词条 | 刘虎威 |
释义 | 北京大学化学系教授刘虎威 分析化学博士,教授 1978.10-1982.7 北京理工大学,学士学位 1984.9-1990.7 北京理工大学硕士、博士学位 1990.8-1993.7 北京大学化学系,讲师 1993.8-2001.7 北京大学化学系,副教授 1995.9-1996.7 芬兰赫尔辛基大学化学系,交流学者 1996.7 - 1997.3 美国普渡大学化学系, BAS 公司,交流学者 1999.9-2001.2 法国南锡一大 合作研究 2001.8- 北京大学化学系,教授 出版教材: 1.《分析化学》(英译中)北京大学出版社, 2001. (参加翻译) 2. 刘虎威 编著《气相色谱方法及应用》,化学工业出版社,2000. 3.《 基础分析化学实验 》 (第二版),北京大学出版社, 1998.(参加编写) 4. 傅若农,刘虎威,编著《高分辩气相色谱及高分辨裂解气相色谱》,北京理工大学出版社,1992。 研究领域和兴趣: 1.毛细管电泳有关理论; 2.手性药物分离分析; 3.传统药物 4. 体育滥用药物分析; 5. 食品安全分析; 6.环境污染分析。 研究方向:色谱分析,毛细管电泳分析,药物分析,生物分析 中国化学会会员 中国色谱学会 常务理事 北京市分析测试学会 理事 北京色谱学会 副理事长 《 Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry》杂志 编委 《色谱》杂志 编委 《分析测试学报》杂志 编委 《分析试验室》杂志 编委 《生命科学仪器》杂志 编委 近年发表的部分学术论文Z. Zhang, B. Yan, K. Liu, Y. Liao, H. Liu,* CE-MS analysis of heroin and its basic impurities using charged polymer-protected gold nanoparticles-coated capillary, Electrophoresis, 30 (2009) 379–387 X. Fu, Y. Liu, W. Li, Y. Bai, M. Zhai, H. Liu*, Analysis of aristolochic acids by capillary electrophoresis - mass spectrometry with carboxymethyl chitosan-coated capillary, Electrophoresis, in press Y. Liu, X. Fu, C. Ma, J. Zhong, H. Liu*, Chiral separation of Raltitrexed by cyclodextrin-modified micellar electrokinetic chromatography, Anal Bioanal Chem, 393 (2009) 321–326 N. Pang, Z. Zhang, H. Liu*, Enantioseparation of zolmitriptan and determination of binding constants and thermodynamic parameters by CD-modified CZE, Anal Bioanal Chem, 393 (2009) 313--320 Y. Zhou, H. Shen, T. Yi, D. Wen, N. Pang, J. Liao, H. Liu *,Synergistic Design of Electric Field and Membrane in Facilitating Continuous Adsorption for Cleanup and Enrichment of Proteins in Direct ESI-MS Analysis,Anal. Chem., 80 (2008) 8920–8929 Z. Zhang, B. Yan, Y. Liao, H. Liu*,Nanoparticles: is it promising in capillary electrophoresis? Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 391 (2008) 925-927 Z. Zhang, B. Yan, K. Liu, Y. Liao, H. Liu*,Separation and fragmentation study of heroin and its basic impurities by reversed-phase liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 22 (2008) 2851-2862. X. Yang, Y. Xia, C. Tao, Y. Liao, Y. Zuo, H. Liu *, A comparative study of micellar and microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography for the separation of benzoylurea insecticides and their analogues, Electrophoresis, 28 (2007)1744-1751 X. Fu, L. Huang, F. Gao, W. Li, N. Pang, M. Zhai, H. Liu*, M. Wu, Carboxylmethyl chitosan-coated capillary and its application in capillary electrophoresis, Electrophoresis, 28 (2007)1958-1963 F. Gao. T, Wang*, H. Liu, Analysis of phospholipids by nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis with on-line electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, Electrophoresis, 2007, 28,1418-1425 S. Shi, W. Li, Y. Liao, H. Liu*, Online Concentration of Aristolochic Acid I and II in Chinese medicine preparation by Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography, J. Chromatogr A, 1167(2007)120-124 W. Li, Z. Chen, Y. Liao, H. Liu*, Study on Separation of Aristolochic Acid I and II by Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography and Competition Mechanism between SDS and ß-Cyclodextrin, Electrophoresis, 2006, 27, 837-841 S. Gong, F. Liu, W. Li, F. Gao, C. Gao, Y. Liao, H. Liu*, Separation of hydrophobic solutes by organic-solvent-based icellar electrokinetic chromatography using cation surfactants, J. Chromatogr. A, 1121 (2006) 274-279 C. Li, Z. Chen, D. Wen, J. Zhang, B. Yu, H. Liu*,Determination of tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines in rabbit serum by capillary zone electrophoresis and capillary electrophoresis-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry with solid-phase extraction,Electrophoresis, 27 (2006) 2152-2163 B. Yu, H. Cong, H. Liu*, Y. Li and F. Liu, Separation and detection of erythropoietin (EPO) by CE and CE-MS, Trend in Analytical Chemistry, TrAC, 24(4) (2005) 350-357. 东汉清河王清河愍王刘虎威,清河孝王刘庆子,嗣。永初元年,太后封宋衍为盛乡侯,分清河为二国,封庆少子常保为广川王,子女十一人皆为乡公主,食邑奉。明年,常保薨,无子,国除。虎威立三年薨,亦无子。邓太后复立乐安王刘宠子延平为清河王,是为恭王。 |
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