词条 | Sarah Records |
释义 | 简介1987年,Clare Wadd和Matt Haynes在英国布里斯托(Bristol )的一间地下室创建了SarahRecords。1995年8月,Sarah发行了它第一百张也是最后一张专辑Sarah 100后宣布关闭。Sarah 100不能算是Sarah系列唱片中最出色的一张,但它集合了几乎所有Sarah旗下的知名乐队,既是Sarah音乐品味的精粹,亦可见证90'独立音乐之唯美传奇。 关于Sarah公司在音乐本身之外的运作理念,说起来令人费解,当然它也许是某些社会学批评家感兴趣的话题,Sarah认为它的唱片发行到一百张之时,希望会有一场全球性的社会主义革命,而实际上,当Sarah 100真的出现时,除了资本主义全球一体化愈加变本加厉之外,地球依旧在我们心灵之外悲伤旋转,这个世界上什么激动人心的事情也没发生。 Sarah是个跛着腿奋力向左倾斜的堂吉科德,这往往是人们津津乐道的热点,而它音乐本身的美学姿态才是真正的妙不可言。Sarah在音乐上的成就非常简单明了,即是它从87年到95年发行的100张低成本高水准的独立流行乐唱片,包括专辑,单曲,EP和合辑。它很好的给别的唱片公司上了一课:即使不烧钱也能做出不是垃圾的流行乐。而且Sarah在唱片平面设计上更有独到美感,宁静唯美之势直逼另类圣殿4.A.D的专业美工小组。 幸运的是,Sarah公司合伙人之一的Matt Haynes后来在伦敦创建另一独立厂牌Shinkansen,Shinkansen 继承了Sarah失落的音乐世界。众多Sarah的精华乐队,艺人也转入Shinkansen旗下,包括Trembling Blue Stars, Harvey Williams,Blueboy, Fosca,The Field Mice等等。 解散声明英文原版A day for destroying things... ...because when you were nineteen Didn't YOU ever want to create something beautful and pure Just so one day you could set it on fire And then watch the city light up as it burned? Didn't you want to do that every day of life? Nothing should be forever. Bands should do one single and then split up,fanzines finish after one flawless issue, lowers leave in the rain at 5am and never be seen again -Habit and fear of change are the worst reasons for ever doing ANYTHNG. Stopping a record label after 100 perfect releases is the most gorgeous pop art-statement ever and says more about pop-music than any two-part digipak limited edition coloured vinyl 7'' grimly authentic lo-fi ten-track EP(or any other marketing gimmick) ever will. Sarah Records is owned by no-one but us, so it's OURS to create and destroy how we want and we don't do encores. We want to burn in bright colours and go pop, to be giddy, impulsive and silly, to kiss people in new places -EXQUISITELY- and DARE to tear things apart. Sarah Records 1987 - 1995 August 28th 1995 中文翻译一段时光的终结 ... 一切只因你曾在19岁... 想创造一些完美而纯粹的东西? 尽管有一天你会将他们付之一炬。 注视着被它点亮的城市灯火渐起。 然后让生命的每一天都凝结如此回忆。 本来就没什么海枯石烂的事情。 乐队做完一首歌就解散,你听到一首完美曲子,然后满意离开,你的恋人转身走进凌晨5点的雨中,今生今世永不相逢……习惯和拒绝改变,才永远是你做任何事情的最大障碍。所以要在100张精美的唱片完成后终结这个唱片厂牌,它们刻画了流行音乐最绚烂的痕迹,不止在于那些彩色的vinyl 7寸唱片,低保真的十轨EP,或者任何的营销噱头。Sarah只属于我们自己,它是我们想要创造出和毁灭掉的东西。我们永不旧话重提。我们想在绚烂的色彩里燃烧,冲动,眩晕,痴狂;我们在崭新的地方亲吻人群,精致,敏感;我们敢于结束一切。 Sarah Records 1987 - 1995 August 28th 1995 旗下乐队14 Iced Bears Aberdeen Action Painting! Another Sunny Day Blueboy Boyracer Brighter Christine's Cat East River Pipe Eternal Even As We Speak Fanzines The Field Mice The Forever People Gentle Despite The Golden Dawn The Harvest Ministers Harvey Williams Heavenly The Hit Parade Ivy Northern Picture Library The Orchids The Poppyheads The Rosaries The Sea Urchins Secret Shine Shelley The Springfields St. Christopher The Sugargliders The Sweetest Ache Talulah Gosh! Tramway The Wake Sarah出品唱片编号和名称Singles:Sarah 001: The Sea Urchins - Pristine Christine Sarah 002: The Orchids - I've Got a Habit Sarah 003: Another Sunny Day - Anorak City Sarah 004: Fanzines - Fanzine Sarah 005: 14 Iced Bears - Come Get Me Sarah 006: The Poppyheads - Cremation Town