

词条 刘世勇




1989.9-1993.7,武汉大学环境科学系环境化学专业本科;1993.9-1996.7,武汉大学化学系高分子化学与物理专业硕士;1996.9-2000.1,复旦大学高分子科学系攻读博士学位;1999.1-1999.6,香港科技大学化学工程系助研;2000.5-2002.5,英国Sussex University化学、物理与环境科学学院博士后;2002.5-2003.10,美国University of Delaware化学工程系博士后;2003.11-12,美国UC Berkeley化学工程系访问学者;2003.12至今,中国科学技术大学高分子科学与工程系教授、博士生导师。2004年10月至今任高分子科学与工程系执行主任,合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室(筹)研究员。现担任第九届安徽省青年联合会常委、第四届中国青年科技工作者协会会员、中国化学会第七届应用化学学科委员会委员、中国科学院长春应用化学研究所客座研究员、中国材料研究学会青年委员会第六届理事会理事。迄今已发表SCI收录论文123篇 (其中第一/通讯作者SCI论文95篇);共在Phys. Rev. Lett., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Ana. Chem., Soft Matter, Macromolecules, J. Phys. Chem. B, Langmuir, Biomacromolecules和Chem. Mater.等影响因子大于3.0的国际期刊上发表论文101篇,其中第一/通讯作者论文84篇;国际和国内学术会议邀请报告近20次;(参与)撰写中英文专著章节共5篇。研究工作已开始受到国内外同行专家的认可和关注,已发表的SCI论文共被他人引用2100余次,其中第一/通讯作者论文被他人引用1700余次。2003年入选中国科学院“引进海外杰出人才”(百人计划)并于次年获择优支持,2004年获得国家杰出青年科学基金,2005年度教育部“大分子胶体与溶液”创新团队学术带头人,2007年入选新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选,2008年获国务院政府特殊津贴,2009年入选教育部“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授,同年还获校友基金会青年科学家杰出成就奖、中国科学院优秀导师奖和中国化学会-英国皇家化学会青年化学奖;第十二届国家自然科学基金委工程与材料科学部有机高分子材料学科评审专家;目前担任美国化学会高分子专业杂志Macromolecules顾问编委(2008-), 《应用化学》杂志编委(2009-)和Polymers杂志(MDPI, Open Access)编委(2009-)。




1. 高分子合成方法学

2. 化学与生物检测

3. 超分子功能材料

4. 生物医用材料


1. 具有特殊链构造的非线型嵌段聚合物设计与合成

2. 基于多肽和生物可降解性高分子的生物医用材料

3. 光、电、磁、热、盐和 pH 响应性环境敏感智能材料

4. 基于强氢键作用和主客体包结络合超分子自组装

5. 基于有序分子聚集体的药物缓释及生物活性物质传输

6. 合成高分子和生物大分子的单链折叠和聚集过程

7. 两亲性分子自组织有序微结构固定化与微反应器

8. 环境响应性无机/有机杂化纳米材料的制备与功能化



1. 超分子微结构和有序尺度下的聚合反应:中国科学院“百人计划”项目

2. 基于聚合反应的自组织有序微结构固定和功能材料制备:国家杰出青年科学基金

3. 高分子物理凝胶化过程,临界现象与物理凝胶结构的再探索:国家自然科学基金重点项目(合作申请)

4. 停流光谱法研究合成高分子单链折叠动力学:国家自然科学基金面上项目

5. 大分子的折叠-从两亲性高分子到蛋白质: 中国科学院方向性创新项目

6. 大分子胶体与溶液:教育部创新团队项目

近期代表性论文 (通讯/第一作者)

1. J. M. Hu, C. H. Li, S. Y. Liu*Hg(II)-Reactive Double Hydrophilic Block Copolymer Assemblies as Novel Multifunctional Fluorescent Probes with Improved PerformanceLangmuir2010,26, 724-729.

2. X. Z. Jiang, S. Y. Liu*, R. Narain* “Degradable Thermo-Responsive Core Cross-Linked Micelles: Fabrication, Surface Functionalization, and BiorecognitionLangmuir 2009, 25, 13344-13350.

3. H. Liu, Y. F. Zhang, J. M. Hu, C. H. Li,S. Y. Liu*Multi-Responsive Supramolecular Double Hydrophilic Diblock Copolymer Driven by Host-Guest Inclusion Complexation between β-Cyclodextrin and Adamantyl MoietiesMacromol. Chem. Phys.2009, 210, 2125-2137.

