

词条 刘琪










1993,9-1997,7 湖南大学电气工程系电磁测量技术及仪器专业 学士

1997,9-2000,1 湖南大学电气工程系测试计量技术及仪器专业 硕士

2000,2-2003,5 上海交通大学生命科学技术学院生物医学工程专业 博士


2003,7-2005,12 中科院上海生命科学研究院生物信息中心 助理研究员

2006,1-2006,8 上海交通大学生命科学技术学院 讲师

2006,8-至今 上海交通大学生命科学技术学院 副教授

2011,6-至今 美国范德堡大学(Vanderbilt University)医学院生物医学信息系博士后


2010 上海交通大学 SMC-晨星青年学者奖励计划(B类)

2009 上海交通大学 优秀青年教师后备人才一等奖

2008 上海交通大学 优秀青年教师后备人才二等奖


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于多目标蚁群优化的转录调控网络全局重构,2011年1月至2013年12月,项目负责人

2. 973项目,影响蛋白质修饰的活性小分子化合物的发现和活性机制研究,2009年1月至2013年8月,合作单位负责人。

3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,基于多种生物学数据整合的基因调控网络重构研究,2008年1月至2010年12月,项目负责人。

4. 863项目, 面向转化医学的生物医学信息集成体系及计算平台研究, 2008,1-2010,12,合作单位负责人






1) Qi Liu, Yi Yang, Yixue Li, Zili Zhang. Global and threshold-free transcriptional regulatory networks reconstruction through integrating ChIP-chip and expression data. Curr Protein Pept Sci. 2011,12(7):631-42.

2) Yi Yang, Zili Zhang, Yixue Li, Xinguang Zhu, Qi Liu*. Identifying cooperative transcriptional factors by combining ChIP-chip data and knock-out data. Cell Research, 2010, 20(11): 1276-1278. (corresponding author)

3) Qi Liu, Yejun Tan, Tao Huang, Guohui Ding, Zhidong Tu, Lei Liu, Yixue Li, Hongyue Dai, Lu Xie. TF-centered downstream gene set enrichment analysis: Inference of causal regulators by integrating TF-DNA interaction and protein post-translational modification information. BMC Bioinformatics, 2010, 11:s5. (1)

4) Qi Liu, Guohui Ding, Tao Huang, Yixue Li et al., Considering dependencies amongst genes help to adjust the significance rank of DEGs. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2010,28:1284-1290

5) Jiang Lihua,Li Yixue,Liu Qi*. Reconstruction of gene regulatory networks by integrating ChIP-chip, knockout and expression data. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics,2010, 37(9): 996-1005. (corresponding author)

6) Haoyu Cheng, Lihua Jiang, Maoying Wu and Qi Liu*. Inferring Transcriptional Interactions by the Optimal Integration of ChIP-chip and Knock-out Data. Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 2009:3 129-140 (corresponding author)

7) Qi, Liu, Jia, Xiong, Yong, Deng. A subjective methodology for risk quantification based on generalized fuzzy numbers,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GENERAL SYSTEMS,2008, 37(2):149-165. (5)

8) Li J, Liu Z, Pan Y, Liu Q, Fu X, Cooper NG, Li Y, Qiu M, Shi T. Regulatory Module Network of bHLH Transcription Factors in Mouse Brain. Genome Biol. 2007 Nov 19;8(11):R244 (12)

9) Sun J, Sun Y, Ding G, Liu Q, Wang C, He Y, Shi T, Li Y, Zhao Z. InPrePPI: an integrated evaluation method based on genomic context for predicting protein-protein interactions in prokaryotic genomes. BMC Bioinformatics. 2007,8(1):414 (16)

10) Ziliang Qian, Lingyi Lu, Liu Qi, and Yixue Li,An efficient method for statistical significance calculation of transcription factor binding sites,Bioinformation. 2007; 2(5): 169-174.

