

词条 Rascal Flatts

Rascal Flatts由来自哥伦布的Gary Levox、Jay DeMarcus and Joe Don Rooney三名成员组成,是一个乡村音乐风格的乐队,他们以演唱和谐而闻名。


是谁说阳光个性男孩不愿与乡村音乐沾边,谁说乡村音乐人不可以成为时髦年轻人的偶像?听听美国俄亥俄三个帅气男孩组Rascal Flatts的country music,你会惊喜的发现,原来乡村可和rock一样精彩~ 专辑Feels Like Today 结合了electronic,pop,rock,country......等音乐元素,曲风流畅、清新,不失华丽、柔美,简直无可挑剔 ,Rascal Flatts。


两位表兄弟主唱gary levox、贝司手jay demarcus和好朋友吉它手joe don rooney三个人于1999年成立了乡村音乐三人组合“rascal flatts”,他们的同名首张专辑在发行后的第一周就卖出了11,274张,登上了billboard乡村音乐专辑排行榜的第14名,在billboard专辑排行榜上名列第122。他们吸收了福音、蓝草音乐,pop和r&b的音乐元素,形成了自己紧密和谐的乡村音乐风格。

livox和demarcus两人是在俄亥俄州哥伦布的音乐世家中长大的。他们的母亲是表姐妹,两家都习惯全家人围坐在一起演奏音乐。demarcus的祖父教给他蓝草音乐,并教会他演奏原声吉它和班卓琴。他曾在摇滚乐队和乡村乐队中演奏,1972年,他搬到了纳什维尔nashville,开始和基督教歌手michael english一起工作。

1997年,他说服自己表兄弟gary从西海岸搬到了纳什维尔,这时他已经成为english的合音歌手。他和这位基督教歌手一起演唱了二重唱“love won't leave you out in the rain”,这首歌被收入english1998年的专辑《gospel》中。表兄弟俩经常在纳什维尔的“小提琴与钢棒吉它酒吧fiddle & steel guitar bar”进行演出。

rooney是在俄克拉荷马的picher长大的,也出身于一个音乐世家,他的家人经常在俄克拉荷马州和阿肯色州各地进行家庭演出。rooney接触过各种音乐风格,19岁时他就开始在俄克拉苛马州grove的grand lake opry(译者注:美国历史最悠久,专门播放乡村音乐与节目的娱乐机构)节目中每周表演一位grand lake opry的明星。在与chely wright乐队的鼓手preston stanfield取得联系以后,他搬到了纳什维尔。

1999年当rooney参加wright的乐队时,demarcus当时是乐队的指挥。一天晚上,这对表兄弟的吉它手因事无法参加演出,demarcus就请rooney去顶替。他们唱的第一首歌是shenandoah的“church on cumberland road”,他们感觉彼此的配合是那么的合谐自然,从而三人认定他们必定要在一起合作。demarcus通常是演唱高音部分,但他很高兴将高音部让给rooney那天生自然的高音。这三位歌手认为,是福音音乐教会了他们要互相配合,紧密和谐,并且让他们知道了音乐的精神作用。

他们开始一起写歌,并经常在纳什维尔的printer's alley一起演出,不久就录制了自己的样带,交给各唱片公司。他们帮tim mcgraw一起工作,制作人dann huff(曾为lonestar, faith hill担任过制作)非常喜欢他们的样带,把它交给了迪斯尼属下的lyric street records唱片公司,这家公司立即和这个三人组签了约。2000年上半年,rascal flatts出现了grand ole opry节目中,他们还进行了为期四个月的巡回演出,推销自己的专辑。在fan fair(国际乡村音乐歌迷聚会)的tower records摊位上,他们的专辑销量第一。他们的首张专辑中包括名列排行榜第五的单曲“prayin' for daylight”。

当rascal flatts于2001年捧回了乡村音乐学院academy of country music的“最佳乐队组合top new vocal duo or group”大奖时,他们的一切付出都得到了回报。2002年,他们又获得了乡村音乐协会country music association的“年度最佳新人奖horizon award”。他们的第二张专辑《melt》登上乡村音乐专辑排行榜榜首,并进入了billboard专辑排行榜前五名。