4. J. Yin, X. F. Guan, D. Wang, S. Y. Liu*Metal-Chelating and Dansyl-Labeled Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Microgels as Fluorescent Cu(II) Sensors with Thermo-Enhanced Detection SensitivityLangmuir2009,25, 11367-11374.

5. Z. S. Ge, J. Xu, J. M. Hu, Y. F. Zhang, S. Y. Liu*Synthesis and Supramolecular Self-Assembly of Stimuli-Responsive Water-Soluble Janus-Type Heteroarm Star CopolymersSoft Matter2009, 5, 3932-3939.

6. T. Wu, G. Zhou, J. M. Hu, S. Y. Liu* Fabrication of Photo-Switchable and Thermo-Tunable Multicolor Fluorescent Hybrid Silica Nanoparticles Coated with Dye-Labeled Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) BrushesChem. Mater. 2009, 21, 3788-3798.

7. T. Liu, J. M. Hu, J. Yin, Y. F. Zhang, C. H. Li, S. Y. Liu*Enhancing Detection Sensitivity of Responsive Microgel-Based Cu(II) Chemosensors via Thermo-Induced Volume Phase TransitionsChem. Mater. 2009, 21, 3439-3446.

8. C. H. Li, J. M. Hu, J. Yin, S. Y. Liu*"Click Coupling Fullerene onto Thermoresponsive Water-Soluble Diblock Copolymer and Homopolymer Chains at Defined Positions" Macromolecules2009, 42, 5007-5016. (One of Monthly Most-Read Articles)

9. Z. S. Ge, S. Y. Liu*Supramolecular Self-Assembly of Nonlinear Amphiphilic and Double Hydrophilic Block Copolymers in Aqueous Solutions" Macromol. Rapid Commun.2009, 30, 1523-1532. (Invited Feature Article)

10. C. H. Li, Z. S. Ge, H. W. Liu, S. Y. Liu*Synthesis of Amphiphilic and ThermoresponsiveABC Miktoarm Star Terpolymer via a Combination of Consecutive Click Reactions and Atom Transfer Radical PolymerizationJ. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem.2009, 47, 4001-4013.

11. Y. F. Zhang, H. Liu, J. M. Liu, C. H. Li, S. Y. Liu* Synthesis and Aggregation Behavior of Multi-Responsive Double Hydrophilic ABC Miktoarm Star TerpolymerMacromol. Rapid Commun.2009, 30, 941-947.

12. J. Y. Rao, Z. Y. Zhu, S. Y. Liu*Synthesis and Micellization Behavior of Stimuli-Responsive Polypeptide Hybrid Triblock Copolymer" Chin. Sci. Bull. 2009, 54, 1912-1917.

13. Y. F. Zhang, C. H. Li, S. Y. Liu* One-Pot Synthesis of ABC Miktoarm Star Terpolymers by Coupling ATRP, ROP, and Click Chemistry TechniquesJ. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem.2009, 47, 3066-3077.

14. Z. S. Ge, D. Wang, Y. M. Zhou, H. W. Liu, S. Y. Liu*Synthesis of Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Quatrefoil-Shaped Star-Cyclic Polymer Containing Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane CoreMacromolecules2009, 42, 2903-2910. (Highlighted by Noteworthy Chemistry; One of Monthly Most-Read Articles)

15. C. H. Li, Z. S. Ge, J. Fang, S. Y. Liu* Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Coil-Rod Double Hydrophilic Diblock Copolymer with Dually Responsive Asymmetric Centipede-Shaped Polymer Brush as the Rod SegmentMacromolecules2009, 42, 2916-2924.

16. H. Liu, C. H. Li, H. W. Liu, S. Y. Liu* pH-Responsive Supramolecular Self-Assembly of Well-Defined Zwitterionic ABC Miktoarm Star TerpolymersLangmuir2009,25, 4724-4734.

17. J. Yin, Z. S. Ge, H. Liu, S. Y. Liu* Synthesis of AmphiphilicCopolymer Brushes Possessing Alternating Poly(methyl methacrylate) and Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Grafts via a Combination of ATRP and Click ChemistryJ. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem.2009, 47, 2608-2619.

