

词条 林双林


林双林,男,北京大学经济学院教授、财政学系主任、北京大学中国公共经济研究中心主任。地址: 北京大学经济学院财政系,100871


1984-1989 美国普渡大学,获经济学博士

Ph.D., Purdue University (U.S.A.), Economics, 1989

1982-1984 美国西北大学经济学,获经济学硕士

M.A., Northwestern University (U.S.A.), Economics, 1984

1978-1982 北京大学经济系(77级),获经济学学士

B.A., Peking University (China), Economics, 1982


2007 北京大学中国公共财政研究中心主任

Director, Peking University China Center for Public Finance

2005 北京大学经济学院教授、财政系主任

Professor and Chair, Department of Public Finance,

College of Economics, Peking University, China

2006 美国奥马哈内布拉斯加大学纳德尔杰出讲座教授

Noddle Distinguished Professor, University of Nebraska- Omaha

2003-2005 北京大学经济学院客座教授

Guest Professor, Department of Public Finance,

College of Economics, Peking University

2001-2006 美国奥马哈内布拉斯加大学林得莱讲座教授

Lindley Professor, University of Nebraska-Omaha

2002 国立新加坡大学东亚研究所客座研究员

Research Associate, East Asian Institute,

National University of Singapore

2000 美国奥马哈内布拉斯加大学教授

Professor, University of Nebraska-Omaha

2002-2003 中国留美经济学会主席

President, The Chinese Economists Society

2001 夏季 国立新加坡大学东亚研究所高级访问研究员

Visiting Senior Research Fellow, EAI,

National University of Singapore

1997-1998 中国留美经济学会副主席

Vice President, The Chinese Economists Society

1996-2000 美国奥马哈内布拉斯加大学副教授

Associate Professor, University of Nebraska-Omaha

1996 夏季 北京大学中国经济研究中心访问研究员

World Bank Visiting Fellow, CCER, Peking University, China

1994 夏季 北京大学经济学院,访问学者

Visiting Scholar, College of Economics,

Peking University, China

1989-1996 美国奥马哈内布拉斯加大学访问助理教授,助理教授

Visiting Assistant Professor,Assistant Prof.,

University of Nebraska-Omaha






杂志论文选 Selected Journal Articles

1. 英文杂志 Journals in English

“The Effect of Corruption on Capital Accumulation,” with W. Zhang, Journal of Economics, Forthcoming, 2009. “腐败对资本积累的影响,” (合作者:W. Zhang),《经济学杂志》,即将刊登,2009。

“Tax Reforms in China and Russia,” The Chinese Economy, Forthcoming, June 2009.


“Forced Savings, Social Safety Net, and Family Support: a New Old-age Security System for China,” The Chinese Economy, Vol. 41, No. 6, 2008,10-44. “个人储蓄,社会扶贫,和子女赡养:一个新的养老保障模式,”《中国经济》,41卷,2009, 10-44页。

“On the Existence of Nash Equilibriums for Infinite Matrix Games," co-authored with J. Li, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, Vol. 10, 2009, 42-53. “无穷矩阵博弈中纳什均衡的存在性,”(合作者:J. Li), 《非线性分析杂志》,10卷,2009年, 42-53页。

“Solving the Renminbi Problem and China’s External Imbalance: A Structural and Institutional Perspective on Inflation, Appreciation, and Reform: A Comment,” Asian Economic Papers, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2008, 50–55. “人民币与中国贸易平衡问题:评论,”《亚洲经济文集》,7卷,3 期,2008年,50-55页。

“Existence and Uniqueness of Steady-State Equilibrium in a Two-sector Overlapping Generations Model,” co-authored with J. Li, Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 141, 2008, 255-275. “两个部门世代交替模型中均衡的存在性和唯一性,”(合作者:J. Li), 《经济理论杂志》,141卷,2008, 255-275。

“China's Value-Added Tax Reform, Capital Accumulation, and Welfare Implications,”China Economic Review, Vol. 19, 2008, 197-214. “中国增值税改革,资本积累,及福利含义,” 《中国经济评论》,19卷,2008年, 197-214页。