11) Liu Qi, Deng Yong, Wang Chuan, Shi Tieliu, Li Yixue. Correlating Expression Data with Gene Function using Gene Ontology, Chinese Journal of Chemistry 2006, 24(9):1247-1254. (1)

12) Li J, Liu Q, Qiu M, Pan Y, Li Y, Shi T. Identification and analysis of the mouse basic/Helix-Loop-Helix transcription factor family. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2006, 350(3):648-656. (7)

13) Ding G, Kang J, Liu Q, Shi T, Pei G, Li Y. Insights into the coupling of duplication events and macroevolution from an age profile of animal transmembrane gene families. PLoS Comput Biol. 2006, 2(8):e102. (8)

14) Jingchun Sun, Qi Liu, et al., Refined phylogenetic profiles method for predicting protein–protein interactions. Bioinformatics, 2005, 21(16):3409-3415 (co-first author).

15) Guoping Zhao, ……Qi Liu,… Yixue Li, ……, . Chinese SARS Molecular Epidemiology Consortia. Molecular Evolution of the SARS Coronavirus During the Course of the SARS Epidemic in China. Science 2004, 303:1666-1669

16) Deng Y*, Liu Q*, Li YX. Scoring hidden Markov models to discriminate barrel membrane proteins, Computational biology and Chemistry, 2004, 28(3):189-194 (co-first author)

17) Liu Qi, Zhu Yisheng, Wang Baohua and Li Yixue, A HMM-based method to predict the transmembrane regions of b-barrel membrane proteins, Computational biology and Chemistry, 2003,27(1): 69-76.

18) Liu Qi, Zhu Yisheng, Wang Baohua and Li Yixue, Identification of -barrel membrane proteins based on amino acid composition properties and predicted secondary structure, Computational biology and Chemistry, 2003,27(3): 355-361

19) Liu Qi, Zhu Yisheng, Wang Baohua and Li Yixue, TSSOM:Transmembrane segments prediction by self-organizing map, The Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2003,12(1):111-115

20) Liu Qi, Chen Zhongqiang, Wang Baohua, Zhu Yisheng and Li Yixue, Research on several prediction methods of membrane protein structure and topology, High Technology Letters, 2001, 7(3):1-4

21) Liu Qi, Chen Zhongqiang, Wang Baohua, Zhu Yisheng and Li Yixue, An Improved Algorithm for Transmembrane Protein Prediction. In Proceedings of The Sixth International conference for Younger Computer Scientists (ICYCS), 2001, 485-488.

22) DengYong, Liu Qi. A new similarity measure of generalized fuzzy numbers and its application to pattern recognition. Pattern Recognition Letters. 2004, 25:875-883.

23) Chen Zhongqiang, Liu Qi, Zhu Yisheng, Li Yixue and Xu Yuhong. A hydrophobicity based neural network method for predicting transmembrane segments in protein sequences. In Proceedings of EMBC2001 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE-EMBS, 2001, 25-28。


近五年来,在组学数据的综合分析,蛋白质相互作用的预测和转录调控网络的构建等方面,取得了一系列的研究成果。1)发展了一种改进的基于协同进化谱的蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用预测方法。首次提出不同基因组间基因的同源性分析的比对分值、基因组的数量和如何选取基因组对于提取物种的协同进化信息,进而预测蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用的准确度具有重要的影响, 据此发展了更为合理的基于精确系统发育谱方法的蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用预测方法和评估策略;2)首次提出整合转录调控关系相关的物理结合证据和功能相关证据,发展了综合ChIP-chip数据,表达谱数据和转录因子敲除数据来构建调控网络的全局寻优方法,该方法不仅提高了转录调控关系预测的可靠性,而且为多组学数据的综合分析提供了新的思路;3)通过多组学数据的综合分析,发展了一种准确性更高的协同作用转录因子识别方法;4)首次将蛋白质修饰数据和转录组数据相结合,提出了转录调控的级联模型,该模型能有效地识别那些造成基因表达谱变化的关键转录因子。在Science, Cell Research, Genome Biology, PLOS Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, Current Protein & Peptide Sciences, BMC Bioinformatics, BBRC, Computational Biology and Chemistry,Pattern Recognition Letters等国内外核心刊物上发表论文近三十篇,累计影响因子超过70点,SCI引用超过400次。





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