词条 | 临沂师范学院外国语学院 |
释义 | 临沂师范学院外国语学院,是一个具有26年办学历史的二级学院,是学校的重点热门专业之一,教职工人数位居全校各系院之首,在校学生规模居全校第二。始建于1978年,2000年由原临沂师专外语系与临沂教育学院外语系合并而组成临沂师范学院外语系,2003年8月更名为临沂师范学院外国语学院。现有在校本专科学生2688人,其中本科班38个,在校生1203人,专科班29个,在校生1485人,外教6人。 专业外国语学院现设有师范类英语本、专科专业和非师范类经贸英语本、专科专业和成人高等教育学历英语本科、专科专业。首届本科毕业生就业率达100%。2004年成功申报俄语本科专业,2005年即将开始招生,拓宽了外院发展的空间,为进一步发展搭建了新的平台。 外国语学院现有内设机构办公室、团委、团学办,四个专业英语教研室,三个大学英语教研室,另有两个研究室(考研研究室、大学英语四六级考试研究室)。承担着全校本专科英语专业、大学外语本专科课程的教学任务,承担了全校近五分之一的教学工作量及外语辅导培训任务。 教师外国语学院现有在编教职工99人,专任教师83人,其中教授7人、副教授17人、讲师42人;博士1人,在读博士1人,硕士(研究生)19人,在读硕士42人。省优秀党务工作者1人,省优秀教学管理先进个人1名,省优秀教学成果三等奖1名,山东省中青年学术带头人1人,临沂市中青年学术骨干1人,临沂市社科学术成果三等奖2人,校级学术骨干1人,校优秀教师及优秀教育工作者40余人次。 设施外国语学院教学条件现有固定多媒体一个,移动多媒体2个,语音实验室10个,510座;专业用发射台1个,大学英语用发射台5个。为加强师资队伍建设,提高教师的教学与科研水平,我院制定了一系列政策和激励措施,实施“暖人心”工程、科研奖励等,鼓励教师积极进行科研与业务学习提高,采取了外引内强的措施。2003年起,先后从清华大学、北京大学、北京外国语大学、复旦大学、上海外国语大学、外交学院、南京大学、山东大学、同济大学等聘请了多位博士生导师担任本科主讲教授;同时与山东大学外国语学院联合举办了在职硕士研究生进修班,我院有48人报名参加,其中已考取高校教师硕士18人。 招生英语(经贸英语)本科专业为我校1999年新上本科专业之一,2000年开始招生,现有在校本科生1203人。该学科教学条件较先进,拥有固定多媒体和移动多媒体,语音实验室10个,发射台2个,各类外语图书期刊报纸较齐全。该学科拥有一支结构合理(职称、年龄)、团结协作、治学严谨的师资队伍,2000级首届本科毕业生专业四级取得70.65%的过级率,专业八级过级率达到52.81%,超过全国师范类大学过级率(51.69%);2001级本科班专业四级过级率达到74.68%,其中优秀2人、良好20人。近年来该学科共发表学术论文篇,其中在全国外语类核心期刊上发表论文篇,出版著作部。完成省级立项课题1项(获省级优秀教学成果三等奖),校级课题项,现有国家级立项课题2项,校级立项课题项,该学科已被我校列入重点建设学科。目前该学科研究方向梯队结构合理,年富力强,已具有较强的研究实力,并积累了一定的研究成果。 附:英文The School of Foreign Languages of Linyi Normal University is a secondary school with a history of 27 years. It is one of the most important and most popular majors and its scale is the largest in the university. Founded in 1978,it was combined by the Foreign Language Department of Linyi Teacher’s College and that of Linyi Educational College. Now it has 73 classes, among which there are 38 four-year classes and 35 three-year classes. The total number of students enrolled is 2688. Today this school has 16 members of staff and 84 members of fulltime faculty. Among them, there are 7 professors, 17 associate professors, 42 instructors, 2 doctors and 1 would-be doctors, and 48 masters and would-be masters. Besides there are 6 foreign teachers from the U. S., England, Canada, teaching oral English, the General knowledge of Britain and America, etc. From 2003, the School of Foreign Languages has employed some professors of doctoral programs as the major lecturing professors for four-year students from Qinghua University, Beijing University, Fudan University, Shanghai Foreign Languages’ University, Diplomacy College, Nanjing University, Shandong University, Tongji University and so forth. Rich fruits have been reaped on scientific research in the School of Foreign Languages. More than 400 articles have been published during recent years in such key magazines as Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, Foreign Language World, English Teaching and Research Notes for Primary and Middle School, Foreign Languages, Hei Longjiang Researches on Higher Education, Theory and Practice of Education and Shandong Research on Education and so on. We have opened 4 kinds of majors, which include normal three-year and four- year students and non-normal three-year and four-year students. The non-normal majors are in business English. A great number of excellent graduates come from the School of Foreign Languages during the last 20 years, 3 of whom now serve as officials in the national Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Moreover, some graduates are now studying or working abroad------the US, UK, Canada, Australia, Japan and Middle East and so on. According to incomplete statistics, more than 300 graduates were admitted to other universities for Master’s programs and over 30 were accepted for Doctoral studies, some of whom have become advisors of master’s or doctoral programs. Strictly guided by the teaching idea of our school------basing on teaching, standing by quality and centering on the students, the School of Foreign Languages has made satisfying progress through strictly controlling the attitude of teaching, studying and examination. The CET’s pass rate of 2001 was 61.48%, 28.98% higher than the average rate of all the colleges in the country. And in 2002 it was 49.6%------above the average rate of 18.5%. The performance in the entrance examination from college level to university level has been ahead of other same level colleges of our province for 7 years successively. In 2003, 105 students among the total 154 graduates were admitted with the rate of 68.2%. The admitted students from our school were one –fifth of the total students of the province (500). In 2004,28 students of the total 92 graduates were admitted to other universities for Master’s program with the rate of 30.44%. In 2005, more than 78 graduates were admitted for Master’s program. The School of Foreign Languages pays close attention to the development of students’ individuality. Our students had won the third prize in the English-Chinese Speech Contest of college students’ pioneering work of Shandong Province three times successively and the first prize of Linyi Normal University college students’ image contest twice. The School of Foreign Languages will continue to carry on the fine tradition of Linyi Normal University, trying to explore new modes to train high-ranking talents in modern times and to introduce vigorously high-quality educational resources both from home and abroad. We will also set up cooperation with famous universities and build schools jointly with enterprises in order to bring up creative talents of new types who conform to the requirement of the times and that of the society. |
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