

词条 刘春元

刘春元,哈尔滨商业大学社会科学部副教授。 毕业于 北京师范大学,法学硕士, 现任 德育教研室主任。长期从事高校德育和伦理学教学与研究工作。主讲《思想道德修养》、《法律基础》、《人际关系心理学》、《青年心理学》课程;著有《青年心理学》、《普通心理学》、《大学生党课教程》等,参编教材多部,发表学术论文 20 余篇。曾获省青年教师课堂教学大奖赛一等奖,多次被评为校优秀教师和优秀共产党员。此外还有同济大学教授刘春元。



性别 : 女

职务: 思想品德教研室主任

职称 : 副教授

出生年月: 1966

学历: 硕士

哈尔滨商业大学社会科学部副教授。 毕业于 北京师范大学,法学硕士, 现任 德育教研室主任。长期从事高校德育和伦理学教学与研究工作。主讲《思想道德修养》、《法律基础》、《人际关系心理学》、《青年心理学》课程;著有《青年心理学》、《普通心理学》、《大学生党课教程》等,参编教材多部,发表学术论文 20 余篇。曾获省青年教师课堂教学大奖赛一等奖,多次被评为校优秀教师和优秀共产党员。











获得的教学表彰:黑龙江省思想品德课青年教师教学大奖赛, 一等奖。


1、道德商数与构建社会主义和谐社会的研究 ,第一主持,黑龙江省教育厅人文社会科学研究项目,2006

2、传统生态伦理思想与生态文明建设研究 ,第一主持,黑龙江省哲学规划办 2009




2、当代中国政府过程行政决策伦理建设,(独立),科技创业 2006.6。




职称: 同济大学化学系教授



2005年,哲学博士,Texas A&M University, 导师,F. Albert Cotton (科顿)

2005-2006年,博士后研究,Texas A&M University


2007年,同济大学化学系教授,无机化学专业 ;2011年,暨南大学生命科学技术学院生命与健康工程研究院教授;化学系主任。






(1) “Enhancement in Electronic Communication upon Replacement of Mo–O by Mo–S Bonds in Tetranuclear Clusters of the Type [Mo2]2(μ-E—E)2, E = O or S”

F. Albert Cotton, Zhong Li, Chun Y. Liu,* and Carlos A. Murillo,* Inorg. Chem.

2007, 46, 9297.

(2) “Modulating Electronic Coupling Using O- and S-donor Linkers” F. Albert Cotton, Zhong Li, Chun Y. Liu,* Carlos A. Murillo, * Inorg. Chem. 2007, 46, 7840.

(3). “A Deliberate Approach for the Syntheses of Heterometallic Suppramolecules

Containing Dimolybdenum Mo24+ Species Coordinated to Metal Units” F. Albert Cotton, Zhong Li, Jia-Yi Jin, Chun Y.Liu, * Carlos, A. Murillo, * J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 2007, 2328.

(4). “Electronic Localization versus Delocalization Determined by the Bonding of the Linker in an Isomer Pair” F. Albert Cotton,* Chun Y.Liu,* Carlos, A. Murillo,*

Qinliang Zhao, Inorg. Chem. 2007, 46, 2604.

(5). "A Fractional Bond Order of 1/2 in Pd25+-Formamidinate Species; The Value of

Very High Field EPR Spectra" John F. Berry,* Eckhard Bill, Eberhard Bothe, F. Albert Cotton,* Naresh S. Dalal,* Sergey A. Ibragimov, Narpinder Kaur, Chun Y. Liu, Carlos A. Murillo,* Saritha Nelluta, J. Micah North and Dino Villagrán, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 1393.

(6). “Molecular Pairs and A Propeller Containing Quadruply Bonded Dimolybdenum

Units Linked by Polyamidate Ligands” F. Albert Cotton,* Zhong Li, Chun Y. Liu, *

Carlos, A. Murillo,* Qinliang Zhao, Inorg. Chem. 2006, 45, 9795.

(7). “An Isomeric Pair of Fluoride-Bridged Cyclic Dimolybdenum Triads” F. Albert Cotton,* Chun Y. Liu, * Carlos, A. Murillo,* Qinliang Zhao, Inorg. Chem. 2006, 45, 9480.