2000年以来,rascal flatts共卖出了四百多万张专辑,是如今不太景气的市场上的一个亮点。他们的首张同名专辑达到了白金销量,其中有四首单曲进入了排行榜前十行列。他们的第二张专辑《melt》达到了数倍白金销量,至今仍在乡村音乐排行榜高位驰骋。2004年的新专辑《feels like today》,则一举夺取了乡村音乐专辑榜和billboard专辑排行榜双榜冠军,很快达到了白金销量。

专辑《Feels Like Today》中的单曲《Bless The Broken Road》获得2005年度第48届格莱美奖“年度最佳单曲”奖的提名之后,在美国本来就已经颇受欢迎的当代乡村三人组合Rascal Flatts的人气又有了明显的提升。Rascal Flatts的第四张专辑《Me and My Gang》在4月4日发行后第一周内就狂卖了72万2千张,轻松称霸本周的Billboard 200专辑榜和本周的乡村专辑榜。同时,Rascal Flatts的这张专辑还刷新了南方说唱歌手T.I.的新专辑《King》创造的2006年专辑单周最高的销量纪录,超出了约20万张。

Rascal Flatts也在2007年发行专辑Still Feels Good ,反响十分不错,也凭借这张专辑提名第51届格莱美最佳乡村乐队。目前最新专辑《unstoppable 》也已经在09年4月7日发行。和很多美国当代乡村组合一样,Rascal Flatts的音乐中并没有传统乡村音乐的感觉,使用的传统乡村乐器也并不是很多,甚至有很多老牌乡村音乐人还批评Rascal Flatts的音乐太过流行化,就连组合成员Jay DeMarcus也笑称Rascal Flatts其实就是当代乡村音乐届的后街男孩(Backstreet Boys)和超级男孩(N Sync)。不过,Rascal Flatts就是以这种略带乡村感觉的情歌路线获得了电台和歌迷的青睐。在本张专辑中,Rascal Flatts仍旧延用了这种成功模式,其中较为出色的歌曲包括:首支打榜单曲《What Hurts The Most》,《I Feel Bad》以及《Yes I Do》等。

2010年,rascal flatts真人出演CSI拉斯维加斯第十季第14集。


成员有: Gary LeVox, Jay DeMarcus, JoeDon Rooney

Gary LeVox

出生日期:1970年7月10日(10 July 1970)

出生地:美国俄亥俄州首府哥伦布(Columbus, Ohio, USA)

出生名: Gary Wayne Vernon Jr.

身高: 1.83 m

配偶: Tara Vernon (1999年5月15 ~) 2 个孩子


1.是乐队Rascal Flatts的主唱.

2.是乐队Rascal Flatts的组合成员Jay Demarcus亲戚(Second cousin)

3.有2个漂亮的女儿: Brittany Kay Vernon (2000年8月26日出生), Brooklyn Leigh Vernon (2004年3月21日出生)


I loved to sing. I sang all the time . . . I still do.(我热爱唱歌.我一直都唱…我会一直唱下去)

JoeDon Rooney


出生地:美国堪萨斯州(Baxter Springs, Kansas, USA)


身高:1.88 m

配偶:Tiffany Fallon (2006年4月23日~)


1.是乐队Rascal Flatts的吉他手/歌手.



4.目前驾驶一辆 Chevy SSR.



7.在俄克拉荷马州的谢尔(Picher, Oklahoma)长大

Jay DeMarcus


出生地: 美国俄亥俄州首府哥伦布(Columbus, Ohio, USA)

出生名:Stanley Wayne DeMarcus Jr.

身高: 1.83 m

配偶:Allison Demarcus (2004年5月15日~)




3.是他所在组合Rascal Flatts中的主唱Gary Levox的二表兄

4.曾经出现在基督教乐队"East to West"中

5.是乐队Rascal Flatts中的多重乐器演奏家/歌手.

6.在乐队录制MTV "These Days"中遇到了他现在的妻子.



