

词条 阿里尔·鲁宾斯坦

§ 阿里尔·鲁宾斯坦简介

阿里尔·鲁宾斯坦(Ariel Rubinstein,1951年4月13日-),特拉维夫大学和纽约大学经济学教授,国际上最受尊重的经济学家之一,在经济学的许多领域均有巨大贡献,尤以博弈论、有限理性研究最为出色。他的作品风格极具原创性,且惊人地简约。

他已出版的著作有: 《讨价还价与市场》(1990,与 Martion Osborne合著), 《博弈论教程》(1994,与Martin Osborne合著), 《有限理性建模》(1998),《经济学与语言》(2000)等。

§ Education

1974: B.Sc. Mathematics, Economics and Statistics 1975: M.A. Economics (supervisor: Menahem Yaari) 1976: M.Sc Mathematics (supervisor: Bezalel Peleg) 1979: Ph.D. Economics (supervisor: Menahem Yaari)

§ Honors

Fellow of The Econometric Society: 1985 (executive committee 1994-7) Foreign honorary member of The American Academy of Arts and Sciences: 1994 Foreign honorary member of The American Economic Association: 1995 Fellow of The Israeli Academy of Sciences: 1995 The Michael Bruno memorial award: 2000 Pras Israel: 2002 Doctor Honorees Causa of Tilburg University: 2002 Honorary Fellow, Nuffield College, Oxford: 2002 President of The Econometric Society: 2004 (presidential report) Member, European Academy of Sciences and Arts: 2004 Nemmers Prize, Northwestern University: 2004 Fellow, European Economic Association: 2004 The EMET Prize: 2006 Elected Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy: 2007

§ Books

1. Bargaining and Markets, with M.Osborne, Academic Press 1990 2. A Course in Game Theory, with M.Osborne, MIT Press, 1994. Chinese translation, China Social Sciences Publishing House, 2000. 3. Modeling Bounded Rationality, MIT Press, 1998. Chinese translation, China Renmin Univerity, 2004. Japanese translation, Kyoritsu Shuppan, 2008. 4. Economics and Language, Cambridge University Press, 2000. Chapter 5 was translated to French and published in Critique Economique N°10.Printemps été, 2003 pdf Chinese translation, Shanghai University of Finance & Economics Press, 2004. 5. Lecture Notes in Microeconomics (modeling the economic agent), Princeton Univeristy Press, 2005. Chinese translation, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2007.