(8). “Strong Electronic Communication by Direct Metal-metal Interaction in Molecules with Halide-Bridged Dimolybdenum Pairs” F. Albert Cotton,* Chun Y. Liu,* Carlos, A. Murillo,* Qingliang Zhao, Inorg. Chem. 2006, 45, 9493

(9). “Transition from a Nonbonding to a Bonding Interaction in a Tetranuclear [Mo2]2(µ-OR)4 Cluster” F. Albert Cotton,* Zhong Li, Chun Y. Liu, Carlos, A. Murillo,* Qingliang Zhao, Inorg. Chem. 2006, 45, 6387.

(10).“Dimoylbdenum-Containing Molecular Triangles and Squares with Diamidate Linkers: Structural Diversity and Complexity” F. Albert Cotton,* Chun Y. Liu, Carlos, A. Murillo,* Xiaoping Wang, Inorg. Chem. 2006, 45, 2619.

(11). “Strong Electronic Interaction between Two Dimolybdenum Units Linked by a Tetraazatetracene” F. Albert Cotton,* Zhong Li, Chun Y. Liu, Carlos, A. Murillo,* Inorg. Chem. 2006, 45, 767.

(12). “Modeling Spin Interactions in a Cyclic Trimer and a Cuboidal Co4O4 Core with Co(II) In Tetrahedral and Octahedral Environments” John F. Berry, F. Albert Cotton,* Chun Y. Liu, Tongbu Lu, Carlos A. Murillo,* Boris S. Tsukerblat, Dino Villagrán and Xiaoping Wang, J. Am. Chem.Soc. 2005, 127, 4895.

(13). “Strong Electronic Coupling between Dimolybdenum Units Linked by the N, N’- dimetheyl oxamidate Anion in a Molecule Having a Heteronaphthalene-like Structure.” F. Albert Cotton,* Chun Y. Liu, Carlos A. Murillo,* Dino Villagrán and Xiaoping Wang, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 2004, 126, 14822.

(14). “Systematic Preparation of Mo24+ Building Blocks for Supramolecular Assemblies” F. Albert Cotton,* Chun Y. Liu and Carlos A. Murillo,* Inorg. Chem. 2004, 43, 2267.

(15). “Fully Localized Mixed-)Valence Oxidation Products of Molecules Containing Two Linked Dimolybdenum Units: An Effective Structural Criterion.” F. Albert Cotton,* Chun Y. Liu, Carlos A. Murillo* and Xiaoping Wang, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 2003, 125, 12945.

(16). ”Modifying Electronic Communication in Dimolybdenum Units by Linkage Isomers of Bridged Oxamidate Dianions.” F. Albert Cotton,* Chun Y. Liu, Carlos A. Murillo,* Dino Villagrán and Xiaoping Wang, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 2003, 125, 13564.

(17). ”Trapping Tetramethoxyzincate and -cobaltate(II) between Mo24+ Units.” F. A. Cotton,* Chun Y. Liu, Carlos A. Murillo and Xiaoping W, Inorg. Chem, 2003, 42, 4619.

(18). “A Mixed-Valence Compound with One Unpaired Electron Delocalized over Four Molybdenum Atoms in A Cyclic Tetranuclear Ion.” F. A. Cotton,* Chun Y. Liu, Carlos A. Murillo* and Xiaoping Wang, Chem. Commun., 2003, 2190.

(19). “How to Make a Major Shift in a Redox Potential: Ligand Control of the Oxidation State of Dimolybdenum Units.” F. Albert Cotton,* Lee M. Daniels, Chun Y. Liu, Carlos A. Murillo,* Arthur J. Schultz, and Xiaoping Wang, Inorg. Chem., 2002, 41, 4232.

(20). “The First Designed Syntheses of Bis-dimetal Molecules in Which the

Bridges Are Diamidate Ligands.” F. Albert Cotton,* Lee M. Daniels, James P.

Donahue, Chun Y. Liu, and Carlos A. Murillo,* Inorg. Chem., 2002, 41, 1354.

(21). “Steps on the Way to the First Dirhodium Tetracarboxylate with no Axial Ligand: Synthetic Lessons and a Plethora of Rh2(O2CR)4L2-n Compounds, n = 0, 1,2." F. Albert Cotton,* Elizabeth A. Hillard, Chun Y. Liu, Carlos A. Murillo,* Wenning Wang and Xiaoping Wang, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2002, 337, 233.





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