Sarah 007: Another Sunny Day - I'm In Love With A Girl Who Doesn't Know I Exist Sarah 008: The Sea Urchins - Solace Sarah 009: The Golden Dawn - My Secret World Sarah 010: The Springfields - Sunflower Sarah 011: The Orchids - Underneath The Window, Underneath The Sink Sarah 012: The Field Mice - Emma's House Sarah 013: Christine's Cat - Your Love Is... Sarah 014: Fanzines - Cold / Lemonade Sarah 014a: Fanzines - Lemonade - A Fanzine Sarah 014aa: Fanzines - Cold - A Lie Sarah 015: St. Christopher - You Deserve More Than A Maybe Sarah 016: Another Sunny Day - What's Happened? Sarah 017: The Golden Dawn - George Hamilton's Dead Sarah 018: The Field Mice - Sensitive Sarah 019: Brighter - Around the World In Eighty Days Sarah 020: St. Christopher - All Of A Tremble Sarah 021: The Wake - Crush The Flowers Sarah 022: Another Sunny Day - You Should All Be Murdered Sarah 023: The Orchids - What Will We Do Next? Sarah 024: The Field Mice - The Autumn Store Pt. 1 Sarah 025: The Field Mice - The Autumn Store Pt. 2 Sarah 026: Gentle Despite - Darkest Blue Sarah 027: Brighter - Noah's Ark Sarah 028: Action Painting! - These Things Happen Sarah 029: The Orchids - Something For The Longing Sarah 030: Heavenly - I Fell In Love Last Night Sarah 031: Eternal - Breathe Sarah 032: Fanzines - Sunstroke Sarah 033: The Sea Urchins - A Morning Odyssey Sarah 034: St. Christopher - Antoinette Sarah 035: Another Sunny Day - Rio Sarah 036: The Sweetest Ache - If I Could Shine Sarah 037: Even As We Speak - Nothing Ever Happens Sarah 038: The Field Mice - So Said Kay Sarah 039: The Sweetest Ache - Tell Me How It Feels Sarah 040: The Springfields - Wonder Sarah 041: Heavenly - Our Love Is Heavenly Sarah 042: The Orchids - Penetration Sarah 043: Tramway - Maritime City Sarah 044: The Field Mice - September's Not So Far Away Sarah 045: Gentle Despite - Torment To Me Sarah 046: St. Christopher - Say Yes To Everything Sarah 047: The Sweetest Ache - Sickening Sarah 048: The Wake - Major John Sarah 049: Even As We Speak - One Step Forward Sarah 050: Fanzines - Saropoly Sarah 051: Heavenly - So Little Deserve Sarah 052: Tramway - Sweet Chariot Sarah 053: Secret Shine - After Years Sarah 054: The Forever People - Invisible Sarah 055: Blueboy - Clearer Sarah 056: Brighter - Half-Hearted Sarah 057: The Field Mice - Missing The Moon Sarah 058: The Hit Parade - In Gunnersbury Park Sarah 059: Even As We Speak - Beautiful Day Sarah 060: Another Sunny Day - New Year's Honours Sarah 061: Secret Shine - Ephemeral Sarah 062: The Rosaries - Forever Sarah 063: The Sugargliders - Letter From A Lifeboat Sarah 064: The Harvest Ministers - You Do My World The World of Good Sarah 065: Blueboy - Popkiss Sarah 066: The Orchids - Thaumaturgy Sarah 067: The Sugargliders - Seventeen Sarah 068: The Harvest Ministers - Six O'Clock Is Rosary Sarah 069: Brighter - Disney Sarah 070: Blueboy - Cloud Babies Sarah 070a: Fanzines - Just As Good As I Should Be Sarah 070b: Fanzines - Nice Boys Prefer Vanilla Sarah 070c: Fanzines - I Am