

词条 刘振兰

1996年毕业于吉林农业大学农商学院,野生植物资源开发与利用专业(理学学士);同年9月年攻读东北师范大学生命科学学院遗传学专业(理学硕士);在2002年完成东北师范大学生命科学学院细胞生物学专业(理学博士)后,继续在华南农业大学生命科学学院获得博士后学位。之后去往加拿大University of British Columbia植物系继续深造博士后,现任华南农业大学生命科学学院教师。




1999.09-2002.07: 东北师范大学生命科学学院细胞生物学专业(理学博士)

1996.09-1999.07: 东北师范大学生命科学学院遗传学专业(理学硕士)

1992.09-1996.07: 吉林农业大学农商学院野生植物资源开发与利用专业(理学学士)


2007.9-现在: 华南农业大学生命科学学院 教师

2005.03-2007.04: 加拿大University of British Columbia植物系 博士后

2002.08-2005.02: 华南农业大学生命科学学院 博士后






1 水稻功能基因组研究:主要是水稻基因组中与RNA介导的沉默途径有关基因的功能分析。

2 植物远缘杂种及多倍体基因组分子进化机制的研究:主要是表观遗传学在植物基因组进化中的作用。


1. 与水稻野败型细胞质雄性不育有关的线粒体DNA片段的克隆与功能分析,中国博士后科学基金,1万元,2003-2004年;

2. 一个受热激表达上调的水稻ARGONAUTE蛋白基因的功能分析,华南农业大学校长基金(校长科学基金),10万元,2008-2010;

3. 水稻ARGONAUTE蛋白基因与热激胁迫关系的研究,广东省高等学校人才引进专项资金,(已批准),20万元,2009-2011;

4. 水稻ARGONAUTE蛋白家族基因OsAGO2和OsAGO3的功能分析,国家自然科学基金(青年基金),20万,2009-2011。


1. Zhenlan Liu and Keith L. Adams. 2007. Expression partitioning of genes duplicated by polyploidy under abiotic stress and during organ development. Current Biology, 17(19):1669-74

2. Zhenlan Liu, Hong Xu, Jingxin Guo, and Yaoguang Liu. 2007. Genome-wide analyses of structural and expressional variations of the mitochondrial genome conferring the WA type of CMS in rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 49 (6): 908-914

3. Catherine Choi, Zhenlan Liu and Keith L Adams.2006. Evolutionary transfers of mitochondrial genes to the nucleus in the Populus lineage and coexpression of nuclear and mitochondrial Sdh4 genes. New Phytologist, 172: 429-439

4. Yuzhu Dong, Zhenlan Liu, Xiaohui Shan, Tian Qiu, Mengyuan He and Bao Liu. 2005. Allopolyploidy in wheat induces rapid and heritable alterations in DNA methylation patterns of cellular genes and mobile elements. Russian Journal of Genetics, 41 (8):890-896

5. Xiaohui Shan,Zhenlan Liu,Zhenying Dong, Yongming Wang, Yu Chen, Xiuyun Lin, Likun Long, Fangpu Han, Yingshan Dong and Bao Liu. 2005. Mobilization of the active MITE transposons mPingand Pongin rice by introgression from wild rice (Zizania latifoliaGriseb.). Molecular Biology and Evolution, 22:976-90. (共同第一作者)

6. Fangpu Han, Zhenlan Liu, Mei Tan, Shui Hao, George Fedak and Bao Liu. 2004. Mobilized retrotransposon Tos17 of rice by alien DNA introgression transposes into genes and causes structural and methylation alterations of a flanking genomic region. Hereditas. 141:243-51

7. Zhenlan Liu, Yongming Wang, Ye Shen, Wanli Guo, Shui Hao and Bao Liu. 2004. Extensive alterations in DNA methylation and transcription in rice caused by introgression from Zizania latifolia. Plant Molecular Biology,54: 571-582

8. Zhenlan Liu, Fangpu Han, Mei Tan, Xiaohui Shan, Yuzhu Dong, Xingzhi Wang, George Fedak, Shui Hao and Bao Liu. 2004. Activation of a rice endogenous retrotransposonTos17 in tissue culture is accompanied by cytosine demethylation and causes heritable alteration in methylation pattern of flanking genomic regions. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 109: 200-209

9. Zhenlan Liu, Yuzhu Dong & Bao Liu. 2002. Characterization of two groups of low-copy, chromosome-specific sequences isolated from chromosome 7B in common wheat.Acta Botanica Sinica, 44: 946-950

10. Liu Zhenlan, Dong Yuzhu & Liu Bao. 2000. Isolation of Zizania latifolia species-specific DNA sequences and their utility in identification of Z. latifolia DNA introgressed into rice. Acta Botanica Sinica 42: 324-326

11. Liu Zhenlan & Liu Bao. 1999. Isolation of a Zizania latifolia (Griseb.) species-specific DNA sequence that is useful in identification of somatic hybrids between rice and Z. latifolia. Cereal Research Communications, 27: 383-387

12. Bao Liu, Zhenlan Liu and Xiwen Li. 1999. Production of a highly asymmetric somatic hybrid between rice and Zizania latifolia: evidence for inter-genomic exchange. Theoretical and Applied Genetics,98: 1099-1103





1. 2003.09.22-26:第四届全国植物基因组学大会,中国杨凌

2. 2007.01.13-17: Plant & Animal Genome XV (The International Conference on the Status of Plant & Animal Genome Research),美国San Diego

3. 2007.01.18-20:24 Symposium in Plant Biology (Gene Silencing: The Biology of Small RNAs and the Epigenome),美国 Riverside

4. 2007.05.21-23: International Conference on Polyploidy, Heterosis, and Epigenetics,中国北京

5. 2007.08.18-20:第八届全国植物基因组学大会,中国上海





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