

词条 刘万东


刘万东,男,1960年9月生,安徽桐城人,理学博士,中国科学技术大学教授,博士生导师,近代物理系主任,《Plasma Science and Technology》杂志编委,国家“973”项目总体组成员。1978年3月进入中国科技大学近代物理系学习,至1988年10月获博士学位并留校至今。其中1991-1993年在法国原子能委员会受控聚变研究所进行博士后研究工作,1996-1997年在日本原子力研究所访问工作。1995-2001任等离子体物理专业主任,2001年4月起任近代物理系主任,2005年4月起任中科院基础等离子体物理重点实验室副主任。2009年9月起任物理学院执行院长。


近年来,主持国家自然科学基金项目、“973”项目5项,院部级项目7项,主持经费总额近2000万元。历年来共发表文章75篇,其中SCI/EI收录文章31篇。先后主讲专业课程 2 门,基础课程 3 门;已培养博士1名,硕士6名,指导在读硕士生7名,博士生 8名。


Controlling chaos by a delayed continuous feedback in a gas discharge plasma, Chinese Phys. 13, 1913 (2004)

Time evolution of artificial plasma cloud in atmospheric environment, Plasma Sci. Tech., 6(4), 2327-2432, (2004)

51nm激光入射大腔靶的受激Raman散射,强激光与粒子束,16, 45 (2004)

Conditions for the observations of two ion-acoustic waves via Thomson scattering, Chin. Phys. Lett., 20 (10), 1799-1802, (2003)

气体放电等离子体中多重随机共振实验及数值研究,核聚变与等离子体物理,23(1), 31-35, (2003)

Characteristics of Langmuir probe in low temperature, weakly magnetized plasmas, Plasma Sci. Tech., 5(1), 1615-1618, (2003)

Set-up of a pure electron plasma device, Plasma Sci. Tech., 4(6), 1541-1545, (2002)

Excitatrion and propagation of modified fluctuation in a toroidal plasma in KT-5C device, Plasma Sci. Tech., 4(4), 1361-1366, (2002)

Ambipolar diffusion in an inhomogeneous dusty plasma, Phys. Plasmas, 9(5), 1584-1588, (2002)

Steady state of the dusty plasma in a dc discharge, Chin. Phys. Lett., 19(5), 695-697, (2002)

Effects of electrode biasing on fluctuations and trasport in the KT-5C tokamak, IEEE Trans. On Plasma Sci., 30(2), 625-629, (2002)

潘宁阱中电子等离子体稳态的数值模拟,核聚变与等离子体物理,21(3), 153-159, (2001)

Observation of Thomson scattering off entropy waves in a laser-produced plasma, Chin. Phys. Lett., 18(10), 1377-1379, (2001)

Thomson scattering measurement of gold plasmas produced with 0.351 µm laser light, Phys. Plasmas, 8(9), 4144-4148, (2001)

Collective Thomson scattering from laser-produced plasmas, Chin. Phys. Lett., 18(7), 936-938, (2001)

Experimental observation of ion-accoustic wave in an inhomogeneous dust plasma, Phys. Plasmas, 8(5), 1459-1462, (2001)

磁约束等离子体边缘扰动传播的时间相关性, 核技术,25, 601, (2001)

1.053mm激光打靶产生的二次谐波,物理学报,50(4), 726-729, (2001)

离子声波对电子输运的影响,物理学报,50(4), 721-725, (2001)

双离子成分等离子体离子声色散关系,强激光与粒子束,13(2), 195-198, (2001)

Generation of radial electric field with electrode biasing, Chin. Phys. Lett., 18(2), 257-259, (2001)

3w/2谐波光谱与发射角度的关系,强激光与粒子束,12(5), 573-575, 2000

激光等离子体中相干Thomson散射的实验研究,强激光与粒子束,12 (6), 715-718, (2000)

Instantaneous Spherical Electron Focusing a Penning Trap, Phys. Plasmas, 7(10), 3912-3916, 2000

束匀滑激光照射下等离子体二次谐波特性研究,强激光与粒子束,12(4), 151-154, 2000

稳态装置中的尘埃等离子体状态,核聚变与等离子体物理,20(3), 180-184, 2000

Observation of radial propagation of electrostatic fluctuations on KT-5C tokamak, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 42,127, (2000)

非磁化等离子体Hopf分岔处随机共振实验,物理学报,49, 508-512, 2000

电子束潘宁阱非中性等离子体装置中聚心电子约束实验,核聚变与等离子体物理,20(1), 25-30, 2000

A non-neutral plasma device: Electron beam Penning trap,Plasma Sci. Tech., 1(1), 33-38, 1999

Observation of spatial intermittency in tokamak plasma turbulence, Phys. Plasma, 6, 326, (1999)

用静电探针反馈控制KT-5C托卡马克边缘湍流,核聚变与等离子体物理,18(4), 48, (1998)

Coherent Thomson scattering diagnostic for plasma wave and turbulence studies,in Frontier of Physics in Fusion-relevant Plasmas, World Scientific, 1998

Coherent magnetic fluctuations of ergodized ELMy H-mode in the JFT-2M tokamak, J. of Plasma & Fusion Research, 73,753,(1998)

Observation of low frequency ion mode turbulence in tokamak plasma, Chin. Phys. Lett. , 15, 579, (1998)

Observation of drift wave propagation as a souce of tokamak edge turbulence, Chin. Phys. Lett., 15, 432,(1998)

相衬成象系统探测等离子体密度湍动谱的新方法,核聚变与等离子体物理,18(1), 30, (1998)

