词条 | Ramin karimloo |
释义 | Ramin Karimloo 中文译名:莱明·卡莱姆罗 生日: 1978年9月19日 职业: 伦敦西区演员 祖籍: 伊朗 德黑兰 (Quote from Ramin: I always say, my blood is Iranian, my heart is Canadian and my home is England.) 婚烟状况:已婚 信仰: 基督教 昵称:拉面,面爷,中东人,泡面 经典剧目: 《歌剧魅影》(The Phantom Of The Opera) 《西贡小姐》(Miss Saigon) 《悲惨世界》(Les Miserables) 《真爱不死》(Love Never Dies) 《歌剧魅影》(电影,扮演克里斯汀的父亲) 《悲惨世界25周年纪念音乐会》饰演Enjoras 《歌剧魅影25周年纪念音乐会》饰演the Phantom 莱明·卡莱姆罗(1978年9月19日出生)生于伊朗,加拿大籍音乐剧演员,主要在伦敦西区从事音乐剧表演。他因在西区版《歌剧魅影》中分别扮演过两个不同的角色:劳尔和魅影而引人注目。他也是安德鲁·洛伊德·韦伯《歌剧魅影》续集《真爱不死》中魅影的第一任扮演者。 职业生涯: 卡莱姆罗原居住在加拿大的彼得伯勒,后来搬到列治文山,并从麦肯齐中学高中毕业。他的职业生涯开始于摇滚乐队,以及一些剧院的演出,后来他为英国天旅和P&O油轮公司的戏剧公司演出,是P&O史上最年轻的卡巴莱歌舞表演演员。来到英国后,他的第一个角色是查塔姆的舞剧《阿拉丁》中的同名主角。随后,2001年他加入了《潘赞斯的海盗》的英国国内巡演,先是作为替补,后来扮演海盗王的角色。 2002年卡莱姆罗加入了《日落大道》的国内巡演,扮演Artie Green和Joe Gillis。 他在西区登台的第一部剧目是《悲惨世界》,扮演Feuilly,同时也是Marius和 Enjolras的替补演员。 此后,2003年卡莱姆罗得到了《歌剧魅影》中主角之一的Raoul de Chagny 子爵一角。他的最后一场日场的演出被拍摄下来,作为乔·舒马赫的电影《歌剧魅影》DVD中的幕后花絮,同时他以克里斯汀的父亲Gustave Daaé的龙套角色出现在这部电影中。 同一时期,卡莱姆罗还出现在《悲惨世界》(扮演Marius)和《万世巨星》(扮演Simon Zealotes),并参与了多部剧作。 2004年卡莱姆罗回到《悲惨世界》扮演Enjolras一角,当年12月,他参加了温莎城堡为纪念法国总统雅克·希拉克举办的《悲惨世界》音乐会,该音乐会的视频片段,作为温莎城堡纪录片的幕后资料,在2005年的复活节播出。 2005年卡莱姆罗加入《西贡小姐》英国国内巡演,扮演Christopher Scott一角。从2007年9月起,他在西区版的《歌剧魅影》中扮演魅影,他是这部音乐剧21周年庆典上的魅影扮演者。他为这个角色带来了全新的诠释,注入了新的活力,得到这部剧的粉丝们的一致认可,并使他荣获戏剧迷选择奖最佳男主角提名。 卡莱姆罗还录制有EP唱片Within the Six Square Inch(《六平方英尺以内》),与他二重唱的有Hadley Fraser和Sophia Ragavelas,二人和他一起出演过《悲惨世界》(扮演Marius 和 Éponine)。 2008年7月,他被邀参加塞德蒙顿节,是第一位在现场版《魅影:真爱不死》中扮演魅影的演员,而该剧是《歌剧魅影》的续集。他同Sierra Boggess一起出演续集的主角,该剧于2010年三月在英国伦敦首演, 2008年卡莱姆罗为CD唱片《Alexander S. Bermange音乐剧曲目第一辑》录制了一首歌曲,这张汇集了26位西区明星的全新录音的唱片,于2008年11月由Dress Circle唱片公司出版发行。 2009年他应邀参与新的音乐剧专辑《蓝鸟》的录制,该剧作者为Gareth Peter Dicks。《蓝鸟》描写的是二战时期的故事,他在其中扮演一名美国士兵Ben Breagan,与多位西区明星共同录制了这张唱片,其中共收录有24首曲子,于2009年9月发行。 莱明·卡莱姆罗最后一次出演《歌剧魅影》是在2009年11月7日,此后他在安德鲁·洛伊德·韦伯的续集《真爱不死》中继续扮演魅影。 2010年10月3日,卡莱姆罗在伦敦The O2 Arena剧场举办的《悲惨世界》25周年纪念音乐会上扮演Enjolras。 2011年3月5日,《真爱不死》首演结束,新卡司上任,Ramin继续留任The Phantom一角,与Celia Graham(饰演Christine)、David Thaxton(饰演Raoul)等演员合作演出。 2011年8月27日,Ramin在伦敦西区最后一场《真爱不死》的The Phantom任期结束。 2011年10月1日、2日,他在《歌剧魅影》25周年纪念音乐会(共三场)中扮演魅影。据The Stage杂志2011年5月刊采访报道,这将是他在面具下面的最后一次表演。 莱明·卡莱姆罗目前在他的乐队Sheytoons中和Hadley Fraser一起进行歌曲创作。 2011年10中下旬,Ramin将在英国举办个人演唱会,主题为《魅影之夜》("A Night with the Phantom"),10月13日、22日、29日,依次在布里斯托、曼彻斯特、伯明翰、南安普顿举行。 获得荣誉 莱明因在《真爱不死》中对魅影的刻画,获得2010年Broadwayworld奖最佳男主角奖,并再次在2011年Whatsonstage的剧院剧迷选择奖上获得最佳男主角提名。2011年2月7日,莱明获得奥利维亚奖最佳男主角提名,而《真爱不死》共获得7项提名。 2011年2月20日,莱明因在《魅影:真爱不死》中的出演荣获Whatsonstage的剧院剧迷选择奖最佳男主角。 Ramin采访LONDON–Dreams do come true. Ask Ramin Karimloo. Andrew Lloyd Webber is expected to announce Thursday that the 31-year-old Canadian will be playing the Phantom in Love Never Dies, the sequel to the worldwide hit, The Phantom of the Opera, which begins performances in London next February. If this were a movie, we'd suddenly have a flashback to nearly 20 years before. It's Dec.12, 1990 and a 12-year-old Iranian-born kid is grudgingly going on a school trip to see The Phantom of the Operaat Toronto's Pantages Theatre. "I thought, `I'm not going to sit through this.' I mean, I had never seen a stage show in my life," Karimloo grumbles. But the power of Colm Wilkinson's voice and the magic of the show wove their spell on the young man. "By the end, I started welling up, I was embarrassed," he recalls in an interview. "And when Colm took his bow, I suddenly thought, `I would like to do that.' "Yeah," he repeats. "I would like to do that a lot." Flash-forward to 2009, on a steamy Saturday afternoon when we're sitting in an espresso bar just down the street from Her Majesty's Theatre. The boyishly handsome Karimloo has just finished a matinee performance in the title role of The Phantom of the Opera, which he's been playing for three years now. But that's getting ahead of our story. It begins in Tehran, on Sept.19, 1978, when Karimloo was born at the height of Iran's civil unrest that would lead to the deposing of the Shah. "All I was ever told is that we had to get out of there to save our lives. I'm