词条 | 林道通 |
释义 | 林道通 副教授 Daw-Tung Dalton Lin Associate Professor Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering(资讯工程学系) National Taipei University (国立台北大学) San Shia, Taipei County, Taiwan 237 Tel: 0913061723 Email: dalton@mail.ntpu.edu.tw 【目录】 [Education] [Experience] [Reserch Interests] [Projects] [Main Contributions] [Affiliation] [Publications] [Course] [历年硕士毕业论文] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Professional biography sketch Daw-Tung Dalton Lin received an M.S., and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland at College Park (U.S.A.) in 1990 and 1994 respectively. He is currently an associate professor in the Development of Computer Science and Information Engineering at the National Taipei University. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 学历 (Education)Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering Department, September 1990 -- December 1994 University of Maryland at College Park, U.S.A. 美国马里兰大学电机工程学系 Advisors: Dr. Judith E. Dayhoff 及 Dr. Panos A. Ligomenides Major: Computer Engineering, Cybernetics and Systems M.S. in Electrical Engineering Department, September 1988 -- May 1990 University of Maryland at College Park, U.S.A. 美国马里兰大学电机工程学系 B.S. in Control Engineering, October 1981 -- June 1985 National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan 国立交通大学控制工程学系 [Return to the Top of Page] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Research Interests Neural networks modeling. Intelligent surveillance and pattern recognition. Medical image processing and recognition. BioInformatics: Protein 2D Gel Image Analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 研究专长与兴趣 智慧型数位监控 医学影像电脑辅助诊断与类神经网路、模糊理论系统之整合 生物资讯:蛋白质电泳图分析 类神经网路理论与应用 [Return to the Top of Page] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 经历 (Experiences)· August 2005 – present, Associate Professor Computer Science and Information Engineering Department, National Taipei University. 国立台北大学 资讯工程学系 副教授 · August 2003 – July 2005, Dean of the College of Engineering Chung-Hua University 中华大学 工学院院长 · February 2003 – July 2003, Dean of the Admission and Development Office Chung-Hua University 中华大学 招生发展处处长 · February 2002 - July 2003, Adjunct Associate Professor Mathematics Department, National Hsinchu Teacher College 新竹师院 数学系兼任副教授 · February 2001 - July 2003, Director Computer Center, Chung-Hua University 中华大学 电子计算机中心主任 o 主持校务行政系统电脑化及公文流程自动化,达到ISO9002认证标准,校园e化,提升竞争力 · September 1999 -- February 2001, Division Director Academic Affairs, Curriculum Office, Chung-Hua University, 中华大学 教务处课务组组长 o 完成中华大学电脑网路选课系统提供全校一万名师生使用,课务系统全面资讯自动化 · September 1999 -- February 2001, Adjunct Associate Professor Electrical Engineering Department, Yuan-Zi University, 元智大学 电机工程系兼任副教授 · February 1995 – July 2005, Associate Professor Computer Science and Information Engineering Department, Chung-Hua University. 