词条 | Server rental |
释义 | Server rental是服务器租用是指用户无须自己购买服务器,只需根据自己业务的需要,提出对硬件配置的要求。主机服务器由IDC服务商配置。用户采取租用的方式,安装相应的系统软件及应用软件以实现用户独享专用高性能服务器,实现WEB+FTP+MAIL+VDNS全部网络服务功能,用户的初期投资减轻了,可以更专著于自己业务的研发。 服务器租用目前主机提供商提供的主机租用服务的 主机类型主要是基于Intel CPU的服务器,用户可以自行安装操作系统及相应的应用 软件,并完全自行管理 ,也可由本公司代用户安装系统、应用软件,免费提供服务 器监测服务。IDC服务商一般会将连续租用1年或者2年服务器产权归客户 所有. 1。服务器托管就是你买服务器放到IDC机房里,别人只是提供网络接口并帮你看管一下 2。服务器租用和服务器托管唯一不同就是机器是别人的,别人把机器租给你用,当然价钱比托管贵 3。虚拟主机是是运用虚拟技术把一台服务器划分为多个模块,这样就节省了机器的开支,但服务的能力也下降了,而且空间一般也不大,当然价钱也便宜了,适合个人或者小企业。 至于市场价格,建议货比三家,一般租用>托管>虚拟主机,具体价钱和你要求的网络带宽以及机器处理能力等因素有关系。 当然如果你只是放一个小站点,建议你用虚拟主机比较合算!空间成本费用超过6000以上的,可以考虑租用服务器. 服务器租用和服务器托管有什么区别,哪个更合算? 随着网络资源服务市场的成熟,现在发展起来的共有三种基本的网站系统方式:虚拟主机,整机租用以及服务器托管。 整机租用是由数据中心提供服务器,只能有一个客户或者是网站通过租用方式使用它,并且由Internet数据中心替客户进行管理维护。您轻松享受从设备、环境到维护的一整套服务。 服务器托管是客户自身拥有一台服务器,并把它放置在Internet数据中心的机房,由客户自己进行维护,或者是由其它的签约人进行远程维护。 两者相比,整机租用在成本和服务方面的优势更为显著。它让您起步更轻松,不仅综合性价比更优良,且有很好的可扩展性和多样化的选择服务器品牌和操作系统。 Server rentalServer means that users do not need to rent buy their own server, just according to their business needs, the requirements of the hardware configuration. Host server configuration by the IDC service providers. Users a way to rent, install the appropriate system software and application software in real Users are exclusive high-performance dedicated servers, to achieve WEB + FTP + MAIL + VDNS all network services, users of Reduce the initial investment could be more dedicated in their own R & D operations. At present, the host provider hosting services Host type is mainly based on Intel CPU server, the user can install their own operating system and the corresponding application Software, and fully self-management, but also by the Company on behalf of users to install the system, application software, provided free of charge service Device monitoring services. IDC service providers will generally leased for 1 year or 2 years of property rights to the server for all clients. 1. Server hosting is that you buy on the IDC server rooms, others only provide the network interface and help you care about 2. Server hosting and server rental only difference is that the machines are others, others leased the machine you use, of course, is more expensive than hosting You 3. Virtual host is to use virtualization technology to a server is divided into multiple modules, thus saving the expenditure on machinery, but the services also fell, but not much space in general, of course, price is also cheaper for individuals or small enterprises. As the market price, it is recommended to shop around, the general rental> hosting> virtual host, the specific price and your network bandwidth requirements as well as the ability to deal with factors such as the machines are. Of course, if you just put a small site, it is recommended you use a virtual host relatively cost-effective! Space cost more than more than 6000, you can consider renting the server. Server rental and hosting What's the difference, which is more cost-effective? With the network resources of a mature market, and now developed a total of three basic methods of Web site system: virtual host, machine rental, as well as server hosting. Machine rental is provided by data center servers, there can be only one client or the Web site through the use of renting it, and from the Internet data center management and maintenance for customers. You to easily enjoy from the equipment, the environment to maintain a complete set of services. Server hosting customers their own server 1, and including it in the Internet data center room, maintained by the customer themselves, or by other contractor to carry out remote maintenance. Both compared to machine rental cost and service advantages more prominent. It allows you to start more easily, not only better integrated cost-effective, and have good scalability and a variety of brands to choose the server and operating system. 选购服务器租用商的建议现在互联网上提供虚拟主机服务的服务商非常多,价格和服务质量也千差万别,选择虚拟主机对于建立网站来说非常重要,以下事项务必注意: 一. 选择有经营许可证的服务商 我们国家对互联网经营者要求必须具备《中华人民共和国电信与信息服务业务经营许可证》,否则即是违法经营,一旦进行检查,没有该许可证的服务商会被勒令停业,如果在没有许可证的服务商那里租用虚拟主机非常危险.同时,还要注意识别ICP经营许可证和ICP备案证的区别,ICP备案是针对非经营性网站的,比如普通企业网站,个人网站等,只能申请到ICP备案,实际上是没有经营资格的. 二. 切勿贪图便宜 虚拟主机是由服务器通过虚拟主机技术分割成多个主机,一般来说,服务器上放置200个以内企业网站或30个以内功能型网站均属正常,不太会影响服务器的速度;如果超过这个数字,再好的服务器也很难承受,结果就会速度下降,故障频繁的现象. 