

词条 刘奋荣






2007年7月-今 清华大学哲学系;阿姆斯特丹大学兼职研究人员。


2008年2月 阿姆斯特丹大学 科学博士

2001年7月 中国社会科学院研究生院 哲学博士






主持 国家社科基金青年项目“知识、信念和行为的逻辑”(2004-2008)

主持 “逻辑之门――约翰?范本特姆经典著作”系列翻译项目

(阿姆斯特丹大学项目, 2005 - )

参与 张清宇研究员主持的社科院重大项目“模态逻辑的最新发展”(2006-2008)

参与 邹崇礼研究员主持的中国社科院哲学所项目“现代逻辑和语言的信息处理”


2011F. Liu: Reasoning about Preference Dynamics, Berlin: Springer (in press), 2011.

P. Girard, F.Liu and J. Seligman: Logic in the Community, in M. Banerjee and A. Seth, editors, Proceedings of the 4th Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications,Volume 6521 of LNCS, pp. 178--188. Springer, 2011.

F. Liu: A Two-Level Perspective on Preference, Journal of Philosophical Logic, to appear in 2011.

J. van Benthem and F.Liu: Deontic Logic and Changing Preference. To appear in Dov Gabbay, John Horty, Ron van der Meyden and Leon van der Torre eds, Handbook on Deontic Logic and Normative Systems, College Publications, London.

J. van Benthem, D. Grossi, and F.Liu: On the Two Faces of Deontics: Semantic Betterness and Syntactic Priority. Under submission.


F.Liu and J.Zhang: New Perspectives on Moist Logic. Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 37:4, 605–621, 2010.

F.Liu and W.Yang: A Brief History of Chinese Logic. in A. Gupta and J. van Benthem eds., Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Special Issue on Logic and Philosophy Today, Vol 27, No.1, pp. 101-126, 2010.

F.Liu: Von Wright's "The Logic of Preference" Revisited. Synthese, Vol 175, No. 1, pp. 69-88, 2010. DOI 10.1007/s11229-009-9530-z.

J. van Benthem, D. Grossi, and F.Liu: Deontics = Betterness + Priority, in Guido Governatori and Giovanni Sartor eds. Deontic Logic in Computer Science, 10th International Conference, DEON 2010, Fiesole, Italy, July 7-9, 2010. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 6181, Springer. pp.50-65.

F.Liu and O.Roy: Advances in Belief Dynamics: An Introduction, Synthese,Vol 173, No. 2, pp.123-126, 2010. DOI 10.1007/s11229-009-9710-x.

刘奋荣: 《动态偏好逻辑》, 科学出版社2010年。

F.Liu, Dynamic Preference Logic, Science Press, 2010.

刘奋荣:信念偏好逻辑:从单主体到多主体,《学术研究》2010 年第5期, 第27-32页。

F.Liu: Doxastic Preference Logic:From Single Agent to Multi-Agent Case,Academic Studies, 2010, No.5, pp.27-32.

刘奋荣:基于命题的信念偏好逻辑, 《哲学研究》2010年第3期, 第103-109页。

F.Liu: Doxastic Preference Logic over Propositions,Studies in Philosophy, No.3, 2010.


F.Liu: Dynamic Epistemic Logic from a Methodological Point of View,World Philosophy, 2010.

刘奋荣:从动态认知逻辑的观点看中医方证思想,《重庆理工大学学报》, 2010年第24卷第10期, 第75-78页。

F.Liu: On the Traditional Chinese Medical Treatment from the Viewpoint of Dynamic Epistemic Logic,Journal of Chongqing University of Technology (Social Science), Vol. 24, No.10, 2010.


F. Liu: Diversity of Agents and their Interaction. Journal of Logic, Language and Information, Vol.18, No.1, pp 23-53, 2009.

F.Liu:Preference Change: A Quantitative Approach, Studies in Logic (《逻辑研究》) , Vol. 2, No.3, pp. 12-27, 2009.