“Determinants of the profitability of China’s regional SOEs,” co-authored with W. Rowe, China Economic Review, Vol. 17, 2006, 120-141. “中国各省国有企业盈利率的决定因素,”(合作者:W. Rowe), 《中国经济评论》,17卷,2006年,120-141页。

“The Excessive Fee Collections in China: Reasons, Consequences, and Strategies,” Contemporary Economic Policy, Vol. 23, No. 1, January, 2005, 91-106.“中国政府过度收费的起因,后果,及对策,”《当代经济政策》,23卷,2004年,91-106页。

“China's Capital Tax Reforms in an Open Economy,” Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 31, 2004, 128-147. “对外开放情况下的中国资本税改革,”《比较经济学杂志》, 31卷,2004年,128-147页。

“The Effect of Public Transfers on Physical and Human Capital Accumulation,” Public Finance Review, Vol. 31, No. 6, 2003, 649-669. “公共转移支付对物质资本和人力资本积累的影响,”


“China's Government Debt: How Serious?” China: An International Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2003, 73-98. “中国政府债务:多么严重?”《中国:国际杂志》,1卷,1期,2003年,73-98页。被《中国金融杂志》翻译并转载 (1卷,2期,73-98页)。

“Population Growth and Social Security Financing,” co-authored with Xiaowen Tian, Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 16, No. 1, February 2003, 71-90. “人口增长与社会保障筹资”,(合作者,Xiaowen Tian),《人口经济学杂》,16卷,1期,71-90页。

2251-2266页。 “Urban Economic Growth in China: Theory and Evidence,” co-authored with S. Song, Urban Studies, Vol. 39, No. 12, 2002, 2251-2266, November 2002. “中国城市经济增长:理论与实践,”(合作者,S. Song),《城市研究》,39卷,12期, 2002年,2251-2266页。

“Government Debt and Economic Growth,” co-authored with K. Sosin, Economics of Transition, Vol. 9, No. 3, 2001, 635-655. “政府债务与经济增长”,(合作者,K. Sosin), 《转轨经济学》,9卷,3期,635-655页。

“Taxation, Human Capital Accumulation, and Economic Growth,” Japanese Economic Review, Vol. 52, No. 2, June 2001, 185-197. “税收,人力资本积累,与经济增长,”《日本经济评论》,52卷,2期,2001年,185-197页。

“Public Infrastructure Development in China,” Comparative Economic Studies, Vol. 38, Summer, 2001, 83-109. “中国公共基础设施的发展,”《比较经济学研究》,38卷,夏季,83-109页。

“Resource Allocation and Economic Growth in China,” Economic Inquiry, Vol. 38, Number 3, 2000, 515-526. “资源分配与中国经济增长,”《经济学探索》,38卷,3期,515-526页。

“The Decline of China’s Budgetary Revenue: Reasons and Consequences,” Contemporary Economic Policy, Vol. 27, Number 4, 2000, 477-490. “中国预算收入减少的起因与后果”《当代经济政策》,27卷,4期,2000年,477-490页。

“Government Debt and Economic Growth in an Overlapping Generations Model,” Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 66, No. 3, January 2000, 754-763. “世代交叠模型中政府债务与经济增长的关系,”《南方经济学杂志》,66卷,3期,2000年,754-763页。

“Tax Reform and External Balance,” Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol. 18, No. 6, October 1999, 891-909. “税收改革及国际收支平衡,”《国际货币与金融杂志》,18卷,6期,1999年,891-909页。

“Export Expansion and Economic Growth: Evidence From Chinese Provinces,” Pacific Economic Review, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 1999, 65-77. “中国出口扩展与经济增长,” 《太平洋经济评论》,4卷,1期,1999年,65-77页。

“Labor Income Taxation and Human Capital Accumulation,” Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 68, May 1998, 291-302. “个人收入所得税与人力资本积累,”《公共经济学杂志》,68卷,1999年,291-302页。

“The Effect of an Expansion of Pay-As-You-Go Social Security System in China,” International Journal of Economic Development, Vol. 1, No. 4, 1999. “现收现付社会保障体制对中国经济的影响,”《国际经济发展杂志》,1卷,4期,1999年。

“Taxing Consumption in an Open Economy,” Public Finance Review (Formerly Public Finance Quarterly), Vol. 26, No. 3, May 1998, 250-269. “开放型经济中的消费税,” 《公共财政评论》,26卷,3期,1998年,250-269页。

