词条 | 上海世界外国语小学 |
释义 | 上海世界外国语小学 § 上海市世界外国语小学 创办于1993年,目前是一所民办学校,学校由本部、境外、PYP(IB0国际文凭组织小学项目部)三个部组成。 学校实行董事会领导下的校长负责制。学校拥有一支理念新,素质高,专业精的师资队伍。均瑶集团董事长王均金任学校董事长,学校创始人、世界杰出人士、全国优秀教育工作者、上海市劳动模范王小平任学校副董事长,现任校长为原求知小学校长张悦颖。 学校邀社会各界人士之参与,开合作办学之风,集教育研究成果之精华,走教育与科研结合之路,取中外教育经验之长,融中西方文化之优,承世界学校之特色,扬师生个性之特长,育走向世界之人才。 学校秉承“人无我有,人有我优,人优我精”的办学思想,努力办成高质量、有特色、国际化的现代一流民办学校。 学校注重学生道德素质、国际意识和发展能力的形成,注重基础知识和技能的培养,为使学生成为“有教养的、有竞争力的国际型人才”打下坚实的基础。 § 英文 Shanghai World Foreign Language Primary School, set up in 1993, currently consists of three separate sections: the Local Section Department, the International Section Department, and the PYP Section International Baccalaureate Organization Primary Year Program. Directed by the school board, the principal is left full responsibility for school management. Wang Junjin, chairman of Junyao Group chairs the school board. Wang Xiaoping, the executive vice chairman, founder of the school and has been recognized as,honored as one of the world’s most outstanding people. She is also honored by Shanghai Municipal Government as a Model Worker and by the State as an Education Worker of Distinction. Qian Peihong, principal of the school, is the winner of “Shanghai Gardener”. The school prides itself on a qualified and competent faculty dedicated to education. The school places stress on upgrading pupil’s moral standards, raising their international awareness and cultivating their potential for further development. It attaches importance to their basic knowledge and capability. The ultimate goal is to lay a good foundation for the pupils who are expected to become well-educated international citizens with competitive strengths. |
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