中华大学 资讯工程学系 副教授 · December 1994 -- February 1995, Post-doctoral Research Associate Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland at College Park 马里兰大学 系统研究中心 博士後副研究员 Coordinating a research team engaging in a research project of a compact tool post structure design for precision machining. Applying active material and control methodology to the tool post structure to minimize the tool position variation, and control the mechanism of material removal. Investigating new approaches of parameter adaptive control using AI methods. · August 1993 -- January 1995, Assistant Research Associate Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University 约翰霍浦金斯大学 应用物理实验室 研究助理 Implementing neural network approaches to Target Discrimination project and improving the performance of components identification task. Developing and exploring novel methods to discriminate among target components on the same trajectory by differentiating among similar time varying signals. · September 1992 -- December 1992, Research Consultant Georgetown University Medical Center, Radiology Dept. 乔治城大学医学中心 研究助理 Provided consultation into the research and development of lung cancer nodule identification with computer image aided diagnosis utilizing the Neural Network approach. · February 1990--July1991, Research Assistant Cybernetics Research Lab., University of Maryland 马里兰大学电机系人工智慧实验室 研究助理 Developed "CROPCAST", a user-friendly Expert System employing PCPLUS of Texas Instruments to predict crop yield production. Designed an On-Screen Context Sensitive Help facility for the expert system (in Scheme LISP and KBMS with OS/2 Presentation Manager). Designed a prototype neural network based knowledge system as a``self-frame" of the CROPCAST. · February 1989--September 1993, System Administrator ISR Computer Center, University of Maryland 马里兰大学 系统研究所电脑中心 研究助理 Managed the hardware and software administration and maintenance for over two hundred computer systems, including Sun IPCs, IPXs, SPARCIIs, SPARC-10s, SPARC-20s, NeXT workstations. Automated file systems backups (label-0, label-8, label-9). Management of LAN and campus networking system peripherals. Reconstructed LAN systems (servers, bridges, damprs, routers) and improved network traffic by at least 20%. Software development (shell scripts, Perl, X-Window, Tcl, Tk) for Unix system administration facilities. Developed account administration package to automate management for over 300 user accounts and to improve the file server utilization. · Spring 1989, Software Engineer Earth Satellite Corp., Rockville, Maryland 地球卫星股份有限公司 工程师 Improved a Geographic Interface package which includes friendly user interface and powerful map browsing functions. · August 1987 -- July 1988, Teaching Assistant Control Engineering Dept, National Chiao-Tung University 国立交通大学 控制工程学系助教 October 1985 -- August 1987, Second Lieutenant Army, Taiwan, R.O.C. 少尉预备军官役 [Return to the Top of Page] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 研究计划 (Research Grants):· 8/2005-7/2006: 蛋白质二维凝胶电泳影像处理进阶研究: 分析与大量自动比对 (II) 计画主持人(国科会 NSC94-2213-E-216-016) · 5/2005-4/2006: 多功能智慧型安全监控应用软体动态连结函式库及客户 接受度检测实验室之建立 计画主持人(国科会小产学计画 NSC 94-2622-E-216 -006 -CC3) · 8/2004-7/2005: 蛋白质二维凝胶电泳影像处理进阶研究:分析与大量自动比对 (NSC93-2213-E-216-016)主持人 8/2004-7/2005: 大学工程生物教育整合型研究研究计画—永续生态工程学程(1/2) (93-2522-S-216-001) 共同主持人 5/2004-4/2005: 超商收银机检核画面摘要与智慧型监视系统 (93-2622-E-216-001-CC3)主持人 1/2004-12/2004:大学基础科学教育改进计画 共同主持人 12/2003-7/2004:新世纪多媒体通讯技术与应用之研究 (CHU-92-TR-001) 共同主持人 8/2003-7/2004: 类神经网路於腹部CT影像肾脏囊肿及肿瘤之切割与辨识(II) 计画主持人 8/2002-7/2003: 类神经网路於腹部CT影像肾脏囊肿及肿瘤之切割与辨识(I) 计画主持人 · 8/2002-7/2004: 高效能生物资讯系统之建构 共同主持人 · 1/2002-12/2004: 