“Capital Taxation and External Accounts in a Small Growing Economy," Review of International Economics, Vol. 9, No. 1, January 1998, 59-73. “小型开放经济的资本税收与国际收支平衡,”《国际经济学评论》,9卷,1期,1998年,59-73页。

"Government Education Spending and Human Capital Accumulation," Economics Letters, Vol. 61, December 1998, 391-393. “政府教育支出与人力资本的积累,”《经济学通讯》,61卷,12月期,1998年,391-393页。

“Education and Economic Development in China,” Comparative Economic Studies, Vol. 36, No. 3&4, December 1997, 66-85. “中国教育与经济发展,” 《比较经济学研究》,36卷,3 和4期,66-85页。

“Welfare Effects of Capital Taxation in a Small Open Economy," co-authored with Wei Zhang, Open Economies Review, Vol. 9, No. 1,January 1998, 5-20. “小型开放经济的资产税收对社会福利的影响,”(合作者:Wei Zhang) 《开放经济评论》,9卷,1期,1998年,5-20页。

“Welfare Effects of Capital Taxation," Public Finance/Finances Publiques, co-authored with Y. Shi, Vol. 49, 1994, 391-408. “资本税收对社会福利的影响,” (合作者:Y. Shi)


“Budget Deficits, Time Preference, and the External Deficits," Economic Studies Quarterly, Vol. 45, No. 4, December 1994, 289-305. “预算赤字,时间偏好,与贸易赤字,”《经济研究季刊》,45卷,4期,1994年,289-305页。

“Capital Taxation and Accumulation in a Growing World Economy with Deficit Finance," International Tax and Public Finance, Vol. 1, No.2, 1994, 127-146. “在增长的和政府有财政赤字的世界经济中资本税与资本积累,”《国际税收与公共财政》,1卷,2期,1994年,127-146页。

“Government Debt and the Real Exchange Rates in an Overlapping Generations Model," Journal of International Economic Integration, Vol. 9, No. 1, March 1994, 94-105. “世代交接模型中政府债务与汇率的关系,”《国际经济整合杂志》,9卷,1期,1994年,94-105页。

“Allocation of Government Spending and Economic Growth," Economic Notes, Vol. 23, No. 1, 1994, 130-141. “政府开支的分配与经济增长,”《经济学纪录》,23卷,1期,1994年,130-141页。

“Government Expenditures, Demographic Changes, and Economic Growth," co-authored with Bun Song Lee, International Economic Journal, Vol. 8, No. 1, Spring 1994, 91-108. “政府支出,人口变化与经济增长,”(合作者:Bun Song Lee)《国际经济杂志》,8卷,1期,1994年,91-108页。

“The Differential Effects of Government Expenditures on Economic Growth,” co-authored with Donald Baum, Journal of Economic Development, Vol.18,No. 1 1994, 175-185.“政府不同支出对经济增长的不同影响,”(合作者:Donald Baum)《经济发展杂志》,18卷,1期,1994年,175-185页。

2. 中文杂志 Journals in Chinese

“加大地方公共基础设施投资,保持中国经济持续高速增长,”《改革内参》,2008年。Increasing Local Infrastructure Expenditures to Sustain China’s Economic Growth,”Internal Journal of Economic Reforms (For Policymakers only), 2008.

“增加地方政府财力势在必行,”《改革内参》,2008年。“Strengthening Local Government Fiscal Revenue Is Inevitable,” Internal Journal of Economic Reforms (For Policymakers only), 2008.

“减轻企业税赋,缓解当前经济困难”《改革内参》,2008年5月, 第13期,10-13。“Reducing Tax Burden of Enterprises for Sustainable Economic Growth,” Internal Journal of Economic Reforms (For Policymakers only), 2008.

“养老保障体制改革机不可失,”《改革内参》,2008年3月,第7期,24-25。“The Chance of Reforming Social Security System Should Not Be Missed,” Internal Journal of Economic Reforms (For Policymakers only), 2008.

