

词条 廖蕾


职务/职称: 教授 博导

地址: 武汉大学物理科学与技术学院










2007-2009年,新加坡南洋理工大学物理系,Research fellow




2011 全国百篇优秀博士论文提名奖

2011 湖北省楚天学者特聘教授

2011 加州大学博士后研究奖提名奖

2010 教育部新世纪优秀人才

2010 湖北优秀博士论文

2010 加州大学博士后研究奖提名奖

2008 新加坡千禧奖

2007 全国宝钢教育特等奖


1. 高速柔性电子器件的研制。

2. 工作在吉赫兹频率下射频晶体管的研发。

3. 极端条件下高迁移率半导体材料的弹道输运。

近期的主要研究领域是二维石墨烯,一维 ZnO,过渡族氧化物以及碳纳米管等纳米结构、物性和晶体场效应管,传感器等研究。

代表性论文(引用率>1300, H-index=23)

1. Y. Z. Long, L. Liao*, X. F. Duan, Z. Y. Fan*, Large-scale Integration of Semiconductor Nanowires for High Performance Flexible Electronics ACS Nano (In press)

2. L. Liao, J. W. Bai, R. Chen, H. L. Zhou, L. X. Liu, Y. Liu, Y. Huang, X. F. Duan, Scalable Fabrication of Self-Aligned Graphene Transistors and Circuits on Glass Nano Lett. (In Press).

3. L. Liao, X. F. Duan Graphene-based RF devices Materials Today (In Press).

4. Y. Liu, R. Cheng, L. Liao, H. L. Zhou, J. W. Bai, Gang Liu, L. X. Liu, Y. Huang, X. F. Duan Plasmon resonance enhanced muticolour photodetection by graphene Nature Commun. 2, 579, (2011)

5. W. J. Yu, L. Liao, X. F. Duan Molecular Doping Tunable Bandgap Opening in Bilayer Graphene Nano Lett. 11, 4759, (2011).

6. J. W. Bai, L. Liao, H. L. Zhou, R. Cheng, L. X. Liu, Y. Huang, X. F. Duan Top-Gated Chemical Vapor Deposition Grown Graphene Transistors with Current Saturation Nano Lett. 11, 2555, (2011)

7. L. Liao, Y. C. Lin, M. Q. Bao, R. Cheng, J. W. Bai, Y. Liu, Y. Q. Qu, K.. L. Wang, Y. Huang, X. F. Duan High speed graphene transistors with a self-aligned nanowire gateNature 467, 305, (2010)

8. L. Liao, J. W. Bai, R. Cheng, Y. C. Lin, Y. Q. Qu, Y. Huang, X. F. Duan Sub-100 nm Channel length graphene transistors Nano Lett. 10, 3952 (2010)

9. L. Liao, J. W. Bai, R. Cheng, Y. C. Lin, S. Jiang, Y. Huang, and X. F. Duan Top-gated graphene nanoribbon transistors with ultra-thin high-k dielectrics Nano Lett. 10, 1917, (2010).

10. L. Liao, J. W. Bai, Y. Q. Qu, Y. C. Lin, Y. J. Li, Y. Huang, and X. F. Duan High-k Oxide Nanoribbons as Gate Dielectrics for High Mobility Top-gated Graphene Transistors Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.U.S.A. (PNAS) 107, 6711 (2010).

11. L. Liao, J. W. Bai, Y. C. Lin, Y. Q. Qu, Y. Huang, and X. F. Duan High performance top-gated graphene nanoribbon transistors using zirconium oxide nanowires as high-k gate dielectricsAdv. Mater. 22, 1941 (2010).

12. L. Liao, J. W. Bai, Y. Q. Qu, Y. Huang, and X. F. Duan Single-layer graphene on Al2O3/Si substrate: better contrast and higher performance of graphene transistors Nanotechnology 21, 0157705 (2010).

13. L. Liao, and X. F. Duan Graphene-dielectric integration for graphene transistor Materials Sciences & Engineering Report 70, 354, (2010).

14. J. W. Bai, R. Cheng, F. X. Xiu, L. Liao, M. S. Wang, A. Shailos, K. Wang, Y. Huang, and X. F. Duan Observation of very large tunable negative magnetoresistance in graphene nanoribbon field-effect transistors Nature Nanotechnology 5, 655, (2010)

15. Y. Wang, H. D. Tran, L. Liao, X. F. Duan, and R. B. Kaner Nanoscale Morphology, Dimensional control and electrical properties of oligoanilines J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 10365, (2010).

16. Y. Q. Quan, L. Liao, Y. Wang, R. Cheng, Y. Huang, X. F. DuanRational design of standalone photoelectric nanodevices as highly efficient photocatalysts Nano Lett. 10, 1941, (2010).

17. Y. Q. Qu, L. Liao, Y. J. Li, H. Zhang, Y. Huang, and X. F. Duan Electrically Conductive and Optically Active Porous Silicon Nanowires Nano Lett. 9, 4539 (2009).

18. Y. Q. Qu, T. Xue, Y. C. Lin, L. Liao, X. F. Duan Heterointegration of Pt/Si/Ag Nanowire Photodiodes and Their Photocatalytic Properties Adv. Fun. Mater. 20,3005, (2010)

19. B. Yan, C. L. Du, L. Liao, Y. M. You, H. Cheng, Z. X. Shen, T. Yu Raman mapping probing of tip-induced anomalous polarization behavior in V2O5 waveguiding nanoribbons Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 073105, (2010).

20. B. Yan, L. Liao, Y. M. You, X. J. Xu, Z. Zheng, Z. X. Shen, J. Ma, L. M. Tong, and T. Yu Single-crystalline V2O5 ultralong nanoribbon waveguides Adv. Mater. 21, 2436, (2009).

21. L. Liao, B. Yan, Y. F. Hao, G. Z. Xing, J. P Liu, and T. Yu P-type electrical, photoconductive and anomalous ferromagnetic properties of Cu2O nanowires Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 113 (2009).

22. L. Liao, M. B. Zheng, Z. Zhang, B. Yan, Z. X. Shen, and T. Yu The characterization and application of P-type semiconducting mesoporous carbon nanofibers Carbon 47, 1841 (2009).

23. L. Liao, H. J. Fan, B. Yan, Z. Zhang, L. L. Chen, Z. X. Shen, and T. Yu Ferroelectric Transistors with Nanowire Channel: towards Nonvolatile Memory Applications ACS Nano 3, 700, (2009).

24. L. Liao, K. H. Liu, W. L. Wang, X. D. Bai and E. G. Wang Multiwall BCN/C nanotube junction and its rectification behavior J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129, 9562,(2007).







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