猪繁殖力功能性基因组解析及生物晶片之研发与应用:热带猪学生物资讯中心之建置 共同主持人 · 10/2001-9/2004: 生物与资讯工程整合教育课程规划及研究 共同主持人(国科会 NSC90-2511-S-216-002) · 8/2001-7/2002: 模糊理论与类神经网路在数位影像曝光补偿之应用(2/2) 计画主持人(国科会 NSC-90-2213-E-216-007) · 8/2000-7/2001: 模糊理论与类神经网路在数位影像曝光补偿之应用(1/2) 计画主持人(国科会 NSC-89-2218-E-216-005) · 8/2000-7/2001: 数位影像逆光补偿技术研究 计画主持人(国科会 NSC-89-2815-C-216-011R-E) · 1/1999-12/2000: 电脑人工智慧诊测早期肺癌系统研发与制造 共同主持人(经济部 1B890036) · 8/1999-7/2000: 脸部表情形变与动态模拟 计画主持人(国科会 NSC-89-2213-E-216-016) · 7/1999-5/2000: 卡片专用软体与彩色列印驱动程式制作 计画主持人(工研院光电所 89S19-K1) · 7/1999-2/2000: 电浆平面显示器呈像及色彩调变改善 计画主持人(国科会 NSC-89-2815-C-216-002E) · 8/1998-7/1999: 神经网路於生物测定认证技术及应用之研究-子计画五: 类神经网路於脸部表情双向处理之研究:辨识与形变(III) 计画主持人(国科会 NSC-88-2213-E-216-010) · 6/1998-5/1999: 资料手套之手势辨认技术研究 计画主持人(工研院光电所 88S03-S2) · 8/1997-7/1998: 神经网路於生物测定认证技术及应用之研究-子计画五: 类神经网路於脸部表情双向处理之研究:辨识与形变(II) 计画主持人(国科会 NSC-87-2213-E-216-006) · 6/1997-5/1998: 互动音讯之人机介面研究 计画主持人(工研院光电所 G4-87026-F) · 10/1997-6/1998: 电脑整合制造与测试 共同主持人(华邦电子) · 8/1996-7/1997: 神经网路於生物测定认证技术及应用之研究-子计画五: 类神经网路於脸部表情双向处理之研究:辨识与形变(I) 计画主持人(国科会 NSC-86-2745-E-216-002) · 8/1996-7/1997: 教育部通讯科技改进计画 共同主持人 (台85顾字第85514085号) · 8/1995-7/1996: 轨迹识别:可调适性类神经网路之研究与应用 计画主持人 (国科会 NSC-85-2213-E216-019) [Return to the Top of Page] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 主要研究具体贡献 (Main Contribution):壹、论文研究之具体贡献: 一、学术贡献: 提供了一种新的类神经网路学习法则,采取神经元累积调适模式,能有效 (effieciently) 及机动地 (dynamicly) 处理多维时间性函数 (spatio-temporal domain)讯号。目前研究成果已被下列书籍所引用为其章节: Simon Haykin. Neural Networks: A comprehensive Foundation. MacMillan College Publishing Company, 1994. E. Corey. Neural Represenation of Temporal Patterns. Plenum Publisher, 1995. 贰、研究成果: 研究之主要贡献在于探讨一种新式的可调适延时性类神经网路(Adaptive Time-Delay Neural Network)之特征,首次使得吾人能对此类神经网路在工程问题的应用方面,了解其可行性。从数学理论探讨开始,到展示一系列崭新的应用成果,显示此模示之优越能力。研究成果特点分述如下: · 本研究提供了更机动及有效的学习法则,将多维时序图形(spatio-temporal pattern)自动分类。此网路考虑可调适的延时系数,自动选择过去的重要特征及变因,合并於目前系统所接收之讯号达到辨认的最佳化,克服了以往此类研究的瓶颈。</font · 我们提出了一网路展开平行演算法(Network Unfolding Algorithm),并证明可调适延时性类神经网路经此演算法展开後,结果比传统之前授网路精简甚多,其网路复杂度降低至少O(n)。 · 同时我们采用学者Funahashi、Hornik等,及Stone-Weierstrass理论,进一步显示此网路之函数近似能力,并证明其为通用之多维时序函数近似器(Universal Spatiotemporal Function Approximator)。 · 我们以一连串的实验评估此网路之特性,结果显示此网路具有相当强韧之耐扰动力(perturbation resilience),一旦网路完成特定图型之学习後,在相当大程度的杂讯干扰下,均能有效地将变形之图型还原及辨认,其中图型还原之能力已为学界所重视。 · 可调适延时性类神经网路已成功地应用在轨迹识别及产生 (trajectory recognition and production)、混沌时间数列预测(chaotic time series prediction)、飞行目标辫识等实例。 [Return to the Top of Page] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Affiliation IEEE Computer Society IEEE Neural Network Council INNS International Neural Network Society Reviewer, IEEE trans. on Neural Networks Reviewer, International Journal of Neural Systems [Return to the Top of Page] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MS student(s) Ilan Chen CheSen Yang MingSong Chen SeHan Huang Chuang-Nan Chang Kerry Hsu Chun-Li Chin Hon-Der Wu Chao-Hei Huang Chia-Chin Huang Chan-Fu Hsieh Link to our lab: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Publications:出版物Journal Paper D.T. Lin*, J. E. Dayhoff, and P. A. Ligomenides. Trajectory Production with the Adaptive Time-Delay Neural Network. Neural Networks, Vol. 8, Number 3, pp. 447-461, 1995. (SCI, Impact Factor=1.774) D.T. Lin*. Sampling Rate Effects on Trajectory Learning and Production. Journal of Information Science and Engineering. Vol. 13, No. 2, pp.293-310, 1997 (EI, SCI Impact Factor=0.171) (NSC85–2213 -E216-019) D.T. Lin* and C.N. Chang, Real-Time Hand Gestures Recognition using Radial Basis Function Network, Chung Hua Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.17-24, 2003 D.T. Lin*. Target Components Discrimination using Adaptive Time-Delay Neural Network. Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 959-980, 2004. (EI, SCI, Impact Factor=0.171) (NSC-85-2213-E216-019) D.T. Lin* and J.S. Yang, Computer Aided Lung Nodule Detection with Principal Component Analysis and Neural Network, International Journal of Electrical Engineering, Accepted, 2004 (EI) (NSC91-2213-E-216-007) D.T. Lin* and C.L. Lee, PHS Mobile Web for Online Futures Contracts Information System, Chung Hua Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 113-120, 2005 (NSC-92-2262-E216-014-CC3) D.T. Lin*, C.C. Lei, and S.Y. Hsiung, Computer-Aided Kidney Segmentation of Abdominal CT Images, IEEE Trans. on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Accepted, 2005. (SCI, Impact Factor=1.274) (NSC91-2213-E-216-007) D.T. Lin*. The Neural Network Unfolding Algorithm and a Universal Spatiotemporal Function Approximation with Adaptive Time-Delays. Submitted to International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, (SCI) Oct. 2003. D.T. Lin*, C.R. Yen and W.T. Chen. Autonomous Detection of Pulmonary Nodules on CT Images with a Neural Network-Based Fuzzy System, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Accepted, 2005 (SCI, Impact Factor=1.158) (NSC91-2213-E-216-007) D.T. Lin*, J.L Kuo, N.C. Lin and S.Y. Huang, Protein 2D Gel Electrophoresis Images Matching with Maximum Relation Spanning Tree Algorithm, Pattern Recognition Letter, in review, 2005. (SCI) (NSC93-2213-E-216-016, NSC91-2745-E-216-001, NSC89-2313-B-059-045, NSC90-2313-B-059-002) D.T. Lin* and C.M. Yang, Real-Time Eye Detection using Face Circle Fitting and Dark-Pixel Filtering, Journal of Information Technology and Society, Accepted, 2005. (NSC 93-2622-E-216-001-CC3, CHU-93-TR-004 and CHU 93-2622-E-216-001-CC3). Book Chapter 1. J. Dayhoff, P. Palmadesso, F. Richards, and Daw-Tung Lin, Patterns of Dynamic Activity and Timing in Neural Network Processing, in Neural Network and Pattern Recognition. pp. 105-141, 1998. 2. EON Studio 功能节点使用指南入门篇, 全华科技图书股份有限公司, April, 2005 (ISBN:957-21-4886-9) 3. D.T. Lin*, J.L. Kuo, E. C. Lin and S. Y. Huang, Fuzzy Similarity Measure and Fractional Image Query for Large Scale Protein 2D Gel Electrophoresis, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) of Springer-Verlag (KES2005), Vol.??, , pp.?? , Sept. 2005, Melbourne, Australia, Sept. 2005, to appear. (EI, SCI, Impact Factor=0.515) (NSC93-2213-E-216-016) Conference Papers 1. D.-T. Lin, J. E. Dayhoff, and P. A. Ligomenides. Trajectory recognition with a time-delay neural network. In International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, volume 3, pages 197--202, Baltimore, 1992. IEEE, New York. 2. D.-T. Lin, J. E. Dayhoff, and P. A. Ligomenides. Adaptive time-delay neural network for temporal correlation and prediction. In SPIE Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XI: Biological, Neural Net, and 3-D Methods, volume 1826, pages 170--181, Boston, November, 1992. 