Telling You Because You Are Far Away Sarah 071: Secret Shine - Loveblind Sarah 072: The Sugargliders - Ahprahran Sarah 073: Action Painting! - Classical Music Sarah 074: Blueboy - Meet Johnny Rave Sarah 075: East River Pipe - Helmet On Sarah 076: Boyracer - B Is For Boyracer ep. Sarah 077: The Sugargliders - Trumpet Play Sarah 078: East River Pipe - She's A Real Good Time Sarah 079: Even As We Speak - Blue Eyes Deceiving Me Sarah 080: Blueboy - Some Gorgeous Accident Sarah 081: Heavenly - P.U.N.K. Girl Sarah 082: Heavenly - Atta Girl Sarah 083: The Sugargliders - Will We Ever Learn? Sarah 084: The Harvest Ministers - If It Kills Me And It Will Sarah 085: Boyracer - From Purity To Purgatory Sarah 086: The Sugargliders - Top 40 Sculpture Sarah 087: Action Painting! - Mustard Gas Sarah 088: Blueboy - River Sarah 089: Secret Shine - Greater Than God Sarah 090: The Hit Parade - Autobiography Sarah 091: Ivy - Wish You Would Sarah 092: Ivy - Avenge Sarah 093: Aberdeen - Byron Sarah 094: Northern Picture Library - Paris Sarah 095: Northern Picture Library - Last September's Farewell Kiss Sarah 096: Boyracer - Pure Hatred 96 Sarah 097: Aberdeen - Fireworks Sarah 098: Shelley - Reproduction Is Pollution Sarah 099: Blueboy - Dirty Mags 10" LPSarah 401: The Orchids - Lyceum Sarah 402: The Field Mice - Snowball Sarah 403: St. Christopher - Bacharach Sarah 404: Brighter - Laurel Sarah 405: East River Pipe - Goodbye California Sarah 406: Harvey Williams - Rebellion Sarah 407: East River Pipe - Even The Sun Was Afraid 12" LPSarah 601: The Field Mice - Skywriting Sarah 602: The Wake - Make It Loud Sarah 603: Heavenly - Heavenly Vs. Satan Sarah 604: Talulah Gosh! - They've Scoffed The Lot Sarah 605: The Orchids - Unholy Soul Sarah 606: The Field Mice - Coastal Sarah 607: The Field Mice - For Keeps Sarah 608: The Sweetest Ache - Jaguar Sarah 609: The Sea Urchins - Stardust Sarah 610: Heavenly - Le Jardin De Heavenly Sarah 611: The Orchids - Epicurean - A Soundtrack Sarah 612: Blueboy - If Wishes Were Horses Sarah 613: Another Sunny Day - London Weekend Sarah 614: Even As We Speak - Feral Pop Frenzy Sarah 615: Secret Shine - Untouched Sarah 616: The Harvest Ministers - Little Dark Mansion Sarah 617: The Orchids - Striving For The Lazy Perfection Sarah 618: The Wake - Tidal Wave of Hype Sarah 619: The Sugargliders - We're All Trying To Get There Sarah 620: Blueboy - Unisex Sarah 621: East River Pipe - Poor Fricky Sarah 622: The Hit Parade - The Sound Of The Hit Parade Sarah 623: Heavenly - The Decline And Fall Of Heavenly CompilationSarah 587: Various Artists - Shadow Factory Sarah 376: Various Artists - Temple Cloud Sarah 545: Various Artists - Air Balloon Road Sarah 501: Various Artists - Glass Arcade Sarah 583: Various Artists - Fountain Island Sarah 628: Various Artists - Engine Common Sarah 530: Various Artists - Gaol Ferry Bridge Sarah 359: Various Artists - Battery Point Sarah 100: Various Artists - There And Back Again Lane |
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