only learning the story now of what happened. When we were growing up, we just accepted it without questions. "But now, so many years later, my father can begin to talk about it. Man, I can't believe the hardships he and my mother had to go through to start a new life." The Karimloo family spent three years in Italy before finally emigrating to Ontario, where they first settled in Peterborough. "What a great place to grow up! I want more of that in my life again. The simplicity, the sitting around the backyard..." The family finally moved to Richmond Hill and Karimloo was being pressured "like any Iranian kid" to be a doctor or a lawyer. "But I wanted to be a hockey player, I was sure of it." Until he saw The Phantom of the Opera, which truly changed Karimloo's life. "I still have the poster from the day I saw it, saying `Now In Its Second Year.' I saved that. I've got it framed. I also have a letter from Colm. I've got that framed too." Then, on Dec.1, 1994, the Toronto Star printed a story about a "Grade 11 student from Alexander Mackenzie High School who has seen The Phantom of the Opera 10 times" and went backstage at the Pantages as part of his school's job shadowing program. But you don't get to play the Phantom as a teenager, so Karimloo recalled Wilkinson's advice to him: "Just sing with rock bands. That will teach you how to do it." So he dove into it. "I had long hair. My idol was Gordon Downie from The Tragically Hip. I used to wear the same double denim outfit he did, you know, The Canadian Tuxedo. I studied him, every gesture, every move, how he tipped his cap, how he sang each lyric. I treated it like my first acting assignment." Still, there wasn't a big market for Tragically Hip tribute bands, so Karimloo auditioned for a cruise ship line, lying about his age (he was 17), and spent two years singing on the seven seas while studying Stanislavski and Strasberg in his cabin at night. By the age of 20, he was understudying The Pirate King in The Pirates of Penzance at London's famous outdoor Regent Park Theatre and that led to his briefly taking over the role of Joe Gillis in Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical Sunset Boulevard at the age of 21. After that, he spent several years in the ensemble of Les Miserables, but the ambitious young Karimloo was growing discontent. "I told everyone if I didn't have a leading role in the West End by the time I was 25, I'd quit and become a cop." Two weeks before that birthday, he was cast as Raoul in The Phantom of the Opera. But he had his eye on the title role, which he told producer Cameron Macintosh, who raised an eyebrow and said, "You're a little young, aren't you?" Still, he got an audition and, as he likes to recall, "12 years to the day from when that article about me appeared in the Star, I was playing the Phantom in London." He still seems like a stage-struck kid as he shakes his head. "It's not a paycheque. It's a dream." Then one day, Lloyd Webber suddenly summoned him and handed Karimloo some music he had never seen before. "I started singing it and thought it was the most beautiful stuff I'd ever heard. Then suddenly I realized it was from the sequel to the Phantom. I asked Andrew if this was an audition and he said, `Don't ask questions, just sing it.'" That's just what Karimloo did and as Lloyd Webber will be announcing to the world, he got the part. Is he nervous about stepping into the world spotlight in such a big way? "I feel like I'm ready for this challenge," he insists calmly. "I'm not putting any limitations on myself." There's just one more thing he needs to make his dream complete. "I hope and pray that the show comes to Toronto and that I'm playing in it." 关于昵称的由来最开始在国内因为Ramin的发音接近拉面于是便有了拉面这个昵称,后来mayue876同志觉得拉面显得有些不尊重于是尊称他为面爷。 另外据说有一次Ramin与其好友Sierra Boggess(真爱不死中Christine的扮演者)一起出去逛街然后路过一个日式面馆,因为日文中拉面的发音和Ramin的发音相似于是Sierra就在推上说以后管Ramin叫noodles,于是这个名字就发扬光大了。 |
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