3. D.-T. Lin, P. A. Ligomenides, and J. E. Dayhoff. Learning spatiotemporal topology using an adaptive time-delay neural network. In World Congress on Neural Networks, volume1, pages 291--294, Portland, OR, 1993. INNS Press, New York. 4. D.-T. Lin, P.A. Ligomenides, and J.E. Dayhoff. Spatiotemporal topology and temporal sequence identification with an adaptive time-delay neural network. In SPIE Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XII: Algorithms and Techniques, volume 2055, pages 536--545, Boston, September, 1993. 5. D.-T. Lin, J.~E. Dayhoff, and Panos~A. Ligomenides. Adaptive time-delay neural network: Architecture and applications. In International Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, pages A10--19, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, Republic of China, December, 1993. 6. J.E. Dayhoff and D.-T. Lin. Pattern recognition and generation in sensorimotor neural assemblies: Synaptic change and temporal dynamics. In 23rd Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C., November, 1993. 7. D.-T. Lin, J.E. Dayhoff, and PanosA. Ligomenides. Prediction of chaotic time series and resolution of embedding dynamics with the ATNN. In World Congress on Neural Networks, volume2, pages 231--236, San Diego, CA, 1994. INNS Press, New York. 8. J.E. Dayhoff, D.-T. Lin, and PanosA. Ligomenides. Neural Networks for Biomedical Prediction Tasks. In World Congress on Neural Networks, volume1, pages 119--120,San Diego, CA, 1994. INNS Press, New York. 9. J.E. Dayhoff, D.-T. Lin, and PanosA. Ligomenides. Neural Network Architectures and Prediction Applications. In Workshop of CADx in Medical Imaging, pages 3-4,Georgetown University Medical Center, July 1994, Washington D.C. 10. D.-T. Lin, J.E. Dayhoff. Network unfolding algorithm and complexity analysis. In World Congress on Neural Networks, volumn2, pages 96-100, Washington D.C., 1995. INNS Press, New York. 11. D.-T. Lin and J. E. Dayhoff. Can neural networks learn the dynamic systems with attractors? In SPIE 1995 Symposium on OE/Aerospace Sensing and Dual Use Photonics, Applications and Science of Artificial Neural Networks, vol. 2492, pp. 238-445 Orlando, FL, April, 1995. 12. D.-T. Lin. Distortion-invariant pattern recognition with spatiotemporal neural network. In National Computer Symposium, pages 641--645, Chung-Li, Taiwan, Republic of China, December, 1995. (NSC-85-2213-E216-019) 13. D.-T. Lin. Spatiotemporal function approximation and trajectory discrimination. In International Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, pages B31--36, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, Republic of China, December, Dec. 1995. (NSC-85-2213-E216-019) 14. D.-T. Lin. Sampling Effects on Trajectory Production with Neural Network. In International Symposium Multi-Technology Information Processing, pages 505--509, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Republic of China, December, Dec. 16-18, 1996. (NSC-85-2213-E216-019) 15. D.T. Lin, T.S. Yang, Lung nodule detection system with principal component analysis, CVGIP97, pp. 7--14 , Taichun, Taiwan, Aug. 1997 16. D.T. Lin, Trajectories Discrimation: research and application with adaptive neural network, Annual Conference of Intelligent Computing Research Project, pp. C3-14-15, Hsinchu, Taiwan 1997 (NSC-85-2213-E216-019) 17. D.T. Lin. Computer-Access Authentication with Neural Network Based Keystroke Identy Verification. In International Conference on Neural Network, pp. 174-178, Huston, USA,1997. 