

词条 刘先国







1999年6月始 :中山医科大学生理教研室主任,教授









(1) 首次报道了脊髓背角C纤维诱发电位的长时程增强(LTP)。发现激动NMDA、NK1和NK2受体是诱导LTP的必要条件;自然痛刺激可引起C纤维诱发电位的LTP,但在正常情况下受到下行抑制系统的抑制。该LTP被认为是痛觉过敏的基础; 发现脊髓LTP的早期维持与PKA、PKC和CaMKII的激活有关,而脊髓LTP的晚期需要新的蛋白质合成;多巴胺D1/D5受体在LTP的晚期维持中起重要作用。

(2) 发现电刺激Aδ纤维在正常动物引起C纤维诱发电位的LTD, 然而同样的刺激在脊动物引起LTP, 证实下行抑制系统决定脊髓背角突触传递可塑性变化的方向。

(3) 率先证实,神经损伤引起的背根神经节神经元的异常放电主要来自于支配肌肉的神经元。在神经损伤的情况下,未被损伤的神经元也产生异常放电。

(4) 发现运动神经(腰5前根)损伤引起同侧背根神经节和双侧侧脊髓背角TNF-a及其受体1(TNFR1)上调,并证实TNF-a参与病理性疼痛的形成而不参与其维持。在正常动物不同浓度(10pg/ml、4.5ng/ml和100ng/ml)的TNF-a不影响强直刺激引起的脊髓背角LTP,然而,在腰5前根引起痛觉过敏的动物,小剂量的TNF-a(10 pg/ml)就可引起脊髓背角C纤维诱发电位的LTP。TNF-a通过激活NFkB、JNK和P38而发挥作用。


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(NO:30070256),脊髓背角突触传递可塑性变化与痛觉过敏的关系,19.3万元

2. 教育部留学回国人员启动基金,脊髓背角突触传递可塑性变化在痛觉过敏中的作用及其机制,5.0万元

3. World University Service (WUS)德国委员会,资助发展中国家优秀专业人员基金,2万马克

4. CMB-SUMS Scholar(NO:#98-766),顽固性疼痛中枢机制的研究,7万美元

5. 省卫生厅,关于顽固性疼痛机制的研究,1万元

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(NO:30370474), MAPK家族在脊髓背角LTP表达中的作用及其机制,20.0万元

7. 广东省科技厅(2005A30801002),白细胞介素-10转基因治疗病理性疼痛的研究和开发,20 万元

8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(NO:30570599), 肿瘤坏死因子在运动神经元损伤引起的病理性疼痛中的作用及其机制,26万元


1. Liu, X.-G. and Sandkuhler, J. (1995) Long-term potentiation of C-fiber-evoked potentials in the rat spinal dorsal horn is prevented by spinal NMDA receptor blockage, Neurosci. Lett., 191: 43-46.

2. Liu, X.-G. and Sandkuhler, J.(1995) The effects of extrasynaptic substance P on nociceptive neurons in laminae I and II in rat lumbar spinal dorsal horn. Neuroscience, 68:1207-1218.

3. Liu, X.-G. and Sandkuhler, J. (1997) Characterization of long-term potentiation of C-fiber-evoked field potentials in spinal dorsal horn of adult rat: essential role of NK1 and NK2 receptors. J. Neurophysiol., 78: 1973-1982.

4. Liu, X.-G. and Sandkuhler, J. (1998) Activation of spinal N-methyl-D-aspartate- or neurokinin-receptors induces long-term potentiation of C-fiber-evoked field potentials in spinalized rats. Neuroscience, 86: 1209-1216.

5. Liu, X.-G., Morton, C.R., Azkue, J.J., Zimmermann, M. and Sandkuhler, J. (1998) Long-term depression of C-fiber evoked spinal field potentials by stimulation of primary afferent A-delta-fibers in the adult rat. Eur. J. Neurosci., 10: 3069-3075.

6. Sandkuhler, J, Liu, X.-G. (1998) Induction of long-term potentiation at spinal synapses by noxious stimulation or nerve injury. Eur. J. Neurosci., 10: 2476-2480.

7. Habler, H.-J., Liu, X.-G., Eschenfelder, S,.and Janig, W. (1998) Responses of axotomied afferents to blockade of nitric oxide synthesis after spinal nerve lesion in the rat. Neurosci. Lett., 254: 33-36.

8. Martin Michaelis, Xianguo Liu and Wilfrid Janig (2000)Axotomized and intact muscle afferents but no skin afferents develop ongoing discharges of dorsal root ganglion origin after peripheral nerve lesion. J. Neurosci, 20:2742-2748.

9. Liu, X.-G., Eschenfelder, S., Habler, H.-J. and Janig, W. (2000) Spontaneous activity of axotomized neurons after L5 spinal nerve injury in rats. Pain, 84:309-318.

10. Habler, H., Eschenfelder, S., Liu, X.-G., Janig, W. (2000) Sympathetic-sensory coupling after L5 spinal nerve lesion in the rat and its relation to changes in dorsal root ganglion blood flow. Pain, 87: 335-45.

11. Hong-Mei Zhang, Ying-Jie Qi, Xu-Ying Xiang, Tong Zhang and Xian-Guo Liu (2001)Time-dependent plasticity produced long-term potentiation of C-fiber evoked field potentials in rat spinal dorsal horn. Neurosci. Lett., 315: 81-84. (刘先国为通讯作者)

12. Hu NW, Zhang HM, Hu XD, Li MT, Zhang T, Zhou LJ, Liu XG (2003) Protein synthesis inhibition blocks the late-phase LTP of C-fiber evoked field potentials in rat spinal dorsal horn. J. Neurophysiol. 89: 2354-2359. (刘先国为通讯作者)

13. Azkue JJ, Liu XG, Zimmermann M, Sandkuhler J (2003) Induction of long-term potentiation of C fibre-evoked spinal field potentials requires recruitment of group I, but not group II/III metabotropic glutamate receptors. Pain 106: 373-379.

