

词条 李忠明
1 四川大学教授


1993年毕业于西北工业大学高分子材料专业,获学士学位。1996年毕业于四川联合大学塑料工程专业,获硕士学位并留校任教。任教期间,在职攻博,于2003年获四川大学材料加工工程专业博士学位。1998年任讲师,2000年和2003年连续两次破格晋升副教授、教授,2005年任博士生导师。2007年被聘为“985工程”一类科技创新平台学术带头人。2001年和2003年连续两届入选四川大学“214重点人才工程计划”,2003年入选四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选,2004年入选“四川省杰出青年学科带头人培养计划”、“教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划”和“教育部创新团队发展计划”。 2008年10月,赴美国纽约州立大学访问1年。



(1) 在加工中通过形态、结构控制,达到通用高分子材料高性能化。主要是通过“挤出-热拉伸-淬冷”技术,使共混物分散相原位形成微米或亚微米纤维,利用纤维的增强作用实现通用高分子材料的高性能化。

(2) 在加工中通过形态、结构控制,达到高分子材料功能化。主要是通过新型加工方法,使功能无机或有机粒子在聚合物多相体系中择优分布于分散相中,分散相通常呈纤维,并形成三维网络结构。在功能粒子添加量较低时,可获得良好的功能性,如导电、导磁、阻燃等。

(3) 高分子材料在加工中形态、凝聚态结构形成、发展与演化规律。主要研究在温度场、应力场作用下,高分子多相体系相形态、结晶形态的形成与演化规律。

(4) 废弃塑料清洁、高效回收利用。主要利用原位微纤化共混物概念,制备基于废弃热塑性塑料的原位微纤化共混材料。

(5) 聚氨酯泡沫塑料制备,以及增强和功能化改性。通过在体系中加入各种增强材料、功能材料从而获得国家关键武器等所需的具有功能性(阻尼、抗静电)的结构聚氨酯泡沫塑料。






四川大学2005年度青年骨干教师 (2005)














(4)《简明材料科学与技术词典》,科学出版社,2002年,参加编写高分子材料部分,合计 15万字。




(8) invited chapter. In-situ microfibrillar reinforced TP (thermoplastic polymer)-TP composites by slit die extrusion, hot stretching and quenching: fabrication, morphology and properties, in Advaced Research in Polymer Science, p1-32

(9) 《高分子科学前沿与进展》,科学出版社,2006年,编著者之一。


[1] Yan-Hui Chen, Gan-Ji Zhong, Yan Wang, Zhong-Ming Li* , Liang-Bin Li. “Unusual tuning of mechanical properties of isotactic polypropylene using counteraction of shear flow and beta-nucleating agent on beta-form nucleation”, Macromolecules, 2009, 42: 4343~4348.

[2] Xiao Hu, Hai-ning An, Zhong-Ming Li*, Yong Geng, Liang-Bin Li, Chuan-Lu Yang. “Origin of carbon nanotubes induced Poly(L-Lactide) crystallization: surface induced conformational order”, Macromolecules, 2009, 42: 3215~3218.

[3] Gan-Ji Zhong, Zhong-Ming Li*, Liang-Bin Li, Kai-Zhi Shen. “Crystallization of oriented isotactic polypropylene (iPP) in the presence of in situ poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) microfibrils”, Polymer, 2008, 49: 4271~4278.

[4] Ri-Chao Zhang, Yi Xu, Ai Lu, Ke-Mei Cheng, Yi-Gang Huang,. “Shear-induced crystallization of poly(phenylerte sulfide)”, Polymer, 2008, 49: 2604~2613.

[5] Kun Dai, Zhong-Ming Li*, Xiang-Bin Xu. “Electrically conductive in situ microfibrillar composite with a selective carbon black distribution: An unusual resistivity-temperature behavior upon cooling”, Polymer, 2008, 49: 1037~1048.

[6] Gan-Ji Zhong, Zhong-Ming Li*, Liang-Bin Li, Eduardo Mendes. “Crystalline morphology of isotactic polypropylene (iPP) in injection molded poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET)/iPP microfibrillar blends”, Polymer, 2007, 48(6): 1729~1740.

[7] Kun Dai, Xiang-Bin Xu, Zhong-Ming Li*. “Electrically conductive carbon black (CB) filled in-situ microfibrillar poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET)/polyethylene (PE) composite with a selective CB distribution”, Polymer, 2007, 48(3): 849~859

[8] Sha-Ni Li, Bo Li, Zhong-Ming Li*, Qiang Fu, Kai-Zhi Shen. Morphological manipulation of carbon nanotube/polycarbonate/polyethylene composites by dynamic injection packing molding. Polymer, 2006, 47, 4497~4500.

[9] Gan-Ji Zhong, Liangbin Li, Eduardo Mendes, Dmytro Byelov, Qiang Fu, Zhong-Ming Li*. Suppression of skin-core structure in injection-molded polymer parts by in situ incorporation of a microfibrillar network . Macromolecules, 2006, 39 (19): 6771~6775.

[10] Xiang-Bin Xu, Zhong-Ming Li*, Kun Dai, Ming-Bo Yang.Anomalous attenuation of the positive temperature coefficient of resistivity in a carbon-black-filled polymer composite with electrically conductive in situ microfibrils. Applied Physics Letters, 2006, 89 (3): Art. No. 032105.

[11] Xiang-Bin Xu, Zhong-Ming Li*, Ming-Bo Yang, Shu Jiang, Rui Huang. “The role of the surface microstructure of the microfibrils in an electrically conductive microfibrillar carbon black/poly(ethylene terephthalate)/polyethylene composite”, Carbon, 2005, 43: 1479~1487.

[12] Zhong-Ming Li*, Liang-Bin Li, Kai-Zhi Shen, Ming-Bo Yang, Rui Huang. “In situ poly(ethylene terephthalate) microfibers- and shear-induced non-isothermal crystallization of isotactic polypropylene by on-line small angle X-ray scattering”, Polymer, 2005, 46: 5358~5367.

[13] Zhong-Ming Li*, Sha-Ni Li, Ming-Bo Yang, Rui Huang. “A novel approach to preparing carbon nanotube reinforced thermoplastic polymer composites”, Carbon, 2005, 43: 2413~2416.

[14] Zhong-Ming Li*, Zhi-Qi Qian, Ming-Bo Yang, Wei Yang, Bang-Hu Xie, Rui Huang. “Anisotropic micro structure-impact fracture behavior relationship of polycarbonate/polyethylene blends injection-molded at different temperatures”, Polymer, 2005, 46: 10466~10477.

[15] Zhong-Ming Li*, Xiang-Bin Xu, Ai Lu, Kai-Zhi Shen, Rui Huang, Ming-Bo Yang. “Carbon black/poly(ethylene terephthalate)/polyethylene composite with electrically conductive in situ microfiber network”, Carbon, 2004, 42: 428~432.

[16]Zhong-Ming Li*, Liang-bin Li, Kai-Zhi Shen, Wei Yang, Rui Huang, Ming-Bo Yang. “Transcrystalline morphology of an in situ microfibrillar poly(ethylene terephthalate)/poly(propylene) blend fabricated through a slit extrusion hot stretching-quenching process”, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2004, 25: 553~558.

2 四川省成都市协力客运有限公司经理

工作分工: 全面负责公司经营管理

简 历: 于1996年在公司工作至今





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