

词条 李淑欣


李淑欣 兰州理工大学副教授(Associate Professor li Shuxin),硕士生导师,1975年11月生。2003年于兰州理工大学化工机械专业获硕士学位,2007年3月于华东理工大学化工过程机械专业获博士学位。2010年2月至2011年8月作为高级研究员在英国Sheffield Hallam University 从事腐蚀疲劳研究工作。







1. Li S X, Li L, Yu S R, Akid R, Xia H B. Investigation of intergranular corrosion of 316L stainless steel diffusion bonded joint by electrochemical potentiokinetic reactivation. Corrosion Science. 2011, 53: 99-104.(SCI/EI)

2. LI Y J, Xuan F Z, Li S X, Tu S T. Quality Evaluation ofDiffusion Bonded Joints by Electrical Resistance Measuring and Microscopic Fatigue Testing. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2011,24, 187-194. (EI)

3. Li S X, Zeng H L, Yu S R. A method of probabilistic analysis for steel pipeline with correlated corrosion defects. Corrosion science, 2009, 51: 3050-3056. (SCI/EI)

4. Li S X, Yu S R. Predicting corrosion remaining life of underground pipelines with a mechanically-based probabilistic model. J.Petroleum Sci.& Eng. 2009, 65: 162-166. (SCI/EI)

5. Li S X, Xuan F Z, Tu S T. Microstructural evolution and interfacial failure mechanism in 316LSS diffusion bonded joints. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2008, 491: 488-491. (SCI/EI)

6. Li S X, Xuan F Z, Tu S T. Fatigue damage of stainless steel diffusion-bonded joints Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2008, 480: 125-129. (SCI/EI)

7. Li S X, Xuan F Z, Tu S T. In Situ observation of interfacial fatigue crack growth in diffusion bonded joints of austenitic stainless steel. J. Nucl. Mater. 2007, 366:1-7. (SCI/EI)

8. Li S X, Tu S T, Xuan F Z. A probabilistic model for prediction of bonding time in diffusion bonding. Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2005, 407(1-2), 250-255. (SCI/EI)

9. Li S X, Tu S T, Zheng D W. Monte-Carlo Techniques in Modern Mechanics, Proceeding of Traditional Mathematics and Mechanics, May 22-28, 2004,Messini, Greece. (ISTP)

10. Li L, Li S X, Yu S R. Microstructure and intergranular corrosion of 316L stainless steel diffusion

bonded joint. Page 1-7. Proceeding of 2011 international symptom on structural integrity. October 21-24, 2010, Shanghai, China.

11. 李淑欣, 轩福贞,涂善东,俞树荣. 316LSS扩散连接接头界面疲劳裂纹扩展行为. 材料科学与工艺,2010,18(1): 141-144. (EI)

12. 李淑欣, 涂善东, 轩福贞. 奥氏体不锈钢扩散连接界面疲劳断裂的微观机理. 材料研究学报,2007, 21:152-155. (EI)

13. 轩福贞,张波,李淑欣. 电阻法用于扩散焊接头微孔缺陷评价的数值模拟. 焊接学报,2007, 28(4): 9-12 (EI).

14. 李淑欣,涂善东,轩福贞. 表面粗糙度对扩散连接孔隙闭合时间的影响. 中国机械工程, 2006, 17(14): 1512-1515. (EI)

15. 孙宝财,李淑欣,曾海龙,俞树荣. 基于改进BP算法的腐蚀管道剩余强度评价. 腐蚀学报(2011,已接受).





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