

词条 《汉语新词语词典(英文详解)》

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汉语新词语词典(英文详解) 本书目录

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Stroke Index

二 词典正文


三 音序索引

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汉语新词语词典(英文详解) 文章节选

a 阿盟 A-Meng the League of Arab States Abbreviation for 阿拉伯国家联盟 the League of Arab States. ai 挨斗 ai-dou to suffer criticism and be struggled against E.g. 他在“文革”中经常挨斗。He was often struggled against during the Cultural Revolution./他永远忘不了挨斗的滋味。He will never forget the taste of being struggled against. 挨棍子 ai gunzi to be hit with a stick A metaphor for being subjected to criticism and attack. E.g.他在政治运动中挨了不少棍子。He was subjected to a great deal of criticism and attack during the poltical movemtent./挨棍子他不怕。He is not even afraid of being criticized and attacked. 挨批 ai-pi to be subjected to criticism E.g.他之所以挨批,是因为工作没有做好。The reason why he was subjected to criticism is that he did not perform well in his work./他挨批后工作比以前认真了。After he was criticized ,he became more earnest in his work than before. 挨整 ai-zheng to be subjected to punishment;to suffer bitterness E.g.不能等着挨整。One cannot just sit and wait to be punished./他怕得罪人,挨整。He is afraid of offending others and suffering punishment (for it). 癌变 aibian transformation of normal cells to cancerous cells;transformation of a benign ailment to cancer E.g.最近他因患胃溃疡病癌变动了手术。Due to the transformation of his ulcer into caner,he was perated on recentlt./萎缩性胃炎往往是癌变产前兆。Atrophic gastitis is often the precursor of cancer. 癌魔 aimo “cancer demon,”metaphor for cancer E.g.癌魔夺去了他的生命。The “cancer demon” has snatched his life away. 癌痛 aitong pain caused by cancer 艾滋病 AIDS;Aids Short for 后天免疫缺乏综合症 Acquired Immune Deficincy Syndrome. E.g.艾滋病患者日益增多。Aids patients are increasing in number each day. 爱厂如家 ai chang ru jia to love the factory as family To cherish the factory as much as one''s own family. 爱国公约 aiguo gongyue patriotic pledge pledges formulated voluntarily in the early 1950s by residents of China''s cities and countryside,as well as by grass-roots units,for ardently loving the motherland and abiding by laws and regulations. 爱国卫生运动 aiguo weisheng yundong patriotic health campaign A mass health campaign conducted nationwide from 1952 on.Central to the campaign are eradicating the four pests(flies,rats,bedbugs and mosquitoes),emphasizing hygiene,and eradicating diseases. 爱民公约 aimin gongyue a pledge to love the people A set of regulations,adopted by the Chinese People''s Liberation Army,People''s Police Units and their personnel,to be concerned with and protective of the nasses,and to serve the people with one''s heart and mind.





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