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释义 | 经贸英语阅读精萃 内容简介 本书系上海外贸学院教材,旨在提高学生阅读英文经济贸易类文章的能力。教材内容均选自英美报刊,涉及现代化数据库管理、产品定价的艺术和科学、品牌战略、如何创建高效的营销队伍、如何利用商业广告提高产品销售量、如何使高科技产品迅速市场化、如何瞄准重点市场、世界电信业的兼并组合、美国股市行情、信息时代的市场竞争战略工1世纪的营销规及规则、全球电子现金和电子商业等各个方面。本书的练习形式多样化,侧重训练学生阅读英文经贸报刊的能力,力求扩大学生有关商务英语的词汇量和知识,提高学生的英语综合运用水平。 本书也可供从事经贸工作的人员及英语自学者使用。 经贸英语阅读精萃 本书前言 本教材为正在攻读经贸专业和外语专业的高校学生及有志于从事国际商务的各类人士,提供内容新颖实用、有一定难度的经贸英文阅读文本,旨在扩大他们对当代国际商务背景知识及现状的了解,迅速提高他们阅读经贸英语的能力,使他们不仅能够在日常的工作中广泛及时地从外报外刊中获得所需经济贸易信息,而且迅速提高英语水平。 本教材内容均出自英美著名经贸杂志如《金融时报》(The Financial Times)、《商业周刊》(Business Weekly)、《经济学家》(The Economist),以及《对外政策》(Foreign Policy)。所选文章由西方著名经济学者和美国沃顿商学院(Wharton School)教授们撰写,内容翔实,既有较强的时代感,又有高度的前瞻性。它们为读者提供了当代国际商务领域中的大量最新信息,并对21世纪的全球经济前景作了精辟的预测。编者对每篇文章中的语言难点和较新的背景知识作了适当的注释,以便读者在较短的时间内了解和掌握英语经贸文章的语言特点和风格。本教材将在每课课文后附上练习(备有参考答案),练习形式多种多样,紧扣课文内容,这将有利于读者进一步加深对课文的理解,并提高他们对所学知识的适用能力。 编者感谢钟丽娜和童一风两位女士,她们在百忙之中抽出时间认真阅读了本教材的部分初稿,并提出了许多宝贵的意见。在本教材的出版过程中,编者得到上海外贸学院陆乃至教授和华东理工大学出版社的热。心支持和帮助,他们的助人为乐精神和严谨的工作作风给编者留下了深刻印象,特此致谢。 在本教材的整个编写过程中,编者一直得到先生刘永涛的极大支持和帮助,在此向他表示感谢。 本教材限于编者水平、人力和时间,错误在所难免,望读者不吝指正。 2000年夏于复旦曦园 经贸英语阅读精萃 本书目录 Lesson 1 Where Do We Go From Here? Lesson 2 The Power of the Well-Managed Database (Ⅰ) Lesson 3 The Power of the Well-Managed Database (Ⅱ) Lesson 4 Yes, the Markets Do Go Down Lesson 5 Paradoxical Thinking and Creativity Lesson 6 Pricing: Pert Art, Part Science Lesson 7 Brand Straegies and Consumer Behaviour Lesson 8 Creating A Sales Foree To Be Reckoned With Lesson 9 When Do Commreials Boost Sales? Lesson 10 Technologies Can Take Off Fast Lesson 11 The World Economy on the Edge (Ⅰ) Lesson 12 The World Economy on the Edge (Ⅱ) Lesson 13 Chenging the Rules of the Marketing Gam (Ⅰ) Lesson 14 Changing the Rules of the Marketing Gam (Ⅱ) Lesson 15 Choosing Where to Go Global: How to Priorihse Markets Lesson 16 Competitive Strategy in the Information Age Lesson 17 So the Elephants Danced (Ⅰ) Lesson 18 So the Elephants Danced (Ⅱ) Lesson 19 Electronic Cash and the End of National Markets (Ⅰ) Lesson 20 Electronic Cash and the End of National Markets (Ⅱ) Key to the Exercises 经贸英语阅读精萃 文章节选 Whre Do We Go From Here? Markets are changing at an accelerating rate. Industy boundaries are blurring. Companies more than ever need qUick and reliabe intelligence about their customers, competitors, distribuors and products. More companies are meognising the prescient wisdom in Piter Drucker's observation that "the customer is the business". Ths article discusses about where edeting is headed in the new millennium. It will do so by looking back into the futhe. It is the year 2005. Here are the maor developments in the evolving marketplace/mar ketspace: There has been substantial disinterInediation of wholesalers and retailers owing to elechonic commree. Virtually all Pwhucts are now availahle withou going to a shop. The customr can access pictures of any product on the Ihtemet, read the specilication, shop among online vendors for the best prices and terms, and click order and Paymen over the Intemet. Engnsively printed catalm have disappeed. Business-to-busi-ness purehasing over the Intemet has increased even faster than online customer buving. Business purehasing agents shop for rouine items on the Intemet, either advertising their needs and waiting for bidders or simply suffing in their "fored" web sites. Shop-based retailers find shop traffic highly dindnished. In response, more entrepimeanal ndailers are bullding entertainment and theatre into their shops. Many book shops, bo shop and clothes shop now include coffee bars and feature lecthers and perfomrmces. Essentially these shop are marketing an "expeence" rathr than a pIoduct assortment. Most companies have built proprietw customer databases conaining rich infonnaion on individual customer preferences and requirements. They use this infonnation to "mass custondse" their offerings to individuals. An increasing nuInber of companties present online product platforms on which customere design products to suit their own specifications. Many automobile, computer, domestic appliance and food companies invite customrs to visit their web page and design the fort offering (product, service, system, program) by filling in choices on a form. The modified product is then displayed on the screen. Businesses are doing a better job of retaining customers through finding imaginative ways to exceed customr expectations. As a result, competitors find it increasingly difficult to acquire new customrs and most cMes are spending time figuring out how to sell more products and services to their ekisting customere. Companies are focusing on bullding customer share drier than market share. Many have though up new ways to increase cross-selling and up-seiling. Companies are gaining segment and customr insigh from their detawarehouses by applving newer and more effective dadrining techniops |
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