18. X. Z. Jiang, G. Y. Zhang, R. Narain*, S. Y. Liu* Covalently Stabilized Temperature and pH Responsive Four-Layer Nanoparticles Fabricated from Surface 'Clickable' Shell Cross-Linked MicellesSoft Matter2009, 5, 1530-1538.

19. Z. S. Ge, J. M. Hu, F. H. Huang*, S. Y. Liu* Responsive Supramolecular Gels Constructed via Crown Ether-Based Molecular RecognitionAngew. Chem. Int. Ed.2009, 48, 1798-1802; Angew. Chem. 2009,121, 1830-1834.

20. Z. S. Ge, Y. M. Zhou, J. Xu, H. W. Liu, D. Y. Chen*, S. Y. Liu* High-Efficiency Preparation of Macrocyclic Diblock Copolymers via Selective Click Reaction in Micellar MediaJ. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 1628-1629.

21. X. Z. Jiang, G. Y. Zhang, R. Narain*, S. Y. Liu* Fabrication of Two Types of Shell Cross-Linked Micelles with “Inverted” Structures in Aqueous Solution from Schizophrenic Water-Soluble ABC Triblock Copolymer via Click ChemistryLangmuir2009,25, 2046-2054. (Highlighted by Nature China; DOI: 10.1038/nchina.2009.34)

22. Y. F. Zhang, H. Liu, H. F. Dong, C. H. Li, S. Y. Liu* Micelles Possessing Mixed Cores and Thermoresponsive Shells Fabricated from Well-Defined Amphiphilic ABC Miktoarm Star TerpolymersJ. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem.2009, 47, 1636-1650.

23. J. Xu, S. Y. Liu* Synthesis of Well-Defined 7-Arm and 21-Arm Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Star Polymers with β-Cyclodextrin Cores via Click Chemistry and Their Thermal Phase Transition Behavior in Aqueous SolutionJ. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem.2009, 47, 404-419.

24. J. Y. Rao, J. Y. Zhang, J. Xu, S. Y. Liu*Cononsolvency-Induced Micellization Kinetics of Pyrene End-Labeled Diblock Copolymer of N-Isopropylacrylamide and Oligo(ethylene glycol) Methyl Ether Methacrylate Studied by Stopped-Flow Light-Scattering and FluorescenceJ. Colloid Interface Sci. 2008,317, 196-202.

25. Y. M. Zhou, K. Q. Jiang, Y. Q. Chen, S. Y. Liu* Gold Nanoparticle-Incorporated Core and Shell Cross-Linked Micelles Fabricated from Thermoresponsive Block Copolymer of N-Isopropylacrylamide and a Novel Primary-Amine Containing MonomerJ. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem.2008, 46, 6518-6531.

26. J. Y. Zhang, J. Xu, S. Y. Liu*Chain-Length Dependence of Diblock Copolymer Micellization Kinetics Studied by Stopped-Flow pH-JumpJ. Phys. Chem. B 2008, 112, 11284-11291.

27. L. Shen, J. Z. Du, S. P. Armes, S. Y. Liu*Kinetics of pH-Induced Formation and Dissociation of Polymeric Vesicles Assembled from a Water-Soluble Zwitterionic Diblock CopolymerLangmuir2008,24, 10019-10025.

28. J. Yin, D. Dupin, J. F. Li, S. P. Armes,* S. Y. Liu*pH-Induced Deswelling Kinetics of Sterically Stabilized Poly(2-vinylpyridine) Microgels Probed by Stopped-Flow Light ScatteringLangmuir2008,24, 9334-9340.

29. J. Xu, S. Y. Liu* “Polymeric Nanocarriers Possessing Thermoresponsive CoronasSoft Matter2008, 4, 1745-1749. (Invited Highlight, Top-Ten Articles in Aug 2008)

30. J. Y. Rao, Y. F. Zhang, J. Y. Zhang, S. Y. Liu* Facile Preparation of Well-Defined AB2 Y-shaped Miktoarm Star Polypeptide Copolymer via the Combination of Ring-Opening Polymerization and Click ChemistryBiomacromolecules2008, 10, 2586-2593.

31. J. Ye, J. Xu, J. M. Hu, X. F. Wang, G. Z. Zhang, S. Y. Liu*, C. Wu “Comparative Study of Temperature-Induced Association of Cyclic and Linear Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Chains in Dilute Solutions by Laser Light Scattering and Stopped-Flow Temperature JumpMacromolecules2008, 41, 4416-4422.