01 stand 02 what hurts the most 03 words i couldn't say 04 bless the broken road 05 backwards 06 life is a highway 07 unstoppable 08 here comes goodbye 09 my wish 10 yes i do 11 to make her love me 12 these days

专辑名称 发行时间 语言 试听专辑 详情

Changed 2012-04-03 英语

专辑曲目(15)01 Changed 02 Banjo 03 Hot in Here 04 Come Wake Me Up 05 She’s Leaving 06 Let It Hurt 07 Lovin’ Me 08 Hurry Baby 09 Sunrise 10 Great Big Love 11 A Little Home 12 Friday 13 Fall Here 14 Right One Time 15 Next to You, Next to Me

unstoppable 2009-04-07

专辑简介:与上张专辑《Still Feel Good》仅时隔一年半,美国流行乡村三人组Rascal Flatts推出了他们的第六张录音室大碟《Unstoppable》。在Billboard 200专辑榜中,《Unstoppable》顺利成为了Rascal Flatts的第四张冠军专辑,在上市第一周,这张《Unstoppable》共计售出约35万1千张,这个成绩在Rascal Flatts所有专辑当中排在第三位。而在本周的公告牌乡村专辑榜中,《Unstoppable》同样顺利夺魁,成为Rascal Flatts组合第五张冠军专辑。与此同时,在本周的热门乡村单曲榜方面,Rascal Flatts同样首获冠军,他们的《Here Comes Goodbye》从上周第六位晋升到了本周榜首位置。 这是Rascal Flatts组合自2007年10月13日以来所取得的单周最高销量专辑曲目(11)01 Love Who You Love 02 Here Comes Goodbye 03 Close 04 Forever 05 She'd Be California 06 Unstoppable 07 Things That Matter 08 Summer Nights 09 Holdin' On 10 Once 11 Why

Best of Ballad 2007-10-15

专辑简介:两位表兄弟主唱Gary Levox、贝司手Jay Demarcus和好朋友吉它手Joe Don Rooney三个人于1999年成立了乡村音乐三人组合“Rascal Flatts”。Livox和Demarcus两人是在俄亥俄州哥伦布的音乐世家中长大的。他们的母亲是表姐妹,两家都习惯全家人围坐在一起演奏音乐。Demarcus的祖父教给他蓝草音乐,并教会他演奏原声吉他。他们吸收了福音、蓝草音乐,Pop和R&B的音乐元素,形成了自己紧密和谐的乡村音乐风格。1997年,Demarcus说服自己表兄弟Gary从西海岸搬到了纳什维尔,这时他已经成为English的合音歌手。 和很多美国当代乡村组合一样,Rascal Flatts的音乐中并没有传统乡村音乐的感觉,使用的传统乡村乐器也并不是很多专辑曲目(13)01 What Hurts The Most 02 Bless The Broken Road 03 My Wish 04 It's Not Just Me 05 Feels Like Today 06 Stand 07 My Worst Fear 08 I Melt 09 While You Loved Me 10 I Feel Bad 11 Skin (Sarabeth) 12 Like I Am 13 Bless The Broken Road (Live Version)

Still Feels Good 2007-09-25

唱片公司:Lyric Street
专辑简介:无论从哪个方面来看,Rascal Flatts都已到达了最高领域。六年的职业创作标志着他们的辉煌,已经成为年轻乡村音乐的先驱。像是"These Days," "I'm Movin' On," "I Melt," "Bless The Broken Road," 和 "What Hurts the Most"重复的夺得榜单的冠军。他们第四张唱片Me and My Gang已经卖出12,000,000张,在一周内成为双白金唱片。他们又获得了许多的奖项和赞许,同时在CMA, ACM, CMT 和 ASCAP Vocal Group中占鳌头长达一年。他们为总统和American Red Cross的国家发言人第一夫人表演,为一支他们至今视为对手的传奇乐队Alabama的离别献唱。专辑曲目(12)01 Better Now 02 How Strong Are You Now 03 She Goes All The Way 04 bob that head 05 everyday 06 help me remember 07 here 08 no reins 09 secret smile 10 still feels good 11 take me there 12 winner at a losing game