18. D.T. Lin, , Gesture Recognition for Virtual Reality Application, Workshop on Consumer Electronics: Digital Viedo and Multimedia, pp B4-1/1-5, Taipei, 1997 19. D.T. Lin and I.L. Chen, Real-Time Gesture Recognition with Radial Basis Function Network, International Symposium om Multimedia Information Processing, pp 111-116, Dec. 1997 20. D.T. Lin, Toward Automatic Facial Recognition and Morphing, Computer Vision Workshop, Institute of Information Science, Academic Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, May 1998. 21. D.T. Lin, Spatio-Temporal Hand Gesture Recognition Using Neural Network, Internation Joint Conference on Neural Network, pp. 1794-1798, Anchorage, Alaska, May 1998. 22. D.T. Lin and H. Huang, Facial Expression Morphing with Radial Basis Function Warping Technique, International Symposium on Multimedia Information Processing, Chung-Li, Taiwan, pp330--336, December 1998. (NSC86-2745-E-216-002) 23. D.T. Lin, Real-Time Two Hand Gestures Recognition System: Prototpye for VR and Computer Music Comducting , ISC'98, pp.144-149, Tainin, Taiwan, Dec. 1998. 24. D.T. Lin, M.Y. Hsu, S.H. Huang, August, Image-Based Facial Expression Animation with Parametric Warping Keyframes, CVGIP99, pp. 648--654 , Taipei, Aug. 1999. (NSC87-2213-E-216-006) 25. D.T. Lin, Facial Expressions Morphing and Animation with Local Warping Methods , in International Conference on Image Analysis and processing, pp.594-599, Vennis, Itality, September 1999. (NSC 88-2213-E-216-010) 26. D.T. Lin and Jam Huang, Facial Expressions Classification with Hierarchical Radial Basis Function Networks, , International Conference on Neural Information Processing, pp.1202-1207, Perth, Australia, November 1999. (NSC 88-2213-E-216-010) 27. D.T. Lin and H.D. Wu, An novel image compression technology with Multi-level linear polynomial transform coding and sorting process , CVGIP2000, pp.137-144, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug. 2000. 28. D.T. Lin and M.Y. Hsu, Image based facial expression animation with FEAP rules, CVGIP2000, pp.167-173, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug. 2000. (NSC89-2213-E216-016) 29. C.L. Chin and D.T. Lin, Automatic exposure images classification with fuzzy C-mans method, TAAI2000, pp.99-105, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 2000. (NSC89-2218-E-216-005) 30. D.T. Lin and C.H. Huang, Fast Shilutte Based Hand Gesture Feature Extraction Algorithm, ICME2001, 0-7695-1198-8/01, Tokyo, Japan, August, 2001 31. D.T. Lin and C.F. Hsieh, Tile, Scale Invariant Human Face Detection System, CVGIP2001, pp.60, PingDong, Taiwan, Aug. 2001. (NSC90-2213-E-216-024) 32. D.T. Lin and C.C. Huang, New Technique for Digital Backlight Images Compensation, CVGIP2001, pp.96, PingDong, Taiwan, Aug. 2001. (NSC89-2815-C-216-011R-E) 33. C.R. Yan and D.T. Lin, Neural-Fuzzy Automatic Detection for Pulmonary Nodules on Computed Tomograph Images, 2002 Symposium of Digital Life and Internet Technologies, pp. 74-78, Tainan, Taiwan, June, 2002 