32. J. Y. Zhang, Y. M. Zhou, Z. Y. Zhu, Z. S. Ge, S. Y. Liu*Polyion Complex Micelles Possessing Thermoresponsive Coronas and Their Covalent Core-Stabilization via “Click” ChemistryMacromolecules2008, 41, 1444-1454. (Most-Accessed Articles in Macromolecules during Jan-Mar 2008)

33. X. F. Wang, Y. F. Zhang, Z. Y. Zhu, S. Y. Liu* Fabrication of Fullerene-Containing Hybrid Vesicles via Supramolecular Self-Assembly of Well-Defined Amphiphilic Block Copolymer Incorporated with a Single Fullerene Moiety at the Diblock Junction PointMacromol. Rapid Commun.2008, 29, 340-346. (Invited Contribution for the Special Issue of MRC on "Self-Assembly and Hierarchical Structure Formation of Macromolecules")

34. Y. F. Zhang, W. Y. Gu, H. X. Xu, S. Y. Liu* Facile Fabrication of Hybrid Nanoparticles Surface Grafted with Multi-Responsive Polymer Brushes via Block Copolymer Micellization and Self-Catalyzed Core GelationJ. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem.2008, 46, 2379-2389.

35. Z. S. Ge, J. Xu, D. L. Wu, R. Narain, S. Y. Liu* pH-Switchable Complexation Between Double Hydrophilic Heteroarm Star Copolymer and a Cationic Block PolyelectrolyteMacromol. Chem. Phys.2008, 209, 754-763.

36. T. Wu, Y. F. Zhang, X. F. Wang, S. Y. Liu* Fabrication of Hybrid Silica Nanoparticles Densely Grafted with Thermoresponsive Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Brushes of Controlled Thickness via Surface-Initiated Atom Transfer Radical PolymerizationChem. Mater. 2008,20, 101-109.

37. X. Z. Jiang, J. Y. Zhang, Y. M. Zhou, J. Xu, S. Y. Liu* Facile Preparation of Core Cross-Linked Micelles from Azide-Containing Thermoresponsive Double Hydrophilic Diblock Copolymer via Click ChemistryJ. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem.2008, 46, 860-871.

38. J. Xu, X. Z. Jiang, S. Y. Liu* Synthesis of Low-Polydispersity Poly(N-ethylmethylacrylamide) by Controlled Radical Polymerizations and Their Thermal Phase Transition BehaviorJ. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem.2008, 46, 60-69.

39. J. Y. Rao, Z. F. Luo, Z. S. Ge, H. Liu, S. Y. Liu* 'Schizophrenic' Micellization Associated with Coil-to-Helix Transitions Based on Polypeptide Hybrid Double Hydrophilic Rod-Coil Diblock CopolymerBiomacromolecules2007, 8, 3871-3878.

40. Y. M. Zhou, K. Q. Jiang, Q. L. Song, S. Y. Liu* Thermo-Induced Formation of Unimolecular and Multimolecular Micelles from Novel Double Hydrophilic Multiblock Copolymers of N,N-Dimethylacrylamide and N-IsopropylacrylamideLangmuir2007,23, 13076-13084.

41. J. Xu, J. Ye, S. Y. Liu*Synthesis of Well-Defined Cyclic Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) via Click Chemistry and Its Unique Thermal Phase Transition BehaviorMacromolecules2007, 40, 9103-9110.

42. J. Y. Zhang, X. Z. Jiang, Y. F. Zhang, Y. T. Li, S. Y. Liu*Facile Fabrication of Reversible Core Cross-Linked Micelles Possessing Thermosensitive SwellabilityMacromolecules2007, 40, 9125-9132.

43. H. Liu, X. Z. Jiang, J. Fan, G. H. Wang, S. Y. Liu*Aldehyde Surface-Functionalized Shell Cross-Linked Micelles with pH-Tunable Core Swellability and Their Bioconjugation with LysozymeMacromolecules2007, 40, 9074-9083.

44. Z. Y. Zhu, J. Xu, Y. M. Zhou, X. Z. Jiang, S. P. Armes, S. Y. Liu* Effect of Salt on the Micellization Kinetics of pH-Responsive ABC Triblock CopolymersMacromolecules2007, 40, 6393-6400.

