

词条 龙志和

基本信息(Basic Information)

姓名: 龙志和

Name: Long Zhihe

职称: 教授

Title: Professor

所在系: 华南理工大学经济系

Department: Economics

龙志和教授湖南安化人,1954年7月20日出生于北京,当过兵,当过电焊工。恢复高考后,1978年考入西南交通大学。1982年毕业留校任教, 2001年调入华南理工大学。现为华南理工大学工商管理学院经济学教授、博士生导师,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家,兼职中华外国经济学研究会理事、广东省经济学会常务理事。 治学严鳎?萄?Ч?灾??钍苎??队?J?嗄昀矗?群笪?┦垦芯可??妒垦芯可??BA、本科生,专科生,各类成人教育等多层次学生开设《当代经济学说》、《高级宏观经济学》、《经济学前沿研究》、《中国社会主义经济理论》、《宏观经济学》,《微观经济学》、《管理经济学》、《组织行为学》、《企业管理理论》等多门课程,获多项优秀教学奖励。自1991年以来,龙志和教授在管理工程、技术经济学、产业经济学等多个硕士点指导硕士研究生二十三名,已毕业十九名。








2000年 西南交通大学获管理学博士 专 业:管理科学与工程

1988年 西南交通大学获工学硕士 专 业:管理工程 研究方向:管理经济

1982年 西南交通大学获哲学学士 专 业:经济学


1982-2000 西南交通大学 助教、讲师、副教授、教授、博士生导师

2001至今 华南理工大学 教授、博士生导师











1. “香港软件产业发展战略研究”,国务院港澳研究所委托

2. “广东省成长型中小工业企业评价研究”(2005年、2007年、2008年),广东省中小企业局委托








1. “中国工业产业发展中知识溢出效应的实证研究”,《经济评论》,2008年第2期

2. The Application of Bootstrap Method for Diagnostic Testing a Spatial Econometric Model , Kuan-Pin Lin, Zhi-He Long, Mei Wu, The 1st World Congress of the Spatial Econometrics Association Cambridge , England , July 11-14,2007

3. “中国地区经济σ收敛的空间计量实证分析”,《数量经济与技术经济》,2006年第4期

4. “我国地区经济收敛的空间计量实证分析”,《经济学(季刊)》,总第18期,2005年10月

5. “中国城镇居民预防性储蓄实证研究”,《经济研究》2000年第11期

6. “我国城镇居民消费行为研究”,《经济研究》1994年第4期






《中国消费品与投资品市场非均衡经济计量模型研究》, 四川省哲学社会科学优秀科研成果三等奖(1996年)








Fields of Interest

Spatial Econometrics


Managerial Economics

China Economic Issues

Frontier of Economics


PhD, Major: Management Science And Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, 2000;

M. Eng., Major: Management Science And Engineering, Research Field: Managerial Economics, Southwest Jiaotong University, 1988;

B. Phil., Major: Economics, Southwest Jiaotong University, 1982.


1982-2000, Assistant Lecturer, Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor, Supervisor of PhD Students, Southwest Jiaotong University;

2001 to date, Professor, Supervisor of PhD Students, South China University of Technology.

Research Projects/Grants

I. Government-funded Projects/ Grants:

1. Project of National Natural Science Fund: “Research on the Application of Bootstrap Method for Diagnostic Testing— A Spatial Econometric Model”

2. Project of National Natural Science Fund: “Research on Unequivalent Econometric Model of China’s Labour Market and Employment Policy”

3. Project of Humanities and Social Sciences Research Department of The Ministry of Education of China: “Panel Data Model With Random Effects— A Spatial Econometric Analysis”.

4. Project of “The 10th Five-year Plan” of Humanities and Social Sciences Research Department of The Ministry of Education of China: “Hypothesis of Habit Formation in Consumption and Its Impact on Consumers’ Behaviour: A Case Study of China”.

5. Project of Guangdong Natural Science Foundation: “Application of Core - Periphery Model: An Empirical Study on Industrial Clustering of Pearl River Delta”

6. Soft Science Research Project of The Science and Technology Department of Guangdong Province: “Spatial Econometric Analysis on Knowledge Spillover: The Case of Guangdong Industry”

7. Key Project of “The 11th Five-year Plan” of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Guangzhou: “An Assessment System on Integrated Bearing Capacity and Its Further Application in Guangzhou”

II. Institution & Enterprise-funded Projects

1. Research Project of Institute of Hong Kong and Macao Affairs, Development Research Center of The State Council: “Strategic Study on Hong Kong’s Software Industry”

2. Project of Guangdong Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) Administration Bureau: “Evaluation on Guangdong’s Growing Industrial SMEs (2005, 2007, 2008)”

Major Publications

I. Books:

1. “Unequivalent Econometric Analysis on China’s Macro-economy”, Co-Author with Wang Chengzhang, Beijing: Economic Science Press (2000).

2. “Empirical Study on Consumption-Saving Behaviour of Chinese Consumers”, Guangzhou: South China University of Technology Press (2003).

II. Textbooks

“Western Economics”, Co-editor with Li Yiyuan, Beijing: Higher Education Press, 1st edition (1999), 2nd edition (2005), 3rd edition (2008).

III. Journal Papers/Papers in Conferences

1. “Spatial Econometric Analysis on Knowledge Spillover during the Industrial Development in China”, Economic Review, No.2, 2008.

2. “Application of Bootstrap Method for Diagnostic Testing— A Spatial Econometric Model”, Co-author with Kuan-Pin LIN, and Mei WU, The 1st World Congress of Spatial Econometrics Association, Cambridge, England, July 11-14, 2007.

3. “A Spatial Investigation of σ - convergence in China”, The Journal of Quantitative and Technical Economics, No.4, 2006.

4. “A Spatial Econometric Analysis of Regional Economic Convergence in China, 1978-2002”, China Economic Quarterly, Vol. 5, No.1, 2005.

5. “An Empirical Study on the Preventive Saving Behaviour of China’s Urban Residents”, Economic Research Journal, No.11, 2000.

6. “Study on Consumption Behaviour of China’s Urban Residents”, Economic Research Journal, No.4, 1994.


1. “Evaluation on Guangdong’s Growing Industrial SMEs (2005)”, 2nd Prize of Excellent Achievements of Guangdong Philosophy and Social Sciences (Research and Consultant), 2004-2005.

2. “Unequivalent Econometric Analysis on China’s Macro-economy”, 1st Prize of Excellent Achievements of Sichuan Philosophy and Social Sciences, 2002.

3. “Western Economics”, 1st Prize of Beijing Education Achievements, 2001.

4. “Application of Unequivalent Econometric Model on China’s Multi-Market Research”, 3rd Prize of Excellent Achievements of Sichuan Philosophy and Social Sciences, 1999.

5. “Application of Unequivalent Econometric Model on Consumption Goods Sector and Investment Goods Sector: The Case of China”, 3rd Prize of Excellent Achievements of Sichuan Philosophy and Social Sciences, 1996.

6. “An Assessment System On The Relationship Between Core-Periphery In Knowledge Spillover”, 3rd Prize of Sichuan Science and Technology Advanced Achievements, 1988.

7. “Forecasting and Analysis on Population of Leshan, Sichuan Province”, 3rd Prize of Excellent Achievements of Sichuan Philosophy and Social Sciences, 1984.

Fellowship and Social Appointments

1. Member of Chinese Association of Foreign Economics

2. Standing Member of Guangdong Economics Society

3. Member of Chinese Industrial Economics Association

4. Senior Fellow of Guangzhou Municipal Government’s Think Tank.





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