Me And My Gang 2006-04-04 英语

专辑简介:和很多美国当代乡村组合一样,Rascal Flatts的音乐中并没有传统乡村音乐的感觉,使用的传统乡村乐器也并不是很多,甚至有很多老牌乡村音乐人还批评Rascal Flatts的音乐太过流行化,就连组合成员Jay DeMarcus也笑称Rascal Flatts其实就是当代乡村音乐届的后街男孩(Backstreet Boys)和超级男孩(N Sync)。不过,Rascal Flatts就是以这种略带乡村感觉的情歌路线获得了电台和歌迷的青睐。在本张专辑中,Rascal Flatts仍旧延用了这种成功模式,其中较为出色的歌曲包括:首支打榜单曲《What Hurts The Most》,《I Feel Bad》以及《Yes I Do》等。 Rascal Flatts按照歌迷的喜好推出了这张悦耳的专辑,也得到了歌迷的响应,但这种一成不变的模式究竟可以使Rascal Flatts继续红多远,还是个问题。专辑曲目(13)01 Stand 02 What Hurts The Most 03 Backwards 04 I Feel Bad 05 My Wish 06 Pieces 07 Yes I Do 08 To Make Her Love Me 09 Words I Couldn't Say 10 Me And My Gang 11 Cool Thing 12 Ellsworth 13 He Ain't The Leavin' Kind

Feels Like Today 2004-09-28 英语

专辑简介:俗话说“东西没坏,就别乱修”,这名话似乎对rascal flatts非常适用,就像他们以前的专辑一样,在这张新专辑中,他们依然坚持非常乾净漂亮的路子,这是他们迅速赢得忠实歌迷的基础。带有福音曲风的“bless the broken road”在动听的曼陀林伴奏下,犹如糖浆一般甜蜜而多愁善感,而乐观向上的“when the sand runs out”则是一首纯粹的乡村pop。专辑同名单曲“feels like today”也是专辑中的第一首歌,正在排行榜上节节上升。绚丽华美的旋律,三人嗓音的配合默契而又合谐。 “where you are”是一首慢歌,噪杂的吉它和levox那种teeny-bop风味的领唱(虽然他早已过了teeny-bop的年纪)配合得恰到好处,足以将这首歌送入排行榜前40名,他们的唱片公司lyric street应该考虑将这首歌向pop电台发行专辑曲目(12)01 Feels Like Today 02 Fast Cars And Freedom 03 The Day Before You 04 Where You Are 05 Holes 06 Oklahoma-Texas Line 07 Here's To You 08 Skin 09 Then I Did 10 When The Sand Runs Out 11 Bless The Broken Road 12 Break Away

Rascal Flatts 2002-10-29 英语

专辑曲目(11)01 These Days 02 Too Good Is True 03 I Melt 04 Mayberr 05 Love You Out Loud 06 Dry County Girl 07 Like I Am 08 You 09 Fallin' Upside Down 10 Shine On 11 My Worst Fear

Rascal Flatt 2000-06-06 英语

专辑简介:这是Rascal Flatts于2000年发布的首张专辑。 在他们出道早期,传统的乡村音乐人批评这个三人组合,指他的音乐稚嫩并带有流行乐的影子。Jay DeMarcus说:“他们认为我们是要成为乡村音乐界中的‘后街男孩’或者是‘'N Sync’。” 但乐迷和乡村电台却支持他们,2000年Rascal Flatts的首张专辑上市就卖出一百万张。 而这三个小伙子第二张专辑《Melt》的销量则又比第一张的销量数字翻了一倍,并为他们带来了2002年度乡村音乐协会大奖的新人奖。2003年Rascal Flatts获得了乡村音乐年度大奖的年度组合奖,2004也是他们再次蝉联该类别的奖项。专辑曲目(11)01 Prayin' For Daylight 02 This Everyday Love 03 While You Loved Me 04 Some Say 05 See Me Through 06 One Good Love 07 It's Not Just Me 08 Waiting All My Life 09 From Time To Time 10 Long Slow Beautiful Dance 11 I'm Movin' On


Rascal Flatt


From RollingStone:

Nashville superstar Chely Wright's backing band members were so talented that they went out and started their own musical project, the fruit of which is Rascal Flatts. Where Wright tends toward the more twangy roots of country music, Rascal Flatts take the foundation of country songs and layer on R&B-inspired rhythms and pop-rooted harmonies. With their boyish good looks, seemingly Christian optimism and Colgate smiles, they have garnered many more comparisons to boy bands than country pop acts.

