

词条 刘开华
1 俄语翻译家


2 天津大学教授










论文: 1. Xiwu LV, Kaihua LIU, Po HU. Efficient solution of additional base stations in time-of-arrival positioning systems, Electronics Letters, vol. 46, no. 12, pp. 861-862. SCI: 000279091800037.

2. 罗鹏,刘开华,等,一种相干款待线性调频信号的波达方向估计新算法,通信学报,已录用。

3. 于洁潇,刘开华,等,三维空间下的射频识别标签防冲突算法,天津大学学报,42卷12期1089—1095页。

4. 刘开华,国澄明,等,HDTV图像数据结构变换的数学模型与电路实现,天津大学学报,33卷6期 677—679页。

5. 史伟光,刘开华,等,基于双频副载波调幅的UHF RFID定位方法[J],哈尔滨工业大学学报,已录用。

6. 马永涛,刘开华等,基于OFDM Homeplug AV电力线通信系统仿真,天津大学学报,41卷1期 52--57页。

7. 罗鹏,刘开华等,非规则几何结构阵列下的宽带线性调频信号波达方向估计,天津大学学报,已录用。

8. 于洁潇 刘开华. RFID高速公路车辆测速及定位方法研究[J],计算机工程,已录用

9. Lv Xiwu, Liu Kaihua, Hu Po. Geometry Influence on GDOP in TOA and AOA Positioning Systems. [C]// 2010 Second International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing, Wuhan, China, April 2010, Vol. 2, 58~61

10. Lv Xiwu, Liu Kaihua, Ma Yongtao. Some results on the capacity of MIMO Rayleigh

11. fading channels.[C]//the 6th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Network and Mobile Computing WiCOM2010. 已录用

12. 吕西午,刘开华,赵岩. 基于Zigbee的无线监测系统设计与实现[J] 计算机工程. Vol. 36, 24(5), 243~244,247.

13. Peng Luo, Kai-hua Liu, Wei-guang Shi, Ge Yan. 2-D DOA Estimation of Wideband LFM Signals for Arbitrary Planar Array[C]//10th International Conference on Signal Processing. 已录用

14. Peng Luo, Kai-hua Liu, Xiang-dong Huang, Ge Yan. DOA Estimation of Wideband LFM Signals for Nonuniform Linear Array[C]//2010 3rd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing. 已录用

15. Weiguang Shi, Kaihua Liu, Ying Ju, Ge Yan. An efficient indoor location algorithm based on RFID technology[C]//the 6th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Network and Mobile Computing,已录用

16. 史伟光,刘开华,于洁潇. 基于加权欧式算子的射频识别定位算法[J],计算机工程,已录用

17. Jiasong Mu, Kaihua Liu. A Routing strategy based on node movement in ZigBee networks[C]// 2010 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Information Security (WCNIS), 583~587.

18. Jiasong Mu, Kaihua Liu. A Study on the Routing Selection Method in Zigbee Networks Based on the Mobility of the Nodes and the Scale of the Network[C]// 2010 International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing (CMC), Vol 3, 405~409.

19. Jiasong Mu, Kaihua Liu. Effect of node mobility and network dimension to the Zigbee routing method[C]// the 6th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Network and Mobile Computing (WiCOM). 已录用

20. 俱莹,刘开华,史伟光,闫格,基于RFID的边界虚拟参考标签定位算法[J],计算机工程,已录用

21. 陈冰,刘开华,史伟光,基于RFID的虚拟标签改进算法研究与应用[J],计算机工程,已录用


高清晰度电视功能样机系统研究开发工程,信源解码器专题 主要参加者 该项目入选“ 98 年中国十大科技新闻”和“ 98 年中国高校十大科技进步”。并获 2002 年上海科技进步一等奖,此外获省部级科技进步三等奖 3 次。





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