F.Liu: Editorial and Interview with Johan van Benthem, The Reasoner, 3(12), December, 2009.

D. de Jongh and F.Liu Preference, Priorities and Belief, in T.Grune-Yanoff and S.O. Hansson eds, Preference Change: Approaches from Philosophy, Economics and Psychology, Theory and Decision Library, pp.85-108, 2009.


F.Liu and J.Zhang: A Note on Mohist Logic. Manuscript, Tsinghua University, 2008

F.Liu: Changing for the Better: Preference Dynamics and Agent Diversity, Ph.D dissertation, ILLC, University of Amsterdam, 2008. Amsterdam:PrintPartners Ipskamp. ISBN: 978-90-5776-175-1.

F. Liu, F. Veltman, and M.Xiong: Editorial. Synthese, Vol.165, No.2, pp.155-157, 2008.

J. van Benthem, S. Ghosh and F. Liu: Modelling Simultaneous Games in Dynamic Logic. Synthese, Vol.165, No.2, pp. 247-268, 2008.

刘奋荣、余俊伟等译:《逻辑之门――约翰.范本特姆经典著作》第I卷 《逻辑、信息和互动》, 北京:科学出版社, 2008年5月。ISBN: 978-7-03-020525-4.

F.Liu, J. Yu etc. translated, A Door to Logic: Selected Works by Johan van Benthem. Vol I: Logic, Information and Interaction, Science Press, 2008, Beijing

刘奋荣、刘新文、余俊伟:逻辑之门: 作者与译者的对话——范本特姆教授访谈录, 《哲学动态》2008年第1期。

F.Liu, X.Liu and J. Yu: A Dialogue between Author and Translators--Interview with Johan van Benthem, Philosophical Trend, No.1, 2008


F. Liu: Diversity of Agents and their Interaction. Research Report, ILLC, University of Amsterdam, 2007.

J. van Benthem and F. Liu: Dynamic Logic of Preference Upgrade. In Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logic, Vol.17, No.2, 2007.

J. van Benthem, S. Ghosh and F. Liu: Modelling Simultaneous Games with Concurrent Dynamic Logic. In J. van Benthem, S. Ju and F. Veltman, eds, A Meeting of the Minds--Proceedings of the Workshop on Logic, Rationality and Interaction, Beijing, 2007.

J. Zhang and F. Liu: Some Thoughts on Mohist Logic. In J. van Benthem, S. Ju and F. Veltman, eds, A Meeting of the Minds--Proceedings of the Workshop on Logic, Rationality and Interaction, Beijing, 2007.

余俊伟、刘奋荣译: 《逻辑方法》,中国人民大学出版社,2007年。

J. Yu and F.Liu translated, Method of Logic (Quine, 1950 edition), Chinese Renmin University Press, 2007, Beijing.


F. Liu: Preference Change and Information Processing. In Proceedings 7th Conference on Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory (LOFT 06), Liverpool, 2006.

D. de Jongh and F. Liu: Optimality, Belief and Preference. In S. Artemov and R. Parikh, eds, Proceedings of the Workshop on Rationality and Knowledge, ESSLLI, Malaga, 2006.

F. Liu: Diversity of Agents. In N. Alechina and T. Agotnes, eds, Proceedings of the Workshop on Logics for Resource Bounded Agents, ESSLLI, Malaga, 2006.

刘奋荣 译: 认知逻辑与认知论之研究现状,《世界哲学》2006年第6期。

F. Liu translated, Epistemic logic and Epistemology: the State of Their Affairs (van Benthem), World Philosophy, No.6, 2006.


M. Sevenster, J. van Benthem, S.T. de Jager, F. Liu, & O. Roy: Games at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation. BNVKI Newsletter, October, 101-104, 2005.