45. Z. S. Ge, D. Xie, D. Y. Chen, X. Z. Jiang, Y. F. Zhang, H. W. Liu, S. Y. Liu*Stimuli-Responsive Double Hydrophilic Block Copolymer Micelles with Switchable Catalytic ActivityMacromolecules2007, 40, 3538-3546.(Most-Accessed Articles in Macromolecules during Apr-Jun 2007)

46. J. Y. Rao, J. Xu, S. Z. Luo, S. Y. Liu*Cononsolvency-Induced Micellization of Pyrene End-Labeled Diblock Copolymers of N-Isopropylacrylamide and Oligo(ethylene glycol) Methyl Ether MethacrylateLangmuir 2007, 23,11857-11865.

47. D. Wang, T. Wu, X. J. Wan, X. F. Wang, S. Y. Liu*Purely Salt-Responsive Micelle Formation and Inversion Based on a Novel Schizophrenic Sulfobetaine Block Copolymer: Structure and Kinetics of MicellizationLangmuir2007, 23, 11866-11874.

48. Z. S. Ge, Y. L. Cai, J. Yin, Z. Y. Zhu, J. Y. Rao, S. Y. Liu* Synthesis and ‘Schizophrenic’ Micellization of Double Hydrophilic AB4 Miktoarm Star and AB Diblock Copolymers: Structure and Kinetics of MicellizationLangmuir2007,23, 1114-1122.

49. X. Z. Jiang, Z. S. Ge, J. Xu, H. Liu, S. Y. Liu* Fabrication of Multi-Responsive Shell Cross-Linked Micelles Possessing pH-Controllable Core Swellability and Thermo-Tunable Corona PermeabilityBiomacromolecules2007, 8, 3184-3192. (Most-Accessed Articles in Biomacromolecules during Oct-Dec 2007)

50. J. Y. Zhang, Y. T. Li, S. P. Armes, S. Y. Liu*Probing the Micellization Kinetics of Pyrene End-Labeled Diblock Copolymer via a Combination of Stopped-Flow Light Scattering and Fluorescence TechniquesJ. Phys. Chem. B 2007, 111, 12111-12118.

51. H. Xu, J. Xu, X. Z. Jiang, Z. Y. Zhu, J. Y. Rao, J. Yin, T. Wu, H. W. Liu, S. Y. Liu* “Thermosensitive Unimolecular Micelles Surface Decorated with gold Nanoparticles of Tunable Spatial DistributionChem. Mater. 2007, 19, 2489-2494.

52. Z. S. Ge, D. Y. Chen, J. Y. Zhang, J. Y. Rao, J. Yin, D. Wang, X. J. Wan, W. F. Shi, S. Y. Liu*Facile Synthesis of Dumbbell-Shaped Dendritic-Linear-Dendritic Triblock Copolymer via Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer PolymerizationJ. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem.2007, 45, 1432-1445.

53. H. Liu, J. Xu, J. L. Jiang, J. Yin, R. Narain, Y. L. Cai, S. Y. Liu*Syntheses and Micellar Properties of Well-Defined Amphiphilic AB2 and A2B Y-shaped Miktoarm Star Copolymers of e-Caprolactone and 2-(Dimethylamino)ethyl MethacrylateJ. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem.2007, 45, 1446-1462.

54. Y. F. Zhang, T. Wu, S. Y. Liu* Micellization Kinetics of a Novel Multi-Responsive Double Hydrophilic Diblock Copolymer Studied by Stopped-Flow pH and Temperature JumpMacromol. Chem. Phys.2007, 208, 2492-2501.

55. J. Y. Zhang, Z. S. Ge, X. Z. Jiang, P. A. Hassan, S. Y. Liu* Stopped-Flow Kinetic Studies of Sphere-to-Rod Transitions of Sodium Alkyl Sulfate Micelles Induced by Hydrotropic SaltJ. Colloid Interface Sci. 2007,316, 796-802.

56. J. Xu, Z. S. Ge, Z. Y. Zhu, S. Z. Luo, H. W. Liu,S. Y. Liu*Synthesis and Micellization Properties of Double Hydrophilic A2BA2 and A4BA4 Non-Linear Block CopolymersMacromolecules2006, 39, 8178-8185.

