词条 | 刘晓收 |
释义 | 刘晓收,博士,讲师 一、学习与工作简历 2009.03至今 中国海洋大学海洋生命学院/讲师 2005.09—2009.02 香港城市大学/哲学博士 2002.09—2005.06 中国海洋大学/生态学硕士 1998.09—2002.07 中国海洋大学/生态学学士 二、研究方向 生物海洋学与海洋生态系统动力学,海洋食物网,底栖生物生态学。 三、讲授课程 专业英语,浮游动物学及实验 四、在研项目 教学方面 1.受控生态学开放性实验在实践教学中的应用(No.SYS200921,2009.09-2010.09),中国海洋大学实验室研究基金项目,主持。 科研方面 1.菲律宾蛤仔养殖水域底栖食物网动态变化过程的研究(No. 41006081,2011.01-2013.12),国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,主持; 2.胶州湾养殖水域底栖食物网的研究(No. 201013002,2010.7-2012.12),中国海洋大学高校基本科研业务费青年教师科研专项基金项目,主持; 3.渤海中南部底栖生物生产过程与生物多样性集成研究(No. 40730847,2008.1-2011.12),国家自然科学基金重点项目,主要成员; 4.砂质滩底栖生态系统对人为干扰的功能响应(No. 41076090,2011.01-2013.12),国家自然科学基金面上项目,主要成员。 五、科研论文 1. Liu Xiao-Shou, Cheung S.G., Shin P.K.S., 2009. Meiofauna with special reference to nematodes in trawling ground of subtropical Hong Kong. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 58(4): 607-615. (SCI收录) 2. Liu Xiao-Shou, Xu Wen-Zhe, Cheung S.G., Shin P.K.S., 2008. Subtropical meiobenthic nematode communities in Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 56(8): 1491-1497.(SCI收录) 3.Liu Xiao-Shou, Zhang Zhi-Nan, Huang Yong, 2007. Sublittoral meiofauna with particular reference to nematodes in the southern Yellow Sea, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 71(3-4): 616-628. (SCI收录) 4.Liu Xiaoshou, Zhang Zhinan, Huang Yong, 2005. Abundance and biomass of meiobenthos in the spawning ground of anchovy (Engraulis japanicus) in the southern Huanghai Sea, China. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 24(3): 94-104. (SCI收录) 5. Liu Xiaoshou, Zhang Zhinan, Wu Yiping, Huang Yong, Zhang Yan, 2005. Distribution of sediment chloroplastic pigments in the southern Yellow Sea, China. Journal of Ocean University of China, 4(2): 163-172. 6. Gao Qin-Feng, Xu Wen-Zhe, Liu Xiao-Shou, Cheung Siu-Gin, Shin P.K.S., 2008. Seasonal changes in C, N and P budgets of green-lipped mussels (Perna viridis) and removal of nutrients from fish farming in Hong Kong. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 353: 137-146.(SCI收录) 7.Zhou H., Zhang Z.N., Liu X.S., Tu L.H., Yu Z.S., 2007. Changes in shelf macrobenthic community over large temporal and spatial scale in the Bohai Sea, China. Journal of Marine Systems, 67(3-4): 312-321.(SCI收录) 8. Huang Yong, Zhang Zhinan, Liu Xiaoshou, Zhang Yan, 2006. Studies on the species composition and biodiversity of free-living marine nematodes in the southern Huanghai Sea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 25(2): 87-98. (SCI收录) 9. Huang Yong, Zhang Zhinan, Liu Xiaoshou, 2005. Studies on the community structures of meiofauna and marine nematode at six stations in the Southern Yellow Sea, China. Journal of Ocean University of China, 4(1): 34-42. 10. Tian Shengyan, Zhang Zhinan, Liu Xiaoshou, Yu Zishan, 2006. Abundance and Biomass of Benthic Heterotrophic Bacteria in Jiaozhou Bay, China. Journal of Ocean University of China, 5(1): 71-74. 11. 张志南,刘晓收,Guy BOUCHER, 邓可,黄勇,袁伟,2005。底栖生物生产力现场测试系统(BCSPM) 的建立及其初步实验结果。中国海洋大学学报,35(2):277-282。 12. 吴以平,刘晓收,2005。青岛湾潮间带沉积物中叶绿素的分析。海洋科学,29(11):8-12。 13. 黄勇,张志南,刘晓收,2007。南黄海冬季自由生活海洋线虫群落结构的研究。海洋与湖沼,38(3):199-206。 14. 田胜艳,于子山,刘晓收,张志南,林岿璇,刘廷志,2006。 丰度生物量比较曲线法监测大型底栖动物/群落受污染扰动的研究。海洋通报,25(1):92-96。 |
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