

词条 reno

Characters of Final Fantasy VII

Reno (レノ, Reno) is a prominent member of the Turks, ranking directly below Tseng. He sports a lanky physique, and unkempt red hair terminating in a long ponytail. In Final Fantasy VII he has two symmetrical red tattoos across his cheekbones. He is always seen wearing goggles on his forehead. He is also much less attentive to dress code than his colleagues. He wears the Turks uniform but with his jacket unzipped and his shirt untucked and open-necked without a tie. He uses a retractable, metallic stun baton, called an Electro-Mag Rod, as a weapon. He is characterized as cocky, cynical, and somewhat lazy, but is highly skilled and takes pride in his work. Reno also has a penchant for gossiping and is a competent helicopter pilot. In the Japanese version of Final Fantasy VII and Advent Children, he is portrayed as being somewhat less cynical, clumsy and more of a comical character. Although his fighting skills are far above the level of a normal human, he is defeated with relative ease by Loz and Yazoo.

Reno is first encountered in Final Fantasy VII when he enters a derelict church in the slums of Midgar's Sector 5 in an attempt to capture Aerith (where he instructs his subordinates to be careful not to step on the flowers after stepping on them himself). Not long after, he activates the bombs that blow up the Sector 7 support pillar before having a brief battle with Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart and Barret Wallace. This fight leaves him temporarily incapacitated. He later reappears outside of Gongaga with his long-time partner, Rude, having been assigned to intercept AVALANCHE. Despite the rivalry between the two groups, he is not beyond teaming up with Cloud and his companions in Wutai, where both parties had to work together after each had a member kidnapped by Don Corneo. After this incident, Reno's group receives new orders to search for Cloud but Reno decides not to fight Cloud on the pretext of being off duty. Near the end of Disc Two of Final Fantasy VII, the player has the option to fight Elena, Reno, and Rude, or refuse the battle. In either case the Turks survive, so there is no clear canonical outcome to this situation.

Reno has a prominent role in Advent Children. Consistent with his attitude at the end of the original Final Fantasy VII, Reno possesses no true hostility towards his former enemies[1]. As of Advent Children, the Turks are on the same side as AVALANCHE and join the fight against the film's villains. Reno and Rude primarily serve as the film's comic relief. His comical role in Advent Children includes being locked out while Cloud and Rufus have an important talk, bringing out his weapon and accidentally hitting Rude in the head, being knocked back several hundred feet by Yazoo and landing on Rude, climbing a building to save Rufus and using Rude's head as support, stepping on and crushing Rude's trademark sunglasses, having a child stick his fingers up his nose while rescuing him from Bahamut SIN, and apologizing to Loz and Yazoo for insulting Jenova before realizing what he said.

He is voiced by Keiji Fujiwara in the Japanese version of "Advent Children" and "Crisis Core" with Quinton Flynn voicing him in the English versions.

雷诺(レノ,Reno)是一塔克斯常驻成员之一,排名在曾之下。他体型瘦长,有一头蓬乱的红发,在脑后扎成一根辫子,颧骨处有两个对称的红色文身,并总是把护目镜呆在前额上。与他的同僚们相比,雷诺的衣着显得较为随意。他身穿塔克斯的制服,但没有拉上外套拉链,衬衫也是穿得松松垮垮,领口大开,更没有系领带。雷诺的武器是一个名为Electro-Mag的可伸缩金属棒。 雷诺有些骄傲自大,爱挖苦人,还有些懒。但他技艺精湛,并以自己的工作为荣。喜欢闲聊的雷诺还是个称职的直升机驾驶员。在日本版的《最终幻想VII圣子降临》中,他则少了几分调侃,被塑造成一个有些笨手笨脚的滑稽角色。尽管他的战斗技能远高于常人,他依旧被LOZ和YAZOO轻松击败。

雷诺在最终幻想VII的初次登场是在米德加五番街贫民窟的废弃教堂。当时他和他的下属们试图对 Aerith实行抓捕(雷诺告诉部下们不要踩花,结果自己没注意先一脚踩了上去……)不久之后,他引爆了炸毁七番街支柱的炸弹,并与克劳德,蒂法和纷争巴雷特交手。 这场战斗让他暂时丧失了行动能力。不久后他在贡加加村和老搭档鲁德再度出现,试图阻止雪崩的行动。尽管两大势力相互敌对,但他在双方都有人质被古留根尾劫持在五台的情况下,雷诺还是选择了与克劳德等人一起行动。这个事件后,雷诺他们接到了搜捕克劳德的命令,但雷诺以不当班为由没有与克劳德对抗。在游戏Disc 2结尾的时候,玩家可以选择与雷诺,鲁德和伊琳娜战斗,或者拒绝战斗。在这两种情况下塔克斯都会生还,所以选择什么选项并没有严格的规定。



日文版《圣子降临》和《核心危机》中雷诺的声优是藤原启治,英文版则是 Quinton Flynn 。






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