

词条 ryan star


原名: Ryan Star Kulchinsky

出生日期: 1978年1月7日

出生地: 纽约长岛的亨廷顿(Huntington, Long Island, New York)

职业: 音乐家,歌手,词曲作者

音乐流派: 摇滚,另类摇滚(Rock/Alternative Rock)

活跃时期: 1992年至今

所在厂牌: 大西洋唱片公司(Atlantic Records,现为华纳音乐集团旗下子公司)

请注意将他与美国偶像第一季第7名Ryan Starr(女)分清

Ryan Star Kulchinsky出生在纽约长岛亨廷顿,并在迪克斯山(Dix Hills)长大,14岁时他组建了他的第一支乐队Stage。这支乐队发行了一些单曲,并在2003年由小牛唱片(Maverick Records,现为华纳兄弟唱片公司旗下子公司)发行了同名专辑。当他们还在上高中时,就已经在CBGB俱乐部和Mercury Lounge俱乐部演唱了。乐队分道扬镳后,他成为了一名独立艺人。

Ryan Star参加了CBS(哥伦比亚广播电视台)的真人秀节目<摇滚明星>第二季。<摇滚明星>是一系列的新人发掘类节目,其中,乐队Supernova(超新星)在寻找一位主唱来领导乐队。该节目的制片人兼乐队鼓手是Motley Crue的鼓手Tommy Lee。在节目中Ryan Star表现出了一贯的风格,尤其是动人的钢琴旋律,因此表演评论员Dave Navarro称他为“黑马”。

尽管他还是被淘汰了,淘汰后节目制片人Mark Burnett为他和节目乐队制作了一张现场专辑,以帮助他开始他的职业生涯。通过歌迷的短信投票,Ryan Star在第十一周回到了舞台上加演一曲<Back of Your Car>并得到了一辆本田CR-V作为奖品。

2010年6月16日大西洋唱片公司发行了Ryan Star的内含4支单曲的EP,这些歌曲将出现在他的第一张专辑中,而他自<摇滚明星>后的第一张个人专辑<11:59>已定于2010年8月3日发售。

Ryan Star曾作为美国偶像的冠军David Cook(大卫·库克)2009年<The Declaration Tour>的开场嘉宾。2010年4月在加州的加帕,他作为一名半正规嘉宾,在<Opie and Anthony XM Satellite Radio Show>中与Backstreet Boys(后街男孩)合唱<In Your Eyes>。

2009年9月的纽约时报文化板块的一条简讯中,Ryan Star的司机告诉记者他去任何地方都会带上他的宠物猫。 "Not anywhere, He even takes him in[to] the bathroom. He really loves that cat...."(”任何地方,他甚至把他的猫带进浴室,他非常爱他的猫……“)

Ryan Star的大名广为人们所知,多亏了一部电影和一部电视剧,电影《P.S. I Love You》的电影原声带中收入他的作品《Last Train Home》,这让他逐渐走入人们的视野,而热播美剧《Lie to Me》的火爆收视率,更让由Ryan Star演唱的主题曲《Brand New Day》深入人心,很多歌迷都是因此而认识他的。


2005 Songs From the Eyes of an Elephant歌曲列表:

1. We Might Fall

2. So Ordinary

3. Famous Love

4. Losing Your Memory

5. Psycho Suicidal Girl

6. O

7. The Back of Your Car

8. Saw You In Heaven

9. The Same When I'm Alone

10. Dance With You

11. Sink or Swim

12. Perfect

13. Famous Yet

14. The First Time

15. Waiting for Love

2006 Dark Horse - A Live Album


1. Back of Your Car

2. Clocks (Coldplay Cover)

3. In the Air Tonight (Phil Collins Cover)

4. Sink or Swim

5. We Might Fall

6. O

7. Iris (Goo Goo Dolls Cover)

8. Losing My Religion (R.E.M. Cover)

9. I Alone (Live Cover)

10. Perfect

11. Enjoy the Silence (Depeche Mode Cover)

12. Head Like a Hole (Nine Inch Nails Cover)

2009 Last Train Home - EP


1. Last Train Home

2. Brand New Day

3. Right Now

4. This Could Be the Year

5. Last Train Home(video)

6. Right Now(video)

2009 Breathe - single


1. Breathe

2010 11:59


11:59 普版

1. Brand New Day

2. Right Now

3. Last Train Home

4. Breathe

5. We Might Fall(重录)

6. This Could Be the Year

7. Unbreak

8. Start a fire

9. Losing Your Memory(重录)

10. 11:59

豪华版:1. Brand New Day

2. Right Now

3. Last Train Home

4. Breathe

5. We Might Fall(重录)

6. This Could Be the Year

7. Unbreak

8. Start a fire

9. Losing Your Memory(重录)

10. 11:59

11. You and Me

12. Gonna Make It Right

13. Back of Your Car(重录)

14. Right Now (Video)

15. Last Train Home (Video)

16. Breathe (Video)


名为《11点59分》的新专辑,灵感源于伯尔.简和R.E.M巡回演出,将于初夏与歌迷们见面,音乐家称赞这张专辑:热情洋溢的歌词和强有力的声线,使得音乐有血有肉。 Star说:对于现在的世界来说,是一个非常沉重的时期,我想这也是每一个人共通的感受。在这张专辑中,一些歌曲例如唤醒和新的一天就是表达现阶段感触的歌曲。这是一张有积极意义的专辑,我试着融入许多积极的因素在其中。 在他的新专辑在媒体和市场上发行之前,他将一直参与巡回演出的表演 。