“现行养老保障制度存在的五个问题,”《改革内参》,2008年2月,第4期,31-33。“Five Problems in China’s Current Social Security System,” Internal Journal of Economic Reforms (For Policymakers only), 2008. (被《中国人民大学书报资料中心复印报刊资料》全文转载。)

“‘增值税返还’应尽早取消,”《改革内参》,2007年第28期,12-15页。“Eliminating the Value-added Tax Rebate as Early as Possible,” Internal Journal on Economic Reforms (For Policymakers only), 28, 2007, 12-15.

“财政支出应首重民生淡化‘官本位’,”《人民论坛》,2007年12月25日。“More Government Expenditures for Public Consumption Goods and Less for Government Officials,” People’s Forum, December 25, 2007.

“中国企业所得税改革与工资收入差距,” (合作者:李锦路,余向荣) 经济科学,158期2007年第2期,14-27页。“China’s Corporate Income Tax Reforms and Wage Inequality,” Economic Science 158, 2007, 14-27. (被《中国人民大学书报资料中心复印报刊资料》全文转载。)


The Challenges and Strategies of China’s Public Finance,” The Peking University Journal, Vol. 43, No. 6, 2006, 102-110. (被《中国人民大学书报资料中心复印报刊资料》全文转载。)

“中国政府债务:多么严重?” 中国金融杂志 (1卷,2期)。 转载自“China's Government Debt: How Serious?” China: An International Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2003, 73-98.


Books Authored and Edited, and Editing:

《中国社会保障体制探索》,(合编者:刘怡,钱立,中文),中国财政经济出版社,北京,2008年5月, 320页。 Exploration of China’s Social Security System, Co-edited with Liu Yi and Qian Li, China Finance and Economics Press, May 2008, 320 pages. (In Chinese)

《俄罗斯经济改革:中国可吸取的经验和教训》,(合编者:李建民,中文)中国社会科学出版社, 2007年。 Russia Economic Reforms: Lessons for China,Co-edited with Jianmin Li, Chinese Social Sciences Press, 2007. (In Chinese)

《中国公共财政改革:挑战与对策》,(合编者:刘怡,中文),中国财政经济出版社,北京,2007年3月, 479页。 China’s Public Finance Reforms: Challenges and Strategies, China Finance and Economics Press, March 2007, 479 pages. (In Chinese)

民营企业与中国经济发展,(合编者:Zhu Xiaodong,英文),Routledge, 英国,2007年5月,300页。 Private Enterprises and China’s Economic Development, Routledge, England, May 2007, 280 pages.

加入世贸组织后的中国经济:挑战与对策,(合编者:鲍曙明,英文),Ashgate, 英国,2006年, 约300页。Chinese Economy After WTO: Challenges and Strategies, Ashgate, England, 2006, 300 pages.

中国公共财政改革:挑战与对策,(合编者:刘怡,中文),中国财政经济出版社,北京,2007年3月, 479页。 China’s Public Finance Reforms: Challenges and Strategies, China Finance and Economics Press, March 2007, 479 pages.

民营经济与中国发展,(合编者:王振中,尹尊声,中文),北京大学出版社,2006年。 Private Economy and China’s Development, Peking University Press, Beijing 2006。

社会保险制度改革:可供中国选择的方案,(合编者:Jason Yin and David F. Gates,英文),

世界科学出版社,新加坡/新泽西,2000年,共463页。Social Security Reform: Options for China, Co-edited with Jason Yin and David F. Gates, World Scientific Publisher, Singapore/New Jersey, 2000, 463 pages.

中国扩张性财政政策分析, (著,英文,单行本)国立新加坡大学东亚研究所论文,世界科学

出版社,新加坡/新泽西,2000年,共29页。 China’s Return to Expansionary Fiscal Policy, EAI Occasional Paper, No. 26, World Scientific Publisher, Singapore/New Jersey, 1999, 29 pages.

开放型经济中的政府财政赤字,(著,中文) 中国社会科学出版社,北京,1997, 共160页。 Government Budget Deficits in Open Economies, Social Science Publishing Inc., Beijing, China, December 1997, 160 pages.

管理中的经济学,(合著者:海闻,中文),上海人民出版社,1995,共208页。Economics in Management, Co-authored with Wen Hai,December 1995, 208 pages.