57. H. X. Xu, J. Xu, Z. Y. Zhu, H. W. Liu, S. Y. Liu*In Situ Formation of Silver Nanoparticles with Tunable Spatial Distribution at the Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Corona of Unimolecular MicellesMacromolecules2006, 39, 8451-8455. (Most-Accessed Articles in Macromolecules during Oct-Dec 2006)

58. D. Wang, J. Yin, Z. Y. Zhu, Z. S. Ge, H. W. Liu, S. P. Armes, S. Y. Liu* Micelle Formation and Inversion Kinetics of a Schizophrenic Diblock CopolymerMacromolecules2006, 39, 7378-7385.

59. X. Z. Jiang, S. Z. Luo, S. P. Armes, W. F. Shi, S. Y. Liu* UV Irradiation-Induced Shell Cross-Linked Micelles with pH-Responsive Cores Using ABC Triblock CopolymersMacromolecules2006, 39, 5987-5994. (Most-Accessed Articles in Macromolecules during Jul-Sep 2006)

60. S. Z. Luo, S. Y. Liu,*J. Xu, H. Liu, Z. Y. Zhu, M. Jiang, C. Wu “A Stopped-Flow Kinetic Study of the Assembly of Interpolymer Complexes via Hydrogen Bonding InteractionsMacromolecules2006, 39, 4517-4525.

61. S. Y. Liu, K. D. Hermanson, E. W. Kaler*Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer Polymerization in MicroemulsionMacromolecules2006, 39, 4345-4350.

62. Z. Y. Zhu, H. X. Xu, H. W. Liu, Y. I. González, E. W. Kaler, S. Y. Liu* Stabilization of Catanionic Vesicles via PolymerizationJ. Phys. Chem. B 2006, 110, 16309-16317.

63. S. Z. Luo, J. Xu, Z. Y. Zhu, C. Wu, S. Y. Liu*Phase Transition Behavior of Unimolecular Micelles with Thermoresponsive Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) CoronasJ. Phys. Chem. B 2006, 110, 9132-9139.

64. J. Xu, Z. Y. Zhu, S. Z. Luo, C. Wu, S. Y. Liu* First observation of two-stage collapsing kinetics of a single synthetic polymer chainPhys. Rev. Lett.2006, 96, 027802.

65. H. X. Xu, X. B. Wang, Y. F. Zhang, S. Y. Liu* Single-Step in Situ Preparation of Polymer-Grafted Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Composites under g-Ray IrradiationChem. Mater.2006, 18, 2929-2934.

66. J. Xu, S. Z. Luo, W. F. Shi, S. Y. Liu*Two-Stage Collapse of Unimolecular Micelles with Double Thermoresponsive CoronasLangmuir2006,22, 989-997.

67. Z. Y. Zhu, Y. I. González, H. X. Xu, E. W. Kaler, S. Y. Liu*Polymerization of Anionic Worm-like MicellesLangmuir2006, 22, 949-955.

68. Z. S. Ge, S. Z. Luo, S. Y. Liu*Syntheses and Self-Assembly of Poly(benzyl ether)-b-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Dendritic-Linear Diblock CopolymersJ. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem.2006, 44, 1357-1371.

69. S. Z. Luo, J. Xu, Y. F. Zhang, S. Y. Liu,*C. Wu “Double Hydrophilic Block Copolymer Monolayer-Protected Hybrid Gold Nanoparticles and their Shell Cross-LinkingJ. Phys. Chem. B.2005, 109, 22159-22166.

70. Y. F. Zhang, S. Z. Luo, S. Y. Liu*Fabrication of Hybrid Nanoparticles with Thermoresponsive Coronas via a Self-Assembling ApproachMacromolecules2005, 38, 9813-9820. (Most-Accessed Articles in Macromolecules during Oct-Dec 2005)

71. Z. Y. Zhu, S. P. Armes, S. Y. Liu*pH-Induced Micellization Kinetics of ABC Triblock Copolymers Measured by Stopped-Flow Light ScatteringMacromolecules2005, 38, 9803-9812.

72. S. Y. Liu, Y. I. González, D. Danino, E. W. Kaler*Polymerization of Worm-like Micelles Induced by Hydrotropic SaltMacromolecules2005, 38, 2482-2491.

73. S. Y. Liu,*C. M. Chan, L. T. Weng, M. Jiang “Surface Segregation in Polymer Blends and Interpolymer Complexes with Increasing Hydrogen Bonding InteractionsJ. Polym. Sci., Polym. Phys. Ed.2005, 43, 1924-1930.