34. M.C. Su, J.H. Guo, D.T Lin, and G. C. Wang, New Compensation Algorithm for Color Backlight Images, IJCNN2002, pp. 1396-1400, Haiwaii, Aug., 2002 35. C.R. Yan and D.T. Lin, Automatic Detection for Pulmonary Nodules on Computed Tomograph Images, CVGIP2002, pp.273-279, Hsinchu, Taiwan, August, 2002 36. D.T. Lin and C.R. Yan, Lung Nodules Identification Rules Extraction with Neural Fuzzy Networks,on ICONIP2002, Vol. 4, pp.2049-2053, Singapore, November, 2002 37. D.T. Lin and C.R. Yan, Adaptive Rule Extraction and Refinement with Neural Network-Based Fuzzy System for Lung Nodules Detection on CT Images, CFSAT2002, A3 pp.13-18, Hsinchu, Taiwan, December, 2002 38. D.T. Lin and C.H. Huang, Silhouette-Based Hand Gesture Recognition with Support Vector Machine, ICANN/ICONIP2003, pp. 247-250, Istanbui, Turkey, June, 2003. 39. D.T. Lin and C.C. Image Back-light Compensation with Fuzzy C-Means Learning Algorithm and Fuzzy Inferencing, ISSPA2003, Paris, France, July, 2003 (NSC89-2815-C-216-011R-E) 40. J. L. Kuo, D. T. Lin, E. C. Lin and S. Y. Huang, Image Analysis System for Protein Two Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis, 16th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, pp. 139-146, Kimen, Taiwan, Aug. 2003. (NSC91-2516-S-216-001) 41. D. T. Lin, C.C. Lei, and S. Y. Hsiung, An Efficient Method for Kidney Segmentation on Abdominal CT Images, The 8th Australian and New Zealand Intelligent Information Systems Conference, pp. 75-82, Sydney, Australia, December, 2003 (NSC91-2213-E-216-007) 42. D. T. Lin, J.L. Kuo, E. C. Lin and S. Y. Huang, Protein 2D Gel Eletrophoresis Images Matching with Maximum Relation Spanning Tree, The 8th Australian and New Zealand Intelligent Information Systems Conference, pp. 331-338, Sydney, Australia, December, 2003. (NSC92-2516-S-216-003) 43. C.M. Yang and D.T. Lin, A Real-Time Vision-Based Face and Eyes Detection System, International Conference on Informatics, Cybernetics, and Systems, pp.200-205, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, December 14-16, 2003 44. C.C. Lei, D. T. Lin, and S. Y. Hsiung, Computer-Aided Kidney Segmentation on Abdominal CT Images, Biomedical Engineering 2003 Annual Symposium, pp.38, Taipei, Taiwan, December 12-13, 2003 (NSC91-2213-E-216-007) 45. D.T. Lin and C.M. Yang, Real-Time Eye Detection using Face Circle Fitting and Dark-Pixel Filtering, International Conference on Multimedia Expo, Taipei, June, 2004 46. D. T. Lin, J.L. Kuo, E. C. Lin and S. Y. Huang,, Improved Watershed Algorithm Spot Detection on Protein 2D Gel Electrophoresis Images, The 6th IASTED International Conference on Signal and Images Processing, Hawaii, USA, August, 2004 47. K. H. Huang and D. T. Lin, Fragile Watermarking using Motion Vector in MPEG4 Compressed Video, CVGIP2004, August, 2004 48. M. J. Liu and D.T. Lin*, A Real Time Multiple People Tracking and Facial Occlusion Detection System, CVGIP2004, E1-6, Hualei, Taiwan, August, 2004 (93-2622-E-216-001-CC3) 49. 彭文立、韩钦铨、李建兴、石百碌、林道通,结合分水岭转换与动态轮廓模型应用於骨骼影像分割, TAAI2004, FP3-05, Taiepei, Taiwan, Nov. 2004. 50. D.T. Lin*, J.L. Kuo, E. C. Lin and S. Y. Huang, Fuzzy Similarity Measure and Fractional Image Query for Large Scale Protein 2D Gel Electrophoresis, The Ninth International Conference on Knowledge-Base Intelligent Information & Engineering System, Melbourne, Australia, Sept. 2005, to appear. Technical Reports 1. D.