From No doubt, these suburban cowboys play country music for Friday-afternoon drive times and Saturday nights at the mall, not the honky-tonk, the ranch, or the porch. With harmonies as squeaky-clean as their faces, Rascal Flatts relish the pop and lite-groove direction that the genre has taken at the turn of the century. In fact, they seem to take pride in their distance from hard-core country roots. To their credit, this trio of earnest young men sounds as if they are truly enjoying themselves as they run through their bouncy, bubbly love songs. And at least these boys don't pay lip service to keeping country traditions alive in 2000. Heck, they even find the fact that their label has "the power of Disney" behind it "really exciting." If you're looking for music with instantly digestible pop melodies, tight harmonies, and very little grit, Rascal Flatts will delight you and they will most likely delight their Disney-backed label, who's obviously taken aim squarely at the teenage market. Goes down as easy as a milkshake--a nonfat milkshake. --Marc Greilsamer

Feels Like Today

Song Of The Year

Bless The Broken Road

Bobby Boyd, Jeff Hanna & Marcus Hummon, songwriters (Rascal Flatts)

Track from: Feels Like Today

[Lyric Street Records; Publishers: Careers-BMG Music, Floyd's Dream Music, Jeff Diggs Music.]

Best Country Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocal

Bless The Broken Road

Rascal Flatts

Track from: Feels Like Today

[Lyric Street Records]

Best Country Song

Bless The Broken Road

Bobby Boyd, Jeff Hanna & Marcus Hummon, songwriters (Rascal Flatts)

Track from: Feels Like Today

[Lyric Street Records; Publishers: Careers-BMG Music, Floyd's Dream Music, Jeff Diggs Music.]

Me And My Gang

This fourth effort from the soft-rock-masquerading-as-country band Rascal Flatts moved more than 721,000 copies its first week out, which let the female-friendly trio rub elbows with some mighty heady company. Only four other country artists (Garth Brooks, Shania Twain, the Dixie Chicks, and Tim McGraw) have rolled out numbers like that, and only 24 other acts total (including Eminem, 50 Cent, U2, and Coldplay). So what's the hook, besides Gary LeVox's wounded tenor and Joe Don Rooney's boy-band face? Clearly, it's the songs. Or it usually is. On Me and My Gang, "What Hurts the Most" is the one that'll end up on a tape loop in your head, though "Yes, I Do" memorably frames romantic yearning and regret with ersatz reggae rhythms, and the sexy "Cool Thing" does a slow burn. The problem? New producer Dann ("King of Excess") Huff bloats too many tunes with screaming, by-the-book guitars and general bombast. And despite his über success with Faith Hill and Keith Urban, Huff has never really understood what makes country, well... country. Instead, he insultingly works in a snippet of steel guitar and a couple of family lyrics--e.g., the melodramatic "Ellsworth" is meant to pull the heartstrings of anyone who's seen the cruelty of Alzheimer's--and thinks he's thrown Nashville a bone. Worse, "Backwards" boringly reworks that hoary ol' country joke "What do you get when you play a country song backwards?," the title song is a Big & Rich ripoff, and even God gets dragged in for a half-baked attempt at middle-America resonance ("He Ain't the Leavin' Kind"). C'mon now. Call these boys pop and be done with the pandering. Joe Don's famously photographed derrière got a fairer crack than this.

Still Feels Good

By any measure, Rascal Flatts has entered elite territory. Six years into a career marked by superlatives, they have become country music's premiere young headliners. Hits like "These Days," "I'm Movin' On," "I Melt," "Bless The Broken Road," and "What Hurts the Most" have taken them repeatedly to the top of the charts. They have sold over twelve-million records, with their fourth CD, Me and My Gang, charging to double-platinum in ONE week. They have pulled in a host of awards and accolades, and are the reigning CMA, ACM, CMT and ASCAP Vocal Group of the Year. They have played for the President and First Lady, become national spokesmen for the American Red Cross, and hosted a farewell tribute to the legendary group Alabama, to whom they continue to draw comparisons.

