of my heart 这首歌是电影《这个杀手不太冷》(Leon-The Professional)的主题曲。纽约贫民区住着一个意大利人,名叫莱昂(Leon),职业杀手。一天,邻居家小姑娘马蒂尔达(Mathilda)敲开他的房门,要求在他这里暂避杀身之祸。原来,邻居家的主人是警察的眼线,只因贪污了一小包毒品而遭恶警剿灭全家的惩罚。马蒂尔达得到莱昂的留救,开始帮莱昂管家并教其识字,莱昂则教女孩用枪,两人相处融洽。女孩跟踪恶警,贸然去报仇,反倒被抓。莱昂及时赶到,将女孩救回。他们再次搬家,但女孩还是落入恶警之手。莱昂撂倒一片警察,再次救出女孩并让她通过通风管道逃生,并嘱咐她去把他积攒的钱取出来。莱昂化装成警察想混出包围圈,但被恶警识破。最后一刻,莱昂引爆了身上的炸弹与警察同归于尽。留下马蒂尔达和他曾经最喜欢的那株没有根的植物。 起源于占卜的纸牌本来就含着些命运的深意,被诗人般的歌手配成电影的片尾曲,天衣无缝——心,该是鲜红跳动的桃形,扑克牌中只有红桃像它,那是爱的象征。权力(黑桃)、金钱(方片)、武力(梅花)都非我心所愿。而只有真心,只有爱,是我一直所追求的。 第一次听这首歌的时候,还没有看过这部电影,耳畔回响着歌手那有点低沉的声音,不知道为什么,心被揪得紧紧的。于是把这部电影找来看。歌曲就是Leon的内心独白。一个职业杀手,生活在自己的世界里。曾经有过刻骨铭心的爱,可在永远失去爱人后,开始了一个人的旅程。不知道他为什么选择杀手这条路,但可以知道的是,不是因为权利,不是因为金钱。或许杀手可以让自己不再陷入爱中。对于杀手,爱只是个包袱。他习惯独来独往,一个人去超市,一个人喝牛奶,一个人坐在椅子上,睁着一只眼睛睡觉,无牵无挂。可是,在他为马蒂尔达开门的那一刻,一切都变了。他开始渐渐看清自己的心……马蒂尔达说她爱上他了,他明白自己的心,只是他不敢。一个杀手,永远只有今天,没有明天。可最后,他还是可以面对自己的内心,马蒂尔达改变了他,“你让我尝到了人生的滋味,我开始想要过得快乐,睡在床上,有牵挂……” 其实我到最后也不明白,他对马蒂尔达究竟是什么样的感情,父亲、朋友、情人……不过这些都不重要,不管是哪一种爱,都出自内心最深处。就像歌直到最后,也没有说出究竟什么才是心的形状。不过我们知道,我们每个人都应该知道…… 2003年被翻唱为《Rise & Fall》该曲于2003年由两代英国流行音乐巨星Craig David& Sting翻唱,为《Rise & Fall》。且两人因这翻唱新曲被《时代》周刊评选为2003年“年度最重量级音乐组合”。此歌内容系反映巨星人生的起落。 在2011年BBC出品的《Hustle》第七季中作为结尾曲 后街男孩主唱的Shape of My HeartShape of My Heart(我的心意)也是后街男孩收录在专辑Black&Blue中的一首歌曲,且此曲被认定为后街男孩五人时代时的代表作之一而被收录至后街男孩的第一张官方精选集《The Hits - Chapter One》 歌词: Hmm, yeah, yeah Baby, please try to forgive me 请原谅我 Stay here don't put out the glow 留下来,不要放弃你的热情 Hold me now don't bother 抱着我,不必烦恼 If every minute it makes me weaker 如果我渐渐弱去 You can save me from the man that I've become (惟有)你可以将我拯救 Oh yeah Lookin' back on the things I've done 回望我过去的种种 I was tryin' to be someone 从前我想要改变自己 I played my part, kept you in the dark 我自导自演,没让你看见真实的我 Now let me show you the shape of my heart 但现在我要向你表明我的心意 Sadness is beautiful and loneliness is tragical 哀伤显得优美,孤独有如一出悲剧 So help me I can't win this war 拯救我吧,这场战争我不可能胜利 Oh no Touch me now don't bother 贴近我,不必烦恼 If every second it makes me weaker 如果我渐渐弱去 You can save me from the man that I've become (惟有)你可以将我拯救 Lookin' back on the things I've done I was tryin' to be someone I played my part, kept you in the dark Now let me show you the shape of my heart I'm here with my confession 我就在这里坦白 Got nothing to hide no more 再也不作任何隐瞒了 I don't know where to start 不知道如何开口 But to show you the shape of my heart 只好直接向你表明我的心意 I'm lookin' back on things I've done 我回望过去的种种 I never wanna play the same old part 我不想继续作秀 Or keep you in the dark 不想继续对你隐瞒 Now let me show you the shape of my heart 现在让我向你表明我的心意 (重唱) Lookin' back on the things I've done I was tryin' to be someone I played my part, kept you in the dark Now let me show you the shape of my heart Lookin' back on the things I've done I was tryin' to be someone I played my part, kept you in the dark Now let me show you the shape of my heart Show you the shape of my heart [Soul Solution Radio Mix] 混音版Shape of My Heart [Soul Solution Radio Mix] 为后街男孩主唱的《Shape of My Heart》的一个官方混音版,收录在后街男孩的《The Call》单曲CD《Call》中,曲长2分53秒。 