Ergodized ELMy H-mode and its magnetic fluctuation in the JFT-2M tokamak, invited talk in Proc. of 14th meeting of Japan Society of Plasma Physics, Osaka, Nov. 1997


Statistical analysis of magnetic fluctuations associated with ELM on the JFT-2M tokamak, in Proc. of 52nd meeting of Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 52, Issue 2, Part 4, page 957, Kobe, Oct. 1997

A phase contrast imaging system for KT-5C tokamak, Fusion Engineering and Design, 34-35, 411,(1997)

KT-5C托卡马克射频波加热实验用回路天线的负载阻抗测量,核聚变与等离子体物理,17(3), 24, (1997)

Feedback control of edge turbulence in a tokamak, Phys. Review E, 55, 3431,(1997)

Modification of plasma edge fluctuations using electro-static probes in Keda Tokamak-5C, Physics of Plasma, 4,2237,(1997)

Observations of a quasi-coherent fluctuation mode in the KT-5C tokamak during -90o phase shift feedback, Nuclear Fusion, 37,1709,(1997)

Experimental investigation of the propagation properties of an edge fluctuation in the KT-5C tokamak, J. Plasma Physics, 58,601,(1997)


nvestigation of edge localized fluctuation in KT-5C tokamak, Chin. Phys. Lett. 13, 689,(1996)

Coherent Thomson scattering diagnostic for plasma wave and turbulence studies, in Proc. of Asian Science Seminar ( invited talk), Hefei, Oct. 1996


Electrostatic fluctuations and related transport in the edge and core plasma of the Keda Tokamak-5C, Physics of Plasma,3,1022,(1996)

A phase contrast imaging system for KT-5C tokamak,in Proc.of 7th international Toki conf. on Fusion plasma diagnostics, Toki, Japan, Nov. 1995

中国科技大学KT-5C托卡马克的实验运行,核聚变与等离子体物理,15(4),57, (1995)

Experimental measurements of ICRF and edge plasma interactions on Tore Supra, in Proc.of 21th EPS Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating, Montpellier, France, June 1994

Rapid Response of Electron Temperature during Pellet Injection on Tore Supra, Nuclear Fusion, 34,337,(1994)

Fast cooling phenomena during pellet injection in Tore Supra, in Proc.of 35th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Phys. of APS, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, Nov. 1993

Lower hybrid driven long pulses in Tore Supra, Equipe Tore Supra, Plasma Phys. and Control. Fusion, 35,A105,(1993)

One minute pulse operation in the Tore Supra Tokamak, D. Van HOUTE and Equipe Tore Supra, Nucl. Fusion, 33,137,(1993)

Measurement of the parallel distribution function during lower hybrid curent drive in Tore Supra, in Proc. of 10th Topical Conf. on RF Power in Plasma, Boston, U.S.A. April 1993

Theory and experiments on RF plasma heating, current drive and profile control in Tore Supra, in Proc.of 5th international Toki conf. on Phys. & Tech. of plasma Heating & Current Drive, Toki, Japan, Nov. 1992

Overview of recent results from the Tore Supra ECE Diagnostics,in Proc. of 8th Joint Workshop on ECE and ECH, p.291, Gut Ising, GERMANY, Oct. 1992

Electron cyclotron absorption measurements in Tore Supra during lower hybrid current drive, in Proc. of 8th Joint Workshop on ECE and ECH, p.315, Gut Ising, GERMANY, Oct. 1992

Recent results of Tore Supra tokamak, Equipe Tore Supra, International Conf. on Plasma Phys. & Contr. Nucl. Fusion Resaerch, Wurzburg, GERMANY, Sept. 1992

Electron cyclotron non-thermal spectra during Ohmic and RF assisted discharges on Tore Supra, in Proc.of 19th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating, II-1103, Innsbruck, June 1992

Investigation of electron density fluctuation with differnt toroidal magnetic field in KT-5B tokamak, Chinese Phys. Lett., 8, (1991), 236

KT-5B托卡马克离子伯恩斯坦波的传播特性,核聚变与等离子体物理,11, 49 ,(1991)

Ion Bernstein wave experiments and preliminary observation of Alfven wave in tokamak KT-5B, in Proc.of 17th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating, III-1154, Amsterdam, June 1990

KT-5B托卡马克装置上离子伯恩斯坦波激发条件的实验研究,物理学报,39(1990), 212

KT-5C装置工程和实验参数,中国科技大学学报,20, (1990), 370

托卡马克KT-5B上有关等离子体温度和密度的几项诊断,核聚变与等离子体物理,10, (1990), 53

Investigation of linear ion Bernstein wave in KT-5B tokamak, Chinese Phys. Lett., 6, (1989), 201

压电阀脉冲进气量的准确控制,真空科学技术,9, (1989), 340

正弦(余弦)线圈探测等离子体位移方法的改进,核聚变与等离子体物理,9, (1989), 117

KT-5托卡马克装置及其初步实验,核聚变与等离子体物理, 7 , (1987),28



1987.09—1989.07 双鸭山市师范学校学生

1989.07—1992.08 双鸭山市第九中学教师

1992.08—1994.07 黑龙江省委党校研究生部学员

1994.07—1994.11 双鸭山市政府直属机关工委秘书

1994.11—1996.04 双鸭山市政府直属机关工委宣传部副部长兼团委副书记

1996.04—1997.05 双鸭山市政府直属机关工委团委副书记

1997.05—1999.05 双鸭山市政府直属机关工委团委书记

1999.05—2000.10 双鸭山市委政策研究室主任科员

2000.10—2003.12 饶河县委常委、组织部长

2003.12—2006.10 集贤县委常委、政法委书记

2006.10— 至今 集贤县委常委、宣传部长





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