

词条 reason
释义 reason n.

理由, 原因, 动机, 理智, 前提vt.

说服, 推论, 辩论vi.

推论, 劝说, 思考



1. a rational motive for a belief or action


2. an explanation of the cause of some phenomenon

3. the capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination

同义词:understanding, intellect

4. the state of having good sense and sound judgment

同义词:rationality, reasonableness

5. a justification for something existing or happening

同义词:cause, grounds

6. a fact that logically justifies some premise or conclusion


1. decide by reasoning; draw or come to a conclusion

同义词:reason out, conclude

2. present reasons and arguments


3. think logically

习惯用语as reason was 根据情理be restored to reason 恢复理智bereft of reason 失去理智 失掉知觉bring (a person)to reason 开导某人; 使明白[听从]道理by reason of 由于by reason of the fair eyes of sb. 为了某人的缘故by reason that 由于come to reason 清醒过来; 恢复理性, 觉悟过来; 醒悟for no other reason than that 只是因为...for reasons of 因为for a reason of state 以国家的利益为理由(指执政者的借口)give reasons for 陈述理由, 解释have reason 有道理; 有理性have reason for [to do] sth. 有做某事的理由[根据]hear [listen to] reason 服从道理, 听从忠告in (all) reason 合乎情理; 在道理上It stands to reason (that) .... ... 是合乎情理的。lose one's reason 失去理智, 发疯out of all reason 无道理的, 不合理的render [give, yield] reason [a reason] [口]陈述理由, 解释, 说明自己的行为see reason (to do sth.) 认为有(做某事的)理由; 看出...的理由the [a] woman's reason 不成其为理由的“理由”, 讲不出道理的“理由”There is reason in .... (某事)有道理。there is every reason(to do sth.) 有充分的理由(做某事)with reason 合乎情况, 有理由with or without reason 无论有理与否; 无论合乎情况与否reason out (a conclusion) 推论出(一个结论)reason sb. down 说服某人reason sb. into sth. 说服某人干某事reason sb. out of 劝人不要...reason with (以理)说服, 规劝





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