Selected Book Chapters:

“Pollution across Chinese Provinces,” Emerging Giants: The Chinese and Indian Economies in Comparative Perspective, Coauthored with C. Co and F. Kong, Edited by Poonam Gupta, The Oxford University Press, Forthcoming, 2009. “中国各省的环境污染,”《中国和印度经济比较》,Poonam Gupta 编,牛津大学出版社,即将发表,2009。

“China’s Central-Local Fiscal Disparity,” China’s Surging Economy: Adjusting for Balanced Development, Edited by John Wong and Wei Liu, World Scientific, Singapore, 203-230. “中国中央与地方财政收入不平衡”,《迅速成长的中国经济:为平衡发展而调整》,(英文)黄朝汉、刘伟编,2007。

“中俄税制改革比较”,《中国与俄罗斯经济改革比较》,林双林、李建民编,中国社会科学出版社,2007年。 Tax Reforms in China and Russia, Comparison of Economic Reforms in China and Russia, Chinese Social Sciences Press, Beijing, 2007.

“Determinants of Urban Economic Growth in China” Urbanization in China: Challenges and Opportunities, Edited by Aimin Chen and Gordon Liu, Ashgate Publishing Inc., New York, 2004.

“中国城市经济增长的决定因素”,《中国城市化:挑战与对策》,(英文)Aimin Chen and Gordon Liu 编, Ashgate Publishing Inc., New York, 2004.

“Tax Reforms and Government Revenues,” China's Economy into the New Century: Structural Issues and Problems, Edited by John Wong and Lu Ding, Singapore University Press and World Scientific, Singapore, 2002, 113-146. “税制改革与税收,”《新世纪的中国经济:结构性问题与争议》,(英文)John Wong 和Lu Ding 编, 世界科学出版社,新加坡/新泽西,2002年,113-146页。

“Too Many Fees and Too Many Charges: China Streamlines Fiscal System,” China's Economy into the New Century: Structural Issues and Problems, Edited by John Wong and Lu Ding, Singapore University Press and World Scientific, Singapore, 2002, 175-192. “太多的收费,太多的捐税:中国财政体系改革,”(英文)《新世纪的中国经济:结构性问题与争议》,John Wong 和Lu Ding 编, 世界科学出版社,新加坡/新泽西,2002年,175-192页。

“China’s Infrastructure Development,” China's Economy into the New Century: Structural Issues and Problems, Edited by John Wong and Lu Ding, Singapore University Press and World Scientific, Singapore, 2002. “中国基础设施发展,” (英文)《新世纪的中国经济:结构性问题与争议》,John Wong 和Lu Ding 编, 世界科学出版社,新加坡/新泽西,2002年,页。

“中国城市经济增长决定因素,“(中文,合作者,宋顺峰)《中国城市化:挑战与机遇》,陈甬军,陈爱民编,厦门大学出版社,2002,468-480页。“Determinants of Urban Economic Growth in China,” Urbanization in China: Challenges and Opportunities, Edited by Chen Yongjun and Chen Aimin, Xiamen: Xiamen University Press, 2002.

“Optimal Trade-Off Analysis of Agricultural Policy: A Multiple Criteria and Multiple Economic Situation Model,” co-authored with Yong Shi, Edited by K. Lawrence, G. Reeves and R. Klimberg, Multi-Criteria Applications, Elsevier Science Inc., 165-183, 2000. “农业政策收益最优化分析:多重标准及经济多样化模型,”(合作者:Yong Shi,英文),《多目标应用》,K. Lawrence, G. Reeves and R. Klimberg编,Elsevier 科学出版社,2000年165-183页。

“中国教育与就业的关系,”(中文)《中国劳动力市场和就业问题》,王裕国,陈爱民编,西南财经大学出版社,2000,468-480页。 “Education and Unemployment: Evidence from China,” China’s Labor Market and Problems of Employment, Edited by Wang Yuguo and Aimin Chen, Southwest University of Economics and Finance, Sichuan, 2000, 468-480.

“中国外债分析,”(中文) 《WTO与中国经济》,文贯中等编,中国人民大学出版社,2000年。 “China’s External Debt,” China’s Opportunities and Challenges in the New Century, Edited by James Wen and others, People’s University Press, Beijing, 2000.

