

词条 Prince Poppycock

原名:John Quale 参加《美国达人》第五季,因为华丽惊艳的舞台表现和超级强悍的唱功被评委称赞为经典乐队Queen主唱Freddy Mercury(已殁)的接班人+男版的Lady Gaga,人气高涨。




于是他自己创造了一个角色Prince Poppycock(废话王子)



John Quale has been singing from the time he could speak. As a teenager he developed a love for writing music. Enamored with David Bowie, Depeche Mode, opera, madrigals, Gilbert and Sullivan, the Smiths and Gregorian chant, he started to write and record his own music. In 2006, Prince P0ppyc0ck was born. While he was studying opera, he completed learning the Figaro aria, "Largo al factotum." He was asked to perform the aria at a nightclub where he was required to wear a wig to perform. He decided to perform as a powdered-wigged baroque dandy, to highlight how the song was about being a fabulous hairdresser. He was an instant hit and is extremely excited to bring Prince P0ppyc0ck to America's Got Talent's stage.



John Quale从学会说话开始就一直在唱歌。他的第一次表演是在11岁,而且还是在肯尼迪中心和华盛顿少年合唱团的同台演出。他继续留在在Interlochen Arts Camp(音特洛澄艺术学院)学习,在高中以及大学时候一直做音乐剧和合唱的巡回演出。他就很热衷歌曲写作,由于对某种音乐风格(如歌剧和情歌以及Gregorian赞美诗)以及对一些艺术家的崇拜,如David Bowie, Depeche Mode, Gilbert ,Sullivan,等等,他便开始创作和录制自己歌曲。大学时候他还是主唱,同时还为当时注明且很受欢迎的合成器流行乐队Endora写歌。之后他搬到洛杉矶,继续他的创作,并发行了他的第一张个人专辑Worldview,现在被收录在iTunes里。

在百老汇上公演的一部音乐剧“The Beastly Bombing”获得洛杉矶周刊最佳音乐剧奖,而John在这部音乐剧中所扮演的角色大受好评。他也为一部同名纪录片(这部纪录片关于当时新进同性恋艺术家)写了一首民权歌曲“Rise Up and Shout”。

Prince Poppycock的诞生

在2006年,他的Prince Poppycock的形象终于诞生。那时他还在学习歌剧,但是他已能纯熟地演唱Figaro 的独唱调 "Largo al factotum."。于是他被叫到一家夜总会演出,而且必须带假发。他就决定把自己的脸涂上厚粉并戴上假发,穿着夸张豪华,从而突显出他歌中所唱的那位出色美发师的形象。没想到他这个Prince Poppycock的华丽登场马上大受欢迎,他诙谐而迷人的演技,以及那把动人的声音,使Prince Poppycock声名大噪,并为当时一些大乐队献唱,如Dresden Dolls and The Sounds,还出席在一些盛大的场合,如纽约市的 Dances of Vice和洛杉矶的Redcat Theater。

之后的prince poppycock

这并没使他成为一名专业的歌唱家,他白天仍在一家五金店里工作以维持生计,可是一到晚上他便把自己化装成Prince Poppycock 的样子继续唱歌。他的坚持与才华是他在2010年美国达人的舞台上震撼了全场。虽然John并没有在美国达人第五季中胜出,但是也晋级到4强。而且统计数据显示,john在美国达人比赛上的表演,在youtube网上点击率超过300万次,而在google搜索率上也是前5位。他现在还在致力于prince poppycock的扮演以及音乐写作和演唱,还跟键盘乐手Kristian Hoffman 合作创作prince poppycock的首张专辑。

Prince Poppycock的评价

John充分利用自己作为一名音乐家和表演者的才能,以一张假面在剧目里塑造了一个淘气而又富有歌剧色彩的百变公子Prince Poppycock。行内一名流行文化记者Rose Apodaca把John描述为“a rock star in Rococo France(洛可可法国的摇滚明星)”,Poppycock的外表以及声音结合了迷惑摇滚,轻歌剧,合成器流行乐,以及西方艺术音乐,十分新颖;他传统而又超远传统的表演,十分有创意,时不时带给人们惊喜,但总是极具娱乐性。


“真的是男版LADY GAGA !!” --- 美国达人裁判Sharon Osbourne“幽默滑稽,却又高高在上!!” -- CBS News

昨晚的美国达人的12名半决赛选手都很精彩,技术上来讲,都很不错,但只有Prince Poppycock的夸张而出色的表演真正具有特色,大获好评。 --- Etertainment Weekly

“昨晚(prince poppycock的出演)真是令人震惊的一刻!!” --People Magazine, People

“Prince Poppycock!!就是Prince Poppycock!!我们就爱美国达人的Prince Poppycock!他实在是太不可思议了!!! ” --Perez Hilon,

“Freddie Mercury 回来啦!” --Christwire

“Poppycock值得我们付双倍的价钱去欣赏更多更精彩的表演。这个神奇妆容的低音歌手是洛可可法国的摇滚明星这个 ” --Rose Apodaca, Vie En


The talentshowdown "America's Got Talent" was in a New York State of mind Tuesday night as it headed to the Big Apple, where more hopefuls faced off for a shot at Las Vegas. Things lit up when the lights went out. A glow-in-the-dark team named "Fighting Gravity" dazzled the stage with a Blue Man Group-inspired performance.

Once the lights come on, audience members see they are surrounded by "invisible" men wearing black suits. Piers found it clever; Howie called its uniqueness "exciting" ; Sharon thought their timing was spot-on, deeming them "current" and "edgy."

The quirkiness ensued with a 32-year-old white-wig-wearing store clerk named Prince Poppycock. The Virginia-raised performer dressed as a French prince and got New York on its feet with a hilarious, yet soaring operatic performance from "The Barber of Seville." Though his routine took cues from aristocratic Europe, glitzy Vegas was the judges cry.

The surprises in Gotham didn't stop there. A comedic Andy Kaufman-inspired inewcomer named Doogie Horner at first seemed to be dud with his comedy shtick; the audience immediately jeered his one-liners. Horner, however, turned the boos around and made it funny. He won over the crowd. "Celebrity judges, I swear I came here with jokes to tell," he says. "I don't know if you've heard any of them!" Howie, a comedian himself, knows comedy is a tough-sell, but thinks he "sounds and looks funny"; Sharon feels he "held his own"; Piers doesn't buy it and slaps an 'X' on the jokester, ruling he wasn't funny.

Other Vegas winners included vaudevillian burlesque outfit "Peek-A-Boo Revue"; the amazing Jia-Yi He, who plays four harmonicas at once; and the walking-through-knives stunt team Danger Committee.


随着真人秀《美国达人》(American Got Talent)的开播,许多具有各式各样才艺的人纷纷走上节目现场,同观众见面。

“伪娘”的风潮在也在美国扩展开来,这位涂着厚厚粉底的身材婀娜的男子自称“废话王子”(Prince Poppycock),怪异打扮引来评委面面相觑,当听说他要表演歌剧时,评委更是露出不可置信的表情。谁知《美国达人》藏龙卧虎,一首意大利美声震撼全场,加之夸张表演,完美呈现巴洛克时期的绝美风格。表演结束,三位评委一致同意通过,台下观众报以热烈掌声。

《美国达人》同《英国达人》属同门兄弟,后者曾经捧红销售员保罗-珀特斯(Paul),苏珊大妈(Susan Boyle),不知这位“废话王子”能否一路走到最后。成为又一个奇迹。





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