而一个性能比较可靠的服务器+电信机房托管费用+技术监控和销售推广等费用,价格至少在20000-30000左右。因此,一般的HTML空间价格应该在200以上,而功能型主机的价格在600以上才可能够略有利润,如果贪图便宜,你很可能会遇到以下情况: 1)一个服务器上可能放了1000以上的网站数量,服务器速度缓慢甚至当机 2)对功能作了过多限制,导致某些网站程序无法运行 3)过分限制带宽,导致访问速度缓慢,或显示超过在线人数 4)数据库超过负荷,导致数据库经常出现故障 5)服务商无力负担而随意改变服务方案 我们曾有一位非常典型的应用系统客户,原来在某公司租用了一个价格比较便宜的主机,开始的时候运行还可以,一个月以后,经常发现网站打不开,继而很多网站功能无法使用;委托我们和那家公司交涉后我们发现,原来那家公司开始的时候主机的PHP权限是完整的,后来服务器上用户多了,受不了,改装了安全模式,即只能运行很少量简单的网站程序,导致网站中的程序无法再运行;最后,那个客户也不愿意去为几百块钱打官司,只能重新租用了合适的虚拟主机。那几百块钱只能白白扔掉了。 三. 关注自己的邻居 由于虚拟主机是很多个网站共用的,因此关注自己的邻居网站是否占了很大的资源是非常重要的;比如一个大型的论坛,可能会占去50%以上的服务器资源,剩下的50%资源给其他网站分,效果可想而知了。 当然,除非用黑客手段,否则我们很难知道自己的邻居是谁,那么,就需要搞清楚:主机服务商是否允许在网站上放论坛,聊天,江湖,外挂,下载等占用大量资源的网站系统; 四. 看看服务商的公司是否有生命力 在当今虚拟主机业务竞争白热化的时代,一家网络服务公司如果只靠域名和虚拟主机根本无法生存;当一家公司连锅都揭不开的时候,很难想象会去做好技术服务工作;因此,看服务商是否有实力,或是否有自己的特色产品非常重要。只有有生命力的服务商才可能为你提供长期稳定的服务。 五.签定托管/租用合同 很多人对于合同之事,不太重视,但一般机房或者一级代理,都提供此服务。有合同在手,一是日后可以有证明资料,一是使托管/租用正规化。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 如何选择一个正规的服务器租用商 现在的IDC行业确实存在着一些良莠不齐的现象,有的公司混水摸鱼,有点造假做假,作为信息不对称一方的站长跟企业用户,确实是需要多了解一些相关的行业知识,避免一些不必要的麻烦和损失! 就此问题,我们在此分析一下。 首先,我们区分一下低价租用的类型 1. 真正低价 IDC服务商搞促销,确实不要利润。 2. 机房成本低 由于各机房所处的网络节点不同、网络带宽不同、服务水平不同,各机房的技术人员水平不同,这些因素都会影响服务器的最终价格。 3. 骗人手法 除了我们能正常理解的低价,比较可怕的是骗子。IDC近2年的发展,滋生了非常多的"个人创业者"这些创业者大部分没有合法证件,没有公司,只是通过网站,代理的形式得以生存。我们相信大部分创业者是好的,但有部分思想恶劣之人,通过网络作起了诈骗的生意。 4. 过时机型 服务器是不断更新换代的。信誉好的IDC服务商一直提供主流的产品租用。而那些技术水平不高的公司,可能只会将过时的机型重新包装来忽悠消费者。 那么,如何租用到最佳性价比的服务器产品要注意哪些问题呢?我们的建议如下 1、 要找有合法资质的IDC服务商,服务商要拥有营业执照、ICP证书等,除了在网上看到这些资质的扫描件外,还不要忘记在相关网站上查询一下(ICP查询网站与工商在线查询网站)。看一下证照齐全,自然多了几分信任。 2、 查看一下该公司的规模,这可通过公司的电话来了解。一般情况下大公司都会开设800服务电话;有专门的网页放联系方式,每个部门都有专门的电话,这些电话是个人无法申请的,只有一定规模的公司才有可能有这些。除此之外,还有详细的地址邮编和免费的联系电话,这样就比较让人放心! 另外,还可以看下在线QQ的数量,如果在线QQ数量比较多的话至少说明这个公司具有一定规模,而不是那种两三个人就开一个公司的,他的信誉度也提升了不少。 3、 服务器租用所使用的机房是不是顶级或A级骨干节点的机房,这方面可通过查询IP地址来获得机房的的查验服务器是不是主流配置,这方面主要是看CPU的外频,400/533均省↓时产品,明智的客户应该租用至少800外频甚至是至强双核、AMD双核的产品。用户可以服务器的"我的电脑""属性"中进行查看。 5、 看看有没有加速引擎及增值服务,别小看这些细节,没有实力的小公司是不会关注这些的,小细节恰恰能够体现公司的精神和实力。小细节更让人信服! 中小企业选择服务器租用商被骗原因及注意事项: 首先,分析下为什么那么多人被骗?原因大致有以下几点: 第一,骗子抓住大部分人爱贪小便宜的弱点,采用低价战术诱惑想开私服的人。 这些人往往都是想少花钱多赚钱的,所以只能是贪小便宜吃大亏。 第二,骗子给你玩文字游戏,让你产生误解。比如他们的广告上说他们的服务器有8G硬防 但当你的网站被攻击找他说理的时候 他会告诉你:我们确实有8G硬防啊,但你又没说要。要的话是要另收费的! 第三,骗子最爱在后期和你玩猫腻。他们会在前期打出一个超低价诱惑你付钱。 等到前期款到了,他们就开始这项费用,那项费用的乱收费。 一通乱收费下来,价钱就等于是您前期想象的好几倍了 第四,看他们的售后了。很多都是小代理商,卖出去拿了钱后,完全就不负责了 别说想找他们服务,估计连个电话 都打不通。 为什么现在IDC市场那么难做,为什么很多人感觉IDC商十个有九个是骗子? 就是因为有那么多的骗子欺骗了很多的没经验的客户,才使IDC商的口碑越来越差。 所以想搞网站的朋友一定要选择对IDC服务商才能真正的安心,放心,省心。 那么如何选择呢 ? 第一,看IDC商是不是正规公司,有没有备案,能不能在官网查到那个备案 第二,看IDC商有没有电信增值业务经营许可证 第三,会不会和你签订合同之类的有力保障证明,并仔细看看合同上写的是否明确 第四,看看他们公司的客户案例,调查下有那些大公司在使用他们的服务 第五,最好能实地考察机房,眼见为实啊!! Hire purchase server's recommendationNow the Internet provides virtual hosting services are many service providers, price and quality of service also varies, select a virtual host site for the establishment is very important to be sure to pay attention to the following matters: 1. Choice of service providers operating permit Our country on the Internet, the request of the operators must have the 《China Telecom and information services business license》, or else that is illegal, once the inspection, the absence of the permits to the Chamber of Commerce was ordered to close down, if in the absence of a permit service providers, where the rental of virtual hosts is very dangerous. At the same time, we must pay attention to identification of ICP and ICP license permits the distinction between the record, ICP is the record for non-operating site, such as general business websites, personal websites, but can only apply to the ICP record, in fact, there is no qualified operators. 