

词条 卢家华

卢家华,男,曾用名:卢熹 。1969年5月出生于山东临沂。1995年结业于中央美术学院研究生课程班。2005年毕业于中国美术学院油画系第三工作室获得硕士学位。现任教于浙江工业大学之江学院。

获奖及收藏: 1, 1998年作品《逢集的日子》参加第九届全国美展山东展,参加中国艺术博览会。

2, 作品《窗前少女》被中国美术学院收藏;

3, 2005年油画《集市》参加浙江首届青年油画大展。

4,《素描静物系列》参加福建首届青年素描大展, 并在《福建艺术》上发表;

5, 2006年九月二日在山东省美术馆举办“一片江南”为主题的风景画展,


6, 2006年参加由中国美术学院秦大虎教授带领的红色之旅写生团活动,

奔赴井冈 山、瑞金等地写生;

7, 2006年创作南京军区一军博物馆大型军史画《力挽狂澜》700x230cm,


8, 理论研究论文 : 《神理之间》发表于中国文联出版社的


《美术大观》2007年第一期。LujiaHua, male, born in May 1969 shandong linyi. Certificate of the central academy of fine arts in 1995 graduate programs. 2005 graduated from Chinese academy studio in the master's degree. Teaches in zhejiang university, zhijiang institute.

Awards and collection:

1, 1998 FengJi works in the day of the ninth national art exhibition in China's shandong provic e, art fair.

2, the girl "by the window works to China academy of art collection,

3, 2005 in zhejiang oil-painting "bazaar" first youth painting exhibition.

4 and the setting in fujian series "first youth sketch in the exhibition, and published in fujian art,

On September 5, 2006 in shandong art museum "a jiangnan" as the theme of landscape painting,

And accept the CCTV interviews,

In June, 2006 by the Chinese academy of QinDaHu professor led red tour sketch activity,

To interact, etc; the sketch

7, 2006, nanjing museum of a creation of the large-scale military history do 700x230cm ragazzi,

"Until 600x230c".

Eight, the theory of shenli paradigm, the research papers published in China federation between the press

The fourth stage art and investment, The contemporary Chinese oil painting and the relationship between the traditional Chinese painting "icadl published

The art of grand 2007 first phase.





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