74. S. Y. Liu,*Q. Cai, H. Zhu, M. Jiang “Miscibility-complexation behavior and surface characterization of modified phenoxy resin/poly(butyl methacrylate-co-4-vinyl pyridine) blendsChem. J. Chin. Univ.2005, 26, 1149-1155.

75. S. Y. Liu,*L. T. Weng, C. M. Chan, M. Jiang “Combined XPS and ToF-SIMS Surface Quantitative Analysis of Polymer Blends with Varying Mixing ThermodynamicsAna. Chem.2004, 76, 5165-5171.

76. S. Y. Liu,*L. T. Weng, C. M. Chan, M. Jiang “Surface Quantitative Characterization of Poly(styrene-co-4-vinyl phenol)/Poly(styrene-co-4-vinyl pyridine) Blends with Controlled Hydrogen Bonding InteractionsPolymer2004,45, 4945-4952.

77. S. Y. Liu, Y. I. González, E. W. Kaler*Structural Fixation of Spontaneous Vesicles in Aqueous Mixtures of Polymerizable Anionic and Cationic SurfactantsLangmuir, 2003, 19, 10732-10738.

78. S. Y. Liu, S. P. Armes*Synthesis and Aqueous Solution Behavior of a pH-Responsive Schizophrenic Diblock CopolymerLangmuir2003, 19, 4432-4438.

79. S. Y. Liu, S. P. Armes*Polymeric Surfactants for the New Millennium: A pH-Responsive, Zwitterionic, Schizophrenic Diblock CopolymerAngewandte Chemie Int. Ed.2002, 41, 1413-1416; Angewandte Chemie2002,114, 1471-1474. (Selected as VIP paper, Cited 115 times)

80. S. Y. Liu, J. V. M. Weaver, S. P. Armes*Synthesis of pH-Responsive Shell Cross-Linked Micelles and Their Use as Nanoreactors for the Preparation of Gold NanoparticlesLangmuir2002, 18, 8350-8357. (Cited 127 times)

81. S. Y. Liu, Y. Ma, S. P. Armes,*C. Perruchot, J. F. Watts “Direct Verification of the Core-Shell Structure of Shell Cross-Linked Micelles in the Solid State Using X-ray Photoelectron SpectroscopyLangmuir2002, 18, 7780-7784.

82. S. Y. Liu,*J. V. M. Weaver, Y. Tang, N. C. Billingham, S. P. Armes,*K. Tribe “Synthesis of Shell Cross-Linked Micelles with pH-Responsive Cores Using ABC Triblock CopolymersMacromolecules2002, 35, 6121-6131. (Cited 168 times)

83. S. Y. Liu, L. T. Weng, C. M. Chan,*L. Lin, M. Jiang “Surface Characterization of Poly(styrene-co-p-hexafluorohydroxyisopropyl-a-methyl styrene)/Poly(4-vinyl pyridine) Blends Spanning the Immiscibility-Miscibility-Complexation Transition by XPS, ToF-SIMS and AFMMacromolecules2002, 35, 5623-5629.

84. S. Y. Liu, S. P. Armes*The Facile One-Pot Synthesis of Shell Cross-linked Micelles at High SolidsJ. Am. Chem. Soc.2001, 123, 9910-9911.(Cited 91 times)

85. S. Y. Liu, N. C. Billingham, S. P. Armes*A Schizophrenic Water-Soluble Diblock CopolymerAngewandte Chemie Int. Ed.2001, 40, 2328-2331; Angewandte Chemie2001, 113, 2390-2393. (Cited 117 times)

86. S. Y. Liu, M. Jiang,*C. M. Chan, L. T. Weng “Elimination of Surface Enrichment in Polymer Blends via Interpolymer ComplexationMacromolecules2001, 34, 3802-3804.

87. S. Y. Liu, S. P. Armes*Recent Advances in the Synthesis of Polymeric SurfactantsCurr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. 2001, 6, 249-256.

88. S. Y. Liu, L. T. Weng, C. M. Chan,*L. Li, K. C. Huo, M. Jiang “Quantitative Surface Characterization of Polystyrene/Poly(4-vinyl phenol) Random and Block Copolymers by ToF-SIMS and XPSSurf. Interface Ana.2001, 31, 745-753.

89. S. Y. Liu, M. Jiang*New Approaches to Polymer Micellization and the Structural Evolution of the MicellesChem. J. Chin. Univ. 2001, 22, 1066-1072.