《Hustle》谢幕曲Shape of My Heart大乱之后必有大治,约莫这是我现在一团mess的生活最好的写照…… 在打扫完闲置半年的蜗居,对着Dell鏖战出数份不忍卒读的总结简报,终于可以心安理得地泡一杯雀巢,悠闲地开始腐败…… 久违的《Hustle》在2011年呈上了一份丰厚的交织着阴谋诡计和狡黠机智的英式幽默大餐,围绕在“Micky Bricks”周围的骗子团体功力更上层楼,把一众葛朗台玩弄股掌,惩恶扬善的同时亦不忘收取一份不算菲薄的酬劳。颇有些罗宾汉一般仗剑除奸的酣畅淋漓,算是盗亦有道么? You’ll never cheat a honest man. 吾深以为然。每每看到最终一集时总会有种难以言喻的怅惘,仿佛梦到深处,不忍醒来,然窗外已透进拂晓的晨光。第七季的最终回却让我除了惆怅还生出深深的悲哀,之后又是一种难言的默契和无奈的赞同,五味杂陈,实在是不符合一部娱乐性影视剧的主调。Albert是个极为可爱的老爷子,睿智又圆滑,贪心又谨慎,不得不说,有些男士的魅力无关于年龄。这一集有一段非常温馨的插曲,Albert年轻时的恋人在分别三十年后给了他人生最大的惊喜——我几乎是错觉这是一部温情文艺片了。看着Albert和素未谋面的女儿小心翼翼地试探,包容,相互了解,在Kathleen充满感情地说:“You’re grandfather.”几乎有了落泪的冲动。我想就如同所有的女性在年轻时难免幻想有一个佐罗一样的爱人,所有的孩子都会梦想有一个传奇一般神秘的父亲,然而,现实却是遥远的金银岛可能比不上雨天里一把撑起的伞,或是饥肠辘辘时一碗热腾腾的罗宋汤。所以,女孩子们会爱上佐罗,但是她们最终会嫁给青梅竹马的可能不那么英俊甚至脸上还有雀斑的邻居小子。因为那触手可及的温暖。看着Albert向Kathleen打开另一个世界神秘的大门,纸醉金迷,觥筹交错,看着Kathleen眼中满满的崇拜和惊喜,看着Albert难以掩饰的自豪和得意,多可爱啊……这是属于Grifter的梦幻岛。 最终,导演的黑色幽默狠狠调侃了这一群被煽情得不能自抑的观众,Albert的历史再度重演,他赢了赌局,却输掉了亲情。不能不说,这是一件很荒谬的事情,居然是一个资深的骗子让我体会到了诚实,Albert诚实地面对了生活,他终究不可能归于平淡。此时,有一种宿命论一样的悲哀。羡慕着那样的平和安详,然而自己只能是那安详里的过客。有一种“人在江湖”的萧索。片尾的配曲真神来之笔,没料到Sting的《Shape of My Heart》竟然如此贴切。 He deals the cards as a meditation 他出牌的样子好像在冥想 And those he plays never suspect 每一次出手却从不费思量 He doesn't play for the money he wins 他打牌不为谋夺钱财 He doesn't play for the respect 更不是为了赢得敬仰 He deals the cards to find the answer 他在牌局中找寻着答案 The sacred geometry of chance 探索神秘的几何概率 The hidden law of probable outcome 其间最终的结局 The numbers lead a dance 在数字背后深深隐藏 I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我知道黑桃是战士的利剑 I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道梅花是战争武器 I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我知道方块象征着财富 But that's not the shape of my heart 但那红心却不是我心之形状 He may play the jack of diamonds 他可能出方块杰克 He may lay the queen of spades 他可能出黑桃皇后 He may conceal a king in his hand 他可能还藏着一张国王 While the memory of it fades 当那些回忆都逐渐消亡 I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that's not the shape of my heart That's not the shape, the shape of my heart And if I told you that I loved you 如果过去对你说我爱你 You'd maybe think there's something wrong 你可能会觉得可笑荒唐 I'm not a man of too many faces 我不是一个善于矫饰的人 The mask I wear is one 我只顶着一张面具 Those who speak know nothing 夸夸其谈的人大多无知 And find out to their cost 斤斤计较眼前得失 Like those who curse their luck in too many places 正如那些四处抱怨自己运气的人 And those who fear a lost 常戚戚于失 |
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