Best of Ballad

Greatest Hits: Volume 1

歌手: Rascal Flatts

发行时间: 2008年10月28日

地区: 美国

语言: 英语

唱片公司:Lyric street/Hollywood



CD 1

01. Prayin' For Daylight

02. I'm Movin' On

03. These Days

04. I Melt

05. Mayberry

06. Feels Like Today

07. Bless The Broken Road

08. Fast Cars & Freedom

09. Skin (Sarabeth)

10. What Hurts The Most

11. My Wish

12. Stand

13. Life Is A Highway

CD 2

01. White Christmas

02. Jingle Bell Rock

03. I'll Be Home For Christmas


Rascal Flatts由来自哥伦布的Gary Levox、Jay DeMarcus and Joe Don Rooney三名成员组成,是一个乡村音乐风格的乐队,他们以演唱和谐而闻名。

和很多美国当代乡村组合一样,Rascal Flatts的音乐中并没有传统乡村音乐的感觉,使用的传统乡村乐器也并不是很多,甚至有很多老牌乡村音乐人还批评Rascal Flatts的音乐太过流行化,就连组合成员Jay DeMarcus也笑称Rascal Flatts其实就是当代乡村音乐届的后街男孩(Backstreet Boys)和超级男孩(N Sync)。不过,Rascal Flatts就是以这种略带乡村感觉的情歌路线获得了电台和歌迷的青睐。这是他们的超级精选。


"These Days" (2002) (3 weeks)

"Mayberry" (2004)

"Bless the Broken Road" (2005) (5 weeks)

"Fast Cars and Freedom" (2005) (3 weeks)

"What Hurts the Most" (2006) (4 weeks)

"My Wish" (2006)"Stand" (2007)

"Take Me There" (2007) (3 weeks)

"Here" (2009) (2 weeks)

"Here Comes Goodbye" (2009)


Jo Dee Messina's Burn Tour — 2000-2001

I Melt Tour — 2002–2003

Brooks & Dunn's Neon Circus & Wild West Show – 2003

Here's to You Tour — 2004–2005

Me & My Gang Tour — 2006–2007

Still Feels Good Tour — 2007–2008

Bob That Head Tour — 2008–2009

American Living Unstoppable Tour — 2009–2010

Nothing Like This Tour -- 2010-2011



ACM Top New Vocal Duo Or Group


CMA Horizon Award

ACM Song of the Year ("I'm Movin' On")

ACM Top Vocal Group


CMT Flameworthy Video Music Award for Group/Duo of the Year

CMA Vocal Group of the Year

ACM Top Vocal Group


CMT Flameworthy Music Video Award for Group/Duo of the Year

CMA Vocal Group

ACM Top Vocal Group


CMT Music Award for Group/Duo of the Year

CMA Vocal Group of the Year

ACM Top Vocal Group


CMT Music Award for Group/Duo of the Year

ACM Top Vocal Group

CMA Vocal Group of the Year

AMA Favorite Country Band, Duo or Group

AMA T-Mobile Text-In Award

People's Choice Awards Favorite Song from a Movie ("Life Is A Highway")

People's Choice Awards Favorite Song Remake ("Life Is A Highway")

CMT Loaded Awards – Number One Digitally Active Group/Duo

CMT Loaded Awards – Number One Streamed Music Video ("What Hurts the Most")


CMT Best Group Video of the Year ("What Hurts the Most")

ACM Top Vocal Group

CMA Vocal Group of the Year

AMA Favorite Country Band, Duo or Group


People's Choice Awards Favorite Country Song ("Stand")

People's Choice Awards Favorite Group

CMT Music Award for Group Video of the Year ("Take Me There")[14]

ACM Top Vocal Group

ACM Humanitarian Award

CMA Vocal Group of the Year

AMA Favorite Country Band, Duo or Group


People's Choice Awards Favorite Group

ACM Top Vocal Group

CMT Music Award for Group Video of the Year ("Every Day")

AMA Favorite Country Band, Duo or Group





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