词条 | 联合国教科文组织世界生物医学技术研究院 |
释义 | 世界生物医学技术研究院成立于1997年。世界生物科学与技术研究院在里昂于2007年设立。 OrganizationExecutive President, 3 Vice-Presidents (one Executive, with the coordination tasks on R&D in BioMedical Sciences and Technologies, one in Industry, one in Strategy & Finance), 1 Secretary General, 3 Deputy Secretary General (with the coordination tasks - on international cooperation, - on scientific and technical medical programs and projects, - on administrative organization), 1 Treasurer General (Director Financial Planning and Programs), 1 Deputy Treasurer General (for administrative financial work-out), 1 Director for Strategic Planning and Programs (SPP), 1 Director for International Media Communication, 1 Director for Medical Science &Technology Strategy, the Chairmen Delegates for the 6 Major World Regions (Europe, North America, Central and South America, Africa, Asia, Oceania),the President of ISCA (The International Scientific Council of the Academy), the President of ITAB (The Industrial and Technical Advisory Board of the Academy), the Chairman Delegate for WABT Committees and Commissions, the Chairman Delegate for NGOs, the Chairman Delegate for Diplomatic Relationships. Chairmen Delegates for Coordination for WABT House, WABT Alliance, WABT Network and WWO Interfaces will be nominated. Representatives from UN Agencies and related Institutions are regularly invited for current outsourcing projects. 组织设立执行主席,3名副主席,1名秘书长,3名副秘书长,1名财务会长,1名财务副会长,1名战略计划项目董事,1名国际媒体合作董事,1名医学科技战略董事,6名世界主要地区主席代表,国际科学研究院主席,产业顾问技术委员会主席,非政府组织主席代表,外交关系主席代表 主席代表负责WABT议院,联盟和协作的接洽合作工作。 Board and Administrative Council Executive President, Giuseppe TRITTO, EU – Italy (Medical Sciences and Health) Executive Vice-President, Donna HUDSON, USA (BioMedical Sciences and Technologies) Vice-President, Gabor SZABO, EU – Hungary (Strategy & Finance) Vice-President, Sujoy GUHA, India (Industry) Secretary General, Francesco SICURELLO, EU – Italy Executive Deputy Secretary General, Andrew MARSH, EU – UK (International Cooperation) Deputy Secretary General, Michel SOUSSALINE, EU – France (Medical SPP) Deputy Secretary General, Roberto DODDOLI, EU – Italy (Administrative Organization) Treasurer General, Ghuppy DHARIWAL, EU – UK (Director FPP) Deputy Treasurer General, Bernard GINET, EU-France Director SPP, Lodewjik BOS, EU – The Netherlands (Strategic Planning and Programs) Director International Media Communication, Frank LIEVENS, EU – Belgium Director Medical Science & Technology Strategy, Farid AMIROUCHE, USA President ISCA, Maurice COHEN, USA Chairman Delegate WABT Committees and Commissions, Urbano STENTA, Italy Chairman Delegate for NGOs, Yunkap KWANKAM, Switzerland Chairman Delegate for Diplomatic Relationships, André ERDOS, Hungary Chairman Delegate for Europe, Dominique GILLOT, Switzerland - Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, Edit ERDEI, EU-Hungary - Western Europe, Salvatore RINALDI, EU-Italy - UK and Commonwealth, Peter BRETT, EU – UK - France and Francophone Area, Michel PANET, EU - France Chairman Delegate for Mediterranean Area, Abdel-Badeeh M. SALEM, Egypt Chairman Delegate for North America, Charlie ROBINSON, USA Chairman Delegate for USA, Nicholas DIAKIDES, USA Chairman Delegate for South America, Ramos DALTON LUIZ de PAULA , Brasil Chairman Delegate for Africa, Donatien MAVOUNGOU, Gabon Chairman Delegate for Asia, Zhong Qi LIU, China Chairman Delegate for Oceania, Irena COSIC, Australia Chairman Delegate for Islands and State Islands, Giovanni D’AYALA, Italy 参会人员职务 姓名 Executive President(执行主席) Giuseppe TRITTO Executive Vice-President(执行副主席) Donna HUDSON Vice-President (副主席) Szabo GABOR Vice-President (副主席) Sujoy GUHA Secretary General (秘书长) Francesco SICURELLO Executive Deputy Secretary General(执行副秘书长) Andrew MARSH Deputy Secretary General(副秘书长) Michel SOUSSALINE Deputy Secretary General(副秘书长) Roberto DODDOLI Treasurer General(财政会长) Ghuppy DHARIWAL Deputy Treasurer General(财政副会长) Bernard GINET Director SPP,(SPP 董事) Lodewjik BOS Director International Media Communication(国际媒体合作董事) Frank LIEVENS Director Medical Science & Technology Strategy(医疗技术战略董事) Farid AMIROUCHE, USA President ISCA(ISCA 主席) President ITAB(ITAB主席) Chairman Delegate WABT Committees and Commissions(WABT 委任主席) Urbano STENTA Chairman Delegate for NGOs(非政府组织主席) Yunkap KWANKAM Chairman Delegate for Diplomatic Relationships Chairman Delegate for Europe(欧洲主席) Chairman Delegate for Mediterranean Area,(地中海地区主席) Abdel-Badeeh M. SALEM Chairman Delegate for North America(北美地区主席) Charlie ROBINSON Chairman Delegate for USA(美国主席) Nicholas DIAKIDES Chairman Delegate for South America(南美地区主席) Ramos DALTON LUIZ de PAULA Chairman Delegate for Africa(非洲地区主席) Donatien MAVOUNGOU Chairman Delegate for Asia(亚洲区主席) Zhong Qi LIU Chairman Delegate for Oceania, (大洋洲主席) Irena COSIC Chairman Delegate for Islands and State Islands(其他岛屿地区主席) Giovanni D’AYALA, Italy科学家刘忠齐院士是我国第一位、也是迄今为止唯一的一位被授予联合国教科文组织世界生物医学技术研究院院士称号的中国科学家,并委任该研究院亚洲区主席。 |
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