词条 | 2-羟基磷酸基乙酸 |
释义 | 2-羟基膦酰基乙酸 HPAA别名: 膦酰基羟基乙酸 HPAA英文名:2-Hydroxyphosphonocarboxylic Acid (HPAA) CAS No. 23783-26-8 相对分子质量: 156 一、HPAA的性质: HPAA化学结构中同含有一个膦基,一个羧基和一个羟基,化学稳定性好不易水解,不 易被酸碱所破坏,与常用的HEDP、ATMP相比具有良好的阻垢缓蚀效果,尤其在软水系统有较好的 防腐缓蚀性能。与常用水理复配有良好的相溶性和协同性。HPAA与其它有机膦酸盐水处理剂相比 含磷量低,符合环保低磷的要求,并且毒性低,较易为环保所接受。 指 标 项 目 指 标 外 观 深红棕色液体 固含量 % 47~50 亚磷酸(以PO3计)% ≤ 4.0 密度(20℃)g/cm≥ 1.30 PH值(1%水溶液) 1~3 二、HPAA的用途 HPAA主要用于敞开式冷却水系统作阻垢缓蚀剂。广泛应用于钢铁、石化、电力医药等行业的 循环冷却水系统的缓蚀阻垢。适合用作我国南方低硬度、易腐蚀水质的缓蚀剂,与锌盐复配效果更 佳。 三、HPAA的使用方法: 本品一般与马来酸酐—丙烯酸共聚物复合使用,同时亦可以同其他有机磷药剂复配使用,这样 适用水质范围更宽。单独投加时一般剂量为5-20mg/L。 四 、包装与贮存 塑料桶包装,每桶25kg 200Kg。贮于室内阴凉处,保质期一年。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HPAA2-Hydroxyphosphonocarboxylic Acid (HPAA) CAS No 23783-26-8 Molecular Formula: C2H5O6PMolecular weight: 156 Properties: HPAA is chemically stable, hard to be hydrolyzed, hard to be destroyed by acid or alkali, safety in use, no toxicity, no pollution. HPAA can improve zinc solubility. Its corrosion inhibition ability is 5-8 times better than that of HEDP and EDTMP. When built with low molecular polymers, its corrosion inhibition effect is even better. Specification: items index Appearance Dark umber transparent viscous liquid Solid content % 47.0-50.0 Phosphorous acid(as PO3)% 4.0 max Density (20℃)g/cm 1.30 min pH(1% solution) 1.0-3.0 Usage: HPAA is mainly used as cathode corrosion inhibitor in oilfield refill water system in fields such as steel & iron, petrochemcal, power plant and medical industries. When built with zinc salt, the effect is even better. Package and Storage: Normally In 250kg net Plastic Drum, IBC drum can also be used as required. Storage for one year in room shady and dry place. Keywords: 2-Hydroxyphosphonocarboxylic Acid(HPAA),HPAA China |
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