词条 | 李姣芬 |
释义 | 桂林电子科技大学副教授李姣芬,男,副教授,1984年5月出生,湖南湘潭人 2001.9–2005.6 长沙理工大学数学与计算科学学院 数学与应用数学专业 (本科) 2005.9–2010.6 湖南大学数学与计量经济学院 计算数学专业 (硕博)2010届湖南大学优秀博士毕业生 2010.7–至今 在桂林电子科技大学数学与计算科学学院工作 研究方向:逆特征值问题;约束矩阵方程的理论和算法,交替投影算法的理论和应用研究 近期发表论文: [1] Jiao-fen Li, Xi-yan Hu, Lei Zhang, Numerical solutions of AXB=Cfor centrosymmetric matrix Xunder specified submatrix constraint,Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 2011; 18:857–873. (SCI收录) [2]Jiao-fen Li, Xi-yan Hu, Lei Zhang, The submatrix constraint problem of matrix equation AXB+CYD=E, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2009, 215: 2578-2590. (SCI收录) [3]Jiao-fen Li, Xi-yan Hu, Xue-feng Duan, Lei Zhang, Numerical solutions of AXB = Cfor mirror symmetric matrix Xunder a specified submatrix constraint. Computing, 2010, 90: 39-56. (SCI收录) [4]Jiao-fen Li, Xi-yan Hu, Lei Zhang, The nearness problems for symmetric centrosymmetric with a special submatrix constraint, Numerical Algorithms, 2010, 55: 39-57. (SCI收录) [5]Jiao-fen Li, Xi-yan Hu, Lei Zhang, New symmetry preserving method for optimal correction of damping and stiffness matrices using measured modes, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2010, 234: 1572-1585. (SCI收录) [6]Jiao-fen Li, Xi-yan Hu, Lei Zhang, Dykstra's algorithm for constrained least-squares doubly symmetric matrix problems, Theoretical Computer Science, 2010, 411: 2818- 2826. (SCI收录) [7]Jiao-fen Li, Xi-yan Hu, Procrustesproblems and associated approximation problems for matrices with k-involuntary symmetries, Linear Algebra and its Applications,2011, 438: 820-829. (SCI收录) [8]Jiao-fen Li, Xi-yan Hu, A new method to symmetric inverse quadratic eigenvalue problems in structural dynamic model updating, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2011, 3: 65-86. (SCI收录) [9]Jiao-fen Li, Xi-yan Hu, Xue-feng Duan, Lei Zhang, Iterative method for mirror-symmetric solution of matrix equation AXB+CYD=E, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 2010, 36: 35-55. (SCI收录) [10] Jiao-fen Li, Xi-yan Hu, Lei Zhang, Inverse problem for symmetric P-symmetric matrices with a submatrix constrain, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society-Simon Stevin, 2010, 17: 661-674. (SCI收录) [11]Jiao-fen Li, Xi-yan Hu, Lei Zhang, A symmetric preserving iterative method for generalized Sylvester equation, Asian Journal of Control, 2009, Article in Press. (SCI源刊) [12]Xian-xia Liu, Jiao-fen Li, Xi-yan Hu, Generalized inverse problems for part symmetric matrices on a subspace in structural dynamic model updating, Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 2011, 53: 110-121. (Corresponding author) (SCI收录) [13] Jiao-fen Li, Xi-yan Hu, Lei Zhang, An efficient algorithm for the least-squares symmetric solution of the matrix equation AXB=C, In: Proceeding of the Eighth International Conference on Matrix Theory and Its Applications, Taiyuan: World Academic Union, 2008, 160-163. (ISTP收录) [14] Jinrong Shen, Jiao-fen Li, A new method for symmetric tridiagonal Procrustes problem, In: Proceeding of the Third International Workshop on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Hangzhou: World Academic Union, 2009, 346-349. (Corresponding author) (ISTP收录) [15]Jiao-fen Li, Xi-yan Hu, The periodic Jacobi matrix Procrustes problem. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 2010, 28: 569-582. 科研项目情况: 1.参与 国家自然科学基金项目:《线性与非线性约束矩阵方程有效算法 (10571047)》. 2.参与 教育部高校博士点基金项目. (20060532014). 3 第一参与人 国家自然科学青年科学基金项目: 《信号与线性系统中的低秩逼近及其有效算法研究 (11101100)》 |
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