§ Articles

1. A note About the "Nowhere Denseness" of Societies Having an Equilibrium under Majority Rule, Econometrica 47 (1979), 511-514. pdf jstor 2. False Probabilistic Arguments vs. Faulty Intuition, Israel Law Review 14 (1979), 247-254. pdf html 3. Equilibrium in Supergames with the Overtaking Criterion Journal of Economic Theory 21 (1979), 1-9. pdf 4. An Optimal Policy for Offenses that May Have Been Committed By Accident in Applied Game Theory, ed. by S Brams, A Schotter and G Schwodiauer, Wurzberg: Physica-Verlag (1979), 406-413. pdf 5. A Note on the Duty of Disclosure, Economic Letters 4 (1979), 7-11. pdf science direct 6. Ranking the Participants in a Tournament, Journal of the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 38 (1980), 108-111. pdf jstor 7. Strong Perfect Equilibrium in Supergames, International Journal of Game Theory 9 (1980), 1-12. pdf 8. Stability of Decision Under Majority Rule, Journal of Economic Theory 23 (1980), 150-159. pdf 9. On An Anomaly of the Deterrent Effect of Punishment, Economic Letters 6 (1980), 89-94. pdf science direct 10. A Further Characterization of the Scores Method for Multi-Round Tournaments and Social Theory, with S.Nitzan, Public Choice 36 (1981), 153-158. pdf 11. Perfect Equilibrium in a Bargaining Model, Econometrica 50 (1982), 97-110. pdf jstor 12. Time Preference, with P.Fishburn, International Economic Review 23 (1982), 677-694. pdf jstor 13. Repeated Insurance Contracts and Moral Hazard, with M.E.Yaari, Journal of Economic Theory 30 (1983), 74-97.pdf 14. The Reasonable Man - A Social Choice Approach, Theory and Decision 15 (1983), 151-159. pdf 15. Repeated Two Players Game with Ruin, with R.Rosenthal, International Journal of Game Theory 14 (1984), 155-177. pdf 16. The Single Profile Analogies to Multi Profile Theorems: Mathematical Logic's Approach, International Economic Review 25 (1984), 719-730. pdf jstor 17. Choice of Conjectures in a Bargaining Game with Incomplete Information, in Game Theoretic Models of Bargaining ed by A.Roth, Cambridge University Press (1985), 99-114. pdf 18. A Bargaining Model with Incomplete Information about Time Preferences, Econometrica 53 (1985), 1151-1172. pdf jstor 19. Equilibrium in a Market with Sequential Bargaining, with A.Wolinsky, Econometrica 53 (1985), 1133-1150. pdf jstor (see Rubinstein and Wolinsky (2004)) 20. Algebraic Aggregation Theory, with P.C.Fishburn, Journal of Economic Theory 38 (1986), 63-77. pdf 21. Finite Automata Play the Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma, Journal of Economic Theory 39 (1986), 83-96. pdf 22. A Sequential Concession Game with Asymmetric Information, with J.Ordover, Quarterly Journal of Economics 101 (1986), 879-888. pdf jstor 23. Aggregation of Equivalence Relations, with P.C.Fishburn, Journal of Classification 3 (1986), 61-65. pdf 24. The Nash Bargaining Solution in Economic Modeling, with K.Binmore and A.Wolinsky, The Rand Journal of Economics 17 (1986), 176-188. pdf jstor 25. A Sequential Strategic Theory of Bargaining, in Advances in Economic Theory, ed. by T Bewley, Cambridge Press (1987), 197-224. pdf 26. Middlemen, with A.Wolinsky, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 102 (1987), 581-594. pdf jstor 27. The Complexity of Strategies and the Resolution of Conflict: An Introduction, in Global Macroeconomics: Policy Conflict and Cooperation, Bryant and Portes (editors), MacMillan Press (1987), 17-32. pdf 28. Similarity and Decision-Making Under Risk, Journal of Economic Theory, 46 (1988), 145-153.pdf 29. The Structure of Nash Equilibrium in Repeated Games with Finite Automata, with D.Abreu, Econometrica 56 (1988), 1259-1282. pdf jstor (see also Abreu-Rubinstein (1993)) 30. Competitive Equilibrium in a Market with Decentralized Trade and Strategic Behavior: An Introduction, in The Economics of Imperfect Competition and Employment: Joan Robinson and Beyond, G Feiwel (editor), (1989) 243-259. pdf 31. Reputation and Patience in the War of Attrition, with L.Kornhauser and C.Wilson, Economica 56 (1989), 15-24. pdf jstor 32. The Electronic Mail Game: A Game with Almost Common Knowledge, American Economic Review 79 (1989), 385-391. pdf jstor 33. Optimal Flexibility of Rules: The Tale of the Wise Principal and the Naive Agent, European Journal of Political Economics 5 (1989) 219-227. pdf 34. Decentralized Trading, Strategic Behavior and the Walrasian Outcome, with A.Wolinsky, Review of Economic Studies 57 (1990), 63-78. pdf jstor 35. On the Logic of “Agreeing to Disagree” Type Results, with A.Wolinsky, Journal of Economic Theory 51 (1990), 184-193. pdf 36. New Directions in Economic Theory - Bounded Rationality Revista Espanola De Economie 7 (1990), 3-15. pdf 37. Comments on the Interpretation of Game Theory, Econometrica 59 (1991), 909-924. pdf jstor 38. Renegotiation-Proof Implementation and Time Preferences, with A.Wolinsky, American Economic Review, 82 (1992), 600-614.jstor 39. On the Interpretation of the Nash Bargaining Solution, with Z.Safra and W.Thomson, Econometrica, 60 (1992), 1171-1186. pdf jstor 40. Noncooperative Bargaining Models, with K.Binmore and M.Osborne, Handbook of Game Theory, (Aumann and Hart editors), (1992), 179-225. pdf 41. On Price Recognition and Computational Complexity in a Monopolistic Model, Journal of Political Economy, 101 (1993), 473-484. pdf jstor 42. A Subjective Perspective of the Interpretation of Economic Theory, in Making Modern Economics, The Makers of Modern Economics, vol I, A.Heertje. (ed.) (1993), 67-83. pdf 43. Finite Automata Play a Repeated Extensive Game, with M.Piccione, Journal of Economic Theory, 61 (1993), 160-168. pdf science direct 44. Rationalizable Conjectural Equilibrium: Between Nash and Rationalizability, with A.Wolinsky, Games and Economic Behavior, 6 (1994), 299-311. pdf science direct 45. Equilibrium in Supergames in Essay in Game theory in honor of Michael Maschler, N.Meggiddo (ed.) Springer-Verlag, 1994, 17-28. pdf original discussion paper(1977) 46. Remarks on Repeated Extensive Games, with A.Wolinsky, Games and Economic Behavior, 9(1995), 110-115. pdf science direct 47. John Nash: The Master of Economic Modeling, The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 97(1995), 9-13. pdf 48. On the Interpretation of Two Game Theoretical Models of Bargaining, in Arrow,K., Mnookin,R., Ross,L. Tversky,A. and R.Wilson (eds.) Barriers to Conflict Resolution, Norton, 1995, 120-130. pdf 49. Why are certain Properties of Binary relations Relatively More Common in Natural Language?, Econometrica, 64 (1996), 343-356. pdf jstor 50. An Extensive Game as a Guide for Solving a Normal Game, with J.Glazer, Journal of Economic Theory, 70 (1996), 32-42. pdf science direct 51. Naive Strategies in Competitive Games, with A.Tversky and D.Heller, in Understanding Strategic Interaction - Essays in Honor of Reinhard Selten, W.Guth et al. (editors), Springer-Verlag, 1996, 394-402.pdf (eopisode in NUMB3RS) 52. A Simple Model of Equilibrium in Search Procedures, with C.Fershtman, Journal of Economic Theory, 72 (1997), 432-441. pdf science direct 53. On the Interpretation of Decision Problems with Imperfect Recall, with M.Piccione, Games and Economic Behavior 20 (1997), 3-24. pdf science direct 54. The Absent Minded Driver's Paradox: Synthesis and Responses, with M.Piccione, Games and Economic Behavior 20 (1997), 121-130.pdf science direct 55. On the Question "Who is a J?": A Social Choice Approach, with A.Kasher, Logique et Analyse 160 (1997), 385-395. pdf 56. Games with Procedurally Rational Players, with M.Osborne, American Economic Review 88 (1998), 834-847. pdf jstor 57. Motives and Implementation: On the Design of Mechanisms to Elicit Opinions, with J.Glazer, Journal of Economic Theory, 79 (1998), 157-173. pdf science direct 58. Definable Preferences: An