

词条 李为争



1 夜蛾类广谱引诱剂研制开发

2 水稻螟虫混合发生区性信息素应用技术研究

3 仓库害虫行为调控剂筛选

4 果树害虫生物防治研究

The bundles made of the twigs and leaves of Populus nigraItalica” L. have been used to catch H. armigera adults since 1956. One hypothesis for explaining the mechanism is physical performance, such as providing a shelter or a mating site; another is olfactory performance, such as feeding attraction as well as the stimulations of sex pheromone production, egg-deposition, or calling. We found both aromatic compounds and GLVs elicited strong EAG responses, and field experiments revealed that the active compounds are mainly floral ordours as shortside-chain aromatic alcohols and aldehydes, suggesting the mechanism was mainly feeding attraction. Additionally, agaropectin was used as the matrix of insect attractants for the first time.

Trails of sex pheromones of rice stem borers in Lujiang, Anhui Province demonstrated that there were seasonal shifts for trapping Chilo suppressalis males. A lure (162.3 µg Z-11-16: Ald, 81.3 µg Z-9-16: Ald 56.4 µg 16: Ald, and 30.3µg Z-13-18: Ald) produced five-fold trap catches of the first generation as did the natural blend. Trap catch may depend on the ratio of Z11- and Z9-16: Ald. To elucidate the result, another trail aimed to compare the effects of Z11-/Z9-16︰Ald on the trap catch systematically was conducted in Xinyang, Henan Province, however, the optimum ratios were 9:1 and 8:2 being close to the natural ratio (10:1), indicating geographic variation may present in C. suppressalis sex pheromone.

On-going Projects: Screening of behavioral regulators of storage pests

Future interests: Bio-control of insect pests in orchard

1 李为争, 盛承发, 郭线茹, 原国辉. 2008. 二化螟性诱芯中不饱和十六醛的比例对诱捕效果的影响. 植物保护(接收).

2 李为争,王红托,游秀峰,宣维健,盛承发. 2006. 不同配方信息素诱芯对二化螟的诱捕效果比较研究. 昆虫学报. 49(4): 710-713

3 盛承发,李为争, 宣维健. 2006. 昆虫学百分率差异显著性统计分析的简易计算方法. 昆虫知识. 43(4):574-576

4 W.-Z. Li, G.-H. Yuan, C.-F. Sheng and X.-R. Guo. 2005. Active compounds in Populus nigra L. wilted leaves responsible for attracting Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lep., Noctuidae) and new agaropectin formulation. Journal of Applied Entomology 129 (9/10): 557-562

5 郭线茹,原国辉,李为争,马继盛,沈佐锐. 2003. 黑杨萎蔫枝叶对棉铃虫生殖行为的影响. 植物保护学报. 30(2):148-152

6 郭线茹, 李为争, 原国辉, 陈智, 马继盛, 沈佐锐. 2002. 甜菜夜蛾成虫对黑杨萎蔫叶片挥发性物质的触角电位反应. 华北农学报. 17(3): 118-123


1. 李为争, 安靖靖, 付国需, 等 (2008) 12种调味料粉末及其琼脂胶样品对绿豆象成虫的驱避效果. 河南工业大学学报(自然科学版). 6: 45-47, 85

2. Wei-Zheng Li, Ying-Hua Yuan, Shi-Heng An, et al (2009) Bioassays onselection and feeding responses of Holotrichia oblita adults to different plantspecies. Acta Ecol. Sin.29(5): 293-296

3李为争, 袁莹华, 原国辉, 等(2009) 铜绿丽金龟对不同植物叶片的选择和取食反应. 生态学杂志. 9:1905-1908

4. 付国需,李为争,吴少英,等(2009)桃蚜对不同单色光趋性反应的测定. 昆虫学报. 10:1171-1176

5. 柴晓乐, 李坤, 游秀峰, 付国需, 原国辉, 李为争*. (2009) 对赤拟谷盗成虫具驱避性的芳香植物的正交筛选. 河南工业大学学报(自然科学版). 5: 54-58, 64

6. 安靖靖, 李为争, 原国辉*, 等 (2009) 烟草甲触角感器的扫描电镜观察. 应用昆虫学报. 46 (5): 714-718

7. 安靖靖,李为争,原国辉,等(2009) 烟草甲对20种植物材料及其提取物的选择反应. 河南农业大学学报. 2:186-190

8. 张元臣,李为争,柴晓乐, 等 (2009) 植物源赤拟谷盗驱避剂的筛选. 粮食储藏., 6: 6-9

9. 李为争,付国需,柴晓乐,等(2010) 无翅桃蚜对龟纹瓢虫的视觉和嗅觉识别反应. 昆虫学报. 53(3):354-359

10. 李为争, 付国需, 王英慧, 等 (2010) 棉铃虫幼虫对人类呈味物质的取食反应. 生态学报. 21: 5709-5715

11. 李为争, 袁莹华, 原国辉, 等 (2010) 暗黑鳃金龟成虫对非寄主蓖麻和几种寄主叶片的选择和取食反应. 河南农业大学学报.44(4): 438-442, 447

12. 李为争,游秀峰,李坤,等(2010)昆虫生态学课程教学改革与实践.安徽农业科学. 14:7655-7657, 7672

13. 付国需,李为争,安靖靖,等(2010) 桃蚜诱捕色板的青-洋红-黄-黑四色模式优化. 应用昆虫学报. 2: 368-373

14. 王英慧, 李为争, 游秀峰, 等 (2010) 30种芳香植物材料对有翅桃蚜的驱避活性测定. 天然产物研究与开发. 4: 568-574, 586

李亮,李为争,郭线茹,等(2010) 烟夜蛾谷胱甘肽S-转移酶基因的克隆与时空表达分析. 河南农业大学学报. 3: 317-321, 329

16. 李为争, 柴晓乐, 付国需, 等(2011) 肉桂挥发物顶空固相微萃取条件的正交优化. 河南农业科学. 2: 131-134



1. 原国辉, 郭线茹, 马继盛, 李为争, 罗梅浩, 蒋金炜, 徐永伟. 夜蛾类成虫引诱剂 (ZL 20041000010395.x)

2. 郭线茹, 原国辉, 李为争, 罗梅浩. 螟蛾引诱剂 (ZL200610048482.3)

3. 李为争, 原国辉, 安靖靖, 马继盛, 郭线茹罗梅浩, 汤清波, 吴少英. 烟草甲驱避剂 (ZL 200810141573.0)

4. 李为争, 原国辉, 游秀峰, 郭线茹, 罗梅浩. 一种鳞翅目害虫专用型诱杀器 (申请号:2011101052616)





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