90. S. Y. Liu, T. Hu, H. Liang, M. Jiang,*C. Wu*Self-Assembly of Narrowly Distributed Carboxyl-Terminated Linear Polystyrene Chains in Water via Microphase InversionMacromolecules 2000,33, 8640-8643.

91. S. Y. Liu, H. Zhu, M. Jiang,*C. Wu “Interpolymer Hydrogen Bonding Complexation induced Micellization from Polystyrene-b-poly(methyl methacrylate) and PS(OH) in TolueneLangmuir2000,16, 3712-3717.

92. S. Y. Liu, M. Jiang,*H. Liang, C. Wu, “Intermacromolecular Complexes due to Specific Interactions 13, Formation of Micelle-like Complexes from Hydrogen-bonding “Graft” Complexes in Selective SolventsPolymer2000, 41, 8697-8902.

93. S. Y. Liu, Q. Pan, J. Xie, M. Jiang*Intermacromolecular Complexes due to Specific Interactions 12, Graft-like Hydrogen Bonding Complexes Based on Pyridyl-Containing Polymers and End-Functionalized Polystyrene OligomersPolymer2000,41,6919-6929.

94. S. Y. Liu, L. T. Weng, C. M. Chan,*L. Li, K. C. Huo, M. Jiang “Surface Characterization of Poly(styrene-co-p-hexafluorohydroxyisopropyl-a-methyl styrene) Copolymers by ToF-SIMS, XPS and Contact Angle MeasurementsSurf. Interface Ana.2000,29, 500-507.

95. S. Y. Liu, G. Zhang, M. Jiang*Soluble Graft-like Complexes Consisting of Poly(4-vinyl pyridine) and Carboxyl-Terminated PolystyrenePolymer1999, 40, 5449-5453.

Last Updated Nov 01, 2009;


姓名: 刘世勇 (副教授)

部门: 理论所

电话: 62932827





-Associate Professor

-Department of Physics,

Shanghai Jiaotong University, P.R. China


-Postdoctoral Fellow

-Department of Physics, Shanghai Jiaotong University, P. R. China

-Supervisor: Prof. Xiao-Lin Lei


-Doctorate in Philosophy, Condensed Matter

-Shanghai Institute of Metallurgy, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P. R. China


-Master of Science in Physics and Mathematics, Diploma with Honours

-Department of Physics, Moscow State University, Russia


S. Y. Liu and X. L. Lei, Low-temperature transport through a quantum dot between two superconductor leads, Phys. Rev B 70(2004)205339.

X. L. Lei and S. Y. Liu, Radiation-Induced Magnetoresistance Oscillation in a Two-Domensional Electron Gas in Faraday Geometry, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91(2003) 226805.

X. L. Lei and S. Y. Liu, Cyclotron resonance of terahertz photoresponse in two-dimensional polar semiconductors at high temperatures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 82(2003)3904.

S. Y. Liu and X. L. Lei, Theory of nonlinear cyclotron resonance in quasi-two-dimensional electron systems, J. Phys. Cond. Matter 51(2003) 4411.

X. L. Lei and S. Y. Liu, Electron cooling due to terahertz irradiation in polar semiconductors, Phys. Rev. B 67(2003)233301.

W. S. Liu and S. Y. Liu, and X. L. Lei, Metal-insulator transition in two-dimensional systems with long-range correlated disorder, Eur. Phys. J B 33(2003)293.

L. F. Wei, S. Y. Liu, and X. L. Lei, Quantum computation with two-level trapped cold ions beyond Lamb-Dicke limit, Phys. Rev. A 65(2002)062316.

X. L. Lei and S. Y. Liu, Terahertz spectra emitted from hot carriers in two-dimensional semiconductors Chin. Phys. 10(2001)840.

X. L. Lei and S. Y. Liu, Balance-equation approach to terahertz-field-driven magnetotransport in semiconductors, Eur. Phys. J. B 13(2000)271.

X. L. Lei and S. Y. Liu, Nonlinear free-carrier absorption of intense THz radiation in semiconductors, J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 12(2000)4650.

S. Y. Liu and X. L. Lei, Multiphoton-magnetophonon resonance in two-dimensional electron systems under intense terahertz fields, Phys. Rev. B 60(1999)10624.

S. Y. Liu and X. L. Lei, Photon-assisted magnetophonon resonance in a GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunction driven by intense terahertz radiations, Physica B 272(1999)461.
























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