2. Do not yield to the temptation of cheap Virtual host by virtual host server technology split into multiple hosts, generally speaking, the server 200 to place a corporate Web site or within 30 days functional site are normal, do not affect the server's speed; if more than this figure , even the best servers can hardly bear, the result will be slowed down, fault frequent phenomenon. and a more reliable performance of the server + telecommunications room custody fee + technical monitoring and sales promotion costs, prices at least around 20000-30000. Thus, the general spatial price HTML should be more than 200, while the functional host 600 over the price of a slight profit in order to be able to, if just for the sake of cheap, you may experience the following: 1) a server may take more than 1,000 the number of Web sites, the server is slow even when the machine 2) were too many restrictions on the function, resulting in some sites can not run program 3) excessive restrictions on bandwidth, resulting in the slow pace of the visit, or show more than the number of online 4) overloading the database, resulting in the database are frequently out of 5) service providers can not afford to randomly change the services and programs We had a very typical applications customers, a company in the original rental price of a cheaper console, the beginning of the run can also be a month later, are often found to open site, and then can not use a lot of site functionality; commissioned us and that company representations we found that the original company that started when the host is a complete PHP permissions, then the server multi-user, and can not stand, modification of the security model, that is only running a simple little site procedures , leading to the procedure site can not be run; Finally, the customers do not want to go to court for a few hundred dollars, only to re-hire the right virtual host. That a few hundred dollars can only be thrown away in vain. III. Concerned about their neighbors As the virtual host is a lot of websites to share, so concerned about their neighbor site accounted for a lot of resources are very important; such as a large forum, may be accounted for more than 50% of server resources, while the remaining 50% resources to other sites points, we can imagine the effect. Unless, of course, means with hackers, otherwise it is difficult to know who their neighbors are, then, we need to figure out: whether to allow the host service providers put on the website forum, chat, arena, plug-in, download a lot of resources, such as occupation of the site system ; IV. Take a look at whether service providers have vitality In today's virtual console era of business competition, a network services company, if only the domain name and virtual host simply can not survive; pot even when a company has not revealed when opened, it is hard to imagine going to do a good job in technical services; Therefore, service provider to see whether there is strength, or whether there is their own special products is very important. Only a viable service provider can provide you with services of long-term stability. 5. Signed hosted / rental contract Many people contract the matter, has not paid much attention, it is generally a room or agents, have provided this service. Had a contract in hand, one can prove that the future data, First Trust / rental regularization. How to choose a regular server rental business IDC now there are some genuinely good and the bad phenomenon, and some companies to fish in troubled waters, a bit false false, as the information asymmetry of the head side with business users really need to know more about some of the relevant industry knowledge, to avoid any unnecessary the trouble and loss! On this issue, we in this analysis. First, we distinguish between what type of low-cost rental 1. Truly low-cost IDC service providers engaged in promotion, did not return. 2. Room low cost As the room in which the different network nodes, network bandwidth is different from the standard of service is different from the engine room of the technical staff at different levels, these factors will affect the ultimate price of the server. 3. Deceptive practices In addition to our normal understanding of the low-cost, more terrible is the liar. IDC nearly 2 years of development, breeding a lot of "personal business" in most of these entrepreneurs have no legal documents, not the company, but through the website, the form of proxy to survive. We believe most entrepreneurs are good, but some of the thinking of the poor, through the network played a fraud business. 