

词条 psyclon nine


Psyclon Nine是一支来自旧金山海湾地区的乐队,他们主要受到KMFDM和Ministry等乐队的影响。他们的音乐中充满简单粗砺并且富有力量和旋律的电子舞曲节奏,搀杂着标志性的挑衅般的歌词和活泼的编曲。Psyclon Nine既是犬儒主义者又是不甚友善的怀疑论者,他们诗化的激烈言辞恐怕只有不存先见的人才能接受。而事实上,Psyclon Nine的歌词反映了更加广义的厌世态度,他们鼓励消灭所有的人而不是其中的哪一部分。

Psyclon Nine暴虐的音乐描述出了一个血与火的混乱世界,与邪恶巫师萨拉曼在塔顶对数万魔军高呼开战的震撼场面有异曲同工之妙。

主唱Nero Bellum那种去除了混浊人声的黑嗓是此乐队的一大亮点,清澈而有力,犹如被囚困多年的地狱恶灵在你耳边愤怒嘶吼。不时出现的军鼓声与电音的完美结合,气势磅礴,奏出一段段极具节奏感的悦耳旋律,妙不可言。


Divine Infekt (2003)

1. Divine Infekt

2. Tyranny

3. Clinik

4. Slaughter

5. Resurrekt

6. Payback

7. Genocide

8. Rusted

9. So Be It

10. As You Sleep

Inri (2005)

1. Inri

2. Behind a Serrated Grin

3. The Feeding

4. Lamb of God

5. Hymn to the Angels' Descent

6. Rape this World

7. The Feeble Mind

8. Requiem for the Christian Era

9. Faith Disease

10. Harlot

11. The Uncomfortable

12.Nothing Left

13. You Know What You Are

Crwn Thy Frnicatr (2006)

1. Bellum in Abyssus

2. Parasitic

3. Better than Suicide

4. Anaesthetic

5. The Room

6. Flesh Harvest

7. Scar of the Deceiver

8. Crwn Thy Frnicatr

9. Viesceral Holocaust

10. Proficiscor of Terminus Vicis

11. The Purging

We the Fallen (2009)

1. Soulless

2. We the Fallen

3. Heartworm

4. Thy Serpent Tongue

5. Bloodwork

6. The Derelict

7. Windowmaker

8. There But for the Grace of God

9. of Decay

10. Suicide Note Lullaby

11. As one with the Files

12. Under the Judas Tree





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