14. Yang HW, Hu XD, Zhang HM, Xin WJ, Li MT, Zhang T, Zhou LJ, Liu XG (2004) The roles of CAMKII, PKA and PKC in the induction and maintenance of LTP of c-fiber evoked field potentials in rat spinal dorsal horn. J Neurophysiol,91 (3):1122-1133. (刘先国为通讯作者)

15. 项旭映,张红梅,胡能伟,周利君,张彤,刘先国 (2004)脊髓背角II板层在长时程增强诱导及维持过程中的突触形态计量学研究。生理学报,56:397-402。(刘先国为通讯作者)

16. 信文君,黎明涛,杨红卫,张红梅,胡能伟,胡晓东,张 彤,刘先国 (2004) 磷酸化CaMKII 在脊髓背角C-纤维诱发LTP诱导和维持中的作用。生理学报, 56 (1): 83-89。

17. 张红梅, 祁英杰, 李永勇, 张彤, 刘先国(2003)刺激Aδ纤维可抑制背角C-纤维诱发电位长时程增强.中国临床康复,7(10):1510-1512。(刘先国为通讯作者)

18. 杨红卫,胡晓东,张红梅,黎明涛,张 彤,周利君,刘先国(2003) KN-93抑制脊髓背角C 纤维诱发场电位长时程增强的诱导和早期表达。中山大学学报,24(4):109-113。(刘先国为通讯作者)

19. Zhang Hong-Mei, Zhou Li-Jun, Hu Xiao-Dong, Hu Neng-Wei Zhang Tong and Liu Xian-Guo (2004) Acute nerve injury induces LTP of C-fiber evoked field potentials in spinal dorsal horn of intact rat. Sheng Li Xue Bao,56:591-596. (刘先国为通讯作者)

20. 杨红卫,张红梅,胡晓东,信文君,张 彤,周利君,刘先国(2005)PKC在成年大鼠脊髓背角C-纤维诱发电位长时程增强的诱导和维持中的作用。中国病理生理学杂志,21(2);252-255。(刘先国为通讯作者)

21. Hong-Wei Yang, Li-Jun Zhou,Hu Neng-Wei Xin Wen-Jun and Xian-Guo Liu (2005) Activation of Spinal D1/D5 Receptors Induces Late Phase LTP of C-fiber Evoked Field Potentials in Rat Spinal Dorsal Horn. J Neurophysiol, 94 (2):961-967. (刘先国为通讯作者)

22. Xiao-Dong Hu, Yu-Xing Ge, Neng-Wei Hu, Hong-Mei Zhang, Li-Jun Zhou, Tong Zhang, Wen-Ming Li, Yi-Fan Han and Xian-Guo Liu (2006)Diazepam inhibits the induction and maintenance of LTP of C-fiber evoked field potentials in spinal dorsal horn of rats. Neuropharmacology, 50(2): 238-244. (刘先国为通讯作者)

23. Ji-Tian Xu, Wen-Jun Xin and Xian-Guo Liu (2006) The role of tumour necrosis factor-alpha in the neuropathic pain produced by lumbar 5 ventral root transection in rat. Pain, 123:306-321.(刘先国为通讯作者)

24. Wen-Jun Xin, Qing-Juan Gong, Ji-Tian Xu, Hong-Wei Yang, Ying Zang, Tong Zhang, Yong-Yong Li and Xian-Guo Liu (2006) The role of phosphorylation of ERK in induction and maintenance of LTP of the C-fiber evoked field potentials in spinal dorsal horn. J Neurosci Res, in press (刘先国为通讯作者)

25. Xiao-Dong Hu, Neng-wei Hu, Wen-Jun Xin, Li-Jun Zhou, Tong Zhang, Xian-Guo Liu (2006) Inhibition of protein tyrosine kinases attenuated Aβ-fiber-evoked synaptic transmission in spinal dorsal horn of rats with sciatic nerve transection. J Pharmacol Sci, in press. (刘先国为通讯作者)

26. Ge YX, Xin WJ, Hu NW, Zhang T, Xu JT, Liu XG (2006) Clonidine depresses LTP of C-fiber evoked field potentials in spinal dorsal horn via NO-cGMP pathway. Brain Res, in press. (刘先国为通讯作者)


1. Sandkuhler, J., Beck, H. and Liu, X.-G. (1993) Die nichtsynaptische Signaluebermittlung im Ruekenmark spielt eine Rolle bei der Pathogenese und Therapie von Schmerzzustaeden. Der Schmerz, 7, Suppl. 1:6-7.

2. Sandkuhler, J., Eblen-Zajjur, A.A. and Liu, X.-G.(1994) Differential effects of skin inflammation, extrasynaptic substance P and noxious skin heating on rhythmicity, synchrony and nonlinear dynamics in rat spinal dorsal horn. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Pain, 347-458.

3. 刘先国(2004)脊髓背角C纤维诱发电位长时程增强的诱导和维持的初步研究《神经科学进展》高等教育出版社,384-389。


1. 主编高等医学院校新世纪教材(科学版)《生理学》科学出版社,2003

2. 参编由韩济生主编的《神经科学原理》,与刘国松教授合写“突触信号的整合”一章

3. 参编由张庆柱主编的《分子药理学》,编写第19章: 疼痛、镇痛与药物成瘾





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