

词条 Run Away With Me

奥马尔的Run Away With Me

音乐名称:Run Away With Me

专辑名称:Secret Journey(神秘的旅程)

艺 术 家:Omar Akram(奥马尔·阿克兰)





奥马尔是个受过古典音乐培训的钢琴手,他独特的天赋,创作出让人久久不能忘怀的迷人旋律。奥马尔是一名联合国外交官的儿子,数十年里周游列国,从诸如阿富汗、古巴、法国、瑞士和捷克共和国等迢遥国度吸收各种音乐元素。这些异域音乐出色地融合在他创作的歌曲中,象“Gypsy Woman”(吉普赛女郎),把耳熟能详的欧洲经典旋律和奔放的拉丁节奏巧妙地结合在一起,让人情不自禁地踏起舞步。“希望我的音乐能再现我在世界各地游历的经验,”奥马尔灿然一笑说,“正是这一灵感为我的音乐注入了能量。”

《Secret Journey》充分展现了奥马尔全力迈进、开创新篇章的奔放激情与泰然优雅。融合了轻柔爵士与新世纪乐的精粹,奥马尔的这张个人专辑无疑又有了新的提升,尽显时尚优雅风情洒脱,更受乐迷喜爱,NEWAGE钢琴和FLAMENCO的完美结合,绝对不能错过。《Secret Journey》专辑中的“Run Away With Me”目前已被CCTV作为新闻频道天气预报的背景音乐。

丝袜小姐的Run Away With Me

歌曲名称:Run Away With Me










有人听完会觉得无聊 有些人听完会哄堂大笑。

有人听了很舒眠 也有些人听著就会小小声的啜泣。

有人告诉我 我们要安静并且独具魅力。



Charity Vance的Run Away With Me

歌曲名称:Run Away With Me


艺术家:Charity Vance


夏洛蒂-文斯(Charity Vance),1992年2月23出生在阿肯色州首府小石城,7岁起,Charity每年就会在小石城的首要的文化艺术节Riverfest进行演出,并在Verizon竞技场进行国歌表演。9岁就在阿肯色话剧团的连演音乐剧《Annie》中出演主要角色。甚至是小石城著名的Peabody 酒店特别活动的嘉宾。Charity11岁便获得了由KDIS99.5FM举办的迪斯尼少年广播明星比赛的赞助。并受雇为全国性播出的广播广告进行


闲暇时会在父母家庭沙龙帮工Charity。在美国偶像第九季,芝加哥站海选上,16岁的她演唱的《Summertime》技惊四座。评委Randy说她的演唱令人印象深刻,声音纤细但又引人入胜。客座评委shania twain认为她不惧怕展示自己的音域,但可能需要些磨练增加音色的质感,但极具个人特色。毒舌simon说他听过很多人演绎这首歌,但Charity的演绎很有自己特色,而且是可以灌制唱片的好声音。最终四位评委一致通过,并在她退场后连声感叹不相信16岁的她会有如此表现。在好莱坞周组合日她与 Michelle Dellamore和Ashley Rodregez.组成的Faith首位出场,精彩演绎《irreplaceable》全员晋级,在之后的个人赛中Charity仍旧出色演绎了《Gravity》,但最终未得到评委的青睐,在分屋宣布结果中被淘汰。?


I can hear the bells from across the town

I can see your smile in the midst of a crowd

I would run and I don't mean a few

I would run miles to get to you

I feel your air, feel your breathing

feel your stare and feel your eyes on me

I'm just a girl who doesn't know

but then again we'll see

Oh! I think it's snowing outside, you wanna run away with me?

Oh! the sun's so bright, if you wanna run away with me?

Any day of the week, I hope it's raining, hope it's pouring

Nothing can make me stay

You wanna run away

My veins are extra blue when you're around

Life is amplified by the speed of sound

And even when you're away, yeah

I feel you like the day

You're the nonexistent harmony

I'm hearing anyway

I know where to go

I'm just still wondering

Don't mean to press the buttons on you're chest

But I thought today was for you and me

Together we can escape if you're feeling

Oh! I think it's snowing outside, you wanna run away with me?

Oh! the sun's so bright if you wanna run away with me?

Any day of the week, I hope it's raining, hope it's pouring

Nothing can make me stay

I used to hear everything so clear now it's foggy I'm afraid

Like the bells in the tower downtown and your smile in the rain

I don't care, all we need is a day for we far away

Oh! I think it's snowing outside, you wanna run away with me?

Oh! the sun's so bright if you wanna run away with me?

Any day of the week, I hope it's raining, hope it's pouring

Oh! I think it's snowing outside, you wanna run away with me?

Oh! the sun's so bright if you wanna run away with me?

Any day of the week, I hope it's raining, hope it's pouring

Any day of the week, I hope it's raining, hope it's pouring

Nothing can make me stay if you wanna run away





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更新时间:2025/3/23 1:50:58