“External Debt and Economic Development: Lessons for China,” Comparison of Korean and Chinese Economic Development: Forecasting Korean-Chinese Bilateral Economic Relation , Edited by Doowon Lee and Jason Yin, Yonsei University Press, Seoul, 1999, 149-175. “外债与经济增长:中国应吸取的经验与教训,”(英文)《中韩经济发展比较》,Doowon Lee and Jason Yin 编,延世大学出版社,韩国汉城,1999年,149-75页。

“中国社会保险制度改革:理论与政策分析,”(中文)《中国社会保险制度改革》,徐滇庆等编,经济科学出版社,1999年,57-74页。 “China’s Social Security Reforms: Theory and Policy Analysis,” Reforming China’s Social Security, Edited by Dianqing Xu, Jason Yin, and Zheng Yuxing, Economic Science Publishing House, Beijing, 1999, 245-260.

“民营企业与中国经济增长,”(中文)《民营经济与中西部发展》,方星海,左学金编,上海社会科学出版社,1999年,57-74页。“Private Enterprises and Economic Growth in China,” Private Enterprises and Economic Development in Middle West China, Edited by Xinghai Fang and Xuejing Zuo, Shanghai Academy of Social Science Press, Shanghai, 1999, 57-74.

“台湾教育与经济发展,”(中文) 《提升国际竞争力》,方星海,宋顺峰编,中国经济出版社,

1998,46-62页。“Education and Economic Development in Taiwan,” Raising International Competitiveness, Edited by Xinghai Fang and Shunfeng Song, China’s Economics Press, Beijing, 1998, 46-62.

近期学术讲演 Recent Professional Presentations

“China’s Recent Public Finance Reform: Will it Help to Boost Economic Growth,” Inaugural Public Speech, EAI Distinguished Public Lecture Series, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore, December 18, 2008. “中国近期的公共财政改革与经济增长”, 新加坡国立大学东亚研究所,《杰出公众系列讲座》,第一讲,2008年12月18日。

“中国地方公共财政:挑战及政策建议”,中国地方经济发展国际研讨会,200年10月10-11日,哈尔滨。 “Local Government Finance in China: Challenges and Policy suggestions,”International Conference on China’s Local Economic Development, October 10-11, 2008, Harbin, China.

“中国税制改革:问题与对策”公开演讲,2008年9月26日,北京大学。“China’s Tax System Reforms: Problems and Options,” Public Speech, Peking University,September 26, 2008.

“China’s Central Government Transfers: for Equity or for Growth,” International Conference on China’s Local Taxation and Land Policy, Boston, May 5-6, 2008. “中国中央政府转移支付问题分析”中国地方税收和土地政策国际研讨会,2008年5月5-6日,波士顿。

“地方政府财力和中央转移支付,” 主题演讲,中国地方公共财政改革国际研讨会,北京大学中国公共财政研究中心,2008年4月19-21日。 “Local Fiscal Disparity and Central Government Transfers” Keynote Speech, International Symposium on China’s Local Public Finance Reforms, China Center for Public Finance, Peking University, April 19-21,2008.

“China’s Social Security Reforms,” Plenary Session, International Conference on

Regional Integration – Asia and Europe Compared, Venice, Italy, January 16-17, 2008. “中国的社会保障改革”,区域一体化—亚洲和欧洲比较国际研讨会, 2008年1月16-17日,威尼斯,意大利。

“建立一个人账户为主的中国养老保障制度,” 主题演讲,养老医疗和社会福利体系改革国际研讨会,北京大学中国公共财政研究中心,2007年6月26-27日。“Personal Account as the Major Component of China’s Pension System,” Keynote Speech, International Symposium on Pension, Healthcare and Social Welfare System, China Center for Public Finance, Peking University, June 26-27, 2007.

“世代交替模型及其应用,” 经济学前沿名家系列讲座,中国社会科学院研究生院,2006年12月21日。 “Overlapping Generations Model and Some Applications,” Distinguished Lecture Series, The Graduate School, The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, December 21, 2006.

