词条 | 凉拌白萝卜 |
释义 | 中文名:凉拌白萝卜 主要食材:白萝卜、香菜、红椒 分类:大众菜 口味:咸鲜 中文介绍菜名:凉拌白萝卜 原料:白萝卜300g、香菜20g、红椒1个 调料:2大勺油、香醋1/2汤匙、糖2茶勺、盐2茶勺、香油、麻油 做法: 1、白萝卜洗净剥去皮,切成薄片后切细丝。 2、放入一个大碗里,放入1茶勺盐,用手抓拧均匀,放10分钟(有出水后),然后挤干水分备用。 3、红椒去蒂洗净切细丝;烧一锅开水,红椒放入烫5秒捞出,过冰水后沥干水分备用。 4、香菜洗净切寸段备用。 5、取一个大一点的碗,把白萝卜、香菜、红椒放在一起,调入半茶勺左右的盐、糖和香醋。 6、起油锅,倒入2大勺油,等油热到几乎要冒烟(7成热),关火。 7、把油淋在步骤5的上面(会听到吱吱的声音)再滴几滴香油,搅拌均匀即可。 8、最后吃的时候浇一点麻油,真是美味极了 小贴士: 1、萝卜丝切的越细口感越好。 2、凉拌用的萝卜选择水萝卜又名白萝卜,肉嫩,口感爽脆微带甜,少了几分辛辣。 3、最后一定要用热油淋在上面,菜的香味会完全挥发出来。 英文解说Material: white radish 300g, coriander 20g, red peppers 1 Sauce: 2 tablespoons oil, balsamic vinegar 1 / 2 tablespoon sugar 2 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoon sesame oil Practices: 1 white radish peeled washed and cut into thin slices and cut into filaments. 2, into a large bowl, add 1 teaspoon of salt, even with the clutch screw, put 10 minutes (after water), and then squeezed water reserve. 3, red pepper Wash and cut stalks filaments; pot of boiling water, red fish out five seconds into the hot, over ice water and drain water reserve. 4, coriander washed and cut into inch sections alternate. 5, take a bigger bowl, the white radish, parsley, red pepper together, transferred about half teaspoon of salt, sugar and vinegar. 6, from the pan, pour 2 tablespoons of oil, so oil heat to almost smoking (7 into heat), turn off the heat. 7, the Youlin in step 5 above (the sound will be heard squeaking) and then a few drops of sesame oil, mix well. Tips: 1 small carrot cut wire, the more flavor the better. 2, radish salad with a choice of water, also known as white radish radish, tender, crisp and microstrip sweet taste, a bit less spicy. 3, the last Youlin must use heat on it, the smell of food will completely evaporate. |
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