

词条 卢欣生


男,1961年3月生,籍贯陕西,金融学博士(PhD,Monash University), 南京财经大学金融学院教授。




2005年12月毕业于澳大利亚莫纳什大学(Monash University)财务金融系,获金融学博士学位

1999年12月毕业于新西兰梅西大学(Massey University)商学院,获金融银行学硕士学位


1983年7月毕业于西北农业大学(今西北农林科技大学)农业经济系,获学士学位。工作经历。2007年9月,南京财经大学金融学院教授2002年1月,澳大利亚莫纳什大学经济与商务学院财务金融系博士、研究员 1997年2月,纽西兰梅西大学国际经济系访问学者1994年9月,中国国家教委公派访问学者,在荷兰梯尔堡大学发展研究所(IVO)从事贸易金融合作研究一年 1994年3月 陕西省社会科学院经济研究所副研究员1993年5月,参与国家科委与日本国际协作局(JICA)赴日研修项目,在日本做农村金融制度与农业协同组合研究半年1988年4月 陕西省社会科学院经济研究所助理研究员1986年7月,西北农业大学经济管理学院讲师


1. Lu, X., Huo, X. (2007).The high frequency response of Australian financial futures to monetary policy announcements. The Business Review, Cambridge. Vol 7, No.2, Summer 2007.

2. Lu, X., Wu, Y. (2006). Financial market reactions to monetary policy and open

market operations: The Australian case. The Business Review, Cambridge. Vol 5, No.2, Summer 2006.

3. Lu, X., In, F. (2006). Monetary policy, open market operations and New Zealand

interest-rate and exchange rate markets. The Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy 11,

No 4 /December.

4. Lu, X., In, F. (2005). Open market operations and implementation of monetary policy

in a small open economy: case of New Zealand. The Business Review, Cambridge.

Vol 4, No.1, Summer 2005.

5. Lu, X., In, F. (2005). The impact of the Reserve Bank's open market operations on

Australian interest rate and foreign exchange markets. Presented in Bank of Finland

and SUERF Conference, Helsinki, Finland, Sept 2005. Published as conference

proceedings by Routledge.

6. Lu, X., In, F. (2005). Monetary surprises and financial market reactions: Some

insights into the announcement effect of Australian cash rate target. Conference

proceedings, 2nd International Business Research Conference, Sydney, Australia,

December 2005.

7. Some insights into the foreign exchange pricing puzzle: Evidence from a small

open economy. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 12 (2004), 41-64. Co-authored

with Chen, J.G. and Naylor, M. J.

8. China's IPO market: Emergence, development and new issues. (Published book),

ShaanxiPeoples Publishing House, Xian, China, 1997.

9. Futures markets for grain and non-storable agricultural commodities: Theory and modelling. (Published book,), Shaanxi Science & Technology Press,

Xian, China, 1994. 1. Lu, X., Huo, X. (2007).The high frequency response of Australian financial futures to monetary policy announcements. The Business Review, Cambridge. Vol 7, No.2, Summer 2007





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