F. Liu: Impressions on the Education of Logic in Netherlands, World Philosophy, No.2, 2005.


F. Liu: From Information Update to Game Logics, Philosophical Trends, No.2, 2005.


J. van Benthem and F. Liu: Diversity of Agents in Games, Phiosophia Scientiae, 8(2), 2004.

F. Liu: Dynamic Variations: Update and Revision for Diverse Agents, Mol Thesis, ILLC publication, 2004.


F. Liu: Interview with Johan van Benthem -- A Life of Logic, Language, and Information, Philosophical Trends, No.4, 2004.


X. Li and F. Liu: The Relational Probability Semantics for Belief Revision, Social Sciences in China, No.3, 2003

王路、刘奋荣主编《逻辑、语言与思维—周礼全先生八十寿辰纪念文集》,中国科学文化出版社, 2002年版。

L. Wang and F. Liu (eds): Logic, Language and Thought, Science and Culture of China Press, 2002.


Summary of the National Symposium on Modern Logic, Philosophical Trends, No.10, 2002.


F. Liu: Summary of the Symposium on Logic and Philosophy, Philosophical Trends, No.2, 2002.

刘奋荣:缺省逻辑如何研究非单调推理? 王路、刘奋荣主编《逻辑、语言与思维—周礼全先生八十寿辰纪念文集》,中国科学文化出版社, 2002年版

F. Liu: How to Describe Nonmonotonic Reasoning with Default Logic? (in Chinese) in Logic, language and Thought, 2002.

刘奋荣:非单调性和自认知逻辑, 《哲学动态》2001逻辑专刊。

F. Liu: Nonmonotonicity and Autoepistemic Logic, Special Issue of Philosophical Trends in Logics, 2001.

刘奋荣:略论弗雷格和皮亚诺对数学基础的研究, 《自然辩证法研究》2000年逻辑专刊。

F. Liu: Comparing Frege's Research on the Foundation of Mathematics with Peano's, Special Issue of Studies in Dialectics of Nature in Logics, 2000.

刘奋荣:从数理逻辑的分析方法看"白马非马", 《山西大学学报》1997年第3期。

F. Liu: Analysis of "Bai Ma Fei Ma" from the Perspective of Mathematical Logic, Journal of Shanxi University, No.3, 1997.


1、 余俊伟、刘奋荣译 《逻辑方法》,中国人民大学出版社,2007年。

2、 刘奋荣、余俊伟等译 《逻辑之门――约翰? 范本特姆经典著作》第一卷 《逻辑、信息和互动》,科学出版社,2008年5月


Guest Editor: Special Issue of Knowledge, Rationality and Action. To appear in 2008.

Editor: Year Book of Philosophical Logic (PHIBOOK): To appear in 2008.


主编: 《逻辑之门――约翰? 范本特姆经典著作》系列丛书。第一卷《逻辑、信息和互动》2008年5月出版。


1、 Organizer: The 15th Workshop on Games in Logic, Language and Computation: The Dynamics of Preferences and Intentions, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 26-28 February, 2008.

2、 General Organizer: Workshop on Logic, Rationality and Interaction, Beijing, China. 5-9 August, 2007.

3、 Organizer: Workshop on Modal Logic: A Dialogue between Author and Translators, Beijing, China. 1 August, 2007.

4、 Organizing Committee: 2nd World Congress and School on Universal Logic, Xi'an, China. 16-22 August, 2007.

5、 Organizing Committee: Trends in Logic V: Many-valued Logics and Cognition, Guangzhou, China. 6-9 July, 2007.

6、 Session Co-chair: The Generosity of Artificial Languages in an Asian Perspective, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 18-20 May, 2006.

7、 Organizer: Logic--Connecting Stanford and ILLC: Update Modelling Seminar, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 20 September, 2005.

8、 Organizer: Workshop: Interfacing Probabilistic and Epistemic Update, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 7 September, 2005.



使用的教材:P. Blackburn, M. de Rijke and Y. Venema, Modal Logic, Cambridge University Press, 2001.







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