“China’s Central-Local Transfer System and Local Fiscal Inequality,” International Conference on Chinese Economy, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore, August 21-23, 2006. “中国中央转移支付制度与地方财力差别,” 中国经济国际研讨会,国立新加坡大学东亚研究所,2006年8月21-23。

“中国地方财政存在的问题与出路,” 主题演讲,中国金融与财政改革国际研讨会,南京财经学院,2006年11月22日。“China’s Local Public Finance: Problems and Solutions,” Keynote Speech, International Symposium on China’s Financial and Fiscal Reforms, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, November 22, 2006.

“中国公共改革财政面临的挑战与对策,” 主题演讲,公共财政改革与中国和谐发展国际研讨会,北京大学经济学院,2006年6月22-24日。“Public Finance Reforms and China’s Economic Development,” Keynote Speech, International Symposium on Public Finance Reforms and China’s Economic Development, School of Economics, Peking University, June 22-24, 2006.

“Simulating the Effects of China’s Expansionary Fiscal Policy in an Overlapping Generations Model,” with Yan Wang and Fan Zhai, American Economic Association Annual Meeting, Boston, January 2006. “模拟中国的积极财政政策的作用,” 与Yan Wang 和 Fan Zhai合作, 美国经济学年会学术报告。

“公共改革财政改革与中国和谐发展,”北京21世纪论坛2005年会议,2005年9月。“Public Finance Reforms and China’s Economic Development,” 21st Century Forum 2005, Beijing, September 2005.

The Determinants of Profitability of China’s SOEs: Evidence from Chinese Provinces, co-authored with Wei Rowe,East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore. “中国各省国有企业盈利率的决定因素,”(合作者:Wei Rowe), 国立新加坡大学东亚研究所。

“Management of China’s Fiscal Policy,” Workshop on Chinese Economy, Claremont Graduate University, California, March 4-5, 2004. “当前中国的财政政策,”中国经济讨论会,克莱蒙研究生大学,加利福尼亚,2004年3月4-5日。

。“China's Capital Tax Reforms in an Open Economy,” Chinese Economy After WTO: Challenges and Strategies, Chinese Economists Society Annual Meeting, August 1-2, 2004. “对外开放情况下的中国资本税改革,”加入世贸组织后的中国经济:挑战与对策, 中国留美经济学会2003年年会, 密西根大学,2004年8月1-2日

“China's Government Debt: How Serious?” Cambridge Workshop on Chinese Economy, Cambridge University, Britain, December 11-12, 2002. “中国政府债务:多么严重?” 剑桥大学中国经济研讨会,剑桥大学,2002年12月11-12日。

“China's Government Debt Problem,” Ministry of Trade and Industry, Singapore, July 6, 2002. “中国政府债务问题,”新加坡贸易与工业部,2002年7月6日。






《中国经济评论China Economic Review》、《中国国际杂志China: An International Journal》等英文学术杂志编委


2008 美国奥马哈内布拉斯加大学管理学院,最佳研究奖

Dean's Citation in Recognition of Excellence in Research,An

Distinguished Research Award, College of Business

Administration, University of Nebraska-Omaha

2006 美国奥马哈内布拉斯加大学纳德尔杰出讲座教授

Noddle Distinguished Professor, University of Nebraska- Omaha

2001-2006 美国奥马哈内布拉斯加大学林得莱讲座教授

Lindley Professor, University of Nebraska-Omaha

1999- 美国内布拉斯加大学 博士生导师

Graduate Fellow, University of Nebraska

2001 美国奥马哈内布拉斯加大学,杰出研究者奖 (学校教师最高荣誉奖)

University Award for Distinguished Research or Creative

Activity, University of Nebraska-Omaha

2003 美国奥马哈内布拉斯加大学管理学院,经济系最佳研究生教师奖 (首位获此荣誉者)

Graduate Economics Professor of the Year,Outstanding Teaching

Award, College of Business Administration, University of

Nebraska, Omaha

2003 美国奥马哈内布拉斯加大学管理学院,最佳服务奖

Dean's Citation in Recognition of Excellence in Service,An

Distinguished Service Award, College of Business

Administration, University of Nebraska-Omaha

1998 美国奥马哈内布拉斯加大学管理学院,最佳研究奖

Dean's Citation in Recognition of Excellence in Research,An

Distinguished Research Award, College of Business

Administration, University of Nebraska-Omaha





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