Example, European Economic Review, 42 (1998), 553-560. pdf science direct 59. Choice Problems with a "Reference" Point, with L. Zhou, Mathematics of Social Sciences, 37 (1999), 205-210. pdf science direct 60. Experience from a Course in Game Theory: Pre and Post-class Problem Sets as a Didactic Device, Games and Economic Behavior 28 (1999), 155-170. science direct ( Better see an extended "Second Edition" ) 61. A Theorist's View of Experiments, European Economic Review 45 (2001), 615-628. pdf science direct 62. Debates and Decisions, On a Rationale of Argumentation Rules, with J.Glazer Games and Economic Behavior, 36 (2001), 158-173. pdf science direct 63. Irrational Diversification in Multiple Decision Problems, European Economic Review, 46 (2002), 1369-1378. pdf science direct 64. Rationalizing Choice Functions by Mutltiple Rationales, with Gil Kalai and Rani Spiegler, Econometrica, 70 (2002), 2481-2488. pdf 65. Definable Preferences: Another Example (Searching for a Boyfriend in a Foreign Town) |in "The Scope of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science", Proceedings of the 11th International Congress of Logic, Ed. by Peter Gardenfors, et al. Kluwer, 2002, vol I, 235- 243. pdf 66. Modeling the Economic Interaction of Agents with Diverse Abilities to Recognize Equilibrium Patterns, with Michele Piccione, Journal of European Economic Association , 1 (2003), 212-223. pdf 67. "Economics and Psychology"? The Case of Hyperbolic Discounting, International Economic Review 44 (2003), 1207-1216. pdf html 68. Sampling Equilibrium with an Application to Strategic Voting, with Martin Osborne, Games and Economic Theory, 45 (2003), 434-441. pdf 69. The Curse of Wealth and Power, with Michele Piccione, Journal of Economic Theory ,117 (2004), 119-123. pdf science direct 70. On Optimal Rules of Persuasion, with Jacob Glazer, Econometrica, 72 (2004), 1715-1736. pdf 71. A Game Theoretic Approach to the Pragmatics of Debates: An Expository Note, with Jacob Glazer, in Game Theory and Pragmatics, Ed. by Anton Benz, Gerhard Jaeger, and Robert van Rooij. 2005, 251-265. Palgrave MacMillan. pdf 72. A Model of Choice from Lists, with Yuval Salant, Theoretical Economics, 1 (2006), 3-17. pdf (see 2Xyuval) 73. A Skeptic Comment on the Studies of Economics, Economic Journal, 116 (2006), C1-C9. pdf html 74. Dilemmas of An Economic Theorist, Econometrica, 74 (2006), 865-883. pdf (Spanish tarnslation: Revista De Economia Institucional, 8 (2006), 191-213) 75. A Study in the Pragmatics of Persuasion: A Game Theoretical Approach, with Kobi Glazer, Theoretical Economics, 1 (2006), 395-410. pdf (Reprinted in New Perspectives on Games and Interaction, K.EApt and R.van Rooij (eds.) Amsterdam Univeristy Press, 2008). 76. Comments on Behavioral Economics, in Adavnces in Economic Theory (2005 World Congress of the Econometric Society), Edited by R. Blundell, W.K. Newey and T. Persson, Cambridge Univeristy Press, 2006, vol II, 246-254. pdf or pdf 77. Equilibrium in the Jungle, with Michele Piccione, Economic Journal, 117 (2007), 883-896. pdf (the paper won the 2007 RES prize) 78. Instinctive and Cognitive Reasoning: A Study of Response Times, Economic Journal, 117 (2007), 1243-1259. pdf 79. Luxury Prices: An Expository Note, with Michele Piccione, Japanese Economic Review, 59 (2008), 127-132. pdf 80. Money Pumps in the Market, with Rani Spiegler. Journal of European Economics Review, 6 (2008), 237–253. pdf 81. Some Thoughts on the Principle of Revealed Preference, with Yuval Slalant, in The Foundations of Positive and Normative Economics: A Handbook, Eds. A.Caplin and A.Schotter, 2008, 115-124, New York: Oxford Univeristy Press. pdf 82. Comments on NeuroEconomics. Economics and Philosophy, 24 (2008), 485-494.pdf 83. (A,f), Choice with Frames, with Yuval Slalant. Review of Economic Studies, 75 (2008), 1287-1296. pdf





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