-T. Lin, J.E. Dayhoff, and P.A. Ligomenides. A learning algorithm for adaptive time-delays in a temporal neural network. Technical Report SRC-TR-92-59, Systems Research Center, University of Maryland, College Park, Md 20742, May 15 1992. 2. D.-T. Lin, J.E. Dayhoff, and P.A. Ligomenides. Temporal neural network architecture with adaptive time delays. Technical Report EE-TR-93-009, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, Md 20742, February 1993. 3. D.-T. Lin, P.A. Ligomenides, and J.E. Dayhoff. Learning with the adaptive time-delay neural network. Technical Report IRS-TR-93-49, Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland, College Park, Md 20742, May 1993. 4. D.-T. Lin. The adaptive time-delay neural network: characterization and applications to pattern recognition, prediction, and signal processing. Ph.D. Thesis, Electrical Engineering Department, University of Maryland, College Park, Md 20742, May 1994. 5. D.-T. Lin and J.E. Dayhoff. Unfolding algorithm and universal spatiotemporal function approximation. Technical Report IRS-TR-95-6, Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland, College Park, Md 20742, January 1995. 6. D.-T. Lin and J.E. Dayhoff. Sampling rate effects on trajectory learning and production. Technical Report IRS-TR-95-7, Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland, College Park, Md 20742, January 1995 7. D.-T. Lin. Trajectory discrimination: Research and Application with Adaptive Neural Network. August, 1996. 8. 林道通,轨迹识别:可调适性类神经网路之研究与应用(NSC-85-2213-E216-019) 国科会计划成果报告, 1996 9. D.-T. Lin. Facial expression dual process with neural network: recognition and morphing, midterm report, January, 1997. 10. 林道通,互动音讯之人机介面研究(G4-87026-F)工研院电通所委外计划报告,1997 11. 林道通,类神经网路於生物测定认证技术及应用之研究-子计画五:类神经网路於脸部表情双向处理之研究:辨识与形变(I) (NSC86-2745-E-216-002) 国科会计划成果报告, 1997 12. 林道通,类神经网路於生物测定认证技术及应用之研究-子计画五:类神经网路於脸部表情双向处理之研究:辨识与形变(II) (NSC87-2213-E-216-006) 国科会计划成果报告, 1998 13. 林道通,类神经网路於生物测定认证技术及应用之研究-子计画五:类神经网路於脸部表情双向处理之研究:辨识与形变(III) (NSC 88-2213-E-216-010) 国科会计划成果报告, 1999 14. 林道通,资料手套之手势辨认技术研究(88 S03-S20) 工研院光电所委外计划报告,1999 15. 林道通,利用区域形变法制作以影像为主之脸部表情变化动态模拟(NSC89-2213-E216-016) 国科会计划成果报告, 2000 16. 林道通,利用区域形变法制作以影像为主之脸部表情变化动态模拟(NSC89-2213-E216-016),2000 17. 林道通,卡片设计专用软体与Printer Driver开发, 工研院光电所委外计划报告,2000 18. 林道通,数位影像逆光补偿技术研(NSC89-2815-C-216-011R-E) 国科会计划成果报告, 2001 19. 林道通,模糊理论与类神机网路在数位影像曝光补偿之应用(1/2) (NSC90-2213-E-216-024) 国科会计划成果报告, 2001 20. 林道通,模糊理论与类神机网路在数位影像曝光补偿之应用(2/2) (NSC90-2213-E-216-024) 国科会计划成果报告, 2002 21. 林道通,类神经网路於腹部CT影像肾脏囊肿及肿瘤之切割与辨识(I) (NSC91-2213-E-216-007)国科会计划成果报告, 2003 [Return to the Top of Page] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 历年硕士毕业论文入学年度 姓名 题目 84 陈义朗 使用类神经网路制作空间性与时间性的手势辨识系统与应用 84 杨则森 主要元素分析法在医学影像上肺部肿瘤侦测的应用 85 张壮年 智慧型手势辨认系统 86 陈铭菘 以主要元素分析法进行脸部表情分类 86 黄士航 区域变形法则在脸部表情形变之研究 87 除美玉 利用区域形变法制作以影像为主之脸部表情变化动态模拟 87 秦群立 智慧型数位影像自动曝光补偿系统 87 吴宏德 多项式转换影像压缩技术 88 谢昌甫 人脸侦测系统 88 黄嘉庆 逆光影像补偿新技术 88 黄朝晖 利用手部轮廓之手势辨认系统 89 严崇仁 电脑断层扫描肺肿瘤影像侦测 90 雷仲箎 肾脏肿瘤与囊肿切割与辨识 90 郭俊麟 二维蛋白质电泳影像影像处理与分析 90 陈盈全 猪繁殖之EST定序及身份确认 90 杨蝉铭 行人与姿势侦测及辨识 91 刘明如 应用於自动提款机之即时脸部遮蔽物侦测系统 91 黄凯贤 利用MPEG4动态向量进行易碎式浮水印嵌入 91 蔡建材 自动车牌辨识系统 |
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