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International Journal of Mass Customization, Editor Board

Asian-Pacific Business Reviews, Editor Board



1. 1996年获安徽省科技进步二等奖(负责人)

2. 2004年安徽省青年科技奖


Yao Chen,Liang Liang,Yang Feng,Joe Zhu, 2006, Evaluation of Information Technology Investment A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach, Computers & Operations research,Vol.33,1368-1379.

Zhongshen Hua, Bin Zhang, Liang Liang, 2006, An approximate dynamic programming approach to convex quadratic knapsack problems, Computers & Operations research, Vol.33,660-673

Zhongshen Hua, Sijie Li, Liang Liang, 2006, Impact of demand uncertainty on Supply chain cooperation of single-period products, International Journal of Production Economics,Vol.100,268-284.

Desheng Wu, Zijiang Yang, Liang Liang, 2006,Using DEA-neural network approach to evaluate a branch efficiency of a large Canadian bank, Expert System with Applications, Vol.32,108-115.

George Q Huang , S K Lau , K L Mak and Liang Liang, 2006, Distributed Supply chain Project Rescheduling: Part II-----Distributed affected operations Rescheduling algorithm, International Journal of Production Research,Vol.44,1-25.

Jason S K LAU, George Q Huang, K L Mak and Liang Liang, 2005, Distributed Project Scheduling with Information Sharing in Supply Chains: Part I-----An Agent-Based Negotiation Model, International Journal of Production Research, Vol.43, 4813-4838.

Jason S K LAU, George Q Huang , K L Mak and Liang Liang, 2005, Distributed Project Scheduling with Information Sharing in Supply Chains: Part II-----Theoretical Analysis and computational Study, International Journal of Production Research, Vol.43,4899-4921.

George Q Huang , Jason S K Lau, K L Mak and Liang Liang, 2005, Distributed Supply chain Project Rescheduling: Part I ----Impacts of information Sharing Strategies, International Journal of Production Research,Vol.43,5107-5129.

Liang Liang, Desheng Wu, 2005,An application of pattern recognition on scoring Chinese corporations financial conditions based on back-propagation neural network, Computers &Operations Research,Vol.32,1115-1129.

George Q. Huang, X. Y. Zhang, Liang Liang, 2005,Towards Integrated optimal Configuration of Platform Products, Manufacturing Process, and Supply Chains, Journal of Operational Management, Vol.23,267-290.

Wade D. Cook, Moez Hababou, Liang Liang, 2005,Financial liberalization and efficiency in Tunisian Banking Industry: DEA Tests, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making on “Data Envelopment Analysis: Theories and Applications” in honor of William W. Cooper. Vol.4; Issue 3.

Deshen Wu, Liang Liang, Zhiming Huang, Susan Xi, 2005, Aggregated Ratio Analysis in DEA, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, Vol.4,369-384.

Zhongsheng Hua, Liang Liang,2004,Heuristics to Scenario-based Capacity Expansion Problem of PWB Assembly systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, LNAI3327,135-144.

Liang Liang, Desheng Wu, Zhongshen Hua, 2004,MES-DEA Modeling for Analyzing Anti-industrial Pollution Efficiency and Its Application in Anhui province of China, International Journal of Global Energy Issue,Vol.22,88-98.

Desheng Wu, Zijiang Yang, Liang Liang, Simulation Analysis of Production and Investment Performance of Canadian Life & Health Insurance Companies Using DEA, 《Computer & Operations Research》,(article in press) available online at www.Liangliang, Guohua Wang, Zhongsheng Hua, Bin Zhang, Mapping verbal response to numerical scales in the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 《Socio-Economic Planning Sciences》(Article in press) available online at www.ZhongshengHua, Wenqin Jiang, Liang Liang, Adjusting inconsistency through learning in group decision making and its application to China’s MBA recruiting interview, 《Socio-Economic Planning Sciences》 (Article in press) available online at www.ZhongshengHua, Yiwen Bian, Liang Liang, Eco-efficiency analysis of paper mills along the Huai River : An extended DEA approach, Omega, Int. J. of Management Science. (Article in press) available online at www.Jason S. K. Lau, George Q. Huang, K.L. Mak, L.Liang, Agent-Based Modeling of Supply Chains for Distributed Scheduling, IEEE Transaction on System, Man and Cybernetics (Part A), DOI 10.1109/TSMCA2005.854231.

George Q. Huang, T. Qu, David W.L.Cheung, Liang Liang, Extensible Multi-Agent System for Optimal Design of Complex Systems using Analytical Target Cascading, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, DOI 10.1007/s00170-005-0064-3.


近年来在Operations Research, Journal of Operations Management, IEEE Tran. On SMC, OMEGA, IIE Transactions, Naval Research Logistics等国际学术期刊上发表学术论文50余篇,参与出版英文学术专著2部。科研成果曾获得国家教育部自然科学一等奖、省部级科技进步二等奖、省级高等学校优秀科研成果一等奖和亚太国际学术会议最佳理论论文奖。教学成果曾获得省部级教学成果特等奖、中国科学院研究生优秀指导教师奖和全国优秀博士学位论文指导教师。所指导博士研究生一人获2011年全国百篇优秀博士论文奖和2010年度管理与治理领域国际Emerald/EFMD杰出博士研究高度赞扬奖(Highly Commended Award winner of the 2010 Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Award),一人获得教育部博士新人奖,两人获得中国科学院院长奖。



1974.08-1978.02 柳江县龙汉岭林场工人

1978.02-1982.01 广西农学院林学分院林业专业学生

1982.01-1984.10 柳江县林业局技术干部

1984.10-1986.08 柳江县林业局副局长

1986.08-1989.06 广西农学院林学分院林学系生态学专业学生

1989.06-1991.10 柳州市林业技术推广站干部

1991.10-1992.11 柳州市林业技术推广站副站长

1992.11-1998.05 柳州市林业局副局长

1998.05-1998.07 柳州市林业局副局长、民盟柳州市委主委(兼)

1998.07-1999.02 民盟柳州市委主委

1999.02-2002.06 柳州市政协副主席(兼)、民盟柳州市委主委

2002.06-2006.10 民盟广西区委副主委(兼)、政协柳州市第九届委员会副主席(兼)、民盟柳州市委主委

2006.10- 政协柳州市第十届委员会副主席、民盟广西区委副主委(兼)、民盟柳州市委主委

2011.09— 广西柳州市人大常委会副主任,民盟广西区委副主委(兼),民盟柳州市委主委全国第十届人大代表广西壮族自治区第十一届人大代表





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