4. Outdated models Server is constantly upgrading the. IDC reputable service providers has been providing the mainstream rented Products. And those with low technological level of the company, it may only be repackaged outdated models to deceive consumers. How to hire the best price-performance server products should pay attention to what problem? Our proposal is as follows 1, to find a legitimate qualification of IDC service providers, service providers must have a business license, ICP certificate, etc., in addition to online scan to see these quality items, but also not forget that in the relevant website click (ICP query sites and industrial and commercial Online Inquiry website). Look at the complete license naturally somewhat more confidence. 2, check the company's size, this can be through the company phone to find out. Under normal circumstances large companies will set up 800 service telephone; have a special place contact page, each specialized phones, these phones can not apply for an individual, and only a certain size there can be any of these. In addition, detailed address Zip code and free contact telephone number, so more reassuring! In addition, can also be the number of QQ online facie, if the number of online QQ more, then at least this company has a certain size, rather than the kind of two or three individuals to open a company, and his credibility has increased a lot. 3, the server used in the engine room to rent is not top-level or A-class backbone nodes room, which can query IP address to access the engine room of the inspection is not the mainstream server configuration, this area is to look at the main CPU FSB, 400 / ↓ province when 533 are products, customers should be wise to rent or even at least 800 FSB Xeon dual-core, AMD dual-core products. Users can the server "My Computer" "Properties" in the view. 5, see if there is to speed up the engine and the value-added services, do not look down on these details, did not have the strength of small companies are not concerned about these small details can precisely reflect the company's spirit and strength. Small details are convincing! Select the server rented small and medium-sized business reasons deceived and Cautions: First of all, analyze why so many people being cheated? Largely because the following points: First, most people love to seize liar corrupt small cheap weaknesses, the use of low-cost tactical temptation would like to open a private server people. These people always want to do more with less money, so can only be a small greedy suffer a great deal cheaper. Second, the cheater to you to play with words and allows you to misunderstanding. For instance, advertising on their server that they have a hard anti-8G But when your site has been attacked him when reasoning He will tell you: we do have anti-8G hard ah, but you do not have to. To what is to the other charges! Third, the cheater and your favorite game in the late Cat Greasy. They will play a super-low-cost pre-tempted to pay you. To wait until the pre-section, they began the costs, that the cost of indiscriminate collection of fees. Arbitrary collection of fees in one pass down the price you would be tantamount to pre-imagined several times a Fourth, to see if they had the aftermarket. Many are small agents, sold after taken our money, not entirely responsible for the Let alone find their services, it is estimated that even the phone calls can not get through. Why is so difficult to IDC market, why many people feel that nine out of ten business IDC is cheater? Is because there are so many swindlers deceive a lot of inexperienced clients, able to IDC's reputation is getting worse. So think of the site must be chosen to a friend IDC service providers in order to truly feel at ease, rest assured that worry. How to choose? First, look at IDC are not a regular company, it has no record can be found at the official website that the record Secondly, look at IDC have no value-added telecommunications business license Third, will you sign the contract and such a strong guarantee to prove, and a closer look at the written contract clearly Fourth, take a look at their company's customer cases under investigation are the large companies in the use of their services Fifth, the best field trips to the engine room, seeing is believing ah! ! |
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