Keep an eye our for New York-based rocker Ryan Star,whose star is rising quickly. He's on tour with American Idol winner DavidCook, and his brand new album, '11:59' is set to hit store shelves. The emotivesinger songwriter, who's inspirations are Pearl Jam and R.E.M. talks about lifeon the road. Ryan Star saying:"I'm really happy to be on tour with him. Weplayed a show in Atlanta, a radio show, over the holidays and we met each otherand he asked me to go on the road with him. It has been really incredible. Hisfans have been incredible because they are this enthusiastic crowd. Its aninteractive crowd. They put him there. They are not just casual listeners. So Iam meeting all these fans and they are embracing me." Star's first majorstudio album titled '11:59,' is set for release in the early summer. Full ofstirring lyrics and powerful vocals, the album's evolution was organic, saysthe musician. Ryan Star saying:"For the world right now we are in a reallyheavy time and there is this important feeling and I think every one has it.There are songs on this album like 'Wake up,' and 'Brand New Day' that arethese time urgent, feeling songs . Its a very positive album, lot of positivityI am trying to breathe into it." Star is on the road with his musicthrough early Summer, before his new album hits the airwaves. 乐评:

Four years in the making, Ryan Star's '11:59' has had his loyal fan base waiting for a very long time. Difficult to believe as it may be, it has been four long years since Ryan starred on the television show Rock Star: Supernova. Ryan has teased fans with singles here, EPs there, and playing new songs at live shows, all while maintaining a level of mystery about the development of his solo major label debut album.

Fast-forward to 2010, and it has finally arrived. '11:59' starts off strong with the hopeful, powerful track "Brand New Day." Fans will recognize this song from his 'Last Train Home' EP. The following track, "Right Now," expresses a sense of urgency, as Ryan sings the chorus almost as a plea to the world to live in the moment.

"Last Train Home," another song Ryan's fans may recognize, sounds like an imminent smash hit, with a booming chorus that soars above the rest. His songwriting is on display here, as with the song "We Might Fall," a slowly building piano-based ballad. Among the other standout tracks is "Unbreak," a well-crafted song of commitment. It is immediately followed by "Start a Fire," a fast-paced anthemic song about... well, sex. When it sounds this good, it might be difficult to argue with any subject matter. It is a single-worthy song with a radio-ready sound.

The highlight of the album, however, is the final offering, the title track. "11:59" is a lyrically masterful song, perfect for a summer day. "Please don't leave, this could be the best time of our lives tonight. You and me, don't let the moment pass by, put the windows down and drive away," he pleads in the chorus. It is a fitting end to one of the most complete albums of the year thus far. Ryan Star deserves a chance. This might just be his.


Ryan Star这张制作了四年的专辑让他坚定的歌迷们等了很长一段时间了,很难相信从他在电视节目<摇滚明星:超新星>上演出开始已经过了四年了。他在开玩笑般地发行了许多单曲啊、EP啊的同时,始终保持着他首张个人大型专辑的神秘感。

让我们回到现在,而这张专辑终于到来了。11:59这张专辑以充满希望和力量的歌曲“Brand New Day”起头,歌迷们会发现这首歌也出现在Last Train Home这张EP之中。接下来的第二首歌”Right Now“通过Ryan Star像对当下世界的恳求一般的歌唱表达出一种紧迫感。

“Last Train Home”,这是又一首他的歌迷容易从全曲大部分那咆哮般的声音认出来的歌,这首歌听起来像是一首不久就会走红的曲子。“We Might Fall”是一首缓慢的以钢琴为主的的歌谣。在其他几首出色的曲子中还有精心制作的有关承诺的歌曲“Unbreak”,紧接着的歌曲“Start a Fire”是一首快节奏的有关…恩,性的歌曲。但如果它像这样好的话,就不会有人再去争论这些问题了,这首歌值得当一首打榜单曲。

不管怎么说,整张专辑中最引人瞩目的歌曲还是最后一首同名歌曲“11:59”,这是一首熟练的抒情歌曲,正好适合这样的一个夏天。Ryan Star在歌中请求道:“请不要离开我,今晚可能是我们一生中最为美好的时刻。关上窗户赶走旁人,我们不会浪费这时刻。这可能是今年来所有完整专辑中最恰当的结尾,Ryan Star应该得到这样的一个机会,这将是他的。





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