

词条 林书玉



出生年月: 1963年1月

研究方向: 声学,超声工程

学 位: 博士

毕业学校: 日本东京工业大学

职 称: 教授(博士生导师)




1、Lin Shuyu, Study on the pre-stressed sandwich piezoelectric ceramic ultrasonic transducer of torsional-flexural composite vibrational mode, J.Acoust. Soc. Am., 112(2), 511-517, 2002.8.

2、Lin Shuyu, Study on the radiation acoustic field of rectangular radiators in flexural vibration, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 254(3), 469-479, 2002.7.

3、 Lin Shuyu, Study on the flexural vibration of rectangular thin plates with free boundary conditions, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 239(5), 1063-1071, 2001.2.

4、Lin Shuyu, Equivalent circuits and directivity patterns of air-coupled ultrasonic transducers, J.Acoust. Soc. Am., 109(3), 949-958, 2001.3

5、Lin Shuyu, Zhang Fucheng, Measurement of ultrasonic power and electro-acoustical efficiency of high power transducers, Ultrasonics, 37(8), 2000, 549-554.

6、Lin Shuyu, Analysis of the equivalent circuit of piezoelectric ceramic disk resonators in coupled vibration, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 231(2), March 2000, 277-290.

7、Lin Shuyu, Thickness shearing vibration of the tangentially polarized piezoelectric ceramic thin circular ring, J.Acoust.Soc.Am, 107(5), May 2000, 2487-2492.

8、 Lin Shuyu, Acoustic field of flexural circular plates for air-coupled ultrasonic transducers, Acustica, 86(2), 2000, 388-391.

9、 Lin Shuyu, Study on the half-wavelength resonant cylinder with slanting slots in longitudinal-torsional compound ultrasonic vibration, Acustica,86(6), 2000, 992-999.

10、 Lin Shuyu, Study on the longitudinal-torsional compound transducer with slanting slots, J.Acoust. Soc. Am., 105(3), March 1999, 1643-1650.







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